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Photo Journal

APES:Final Project
Isabella, Shahid, Isaiah, Lyu
In this picture water pollution is shown
through the car leaving oil behind on
the road. As it hits the pavement and
travels down the drains during a
downpour, rainwater picks up
pollutants (oil, fertilizer, and road salts)
and takes it to the body of water
making it polluted.
The fish population is very important to the water
ecosystem. If their numbers decrease,then the
entire food web is disrupted as well as waste from
fisherman being left and thrown in the water,
making it a very dangerous water pollutant.
This picture contains a
problem caused by nonpoint
source pollution.
Unbelievably, both the work of
industrial pipelines and the
people who trash and throw
things into the water are to
blame for all of this waste.
Considering how much trash
has been placed here, we can
conclude that it has an
impact on all life in the
The picture on this slide represents a dead
zone.The primary culprits are nitrogen and
phosphorus from agricultural runoff, although
sewage, vehicle, and industrial pollutants, and
other natural factors, also contribute to the growth
of dead zones. This leads to algae blooms about
the water and the blocking of sunlight, in result
affecting the entire ecosystem.
Rock and soil in the area contain some naturally
occurring pollutants that can dissolve into our water
supply and make it dangerous to drink. Freshwater lakes,
streams, and subterranean reservoirs supply drinking
water. These sources of drinking water might have
naturally occurring contaminants, some of which are
dangerous to people. An example of these are radon,
uranium, and arsenic, that isn't visible to the eye as you
can tell in the picture.
this image exposes a sewage drain overwhelmed
by discarded waste (which can lead to
contamination of water sources), urging us to
prioritize sustainable practices and combat the
detrimental effects of litter for a cleaner, healthier
This disturbing picture of a
pavement covered in murky water
and strewn leaves serves as a sharp
reminder that stormwater runoff
carries contaminants and that
sustainable urban planning is
urgently needed to reduce water
pollution and save our ecosystems.
With a single rock in its center and a body of
water that appears to be pure but is actually
slightly murky, this captivating image
portrays the delicate balance of our
ecosystems and serves as a reminder of the
need for careful management to maintain
the purity and vitality of our natural water
This picture features the magnificent
Great Falls in Paterson, New Jersey, with
a poignant diaper floating in the
backdrop as a reminder of the essential
need for proper waste management to
safeguard our natural beauties and
maintain the integrity of our waterways.
This peaceful picture shows
a canal with slightly murky
waters, surrounded by a
luxuriant background of
brilliant, towering green
trees, emphasizing how
healthy ecosystems can
adapt and survive even in
the face of environmental

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