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Character Education

I. Get your favorite crayon color the correct answer.

1. "He renews our hopes and helas our bodies." Psalm 147:3

God Heals God Protect Us

2. Who has sick with leprosy?

Peter Naaman

3. Who give instructions to naaman to naaman go dip into the dirty Jordan River seven times?

Elisha Cain

4. How many times Naaman dip into the dirty Jordan River?

7 seven times 8 eight times

5. Who is the powerful to heal our sickness?

Police God

6. What is the meaning of Jabez?

Pain Happy

7. “Everything you ask for in prayer will be yours, if you only have faith."

God Heals God Answers Prayers

8. “But if we confess our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away." 1John 1:9

God forgives God Answers Prayers

9. He asked his father to give him his share of money

The older son The youngest son

10. It's God's forgive us always?

Yes No

11. Who is the father of Isaac?

Elisha Abraham

12. Who is the wife of Abraham?

Sarah Lot

13. Who is the son of Abraham and Sarah?

Naaman Isaac

14. "If we are not faithful He will still faithful" 2Timothy2:13

God is God forgives

15. He is faithful and He always keeps His promises.

God Jabez

16. Who was a leader of God's people, the Israelites.

Abraham Moses

17. God told Moses to go up to .....

Mount Sinai Mount Apo

18. What is the written on two stone tablets?

5 five commandments 10 ten commandments

19. How many spies to canaan and looked at the place?

12 spies 8 spies

20. How many days in canaan?

40 fourty days and 40 fourty nights 20 twenty days and 20 twenty

21. Who are allowed to enter Canaan because they decided to tell the truth?

Joshua & Caleb Sarah & Moses

22. How many spies started telling bad stories about people of canaan.

7 seven spies 10 ten spies

23. " I open my lips to speak what is right, my mouth speaks what is true". Proverbs8:6-7

Being Truthful Being Bad

24.What kind of fruit they brought to showed it to people?

Big Grapes Big Apple

25. Who is the propet came to visit Jesse's house?

Prophet Elisha Prophet Samuel

26. Who taking care of thr sheep?

David Jesse
27. What kind of instrument used david while he was sing a songs to God.

Joshua & Caleb Joshua & Caleb

28. It's Prophet Samuel anoint and poured out oil on David'd head.

Yes No

29. Who will be the next King?

David Moses

30. " People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7

God Forgives God Accepts



I. Read and Check (√) the corrwct word for each picture.


Bush Herbs Tree


Tree Herbs Vine


Bush Vine Bulb


Herbs Bush Tree


Tree Herbs Vine


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