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Slide 5: Indoor vs.

Outdoor Air Pollution (1 minute)

- Highlight the importance of both indoor and outdoor air quality

Affects indoor spaces, especially with poor ventilation.

Harms vulnerable groups and workplaces.
Harms the environment and health.
Contributes to climate change.
Needs emissions control.

- Explain common indoor pollutants like tobacco smoke, asbestos, and

cleaning chemicals

Tobacco smoke, asbestos, and cleaning chemicals are common indoor pollutants.

Tobacco smoke releases harmful particles and chemicals, causing respiratory

issues. Asbestos fibers, often in older buildings, lead to severe lung problems.

Cleaning chemicals emit VOCs, worsening indoor air quality and health.

- Mention ways to improve indoor air quality, such as ventilation and

using air purifiers

Enhance indoor air: Optimize ventilation to circulate fresh air and reduce pollutants.

Air purifiers filter particles and allergens, improving air quality. Regular cleaning and

minimizing pollutant sources also contribute to a healthier indoor environment.

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