pc103 Document w06ApplicationActivityTemplate LiveMeeting

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W06 Application Activity Template: Live Meeting

Meeting Attendees: Lanny Castañeda, Elizabeth Bautista, Alejandro David Pérez

Step 1 – Assign Roles: (you might consider assigning roles, here are a few ideas)
 Discussion Leader
 Note-Taker
 Time Keeper
 Discussion Participants
 Reader
 Editor

Step 2 – Read the Group Scenario:

You are a part of a team that is preparing a group project for an online college course. There are
five participants, yourself, James, Daina, Celeste and Sean. You were randomly assigned to this
group and have never spoken to any of these people. It was difficult finding a meeting time that
worked for everyone and everyone is a little bit stressed by the time you all meet in the Zoom
online conference room. The project is due in two days, so the group begins brainstorming ideas
to get it done quickly. Sean takes the role of group leader, because no one else is saying
anything and he is uncomfortable with the silence. James and Daina offer a few suggestions that
are quickly overlooked so they stop participating. Celeste looks like she has something to say but
she doesn’t look like she is going to speak up. After all, James and Daina’s ideas were not
considered. You think you have a really good idea but are now afraid of speaking up. What if
someone perceives your idea as being dumb or it is rejected? What if your idea is chosen and you
end up having to do most of the work? Once the meeting ends you realize that no real work was
completed and now you are feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.
Step 3 – Answer Key Questions
Was the group meeting live?

Yes, it was live

Using the scenario as a guide, please answer the following questions as a group. You will answer
the questions and fill out the document together.

1. Whose points of view need to be considered?

Everyone's point of view must be considered, as we all have something to contribute to

the team.
For questions 2-6 your groups answers should draw upon at least one personal example from a
group member’s life.

2. From the descriptions of the group members in the scenario, what can you infer
about how each of these individuals perceive the group project? Share an example
from one of your group member’s experiences to support your answer.

I think everyone believed that someone else should take the initiative or organize and
when someone did, they did not show the skills of a team leader because they did not
take into account the opinions of others. Then everyone got discouraged and apathy
grew to the point that they couldn't complete the job. “In my personal experience (said
Elizabeth) I had the opportunity to work with a team in which I felt that everyone else
had more skills than me, especially in the English language, so I was afraid of speaking
and being wrong, that they would not understand me or that I couldn't understand them.
However, they listened to me and encouraged me to participate, although the responses of
one of the classmates who was very intelligent and did not like the responses of others
were always used. She was the team leader and always took the initiative”.

3. What is one way you could get the individuals from the group scenario to
participate? Share an example from one of your group member’s experiences to
support your answer.

I think that one of the ways in which everyone has an equal opportunity to
participate is to divide the work and assign a part of it to each member of the team,
emphasizing the importance of each one fulfilling their responsibility. “When I had
the opportunity to work as a team at Pathway, we divided the final work and it was
very good because we all did our best to get the work done on time” (Said Elizabeth).
4. How do perceptions of other people within a group affect the outcome of a group
project? Share an example from one of your group member’s experiences to support
your answer.

The perceptions that others have within the team is very important, since the
disposition and confidence that the members have to actively participate in the
work depends on them, but if they feel intimidated or not taken into account, their
ideas that can be very good, they will not be used and will be reflected in the quality
of the work. For example, Once when I was working as a team at school, the teacher
gave an instruction but the team members wanted to do different projects. In the end,
we listened to everyone's ideas and perceptions and we came up with a project where
we tried to include all perceptions and we all agreed. agreement, the result was a high
grade in that subject (Said Lanny).
5. List three specific things that this group could have done to have a more positive
experience? Share an example from one of your group member’s experiences to
support your answer.

Whoever took the initiative could do the following:

1. Divide the work considering the opinions of others.
2. If the initiator did not do it, someone else could have done it instead of being
3. Everyone should have shown more interest in the job and prepared beforehand.
For example, I was once in a team where the team leader did not listen to the
perceptions of others. In the end, no one liked the job and the work turned out badly
since no one made an effort, because they felt excluded from the planning. If the
team leader had taken the others into account, the work would have been a success
and apart from that, everyone would have been happy(Said Lanny).
6. What have you learned from your own life experiences that demonstrate how
perceptions can affect communication? Share at least one example.

When we have misperceptions, it is difficult to maintain good communication with

others. Communication based on teamwork, since the organization of work, the
transmission of correct information and the willingness to participate depend on it.
All this will be reflected in the final work.
For example, We all have a different perception but you also have to know how to
express it. Once in a team I had a colleague express her perception in a bad way and
other team members got angry and the communication problem with them lasted the
entire project(Said Lanny).
Communication can be affected due to the person’s perception based on his/her
experience, since the perception is different depending on the life experience.
For example, if I know how to communicate or express my perception, it can make a
difference. I saw this on my mission when my companion had a different perspective
on the people we were teaching(Said Alejandro)).

Step 4
One person in your group will save the group's document and submit to your instructor for
grading. Your instructor will grade and provide feedback for the group as a whole.

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