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Clients Name
Clients Address

Dear (Client)

I trust this letter finds you well. It is with mixed emotions that I write to inform you of an important
development in our business relationship. After careful consideration MJ Consulting Pty Ltd has made
the difficult decision to conclude our engagement with (Client Name) effective (date of termination)

Over the course of our partnership, we have valued the opportunity to work with you and have
appreciated the trust you placed in us to meet your tax needs. Our decision to terminate this
partnership is not one we have taken lightly. We believe it is in the best interests of both MJ
Consulting Pty Ltd and yourself to explore new directions.

To facilitate this transition, we will have your paperwork ready for collection by (Date)

Thank you once again for the opportunity to work together. If you require any additional information
please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Andrew Ferguson

Accountants and Tax Agents ABN : 87 090 549 241

P.O Box 317 Quattro Corporate – Building Q1
Mona Vale NSW 1660 Unit 1201/4 Daydream Street WARRIEWOOD NSW 2102
MJ Consulting Pty Ltd is a CPA Practice Phone: (02) 9979 7009

Principal: Andrew Ferguson CPA FTIA

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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