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SOFT 3406

Software Verification and

Ahmet Feyzi Ateş

Işık University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Department of Computer Science Engineering 
2022-2023 Spring Semester
Object Oriented Testing
Object-Oriented Testing

✧ The shift from traditional to object-oriented

environment involves looking at and reconsidering old
strategies and methods for testing the software.

✧ The traditional programming consists of procedures

operating on data, while the object-oriented paradigm
focuses on objects that are instances of classes.

✧ OO program should be tested at different levels to

uncover all the errors.

Levels of Object-Oriented Testing

✧ At the algorithmic level, each module (or method) of every

class in the program should be tested in isolation.
✧ At the class level, every class should be tested as an
individual entity.
✧ As classes are integrated to form a small subsystem,
testing each subsystem individually is necessary.
✧ At this level, focus is on testing the components that
execute concurrently as well as on the interclass
✧ Once all the clusters in the system are tested, system level
testing begins. At this level, interactions among
subsystems are tested.

Units for Object Oriented Testing

✧ Traditional software has a variety of definitions for “unit.”

✧ Two that pertain to object-oriented software are:
▪ A unit is the smallest software component that can be compiled
and executed.
▪ A unit is a software component that would never be assigned to
more than one designer to develop.
✧ Certain industrial applications have huge classes;
▪ These clearly violate the one-designer, one-class definition.
✧ In such applications, it seems better to define an
object-oriented unit as the work of one person, which
likely ends up as a subset of the class operations.
✧ In an extreme case, an object-oriented unit might be a
subclass of a class that contains only the attributes
needed by a single operation or method,
Units for Object Oriented Testing (cont’d)

✧ Mostly, the class-as-unit is accepted as the choice for the

most basic unit.
▪ Smallest testable is (an instance) of a class.

✧ One advantage of this choice is; in a UML context, a class

has an associated StateChart that describes its behavior,
which is extremely helpful in test case identification.
▪ Each method (and constructor) in a class should be tested.
▪ The state behavior (attributes) of the class should be tested by
valid sequence of method calls.

✧ A second advantage is that object-oriented integration

testing has clearer goals, namely, to check the
cooperation of separately tested classes, which echoes
traditional software testing.
How does OO make testing different
✧ Testing begins by evaluating the OOA and OOD models.
▪ OOA models requirements and use cases.
▪ OOD models classes and sequence diagrams.
✧ Concept of a “unit” broadens the notion of a class.
▪ Conventional testing focuses on input-process-output.
▪ OO testing focuses on testing on each method, then designing
sequences of methods to exercise states of a class.
✧ Integration testing is scenario driven.

Unit Testing Integration Testing

Integration in Object Oriented Testing

✧ Once the unit testing is complete, two

steps must occur:
▪ To integrate operations into a full class
▪ To integrate the class with other classes.
▪ if flattened classes were used, the original class hierarchy must be
restored, and
▪ if test methods were added, they must be removed.

✧ Once we have our “integration test bed,” we need to

identify what needs to be tested. As we with traditional
software integration, static and dynamic choices can be

System Testing in OO Testing

✧ System testing is independent of system

✧ A system tester does not really need to know if the
implementation is in procedural or object-oriented code.
✧ The primitives of system testing are port input and
output events.
✧ The issue is how to identify threads to be used as test
✧ Requirements specification models, particularly the
behavioral models, are used as the basis of thread test
case identification.

System Testing in OO Testing

✧ In OO system testing, many ideas are inherited from

system testing of traditional software and presume the
system has been defined and refined with the UML

✧ One emphasis, then, is finding system-level thread test

cases from standard UML models.

✧ At the system level, a UML description is composed of

various levels of use cases, a use case diagram, class
definitions, and class diagrams.

Object Oriented Testing:
An Application

✧ A Currency Converter – System Functions

✧ In the first step, the customer/user describes the
application in very general terms.
✧ This might take the form of “user stories,” which are
precursors to use cases.
✧ From these, three types of system functions are
▪ Evident, obvious ones,
▪ Hidden, might not be discovered immediately,
▪ Frill, the “bells and whistles” that so often occur.

A Currency Converter

● Converts US Dollars to:

○ – Brazilian real (R$)
○ – Canadian dollars (C$)
○ – European euros (€)
○ – Japanese yen (¥)

● User can revise inputs
● User can perform repeated

Currency Converter System Functions

Currency Converter – High Level Use Cases

✧ Several levels of use cases

▪ High Level
▪ Essential
▪ Expanded Essential
▪ Real

✧ The use case development begins with a very high-level


✧ Very few details are provided in a high-level use case; they

are insufficient for test case identification.

✧ The main point of high-level use cases is that they capture a

narrative description of something that happens in the
system to be built.
Currency Converter – Essential Use Cases

✧ Essential use cases add “actor” and “system” events to

a high-level use case. Actors can be people, devices,
adjacent systems, or abstractions such as time.

✧ Actions / Responses are numbered,

✧ Numbers show approximate sequence in time

✧ The numbering of actor actions (port input events) and

system responses (port output events) shows their
approximate sequences in time.
Essential Use Cases


Essential Use Case for HLUC-1

Currency Converter – Detailed GUI Definition

✧ Once a set of essential use cases has been identified,

the graphical user interface (GUI) is fleshed out with
design-level detail.
✧ These controls will be referred to in the EEUCs.
✧ Only selected EEUCs will be included.

Expanded Essential Use Cases

● Adds:
○ Pre / Post conditions
○ Alternative sequences of events
○ References system functions found earlier

Real Use Cases
✧ Real Use Cases are only slightly different from EEUC
✧ Instead of “Enter dollar amount”
▪ “Enter 10 in txtDollar” used, etc.

System Test Cases
✧ Finally, system Test Cases can be derived from RUC


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