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P a t h o p h y s i o l o g y of

A d v a n c e d H e a r t F a i l u re
What Knowledge Is Needed for Clinical
Jan Biegus, MD, PhDa,b, Piotr Niewinski, MDa,b, Krystian Josiak, MDa,b,
Katarzyna Kuleja,b, Barbara Ponikowskac, Krzysztof Nowak, MDa,b,
Robert Zymlinski, MD, PhDa,b, Piotr Ponikowski, MD, PhD, FESCa,b,*

 Neurohormonal activation  Sympathetic drive  Cardiorespiratory reflex disbalance  Congestion
 Multiorgan dysfunction  Iron deficiency

 The pathophysiology of advanced heart failure (HF) can be characterized as a complex interplay of dys-
regulated mechanisms comprising impaired hemodynamics, neurohormonal and proinflammatory
activation, dysfunctional cardiorespiratory reflex control, and inadequate energy handling, all of which
ultimately lead to multiorgan dysfunction; at the later stage of HF, numerous comorbidities, whose un-
derlying pathophysiologies often amplify HF progression, tend to dominate the clinical picture and ther-
apeutic approach, and some of these mechanisms have been identified as therapeutic targets in HF.
 Blockade of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (preferably with an angiotensin receptor-
neprilysin inhibitor, but alternatively with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin
receptor blockers together with mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist) and sympathetic nervous
system (with b-blockers) is now considered a fundamental element of pharmacologic therapy for
all patients with advanced HF and reduced ejection fraction.
 Autonomic modulation (vagal nerve stimulation or baroreflex stimulation) in advanced HF tends to
benefit functional variables (quality of life, New York Heart Association class, 6-minute walking distance),
whereas improvement in the outcomes (total mortality, HF hospitalizations) still remains uncertain.
 Fluid overload with central and/or peripheral congestion characterize the clinical picture of
advanced HF and is the main reason for hospital admission in these patients; distinction of different
clinical patterns of congestion with different underlying mechanisms may improve the management
of fluid overload in advanced HF.
 Recent clinical trials have shown that the following novel therapies targeting impaired pathophysiologic
pathways in advanced HF seem to improve patients’ outcomes: (1) vericiguat, a soluble guanylate
cyclase stimulator; (2) omecamtiv mecarbil, a selective cardiac myosin activator; (3) sodium-glucose
cotransporter 2 inhibitors; (4) ferric carboxymaltose, for patients with concomitant iron deficiency.
 Better understanding of the pathophysiology underlying HF progression may allow characterization
of novel mechanisms that can be targeted in order to revert to a natural pathway of HF development
and progression.

Department of Heart Diseases, Wroc1aw Medical University, ul. Borowska 213, 50-556 Wroc1aw, Poland;
Centre for Heart Diseases, Wroc1aw University Hospital, ul. Borowska 213, 50-556 Wroc1aw, Poland;
Student Scientific Organization, Department of Heart Diseases, Wroclaw Medical University, ul. Borowska
213, 50-556 Wroc1aw, Poland
* Corresponding author. Department of Heart Diseases, Wroc1aw Medical University, ul. Borowska 213, 50-556
Wroc1aw, Poland.
E-mail address:

Heart Failure Clin 17 (2021) 519–531
1551-7136/21/Ó 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license for Carlos Hernan Castaneda Ruiz ( at University of KwaZulu-Natal from by
Elsevier on September 11, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
520 Biegus et al

The prognosis of patients with chronic heart failure Box 1

(HF) has considerably improved, mainly because The key mechanisms involved in
of implementation of evidence-based therapies. pathophysiology and progression of advanced
Because patients with HF live longer, many of heart failure
them reach the late stage of the natural history of
the disease, often referred to as advanced HF. Impaired central and peripheral
Recent position paper from the Heart Failure Asso- hemodynamics:
ciation of the European Society of Cardiology pro-  Decreased cardiac output
poses a definition and classification of advanced  Increased cardiac filing pressures (central
HF and describes new diagnostic and treatment venous pressure/pulmonary capillary wedge
options for these patients.1 Of note, the traditional pressure)
approach to HF progression considers a unidirec-  Impaired peripheral perfusion (leading to or-
tional pathway in which the management can only gan dysfunction)
stabilize patients at a certain stage of the disease
(even for long time) with much less recognition Activation of the neurohormonal systems:
that a reversal pathway is also possible, even at  Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
more advanced stages of the disease. However, activation
it is now recognized that with comprehensive man-  Endothelin activation
agement comprising guideline-recommended HF
 Nonosmotic vasopressin release
therapies and treatment of comorbidities, some
patients with HF may present improvement in  Natriuretic peptide activation
symptoms, functional capacity and left ventricular  Sympathetic nervous system activation
function, and cardiac structure.2,3 Better under- Impaired cardiorespiratory reflex control:
standing of the pathophysiology underlying HF
progression may allow clinicians to characterize  Downregulated response from baroreceptors
mechanisms that can be targeted in order to  Decreased vagal tone
potentially revert to a natural pathway of HF natu-  Overactive peripheral chemoreceptors
ral history. This article briefly summarizes the path-
 Overactive muscle ergoreceptors
ophysiologic mechanisms that are of particular
importance at the later, advanced stage of HF Immune and proinflammatory pathways
and discusses them in the perspective of clinical activation
management. Activation of oxidative stress pathways
There is no evidence to support the assumption Impaired intracellular calcium handling
that pathophysiologic mechanisms operating at
the advanced stage of HF substantially differ Inadequate energy handling
from those involved at the earlier stages of the dis- Pathophysiologies of coexisting comorbid con-
ease. The difference seems to be mainly quantita- ditions (Box 2)
tive in the involvement of some pathologic
pathways and systems rather than qualitative. Un-
derstanding of HF pathophysiology has evolved inflammatory systems with accompanied dysregu-
within recent decades, from a simple hemody- lation of immune response and oxidative
namic problem through neurohormonally and stress.4–10 The degree of these abnormalities in-
proinflammatory-driven syndrome, to a complex creases with disease severity and predicts poor
multiorgan dysfunction accompanied by inade- outcomes.6,7 Although they constitute separate
quate energy handling. An additional important pathophysiologic pathways, during HF develop-
element to consider is the presence of numerous ment they often coexist and perpetuate detri-
comorbidities, with underlying pathophysiologies mental effects on the cardiovascular system (and
often interfering and at the later stage of HF tend- other systems), leading to the progression of the
ing to dominate the clinical picture and therapeutic disease. Importantly, because of generalized char-
approach (Box 1). acter, activation of these systems can be seen at
the molecular, cellular, and organ levels and is
NEUROHORMONAL AND also detected in the peripheral circulation (as
PROINFLAMMATORY ACTIVATION IN shown by increased levels of specific
ADVANCED HEART FAILURE biomarkers).4,6,7,10
Activation of these mechanisms at the early
HF at the advanced stage is characterized by stage of HF seems to be primarily adaptive, in
generalized activation of the neurohormonal and response to cardiac injury/dysfunction, in order

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Pathophysiology of Advanced Heart Failure 521

to maintain an increased effort of the cardiovascu- and reduced ejection fraction.11 Recent introduc-
lar system. However, it takes a short period of time tion of a new class of drugs, angiotensin
once they become maladaptive, with resultant receptor-neprilysin inhibitors (ARNIs), further
detrimental biological effects (Fig. 1). confirmed the view of the need for comprehensive
Neurohormonal activation is thought to be core interference with neuroendocrine activation in HF.
of pathophysiology underlying HF and comprises The substrates for neprilysin include natriuretic
numerous systems and related signaling path- peptides, adrenomedullin, substance P, apelin,
ways, including4–10 the renin-angiotensin- and other vasoactive peptides.12 PARADIGM-HF
aldosterone system (RAAS), sympathetic nervous was the paramount trial that established that the
system (with concomitant depleted activity of combination of a neprilysin inhibitor (sacubitril)
parasympathetic nervous system and impaired with an angiotensin receptor blocker (valsartan)
cardiopulmonary reflex control), endothelin-1 was superior to an ACEi (enalapril) in reducing
(ET-1), arginine vasopressin, and natriuretic pep- mortality and morbidity and also improving quality
tides. It exerts unfavorable biological effects with of life in patients with HF and reduced ejection
further deterioration in the heart function and af- fraction.13 The results of this and subsequent
fects the other organs, eventually leading to a vi- studies with sacubitril-valsartan have elucidated
cious circle of HF progression. The following numerous potential mechanisms of benefit and
abnormalities caused by permanent neurohor- established the role of this drug as a replacement
monal activation have been described: intracel- for ACEi across the whole spectrum of HF
lular cytosolic calcium overload with impaired severity.12
calcium handling, hypertrophy, apoptosis, necro- Endothelial dysfunction is another dysfunctional
sis of cardiomyocytes, myocardial fibrosis, endo- pathway often seen in advanced HF with multiple
thelial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and sodium biological consequences and impacts on the out-
and water retention, with clinical consequences comes.14 Vasoconstriction is often seen as its hall-
such as cardiac remodeling, vascular dysfunction, mark, being mediated by several mechanisms:
vasoconstriction, tachycardia, arrhythmias, pro- activation of RAAS and sympathetic nervous sys-
thrombotic state, volume overload.4–10 tems and upregulated ET-1 secretion, which is
Identification of activated neurohormonal path- produced and secreted by endothelial cells with
ways as targets for therapy at each stage of HF pronounced vasoconstrictor effect. The endothe-
natural history entirely changed patients out- lin system is involved in the pathophysiology of
comes. There is overwhelming evidence that HF, and increased blood levels of ET-1 were linked
RAAS blockade with angiotensin-converting to the severity of the disease and the outcomes.14
enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) (or angiotensin receptor Importantly, ET-1 also regulates renal function,
blockers for those who are not able to tolerate and its role goes beyond controlling afferent and
ACEi) and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists efferent glomerular artery tone. It directly affects
together with a b-blocker should be always the renal tubular cells, thus affecting urine produc-
considered as a fundamental element of pharma- tion, including regulation of ion/water homeosta-
cologic therapy for all patients with advanced HF sis.15 Taking all these elements into account,

Fig. 1. Pathophysiologic mechanisms

underlying progression of HF.

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522 Biegus et al

there were several attempts to use endothelin- metabolism and energetics; possibly resulting in
receptor antagonists in the therapy for HF, but cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, necrosis and
with disappointing results in clinical trials.16,17 apoptosis, and changes in the extracellular
Endothelial dysfunction together with proinflam- myocardial matrix; and promoting myocardial
matory activation and oxidative stress (described remodeling.4,5,10 Activation of the immune
later) significantly reduce nitric oxide (NO) bioavail- response promotes the development of endothe-
ability in HF. NO is essential for numerous biolog- lial dysfunction but also profound changes in the
ical processes in the vascular cells and in the skeletal muscle with body wasting and
myocardium, because it stimulates soluble guany- anorexia.4,5,10 Patients with advanced HF and
late cyclase (sGC) to generate intracellular cyclic particularly increased levels of circulating cyto-
guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which plays kines tend to develop cardiac cachexia, which is
a fundamental role in cardiovascular function.18,19 associated with an ominous prognosis.23 Of
Disruption of the NO-sGC-cGMP signaling note, an interaction between the neurohormonal
pathway in HF is suggested as the key pathophys- systems and inflammatory mediators has been re-
iologic mechanism responsible for disease pro- ported: angiotensin II stimulates the production of
gression,18,19 which cannot be entirely corrected tumor necrosis factor alpha, aldosterone induces
by neurohormonal blockade. There were several nuclear factor kB inflammatory signaling path-
attempts to target this mechanism with an addition ways, chronic b-adrenergic receptor stimulation
of nitrates or inhibition of phosphodiesterase type- results in an overexpression of proinflammatory
5 to slow the degradation of cGMP in patients with cytokines (interleukins 1 and 6) in ventricular cardi-
HF, but with disappointing results.20 Only recently, omyocytes, and some b-blockers seem to show
a new class of drugs, oral sGC stimulators, has antiinflammatory properties in experimental
been developed that seem to act on the NO- models of HF.4,10
sensitive form of sGC, stimulate the enzyme However, there is no clear evidence of the effi-
directly by mimicking NO in the absence of endog- cacy of specific antiinflammatory interventions in
enous NO, and sensitize sGC to low levels of HF. Randomized clinical trials testing anti–tumor
endogenous NO.18,19 Riociguat was first drug in necrosis factor therapies in patients with HF (RE-
its class tested in patients with HF and showed NAISSANCE, RECOVER, ATTACH) have all shown
favorable hemodynamic effects (improved cardiac a lack of clinical benefit.24 The reasons for these
index and pulmonary vascular resistance) with unexpected results remain unclear, but entry
concomitant improvement in quality of life.21 Veri- criteria applied in these studies, which did not
ciguat is another sGC stimulator optimized for include documented overexpression of inflamma-
once-daily dosage and has recently been investi- tory processes, may be relevant, and a very selec-
gated in HF studies.18,19 VICTORIA was a random- tive approach targeting only 1 cytokine seems to
ized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial that be insufficient to counterbalance the detrimental
investigated whether vericiguat added to standard and complex inflammatory pathways responsible
optimal guideline-based therapy would favorably for the progression of the disease.
affect the outcomes of patients with HF with
reduced ejection fraction who had recently been IMPAIRED CARDIORESPIRATORY REFLEX
hospitalized or received intravenous diuretic ther- CONTROL
apy.22 Among these high-risk patients, those
who received vericiguat showed lower incidence In physiology, several cardiorespiratory reflex
of death from cardiovascular causes or HF hospi- arches act as the guardians of adequate ventila-
talization.22 Further studies are needed to estab- tion and hemodynamic reactivity in response to
lish the place of vericiguat in the algorithm of varying environmental conditions (eg, hypoxia) or
treatment of advanced HF. intrinsic changes (eg, buildup of lactic acid in the
Immune activation with proinflammatory cyto- working muscles). In the short term, this can be
kines overexpressed in the failing myocardium seen as an important life-preserving mechanism
and present in the peripheral circulation with con- observed across different species, but in a longer
current downregulation of antiinflammatory path- perspective it might become detrimental. The un-
ways are all considered as hallmarks of HF.4,5,10 toward effect of tonically activated cardiovascular
The levels of proinflammatory cytokines/activation reflexes, which is commonly seen in advanced HF,
correlate with the HF severity and have prognostic is thought to be mediated mostly by the increased
significance.4,5,10 It is well established that proin- efferent traffic within the sympathetic nervous sys-
flammatory cytokines unfavorably affect left ven- tem.7 Note that these reflex abnormalities
tricular function, exerting negative inotropic contribute both to disease progression and symp-
effects; inducing abnormalities in cardiac toms development. Moreover, the worsening

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Pathophysiology of Advanced Heart Failure 523

hemodynamic state further perpetuates inade- sympathetic surge, resulting in increases in heart
quate reflex response, resulting in a vicious circle rate and systemic blood pressure. High sensitivity
of maladaptation. The focus here is on the 3 ele- of PChR has been described in HF and is not only
ments of impaired reflex milieu characterizing related to certain clinical characteristics (low exer-
advanced HF (blunted baroreflex response, cise tolerance, poor left ventricular ejection frac-
augmented peripheral chemosensitivity, and over- tion [LVEF], high level of natriuretic peptides)29
active muscle ergoreceptors) because they may but is also a well-established marker of ominous
have potential impact on future therapies. long-term prognosis.30 An augmented activity of
Low sensitivity of carotid baroreceptors can be PChR is known to contribute to exercise intoler-
observed in approximately 30% to 40% of patients ance in the HF population. An increased ventilatory
with moderate HF, with increasing prevalence in response to hypoxia/hypercapnia exacerbates the
those with advanced HF.25 Clearly, the magnitude dyspnea sensation, which may directly limit exer-
of baroreflex-mediated changes in blood pressure cise duration.31 It can be hypothesized that over-
and heart rate is inversely related to the advance- active PChRs are involved in the development of
ment of HF, with lower values seen in patients poor functional capacity through 2 mechanisms:
characterized by higher New York Heart Associa- (1) by inadequately increased ventilation, as
tion (NYHA) class and poorer ejection fraction, shown by reduction in VE/VCO2 slope following
peak O2 consumption, and VE/VCO2 slope.25 It hyperoxic blockade of PChR32; and (2) by sympa-
is thought that the unfavorable effect of low thetically mediated restraint in the blood flow to
baroreflex sensitivity on the prognosis in HF is working muscles.
related to the autonomic imbalance with vagal Of note, in an animal experiment performed in
withdrawal and concomitant adrenergic domi- HF rats carotid body denervation restored auto-
nance.26 However, recently the prognostic role nomic balance, prevented left ventricular remodel-
(defined as influence on total mortality and appro- ing, reduced propensity for arrhythmia, and
priate implantable cardioverter-defibrillator dis- improved survival.33 In a first-in-human clinical trial
charges) of diminished baroreceptor sensitivity performed in a small preselected group of patients
has been questioned,25,26 most likely related to with moderate-advanced congestive HF (CHF)
the improvements in contemporary HF therapy. and enhanced sensitivity of PChR, surgical carotid
The BeAT-HF trial,27 in which an electrical stim- body resection resulted in a significant decrease in
ulation of the afferent arm of baroreflex arch was sympathetic afferent tone measured with micro-
used, provided an important insight into optimiza- neurography.34 Moreover, an improvement in the
tion of patient selection for the modulation of the exercise tolerance (decrease in VE/VCO2 slope)
autonomic system. Based on the initial results, in- was found in all patients with CHF following bilat-
dividuals with HF with grossly increased N-termi- eral resection. Nonetheless, this finding was not
nal pro–brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) accompanied by improvements in LVEF and NT-
levels might not benefit from this form of treat- proBNP. The main drawback of the interventions
ment. It could be speculated that in advanced targeting PChR is related to the concomitant
HF: (1) a degree of sympathetic activation might decrease (or loss in the case of bilateral denerva-
be necessary for the maintenance of cardiac tion) in acute hypoxic sensing. This condition
output, and (2) there is a significant irreversibility may lead to (1) lower minimal blood oxygen satura-
of structural and functional changes that cannot tion (SpO2) during mild and moderate hypoxia, and
be tackled solely by manipulating the autonomic (2) markedly greater daytime short-term SpO2 vari-
nervous system. Nonetheless, the BeAT-HF trial ability compared with patients with HF with intact
was underpowered for hard clinical end points, PChR.35
whereas such analysis was possible in the An augmented peripheral and central chemo-
INOVATE-HF trial,28 designed to assess the ef- sensitivity along with prolonged circulatory delay
fects of direct vagus nerve stimulation. Although are the main factors determining development of
the quality of life, NYHA class, and 6-minute periodic breathing in patients with advanced HF
walking distance were favorably affected by the (including its most severe form, the Cheyne-
activation of the parasympathetic system, it did Stokes respiration).36 Although the prognostic
not reduce the rate of death and HF events. role of periodic breathing in HF remains uncertain,
Peripheral chemoreceptors (PChRs) are strate- its resolution with the novel device-based therapy
gically located within the carotid and aortic bodies using phrenic nerve stimulation was shown to
in the area of the common carotid artery bifurca- improve quality of life over 12 months of follow-
tion and along the aortic arch. Their stimulation up.37 Interestingly, according to recent research
by low oxygen level and/or high concentration of (BREATH study), central sleep apnea in HF may
CO2 leads to augmented ventilation and be effectively alleviated using buspirone, a 5HT1A

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524 Biegus et al

receptor agonist that decreases chemosensitivity control by the kidney: intrinsic renal control related
to CO2.38 to blood pressure and hemodynamics, responses
Similarly to baroreceptors and chemoreceptors, to natriuretic peptides, the arginine-vasopressin
the magnitude of ergoreflex sensitization is related system, the activity of RAAS at the body and organ
to the advancement of HF (lower peak VO2, worse levels, just to name a few. In advanced HF, all
NYHA class).39 The role of ergoreceptors in exer- these tuned interactions seem to be dysfunctional
cise intolerance was shown by selective lumbar and/or exhausted, as in the following illustrative
intrathecal blockage (using fentanyl) of afferent examples: overexpression of natriuretic peptides
neural traffic arising from exercising muscles of does not lead to increased diuresis and natriuresis,
lower limbs.40 Such experimental intervention per- which in turn promotes fluid retention and volume
formed in a group of patients with HF acutely led to overload; nonosmotic release of vasopressin
improved peakVO2 mediated by reduced systemic further impairs water and sodium handling; low
vascular resistance and improved cardiac output. blood pressure with inadequate perfusion of the
Importantly, implementation of training programs kidneys also deteriorates already dysfunctional
in the HF population have been showed to reduce sodium handling.44,45
the detrimental contribution of ergoreceptors to Although traditionally an assessment of kidney
the changes in blood pressure, ventilatory function is mainly based on calculation of glomer-
response, and peripheral vascular resistance dur- ular function (estimated glomerular filtration rate
ing exercise.41 Favorable neural resetting in [eGFR]), it seems not to provide adequate and
response to the physical training was accompa- meaningful information about water/sodium
nied by improved skeletal muscle metabolism (to- handling. There is growing evidence of the impor-
ward aerobic changes), as shown using magnetic tance of impaired water and sodium handling by
resonance spectroscopy.42 Thus, normalization in the renal tubules in HF.46,47 Recent studies have
ergoreflex sensitivity following regular physical ac- shown the need for the recognition of 2 different
tivity may be attributed to a reduced production of aspects of kidney function in HF, with an assess-
anaerobic metabolites (eg, lactate) that directly ment of sodium/water handling using urinary bio-
stimulate muscle ergoreceptors. markers of natriuresis being at least as important
Although the role of overactive cardiovascular as traditional assessment of renal function using
reflexes in the pathophysiology of advanced HF creatinine/blood urea nitrogen (BUN).48
is undisputable, the benefits of interventions tar- Although fluid accumulation starts in the intra-
geting selected parts of the autonomic nervous vascular compartment, with time, hydrostatic
system are still uncertain. Further trials focused pressure increases and exceeds interstitial
on well-established clinical end points (such as to- oncotic pressure, and fluid accumulation expands
tal mortality, HF hospitalizations) are needed. Im- to extravascular, interstitial space. It leads to tis-
provements observed only in the functional sue congestion and is often present in advanced
variables (eg, quality of life, NYHA class, 6-minute HF. This pattern of congestion (often referred to
walking distance) are not entirely satisfactory, as cardiac congestion11) develops slowly, with
especially in the studies where sham control was gradual clinical deterioration and an increase in
not used. intracardiac pressures. Fluid balance at the level
of the interstitium strongly depends on the
FLUID RETENTION AND CONGESTION lymphatic system, but the lymphatic drainage
seems to be impaired in advanced HF because
Fluid overload with central and/or peripheral of increased right heart pressure caused by the
congestion characterizes the clinical picture of decrease of the perfusion gradient at the level of
advanced HF and is the main reason for hospital the thoracic duct.49 Recent studies show the role
admission in these patients. The pathophysiology of the interstitial compartment in the pathophysi-
underlying fluid retention, different patterns of vol- ology of this type of congestion, with particular in-
ume overload, and association with spiral progres- terest in networks of glycosaminoglycans, which
sion of HF is complex, multifactorial, and not fully may influence sodium and water homeostasis.49
understood, but the whole process starts at the In physiology, glycosaminoglycan networks can
early stage of HF development and seems to be buffer a large amount of sodium and maintain tis-
associated with augmented sympathetic signaling sue water content in stable conditions. Nijst and
from the diseased myocardium and neurohor- colleagues50 showed that patients with HF have
monal activation.7 At the later stage, impaired higher interstitial glycosaminoglycan density and
crosstalk between the heart and the kidneys tends degree of sulfation compared with healthy con-
to play a key role.43 Numerous mechanisms are trols, and the magnitude of these changes is
involved in the physiologic process of volume related to the clinical presence of peripheral

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Pathophysiology of Advanced Heart Failure 525

edema and correlated with total water content. cardiac contractility by specifically binding to
Interestingly, because patients not receiving myosin at an allosteric site. Omecamtiv mecarbil
ACEi/angiotensin receptor blockers tended to stabilizes the pre–power stroke state of myosin,
have higher levels of interstitial glycosaminogly- enabling more myosin heads to undergo a power
cans, the investigators hypothesized that the stroke during systole.52,53 This effect of increased
neurohormonal system may be involved in the contraction is independent of changes in the intra-
structure and function of this interstitial network.50 cellular calcium.
More studies are needed to clarify the role of the The GALACTIC trial investigated the effects of
interstitial compartment in order to improve man- omecamtiv mecarbil on the cardiovascular out-
agement of volume overload in advanced HF. comes in HF.54 Patients with symptomatic, chronic
HF and reduced LVEF (35%) (of whom 25% were
IMPAIRED CARDIAC CONTRACTILITY included as inpatients) received omecamtiv mecar-
bil (using pharmacokinetic-guided dosing), in addi-
Impaired myocardial contractility is at the core of tion to standard HF therapy. Those treated with
HF development and progression. As discussed omecamtiv mecarbil had a lower incidence of a
earlier, reduced contractility is associated with composite of an HF event (HF hospitalization or ur-
increased wall stress, underlies cardiac remodel- gent visit for HF) or cardiovascular death.54 Inter-
ing, and triggers unfavorable compensatory estingly, a preplanned subgroup analysis showed
mechanisms, including neurohormonal activation an interaction of the effect with LVEF, and patients
and dysfunctional reflex responses within the with LVEF less than the median (<28%) tended to
cardiorespiratory system. This framework has led benefit more. The results of all these studies
to numerous attempts to directly improve cardiac seem to show that omecamtiv mecarbil may be of
contractility with inotropic agents, all of which particular applicability for patients with advanced
have consistently failed to meet expectations.51,52 HF and severely impaired LVEF.
Virtually all of these studies reported adverse
events related to use of inotropic agents in pa- ADVANCED HEART FAILURE: A
tients with HF, such as ventricular arrhythmias, MULTIMORBID CLINICAL SYNDROME
atrial fibrillation, hypotensive events, increased
myocardial oxygen consumption with subsequent In everyday practice, patients with an isolated
ischemia, or direct toxic effects at the level of diagnosis of advanced HF are virtually never
myocardium.51,52 It seems that these drugs have seen, in contrast with those with multiple chronic
a common mechanism because they increase diseases and/or coexisting conditions (both car-
intracellular calcium levels to increase myocardial diovascular and noncardiovascular). Intriguing
force production and improve cardiac function, common pathophysiologic pathways and risk fac-
and are therefore classified as calcitropes.52 In tors underlying such prevalent coexistence,
chronic stable HF settings, they are contraindi- adverse influences on the natural course of HF
cated because they are related to increased risk and patients’ outcomes, and important therapeu-
of poor outcome. In acute HF in the short term, tic consequences of these interrelationships all
intravenous infusion of inotropic agents (dobut- explain the growing interest in the topic.55,56
amine, dopamine, levosimendan, phosphodies- HF evolution has been characterized as 4
terase III inhibitors) may be considered in consecutive stages: the pre-HF category (stage
patients with hypotension (systolic blood pressure A), when only cardiovascular risk factors are pre-
<90 mm Hg) and/or signs/symptoms of hypoper- sent, followed by a latent period of structural heart
fusion despite adequate filling status, to increase disease without HF symptoms (stage B), eventu-
cardiac output, increase blood pressure, improve ally leading to development of symptomatic HF
peripheral perfusion, and maintain end-organ (stages C and D).2 This model can be applied to
function.11 explain the multimorbid nature of HF. At early dis-
Recently, a new class of drugs that ease stages, there is an interaction between risk
improve cardiac contractility has been developed, factors/comorbidities and multiple adverse effects
called cardiac myotropes, which target the on the cardiovascular system leading to HF devel-
myosin, actin, the associated regulatory proteins, opment. For example, arterial hypertension,
or other structural elements of the sarcomere obesity, and diabetes are increasingly coexisting
through calcium-independent mechanisms.52,53 worldwide and are risk factors for HF and almost
One of these therapeutics, omecamtiv mecarbil, all major HF-related comorbidities.57 It is evident
is now being investigated in clinical trials in pa- in patients with HF with preserved ejection frac-
tients with HF.52,53 Omecamtiv mecarbil is a selec- tion, where systemic proinflammatory activation,
tive cardiac myosin activator that increases with overproduction of reactive oxygen species,

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526 Biegus et al

limits nitric oxide bioavailability for cardiomyo- Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a common comor-
cytes, with resultant hypertrophy, stiffening, and bidity in HF, occurring in 25% to 45% of these pa-
increased collagen deposition by myofibroblasts tients.59 These diseases are closely related in
causing myocardial remodeling and diastolic terms of common pathophysiologic pathways,
dysfunction.58 Many of these patients now tend including neurohormonal activation and insulin
to reach advanced stages of the disease because resistance, as well as common risk factors. They
of a lack of effective therapies. At later stages, tend to worsen each other’s courses; the occur-
once HF is already present, it may give rise to con- rence of HF is one of the most serious complica-
ditions that adversely affect the cardiovascular tions of diabetes in terms of prognosis, and
system, with further disease progression and patients with HF and coexisting diabetes have an
adverse outcomes. As discussed earlier, HF is no increased risk of death and hospitalization for HF
longer seen in isolation as cardiac/hemodynamic compared with patients with nondiabetic HF.60
disease, and numerous pathophysiologic path- Data from large clinical trials with drugs tested in
ways have been identified in this syndrome that the treatment of HF indicate that the coexistence
may be shared with other chronic cardiovascular of diabetes may increase the risk of all-cause
and noncardiovascular conditions. and cardiovascular mortality by nearly 2-fold,
Comorbidities complicating natural course of and the risk of hospitalization caused by exacer-
HF represent a mixture of different categories bation of HF by 1.2-fold to 1.9-fold.59
(Box 2). The evidence that targeting a certain Among the mechanisms underlying the adverse
non-HF comorbidity would favorably affect HF effect of diabetes on the course of HF, in addition
outcomes is still fairly limited, particularly at the to the long-known harmful effects of hyperglyce-
late, advanced stage of the disease. However, in mia, insulin resistance, and advanced glycation
this context, recent studies tend to indicate that end products on metabolism, function, and struc-
at least 3 comorbidities may become specific ther- tural remodeling of myocardium, in recent years
apeutic targets for interventions in HF: atrial fibril- much attention has been paid to excessive activa-
lation, diabetes mellitus, and iron deficiency. The tion of the sodium-hydrogen exchanger
last 2 are briefly discussed here. (NHE).61,62 The NHE is present in at least a few iso-
forms in cell membranes, the NHE1 isoform being
predominant in cardiomyocytes and blood vessels
and the NHE3 isoform being found in the renal
Box 2
tubular epithelial cells. The activity of both of these
Categories of comorbidities complicating
advanced heart failure
isoforms in patients with HF is initially increased as
a result of stimulation of the RAAS and sympa-
Traditional cardiovascular risk factors for HF thetic activation, but in the presence of diabetes
development (eg, arterial hypertension, dia- mellitus, as a result of the stimulating effect of hy-
betes mellitus, obesity, dyslipidemia) perglycemia, insulin resistance, and adipokines, it
Causal factors leading to HF (eg, coronary artery further increases significantly.61,62 At the level of
disease, arterial hypertension, diabetes melli- the myocardium, this leads to an overload of car-
tus, valvular heart disease) diomyocytes with calcium ions (exchange for so-
Cardiovascular conditions often coexisting with dium ions by the sodium-calcium exchanger) and
HF (eg, atrial fibrillation, peripheral artery dis- their subsequent injury and apoptosis, and, as a
ease, stroke) result, fibrosis and unfavorable remodeling of the
Chronic noncardiovascular diseases associated heart and, at the level of the proximal renal tubules,
with higher HF prevalence (eg, chronic kidney to a significant increase in sodium ion reabsorp-
disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tion, resulting in fluid overload and the develop-
depression, osteoarthritis) ment of resistance to diuretics.61,62
Conditions characterizing chronic diseases Inhibition of overactive NHE1 and NHE3 seems
including HF syndrome (eg, anemia, iron defi- to be a therapeutic target and most likely is one
ciency, sleep-disordered breathing, cachexia/ of the mechanisms determining favorable action
sarcopenia) of the new drug class, sodium-glucose cotrans-
Malignant diseases (often reflecting cardiotoxic porter (SGLT) 2 inhibitors. In clinical trials assess-
effects of certain chemotherapeutic agents ing cardiovascular safety in diabetic patients,
with subsequent development of HF) SGLT2 inhibitors proved not only to be safe in
Age-related disorders typically characterizing
terms of the impact on cardiovascular mortality
elderly populations, not necessarily specific for and ischemic events but also to significantly
HF syndrome (eg, frailty, dementia) reduce the risk of hospitalization because of
HF.63,64 Moreover, 2 SGLT2 inhibitors,

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Pathophysiology of Advanced Heart Failure 527

dapagliflozin and empagliflozin, significantly effects of correcting ID in patients with HF, which
reduced the risk of the composite end point of car- has been confirmed by several studies. They
diovascular death and the worsening of HF not used intravenous iron (ferric carboxymaltose
only in patients with HF and diabetes but also in [FCM]) to correct ID in HF and showed an improve-
patients without coexisting diabetes.65,66 These ment of functional status, exercise capacity, and
effects cannot be fully explained by a hypoglyce- health-related quality of life.73,74 Recently, it was
mic effect alone. SGLT2 inhibitors are likely to also shown that correction of ID with FCM in pa-
have several other favorable cardiovascular and tients admitted to hospital with decompensated
cardioprotective effects, including promoting ke- HF significantly reduces the risk of HF hospital ad-
tone bodies as the main energy substrate used missions and improves quality of life.75
by the myocardium, which allows the optimization Patients with advanced HF often have impaired
of ATP production with limited oxygen supply; in- renal function, which accelerates spiral progres-
duction of osmotic diuresis, which promotes pro- sion of the disease but also significantly limits ther-
portionally greater fluid loss from the apeutic options. The importance of cardiorenal
extravascular space compared with the intravas- interactions led to the introduction of 5 types of car-
cular space; and the aforementioned inhibition of diorenal syndromes.76 The mechanisms of their
the NHE.67 development have already been extensively char-
Iron deficiency (ID) is one of the most common acterized and include neurohormonal and sympa-
comorbidities in HF, present in approximately thetic activation; toxicity of some HF drugs and
50% to 70% of patients with HF, with increasing contrast media; decreased kidney perfusion;
prevalence in those with advanced disease.68,69 increased intravascular volume; and proinflamma-
Among the mechanisms underlying ID in HF, the tory cytokine secretion with subclinical inflamma-
following tend play leading roles: (1) reduced die- tion, vasoconstriction, and anemia.76 Clinically, 2
tary intake (because of malnutrition, poor absorp- main manifestations of renal dysfunction in
tion caused by impaired duodenal iron transport, advanced HF can be distinguished: gradual pro-
interaction with certain drugs or food reducing gression of eGFR decline and an inability to
iron absorption); (2) increased iron loses (caused restore/keep volume balance.77 From a clinical
by edema of the gut, impaired integrity of intestinal perspective, it is important to understand that
mucosa, occult gastrointestinal/genitourinary those 2 could be disconnected and do not always
bleeding caused by use of antithrombotics); (3) overlap.48 There is a robust evidence that renal
functional impairment of iron availability/use function (defined by eGFR/creatinine/BUN) has
caused by proinflammatory activation, seen in critical prognostic significance in HF. The lower
HF with increased levels of hepcidin and impaired the eGFR, the higher the risk of HF complications
duodenal iron absorption and iron retention in the and poor outcome. The failure in the control of
reticuloendothelial system (which may coincide body volume homeostasis (leading to congestion,
with normal iron stores in the body).68,70 as mentioned earlier) is the most frequent cause
Iron is a micronutrient essential for numerous of advanced HF hospitalizations. The increasing
biological processes, thus ID is associated with sodium avidity with advanced HF leads to early fluid
deleterious consequences far more extensive overload and attenuates diuretic responsive-
and independent than those related to low hemo- ness.78 To overcome the phenomenon, higher
globin level. ID alone results in decreased oxygen doses of diuretics need to be used to maintain the
storage, abnormal oxidative metabolism and fluid balance. In extreme situations, diuretic resis-
cellular energy handling, and impaired reactive ox- tance develops, in which kidneys fail to increase
ygen species defense, all of which contribute to fluid and sodium excretion sufficiently to relieve
mitochondrial dysfunction. Tissues with high ener- congestion, despite high doses of diuretic.78
getic demand (such as cardiomyocytes) are Importantly, the total diuretic dose is also an impor-
particularly susceptible to the deleterious patho- tant clinical marker of disease severity and poor
logic effects of ID. Because ID deteriorates energy outcome. Recently, the net interactions between
homoeostasis, already impaired in the HF syn- failing heart, liver, and kidney (described by Model
drome,71,72 it may further accelerate progression for End-stage Liver Disease [MELD] XI score) have
of HF and lead to increased risk of poor outcomes. been also studied, showing the clinical relevance
There is clear evidence that ID in HF predicts and prognostic significance in HF.79–83 Importantly,
increased long-term all-cause mortality indepen- the causative interaction between HF progression
dently of the presence of anemia and is associated and peripheral organ dysfunction (kidney, liver)
with impaired functional capacity and decreased has been shown because organ function can
health-related quality of life.68,70 All these findings improve after heart transplant or left ventricular
form a strong background to expect beneficial assist device implantation.

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528 Biegus et al

As already mentioned, the problem of growing CLINICS CARE POINTS

coexistence of advanced HF and malignant dis-
eases also needs to be acknowledged. For many
For the pathophysiologic mechanisms in
years, this relation has been mainly seen through
advanced HF, remember:
the prism of drug cardiotoxicity; however, it now
becomes clear that it goes far beyond these  To target activation of the neurohormonal
boundaries. The general population, especially of system and sympathetic nervous system
industrialized countries, is progressively aging,  To assess congestion and, if present, to iden-
resulting in significant increase in patients with tify different patterns of congestions with
both HF and malignant diseases.84 The incidence subsequent therapeutic decisions.
of malignancy in previously diagnosed HF has  To evaluate and manage coexisting comor-
been estimated in the range of 19 to 34 per 1000 bidities, because their underlying pathophys-
person-years.85 The combination of these 2 dis- iologies may interfere with the progression of
eases with the need for simultaneous treatments the disease.
is becoming serious challenge in clinical practice.  That novel pathophysiologic pathways have
Interestingly, there is growing evidence of the become therapeutic targets with the
overlap of risk factors for HF and cancer. Some following therapies: vericiguat, a soluble
epidemiologic studies suggest that cancer may guanylate cyclase stimulator; omecamtiv me-
be more common among patients with preexisting carbil, a selective cardiac myosin activator;
HF.86,87 An intriguing explanation considers sys- sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors;
temic pathophysiologic processes, such as neuro- and FCM for patients with concomitant ID
hormonal activation, inflammation, and oxidative
stress, superimposed by genetic predisposition
to promote development of both conditions, HF
and cancer.86 However, the results are still equiv- DISCLOSURE
ocal,88 and more studies are needed to confirm Prof. P. Ponikowski declares consultancy fees and
the potential pathophysiologic and epidemiologic speaker’s honoraria from AstraZeneca, Boeh-
link between HF and cancer. From a clinical ringer Ingelheim, Vifor Pharma, Amgen, Servier,
perspective, the similarity of symptoms should Novartis, Bayer, Pfizer, and Impulse Dynamics,
also be noted, because many patients with malig- and a research grant from Vifor Pharma. Other au-
nancies report HF-like symptoms, such as dys- thors have nothing to disclose.
pnea, fatigue, weakness, muscle wasting,
edema, and anorexia.84–86 Of note, cachexia, REFERENCES
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