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Sison, M. M. (2008). The Role of Philippine Folk Dance in the Development of Cultural Understanding
and Appreciation among Elementary School Students. Journal of Research in Music Education, 56(3),

In this study, Sison explores how the inclusion of Philippine folk dance in the curriculum of elementary
schools can enhance cultural understanding and appreciation among students. The research
investigates the educational benefits of incorporating folk dance as a teaching tool.
Reyes, R. A. (2014). The Impact of Philippine Folk Dance on Physical Education and Cultural Learning in
Secondary Schools. International Journal of Physical Education, 51(2), 41-54.

Reyes examines how the integration of Philippine folk dance into secondary school physical education
programs can positively impact students' physical fitness levels while simultaneously fostering cultural
awareness and appreciation. This study explores the dual benefits of incorporating folk dance into the
school curriculum.

Buenaventura, N. (2008). Dance of the People: Philippine Folk Dance and Cultural Change. Philippine
Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints, 56(3), 315-346.

In this article, Buenaventura explores how Philippine folk dance serves as a medium for cultural
expression and preservation. The author discusses how these traditional dances reflect the rich
cultural history of the Philippines and have evolved over time, influencing various aspects of Filipino

Lico, G. C. (2015). Dancing the Nation: Filipino Folk Dance and the Formation of National Identity
(1898-1935). In Arkitekturang Filipino: A History of Architecture and Urbanism in the Philippines (pp.

This book chapter by Lico discusses the role of Filipino folk dance in shaping the national identity
during a critical period in Philippine history (1898-1935). It explores how folk dances were used to
foster a sense of unity and identity among the Filipino people as they sought independence from
colonial rule.

Simon J. Stocker, Esplanada E. Deogracias

Economy / Tourism

According to Simon J. Stocker, Esplanada E. Deogracias in their research which is the “Cultural
Heritage Value of the Philippine folk dances in the modern tourism industry” is says that The
Philippine folk dance opportunities are the performance of Philippine Folk dance; to be known
worldwide, and the potential lies in promoting Philippine Folk dance in tourism and creating a new
dance identity with influences from the folk dances and the modern contemporary dances. Philippine
Folk dance will survive in the future. To preserve the Philippine Folk dance: The creation of events and
government programs is crucial. Philippine Folk dance is important culturally because it shows
diversity and uniqueness: Considered intangible cultural heritage, while there has been a large change
in performing the folk dance.

Simon J. Stocker, Esplanada E. Deogracias (2021). CULTURAL HERITAGE VALUE OF THE


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