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Republic of the Philippines


College of Education
Sorsogon City Campus
Magsaysay St., Sorsogon City
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Name: Sean Charles T. Jarabejo

Topic Title: Lifestyle and Weight Management (physical activity and eating habits) (PE and
health 9)
Date: May 4, 2023
Yr. And Section: BPED 1A
Cooperating Teacher: Raquel Agasa



At the end of 60-minute period, at least 70% of the students should be able to:

a) Define Lifestyle and Weight

Management (physical
activity and eating habits) (PE and health 9)
, correctly.
b) Execute Lifestyle and Weight Management properly.
c) Show interest in the discussion by actively participating with joy .


A. Topic: Lifestyle and Weight

Management (physical
activity and eating habits)

B. Reference: PE9PF-Ia-39

C. Materials:

Item number Name of materials Quantity

1 Manila paper 3

2 White board marker 1

3 Pictures 5

4 Paper plate 5

D. Concepts:
Essential concept: Lifestyle and Weight management

Sub concept: -Physical activities and Physical fitness

-Proper Nutrition (Food pyramid)
-Non-Communicable diseases

E. Teaching Strategies:

a. Motivation: Arranging the scattered pictures of the food pyramid

b. Lesson recall: Sharing of knowledge related to the topic
c. Lesson Presentation: Lecture
d. Abstraction: Q and A (recitation)
e. Analysis: Activity explaining about the topic
f. Application: Group Activity
g. Assessment: Short Quiz
h. Assignment: Poster making

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Activity

      a. Pre-Activity

       The teacher conducts classroom routines such as

prayer, cleaning and checking of attendance.
Dave: Let us pray and bow our
Teacher: Before we start, can anyone in the class lead the head’s everyone, Our Father,
prayer? And everybody pick up the trash around you. Who art in heaven, hallowed
be Thy name; Thy kingdom
come; Thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
Teacher: Everybody be sited. I will now check the as we forgive those who
trespass against us; and lead
us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil. Amen.

Checking of attendance

     b. Lesson Recall

✔ Sharing of knowledge of the topic.

Teacher: Does anyone here knows that they have a healthy

lifestyle? and explain it why
Fred: I have a healthy lifestyle
sir, Because I eat 3x a day
and I follow the food pyramid.
Also, I don't eat junk food.
Teacher: Very good Fred.

     c. Motivation: (Arranging the scattered pictures of the

food pyramid)

Teacher: So everybody group yourselves in 5 groups. What    The students will arrange the
you will need to do is to arrange the pictures scattered in the pictures of the food pyramid
plate to form the food pyramid correctly. correctly and orderly with the
GO,GROW,GLOW pattern.

     d. Lesson Presentation: Lecture Method  

Teacher: Good day class! So we are going to tackle

everything about lifestyle and weight management. Lifestyle
is the way a person lives- his/her activities, attitude,
interests and values. And on the other hand weight
management is the set of practices needed to keep your
weight at a healthy level. There are 4 classifications of
weight: first is underweight, next is Normal or healthy
weight, next is Overweight and lastly is Obese weight. In
assessing your weight you need to compute your BMI, BMI
is the Body Mass Index, you will need to compute your
weight over height and the range has to be 18.5 to 24.9 to
achieve a healthy weight. Underweight range is 18.4 or less
than, Overweight range is 25.0 to 29.9 and lastly obese
range is 30.0 to 40.0.

Teacher: So class, there are non communicable diseases-

lifestyle related that we need to know. So the number one is
Smoking- smoking causes cancer and heart diseases. It
also worsens diseases like tuberculosis and diabetes.Next
is Alcohol- Excessive alcohol consumption is linked to the
cancer of the mouth,esophagus, and liver. It can also
damage the heart, lead to high blood pressure, heart attack
and stroke. Even in Physical inactivity- having an inactive
physical lifestyle is unhealthy it can lead to obesity and high
blood pressure . It can also cause heart attack, diabetes
and stroke. Unhealthy diet and nutrition- Eating unhealthy
food can lead to chronic diseases.

B. Abstraction
Asking Questions to the class (Recitation) The students will answer the
question based on what they
Teacher:How can we avoid these non communicable learn.
Ara: We can Avoid these
diseases if we engage
Teacher: Well said ara, thank you. ourselves to a healthy lifestyle
or balanced diet and engage
more in physical activities.
Teacher: What are we going to need in achieving a
healthy body or weight?
Luna: We are going to need
discipline on what we are
going to eat and we need to
commit to what hobbies are
going to do.
Teacher: Very good Luna. We all need to discipline
ourselves in what to eat and what to do.

C. Analysis The students will answer the

      question based on what they
     Teacher:How important is being healthy? Why?. learn.

Mana: It’s important to be

healthy so that we may avoid
Teacher: How can we make sure that we have a healthy these unwanted non
lifestyle? communicable diseases.

Bob: We can make sure our

lifestyle is healthy by joining
sports and other physical
activities that help us to be
physically fit.

D. Application
Group activity      The student will execute
their presentation in front of
the class.
Teacher: Now u will group yourselves into 5 members
in which you will pick your own groupmates. You will
need to present to everybody what are the simple
activities that we can do at our home to ensure our
health to be physically fit.

Creativity - 50 %
Originality - 20 %
Content - 30%
Total: 100%

IV. Assessment: Short Quiz (12 items)

1.What is a healthy lifestyle?
- is the way a person lives- his/her activities, attitude, interests and values.
2.This is the set of practices we need to keep our weight at a healthy level
- Weight Management
3-6 The classifications of weight (in order)
- Underweight

- Normal or healthy weight

- Overweight
- Obese weight

7. What is BMI?
- Body Mass Index
8. What are we going to need in computing our own BMI?
- Weight and height
9-11. Give at least 3 examples of Non communicable disease.
- Smoking
- Excessive Consumption of alcohol
- Physical Inactivity
- Unhealthy diet and nutrition.
12. What we need to do for us to achieve a healthy lifestyle. (in your own
V. Assignment:

Make a Poster about “Having a Healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet” Make sure the
poster has its own concept that explains how we can achieve a healthy lifestyle at
home. This will be graded according to the criteria below.

Creativity - 50 %

Originality - 20 %

Content - 30%

Total: 100%

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