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A Senior High School Paper

Presented to the faculty of Instruction
Senior High School Department
San Agustin (Stand Alone) Senior High School

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Senior High School Program

Academic Track, General Academic Stand
S/Y 2022 - 2023


Lagat, John Icon Hagler, Marielle Kaye

Saulon, Carl Joseph Botin, Mish Andrea

Bulquiren, John Gabriel Oronan, Mark Justine

Brinas, Angelica Martines, Thumas James

Achero, Judy Ann Ibasco, Christian Jake

Nacario, Maricris


Completing a scholarly work such as this is truly mind cracking and brain

squeezing. But because of a number of people who unselfishly devoted their time and

energy just to make this possible, everything became exactly just right. Hence, we

extend our sincere thanks to the following person for without them, this study would not

have been possible.

To Mr. Celito V. Sayson, our School Principal II, for granting us the permission to

conduct this study.

To Mr. Ricardo M. Gamurot Jr., our Research Adviser, for the understanding

and assistance that greatly contributed to the improvement of this study.

To the Respondents, for the accommodation, time, and support they have

shared during the process of data generation for this study.

To our beloved parents, for their unending financial and moral support, likewise

for love and understanding for our shortcomings. Also, for the spiritual prayers and

sympathy. Our everlasting gratitude and unending thanks to them.

Above all, to the Almighty God, for giving us the gift of wisdom, his loving care,

and protection especially during the data gathering period and for making us brave to

face the challenges and difficulties in our studies, his everlasting love that serve as our



The Researchers


Title Page



Chapter 1: THE PROBLEM

Introduction ...............................................................................................1

Statement of the Problem..........................................................................2

Basic Assumptions ....................................................................................2

Statement of Hypothesis............................................................................3

Significance of the Study...........................................................................4

Scope and Delimitation .............................................................................3

Locale of the Study....................................................................................5

Definition of Terms....................................................................................6

Chapter 2: Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature.....................................................................................6

Related Studies........................................................................................7
Synthesis of the Statement of the Art....................................................8

Gap-Bridged by the Study.........................................................................8

Conceptual Framework.............................................................................8

Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology

Research Design......................................................................................8

Research Methodology..............................................................................9

Research Procedure……….....................................................................10


Sampling Technique………………….......................................................10

Data collection method and Analysis……………...............................10

Statistical Tools used in the Study……………....................................10

Chapter 4: The Study Findings

Presentation and Analysis of the Research Data.....................................8

Chapter 5: Summary Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Summary of the Research Findings………………………………………...10

The Study Conclusions.............................................................................13

The Study Recommendations ……….…………………………………...…14


Appendices ......................................................................................................13
Chapter 1



In recent years, there has been growing interest in revising the traditional school
calendar to better meet the needs of students, teachers, and families. One proposal is
to implement a year-round or modified school calendar, where students attend school
for shorter periods with more frequent breaks throughout the year. This research aims to
explore the potential impact of a revised school calendar on students’ academic
performance and well-being.

DepEd ORDER No. 034s. 2022

Undersecretaries Assistance secretaries bureau Directors of Service , center and

heads of units regional directors minister, basic, higher, and technical education,
BARMM schools division superintendents heads, public and private elementary and
secondary schools heads ALS community learning centers state/local universities and
colleges heads all others concerned. The Department of Education (DEPED) issues the
School Calendar and Activities for the School Year (SY) 2022-2023 in a according with
its commitment to the resumption of 5 days in person classes despite the crisis brought
on by the COVID-19. Pandemic. Pursuant to Republic Act 11480, An Act Amending
Section 3 of RA No. 7797, otherwise known as “An Act to Lengthen the School Calendar
from Two Hundred (200) Days to Not More Than Two Hundred Twenty (220) Class
Day’s”, the School Year 2022-2023 shall formally open on Monday, August 22, 2022,
and shall end on July 7, 2023. It shall consist of 203 school days or as may be
determined by further issuance/s in case of changes in the school calendar due to
unforeseen circumstances.

The Implementing Guidelines on the SY 2022-2023 Calendar and Activities are

provided in Enclosure No. 1 to ensure that the number of school days required for
curriculum operations and academic-related activities are property complied with. It
likewise ensures that schools are given the necessary information on how to manage
certain situations involving COVID-19 and other infection diseases.

Statement of the Problem

Research statements are posed to obtain the relevant information required to

fulfill the objectives. The main problem to be answered in this study is

1. What is the impact of a revised school calendar in student’s well-being, including

their physical, social, and emotional health?
2. What are the perceived advantages and disadvantage of a revised school
calendar among students?
3. How does a revised school calendar affect student’s academic performance,
such as grades and standardized test scores?
4. How do demographic factors, such as age, gender, and socio-economics status,
influence students’ perceptions and experience of a revised school calendar?

Basic Assumptions

In order to allow the researchers to draw the conclusions correctly, these

unexamined beliefs will be tested:

1. Implementing of the New Revise School Calendar in School Year 2022 –


2. There are various impacts of New Revise School Calendar along the HUMMS

Students of SASHS.

Statement of Hypothesis
There is a significant difference between the OLD and the NEW revised School


Significance of the Study

SHS Learners. SHS learners will be able to gain insights and understanding regarding

the significant effects of the New School Calendar. With this study, they can evaluate

whether the implementation of the New School Calendar has a positive or negative

effect among their academic performance.

SHS Teachers. SHS Teachers will gain consciousness of how New School Calendar

impacts the students in today’s new education system. And with that consciousness,

they can probably make possible readjustments and interventions that will address the

issues faced by the students if ever identified.

SHS Implementing Units. SHS Implementing Units may use this study to acquire

comprehension regarding the opinions and experiences of the students under the New

School Calendar.

SHS Parents. This study may serve as a guide for them to know what is the impact to

their children with the New School Calendar. This way, they can come up with ideas as

to understand the impact of the Revise School.

Department of Education, Schools Division Office of Iriga City. With the

accomplishment of this study, they will be mindful of the effectiveness of implementing

New School Calendar in the country. If possible, they may create a more constructive
planning considering this study specifically the thoughts of the respondents as basis for

their arrangement.

Scope and Delimitation

This present study will determine the impacts of New School Calendar towards

the academic performance of the Grade 11 HUMMS student of San Agustin (Stand

Alone) Senior High School of Iriga City. This study will specifically focus on determining

the level of effectiveness in the implementation of the New School Calendar among the

HUMMS learners of SASHS and its impact along the delivery mode of that order.

Due to the Pandemic the DepEd decided to adjust and make a revised School

Calendar for the upcoming school year.

The researchers also aim to prove whether there is a significant difference

between the Old and New School Calendar.

Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted in San Agustin (Stand Alone) Senior High School of

San Agustin, Iriga City. A DepEd managed partially urban Senior High School public

school, and one of the best school in Iriga City that offers two tracks which are

Academic and Technical Vocational Track. Under Academic Track are Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS), Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), and General Academic

Strand (GAS). The school is equipped with knowledgeable teachers and staffs that
nurture the students and give them the armor of knowledge. The slogan of the school is

“Empowering Skills for a Better Life”.

Definition of Terms

Impact- This is the effect of the New School Calendar to the Academic performance of

Grade 11 HUMMS learners of SASHS.

School Calendar- Is a calendar delineating specifically the dates on which school will

be in session, the dates on which it will be closed and the reasons therefore, and the

dates on which classes will not be held.

Academic Performance – This is the overall or General Weighted Average of a

learner considering all the learning areas enrolled per semester.

Learning Area – This is the subjects enrolled per semester.

Delivery Mode – This is the manner and method of providing basic education to the

students under the new School calendar.

Learners Output - Output is the product of learning or, in other words, the

demonstration that learning has occurred. Output is extremely important in learning

because it helps to show that students are able to take the knowledge that they have

learned and apply it.

HUMMS- They are the learners under the Humanities in Social Sciences strand which

are the respondents of this study.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literature and studies relevant in the conduct of

the study.

Related Literature

This part shows the related concepts, definition and application of New School

Calendar to the current education system in the country.

 The number of school days in this DO shall society be decided to academics

and related co-curricular activities. The conduct of extra-curricular activities shall be

strictly prohibited. The list of co-curricular activities will be issued in a separate DO.

The basic Education Development Plan (BEDP) 2030, as adopted in Do 24, s.

2022, outs forward four priority development areas, namely (1) pivoting to quality,

ensuring that all learners attain learning standards in every key stage in the K to 12

program; (2) expanding access to education for groups in situation of the disadvantage

to ensure exclusive and equitable quality service delivery; (3) empowering learners to

be resilient and to acquire life skills; and (4) strengthening the promotion of the overall

well-being of learners in a positive learning environment where learners exercise their

rights and experience joy while being aware of their responsibilities as individuals and

as members of society. Public schools that were already implementing the 5 days in-

person classes at the end of SY 2022-2023 shall continue to do the same at the

beginning of the incoming school year.

Teachers shall adhere to the stipulation under DO 8, s. 2015, which requires the

provision of intervention through remediation or extra lessons to learners who receive a

grade below 75. To ensure that teachers perform this task, they must be spared of any

administration and finance-related tasks, particularly in schools where qualified non-

teaching personnel can be designated to perform such roles.

DepEd has been advocating the government’s initiative to encourage strict

adherence to public health protocols while implementing policies that ensure the

delivery of accessible, responsive, and quality education throughout this health crisis.

Related Studies

The Presidential Spokesperson said in a statement {Enclosure No. 3} that "the office of

the president notes the recommendation of the DOH to declare a state of Public Health

Emergency. The said proposal has been raised to the attention of the President who

has agreed to issues such declaration after considering all critical factors with the aim of

safeguarding the Health of Filipino public.

Deped offices and schools shall ensure that all DepEd personnel and learners who

are known to have had close contact with confirm causes of COVID-19 shall

undergo home quarantine, strictly following prescribed guidelines by health

authorities, including the necessary medical check-ups, DepEd personnel and learners

who are also known to have had closed contacts with those categorized by the DOH as

"persons under investigation" shall also be closely monitored by their respective

supervisors, advisers, or school heads.

Synthesis of the statement of the art

The learners who exhibit symptoms of COVID 19 shall be immediate excused from in-

person classes and shift to distance learning .this shall only be required of those who feel

well enough to answer modules or participants in online classes but in the or facility

isolation this provision excludes learners who are admitted to prevent learners

with symptoms similar to COVID 19 from going to school ,prevent are highly encouraged

to monitor and report the health status of their children to the school through the class

adviser and appropriate authorities.

All division and district activities that involve the gathering/congregation of various

schools in cities and municipalities where there have been DOH-confirmed local

cases of COVID-19 are suspended effective upon the issuance of this memorandum

and until further notice. As of March 7, 2020, these are Taguig City and San Juan City,

National Capital Region.

Gap-Bridged of the Study

According to DepEd Undersecretary Diosdado San Antonio, the newly-proposed school

calendar will start on August 22, 2022 and end on July 7, 2023. There will be a total of 215

school days with 11 weeks allotted for every quarter.

The first quarter of the school year will be from August 22 to November 4, 2022, the

second quarter from November 7, 2022 to February 3, 2023, the third quarter from

February 13 to April 28, 2023, and the fourth quarter will run from May 2 to July 7, 2023.

In the proposal, DepEd included a Christmas break which will last from December 19,

2022 to January 2, 2023, as well as a mid-year break scheduled from February 6 to 10,


It was also mentioned in the proposal that graduation rites will be conducted from July 10

to July 14, 2023, while remedial or enrichment classes are scheduled from July 17, 2023

to August 26, 2023.

Theoretical Framework

Year-round learning: Instead of the traditional long summer break, the new calendar

could incorporate a year-round learning approach. This approach involves shorter

breaks spread throughout the year, with more frequent and evenly distributed

opportunities for enrichment activities and educational experiences.

Conceptual Framework

Education provisions enacted at the national level impact states by requiring a priority on

improving the academic performance of students. Leaders in educational settings strive to

implement changes that will aid in closing achievement gaps and increase academic

achievement. The goal of this quantitative study was to determine if differences exist on

fifth grade students performance on reading and mathematics assessments between

schools on full year calendars and school on traditional 9 month calendars for years 2016-

2017,-2018, AND 2018-2019. Although statistically significant differences were not found,

results inform decision making pertinent to time allocated for student learning. Results can

be considered by district and campus administrations to support and encourage initiatives

which focus on designated instructional time to target students academic needs.

Chapter 3


Research Designed

This study utilized the descriptive survey instrument. The questionnaire checklist was the

primary instrument used and it was cross checked by the used of an informal interview.

Research Methodology

This research will use a Survey methods approach, including quantitative data collection

and analysis. The study will involve surveying a sample of students from different section

and backgrounds to gather their perceptions of a revised school calendar. Additionally,

academic performance data, such as grades and standardized test scores, will be

collected and analyzed to compare the performance of students in schools with a

traditional calendar versus those with a revised calendar. Finally, interviews with a subset

of students will provide more in-depth insights into their experiences and well-being in

relation to the revised calendar.



Statistical tools Interview

Research’ Recommendation

Figure 2

Research Methodology
Research Procedure

A research-made questionnaire method with the corresponding rating scale was

used in gathering the data and in determining the Impact of the New School Calendar to

the Academic Performance HUMMS learners of SASHS. The questionnaire design was

categorized in a few choices. 30% of the HUMMS learners in SASHS were selected as

the sample of the study. The questionnaires were hard copy forms.


Purposive sampling was employed in tabulation for the impact of the new school


Convenience sampling was used to determine to selection of the respondents

having 25 or 100%.

Data Collection Method and Analysis

For the purposes of this research, in depth interviews and focused group

discussion were conducted to identify participant’s emotions, feelings, and opinions

regarding a particular research subject. The main advantage of personal interviews

is that they involve personal and direct contact between interviewers and interviewees,

as well as eliminate non-response rates, but interviewers need to have developed

the necessary skills to successfully carry an interview. What is more, unstructured

interviews offer flexibility in terms of the flow of the interview, thereby leaving room for

the generation of conclusions that were not initially meant to be derived regarding a

research subject.
However, there is the risk that the interview may deviate from the pre-specified

research aims and objectives. As far as data collection tools were concerned, the

conduct of this study involved the use of a semi-structured questionnaire, which was

used as an interview guide for the researcher. Some certain questions were prepared,

so as for the researcher to guide the interview towards the satisfaction of

research objectives. Also, a separate survey questionnaire was made to gather data

that can answer the objectives of the study.


The questionnaire checklist was shown to the professor for some comments and

suggestions. There was a modification made. After the modification, it was reflected in

the said instrument and was finally printed. Then a dry run of the rating scale. Revisions

and improvements were made

Statistical Tools used in the Study

The statistical tool used for the research was the percentage distribution formula.

With the equation:




P=n÷ N ×100

Where P is the percentage, n is the number of respondents and N is the total number of

respondents. This formula was used to statistically analyze the data gathered that will
provide answers to other problems of this study.


The respondent of this study is the Grade 11 HUMMS Students of Stand Alone

Senior High School.

Chapter 4


Table 1: Demographic Profile


16-17 32 91.4%

18-19 1 2.85%

20-21 0 0%

22-23 1 2.85%

24 Above 1 2.85%

Total 35 100%
In this table shows that most of the respondent is 16-17 age.

Table 2: What is the impact of a revised school calendar in student’s well-being,

including their physical, social, and emotional health?

T %

Reduced 5 14.28%

Improved 20 57.14%

Disruption 10 28.57%

Total 35 100%

In this table shows that improved Academic performance is the most

selected than reduced learning loss and Disruptions to routines.

Therefore, most of the respondent choose improved academic performance.

Table 3: What are the perceived advantages and disadvantage of a revised

school calendar among students?

T %

Reduced 3 8.57%

Enhanced 20 57.14%

Disruption 1 2.85%

Scheduling 11 31.42%

Total 35 100%

This table shows that 20 or 57.14% of the respondents selected the Enhanced


Therefore, most of the respondent select the enhance well-being.

Table 4: How does a revised school calendar affect student’s academic
performance, such as grades and standardized test scores?

T %

Learning 5 14.28%
Focus 15 42.85%
Test 7 20%
Transition 8 22.85%
Total 35 100%

This table shows that most respondent affect their focus and concentration by the

new revised school calendar.

Therefore, most respondent choose the focus and concentration.

Table 5: How do demographic factors, such as age, gender, and socio-economic
status, influence students' perceptions and experiences of a revised school

T %
Young 12 34.28%
Gender-Based 9 25.71%
Students 14 40%
Total 35 100%

In this table shows that students from lower socio-economic backround is the

most influence students perceptions and experiences.

Therefore, most of the respondents select the students from lower socio-

economic backgrounds.


Summary of the Research Findings

This section summarizes the research finding of the study. The primary research

question is: What is the Impact of Revised School Calendar on a grade 11 HUMMS

Students’ Academic Performance and well-being of San Agustin (Stand Alone) Senior

High School? The study sought to provide answer to this basic question by answering

the following specific question:

1. What is the impact of a revised school calendar in student’s well-being, including

their physical, social, and emotional health?

Improved Academic performance is the impact of new revise school calendar

according to the respondents.
2. What are the perceived advantages and disadvantage of a revised school
calendar among students?
Enhanced well-being is the most perceived advantages of a revised school
calendar according to 20 respondents out of 35
3. How does a revised school calendar affect student’s academic performance,
such as grades and standardized test scores?
According to the respondents new revised school calendar affect their focus and
4. How do demographic factors, such as age, gender, and socio-economics status,
influence students’ perceptions and experience of a revised school calendar?

According to the respondents Students from lower socio-economic backgrounds

is the most influence students by their perceptions and experience of a revised
school calendar.

The Study Conclusions

Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Mostly of the respondents improved their academic performance.

2. Perceived advantages of revised school calendar is well being among the

Grade 11 HUMMS students of SASHS.

3. Mostly of the respondents affect their Focus and concentration on their

Academic performance.

4. Students from lower socio-economic backgrounds is the most influence

students among their perceptions and experiences.

The Study Recommendation

Considering the presented conclusions of the study, the researcher wishes to

make some recommendations, which, if taken into consideration, might bring some

positive developments to the current approach of the new revised school calendar. The

following recommendation have been made:

1. We recommend to return to the old school calendar.

2. The Department of Education must have know the impact of summer class to

the students.

3. We recommend to make the student comfortable to the new school calendar.

4. We recommend to help the students from lower socio-economic backgrounds

to have access to resources outside of school.

5. The Department of Education must release some equipment to reduce

temperature cause by the weather.

6. A similar study can be conducted by incorporating the same variables but

using other populations.

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