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Nama : Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas/Sem : IX/1 Materi : Intention, Agreement
Tugas : 2 (KUMPUL 31/08/2021)

Conjungtions “to” (Menggunakan Kata sambung “to” )

Kata sambung “to” disini artinya untuk bukan kepada. Ketika posisi kata “to” sebagai kata sambung maka artinya
berubah menjadi “untuk”/“supaya”
Rumus = To + Verb 1
We should eat breakfast to do our activities during the day (Kita harus sarapan untuk melakukan aktivitas
sepanjang hari)
We should jog to have stronger lungs. ( Kita harus jogging supaya mempunyai paru-paru yang kuat)
Shalza join the competition to get the reward. (Shalza mengikuti pertandingan supaya mendapatkan hadiah) 

Conjungtions “in order to” (Menggunakan kata sambung ” in order to” ) yang berarti “supaya”. 
Rumus 1 = in order to + Verb 1
Rumus 2 = in order to + be + adjective/adverb
They excersize every day in order to have strong body (___________________________________________)
Salma says we should eat enough in order to be healthy (__________________________________________)
We should eat well in order not to get sick easily (_______________________________________________)

Conjungtions “so that” Kata sambung so that artinya sama seperti kata sambung in order to yaitu artinya
Rumus = so that + noun / subject
Contoh ;
We should eat enough fruits so that we will be healthy.
We have to clean our bath tub regularly so that mosquitoes do not lay their legs there.
Perhatikan 2 kalimat di atas! Setelah kata sambung “so that” diikuti sebuah klausa atau kalimat, Syarat sebuah
kalimat yaitu ada Subjek dan Kata kerja. Dari kalimat tersebut bisa kita perhatikan setelah kata sambung “so that”
ada kalimat yang lengkap dengan subjek dan kata kerjanya. 

TUGAS 1. Pilihlah jawaban kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat dibawah ini dengan menggaris
bawahi jawaban yang benar. 
1. We wash our hands (in order to / so that)be clean
2. We obey the traffic (in order to / so that)we can avoid the accident
3. People stay at home(in order to / so that)stay away from covid-19
4. Student should eat breakfast (in order to / so that) will have energy to go to school
5. Aisyah works out every day (in order to / so that) stay healthy
6. I save my money (so that / to) buy a sophisticated hand phone.
7. I go to school on feet (to / so that) save my money
8. He drives carefully (in order to / so that) he can reach home safely.
9. Dad works out every day (in order to / so that) be younger.
10.We eat nutrious food (in order to / so that) be healthy

EXPRESSION OF AGREEMENT OR DISAGREEMENT (Ungkapan setuju atau tidak setuju)

Expression of agreement artinya ekspresi atau ungkapan yang menyatakan setuju dengan pendapat orang
lain. Expressing agreement berarti mengekspresikan persetujuan.
Expression of disagreement artinya ekspresi atau ungkapan yang menyatakan tidak setuju dengan pendapat orang
lain. Expressing disagreement berarti mengekspresikan ketidaksetujuan.
Expression of agreement  Expression of disagreement 
 I agree…  I don’t agree…
 I agree with you.  I don’t agree with you.
 You are right.  I don’t think so.
 I couldn’t agree with you more.  That’s not what I think.
 That’s the point.  I couldn’t agree with you less.
 I will say that.  I’m not sure.
 I feel the same way about  Probably not.

→ Expressing Agreement
Tomi : Our class is so dirty and trash is everywhere. We won’t feel comfortable when we’re learning.
Rian : Why don’t we sweep the floor and clean the class?
Tomi : I will say that. Let’s do it.
Rian : Okay.
→ Expressing disagreement
Tomi : I think it will be nice to go hiking this holiday.
Rian : That’s not what I think. I want to go to the beach.

TUGAS on page 29-31 (Conversation 1 and Conversation 2)

No Advice Agreement or Disagreement
+ - Expression in the conversations
1 You should go to the doctor √ I don’t think that’s a good idea
2 Just take a good rest and drink a lot I agree with Udin

of water, Lina



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