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Self Evaluation Form

Name of Student: Gabrielle Pereira De Andrade

Course BA (Hons) Fine Art, Chelsea College of Arts

Unit Title: Unit 3. Thinking Through Making and Making Things Happen
Year 1

Unit 3 is designed to enable you to develop your independent art practice in an experimental way
towards concrete forms of realisation and in pursuit of your own self-directed research.
The unit is focused around an offsite show, for which you will be supported to find a group to
collaborate with and then locate a space in London to test out your work in an environment
outside the spaces set up by the college.
In addition, you will write an essay drawing on the contextual and theoretical enquiry that arises
from and informs your practice.

Describe what kind of experimentation you have carried out in your own art practice.

I have experimented with sound. Using the planform ‘Audacity’ to help me create 8D audio to
play in headphones. These are waves of sound being constantly changed from ear to ear to
create a ‘3D’ effect but in your ears. I have also experimented with acrylic paint. Creating
droplets of acrylic paint which when dried, can create a bump like surface to play with your
sensory neurons when passing your fingers through it.
I have also attempted in experimenting in playing around with peoples feelings and emotions
through sounds on the headphones.

Describe what your contribution was to the offsite show.

In the offsite show I contributed the element of sound. I was the only individual who used a non physical but also
physical medium in my work. It brought in the physical interaction of an audience where people could get involved it.
It brought out the reaction from people. My work stirred up a lot of conversation starters. The positioning of my
work, especially the clip hanger created directional lines to other peoples work. The hangers where all pointed to
someone’s work, directing a viewers eye and attention to look at someone else’s. It also gave them the excitement
to be more interactive and open minded to others artwork.

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Discuss how the research for your essay has informed your thinking about your own art

My essay helped me shed light on how artists use sound to play around with people emotions.
This helped me translate this into my own work with my 8D sounds by calculating aright time to
place the sound decimals to create a sense of uncomfortableness and weirdness. The essay also
helped me to prove in my own practice how sound can be effected by its location. I ended up
answering my own question through my practice. In a more secluded place, sound can have a
greater impact as the sound is amplified and heightened making it cause more attention to a

Evaluate your work this unit (practice and essay) – e.g. what has been most successful in what
you have done and why? What have been your aims and how successfully have you achieved
them, why (not)? What has failed this unit and what have you learnt form it? What has
surprised you in what you have done and challenged your initial ideas? What will you build on
or do differently next?

Focus on analysing your work here, not on external factors – e.g. how your work successfully
communicated your ideas, how you could have composed it differently to achieve a particular
effect, NOT how your exhibition would have been better if someone else in your group had
turned up to your meetings etc..

I think that my work was very successful out of all the other projects in which I have made.
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In all the other projects, I had felt like my messages weren't being translated properly to
an audience and my message wasn't quite clear. I like my practice to have a clear intent
but to also help others use their imagination. I feel like I have successfully done this with
this project by writing the instructions to the audience for the viewer to close their eyes
and have a clear sense of direction. 
This allowed viewers to use their imagination on what the sound could have been doing in
that moment or a scene which could be happening in that moment. 
I love how I can see link from other peoples work in my own work as they have inspired
me throughout the way. The 8D audio videos, Susan Phillipsz. 

Something which I would like to do next into further developing my work is to maybe use
speakers instead of headphones, so I can experiment with sound in different spaces, like
my written essay question. I can really put my essay question out into reality. 
My time management skills do need to be highly improved on so that I can get a better
quality outcome for my work and can focus more time on research.

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