Appropriation Ordinance No. 021

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Repubiic of the Philippines Province of Surigao del Sur CITY OF TANDAG Office of the City Budget -000- CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: | HEREBY CERTIFY as to the existence of appropriation for the obligation of one (1) unit Motor Vehicle under the City Social Welfare & Development Office, City of Tandag in the amount of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand (P2,500,000.00) Pesos Only per FY 2022 General Fund Annual Budget specified under Appropriation Ordinance No. 021, dated November 17, 2021 Issued this 9th day of November 2022 for whatever legal purpose it may ‘serve best. HEDELIZA C. SALAZAR City Budget Officer I cee erty ote Sg ag | iblic of the Tandag City rine of Surge et sur | lth lpn nb same CIV OFDINDAG —_| Sone of the Sangguniang Panlurgsed i if- 2022 EXCERPT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE 45TH REGULAR SESSION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE STH SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD OF THE CITY OF TANDAG, SURIGAO DEL SUR, HELD ON. NOVEMBER 17,2021 AT THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD SESSION G SANGGUNIANG . PRESENT ECEIVEN|: HON. ELEANOR D. MOMO Y | City Vice Mayor Anh P; I Presiding Ofer leh. Peles Hon. John Paul C. Pimentel Sangguniandfenkingsed Member Hon. Denis E. Tan = Sangguniang Pantungsod Member Hon. Rebecca N. Avila - Sangguniang Panlungsod Member Hon. Hyna Jean R. Boniao = Sangguniang Panlungsod Member Hon. Albert D. Perez - Sangguniang Panlungsod Member Hon. Philip George S. Azarcon = ‘Sangguniang Panlungsod Member Hon. Imelda C. Faleon ~ Sangguniang Panlungsod Member Hon. Rey-Vie M. Gel - Sangguniang Panlungsod Member Hon. Sharie Mae L. Acosta - Sangguniang Paniungsod Member (SK Representative) ABSENT: Hon. Bernardo C. Urbiztondo, Jr. = -—-Sangguniang Panlungsod Member (On Special Leave) Hon. Seldio L. Pilongo = Sangguniang Pantungsod Member (On Special Leave) Hon. Rocky Roger M. Pimentel = Sangguniang Panlungsod Member (LNMB Representative) (On Offical Business) Hon. Cesar A. Bat-ao, Sr. ‘Sangguniang Paniungsod Member (IPM Representative) (On Official Business) APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE NO. 024 (Series of 2021) ‘AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL FUND ANNUAL BUDGET AND OPERATION OF ECONOMIC ENTERPRISES OF THE CITY OF TANDAG FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022 IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF ONE BILLION ‘SEVEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY NINE THOUSAND NINETEEN PESOS ONLY (P1,007,539,019.00) COVERING THE VARIOUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022 AND APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE ‘Authored by Hon. Rey-Vie M. Galt ‘Sponsored by: Hon. Selcio L. Plongo, and Hon. Philp George S. Azarcon ‘Seconded by All Sangguniang Panlungsod Members Present BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD, THIS CITY, THAT: Section 1. The General Fund Annual Budget and Operation of Economic Enterprises of the City of Tandag for Fiscal Year 2022 in the total amount of ONE BILLION SEVEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY NINE THOUSAND NINETEEN PESOS ONLY (P1,007,539,019.00) covering the various expenditures for the operation of the City Government for the Year 2022 is hereby approved. The budget documents consisting of the following are incorporated herein and made integral part of this Ordinance 1. Plantila of LGU Personnel 2. Annual Operating Budget of Local Economic Enterprises 7 Tanggapan ng Sanggunang Pariatawigan = EMA Teteohone No. (086). 211- 5832 E-Mal tpsungaosu@yatoo com ced eSerybeSoxgniryPaingot| Tandag City Proposed New Appropriations, by Object of Expenditures "Cera jae copy to egal document Signed — [Ssiemntvoe' ipsa oo exat | Paatvow | eSanoder | tnd Sonedor [ys ened case | Actus Actua! Estimate (Proposed) 2020 | Jenne 2001 y-dec.2021 | 2001 2022 ‘Sitaries and Wages - Regular s.0101010) 2.498,97662| 1,218,191.00 Personnel Economic Relief Alowance {5-01.02.010] 179,066.60] 85,468.52 ‘Representation Alowance 5.0 67,600.00] 33,750.00 “Teansportaton Alowance 5-01-02.039 - : ‘Geting/Unitorm Alowance sevazony 48,000.00} 42,0000 ‘Subsistence Alowance 5-01 75,425.00] 37,06451 Meet Pay sor-c2-110) 482,949.19) 203,058.81 ‘MisYear Bonus 01-02-140) 194,130.00] 198,557.00 ‘Yes End Bonus s.01-02-140) 209,012.00 : can cit so12 36,500.00 ‘Ger Bonuses and Alowances 5-01-02 160,324.00] 74,000.00 Gietrement & Life Insurance Premium |s-ot-os.010] 285,300.48) 142,961.04 ‘PAGIBIG Contributons sorcoca] 45,3206] 7,471.14 PHLHEALTH Contibutions 0105000 31,460.88] 15,794.40 -Ezpioyees Compensation Insurance Premiug 5.01 8.49469] 4,200.00 Tenminal Leave Benefits 5-0 407,545.57 : 1,902,132.91| 3,117,26400] — 3,212,710.00 14,533.48] 240,000.00 240,000.00 33,750.00} 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00] 67,500.00 67,500.00 18,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 70,935.49} 108,000.00 108,000.00 317,229.19] 520,288.00 534,840.00 81,408.00} 250,066.00 267,690.00 259,965.00] 250,985.00 267,776.00 50,000.00, 50,000.00 150,000.00 0,000.00} 124,000.00 0,000.00 231,110.96] 374,072.00 385,526.00 54,874.86 62,348.00 12,000.00, 38,758.60 54,553.00 56,223.00 7,800.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 1,352,000.00 | 1,352,000.00| _2,395,300.00 PERSONAL SERVICES 4,730,005.09 | 2,059,454.51 4,669,998.49 | 6,729,453.00] —7,787,065.00 ‘& OTHER (OPERATING EXPENSES ‘Traveling Expenses - Local s0201-010 16,550.00} 150,154.00 Training Expenses 50202010) 30,000.00] 1,480,095.00 (Oice Supplies Expenses sozcs01q 59,516.00 122,537.00 Food Supplies Expenses 5-02 234,912.00 Feel OW and Lubricants Expenses |s.0z03090) 57,300.00] 318,300.00 ‘Ghar Supplies & Materials Expenses {5.020390 5,000.00] 291,402.00 Water Expenses s.0204.01 5,250.00] 7,020.00 Becticty Expenses 5-02-04 : - ‘Telephone Expenses ava 10,130.00] 10,348.00 Jmtemet Subscription Expenses 14,948.00] 17,100.00 Catie Sati, Telegraph & Rado Expense |5.020500] 4,312.00} 3,136.00 ‘Ober General Services Expenses —_|[ : 72721 Repair & Maintenance 1,034,835.00 | 1,193,989.00] _1,318,078.00 4,886,055.00 | 6,366,150.00] —7,656,722.00 929817.00/ 1,052,354.00] —_1,196,603.00 257,838.00} 492,750.00 622,750.00 352,400.00] 670,700.00] —_1,163,900.00 499,942.00] 791,344.00} — 2.442,446.00 14,980.00 22,000.00 13,600.00 71,040.00 71,040.00 79,440.00 45,652.00 56,000.00 39,000.00 38,700.00 155,800.00 77,200.00 13,864.00 17,000.00 12,000.00, 54,272.78 66,000.00] —_9,561,200.00 168,983.00] 188,983.00 188,983.00 Buildings and Other Structures [5-02-13-040} . s Machinery & Equipment 5-02-1: - - 10,000.00 10,000.00. 10,000.00 “Transportation Equipment 1502-1: 41,960.00 14,720.00 408,230.00 422,950.00 328,680.00 Fiteity Bond 5-02-16- 6,750.00 6,750.00 3,250.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 ‘Representation Expenses 15-02- - - - - Rem Expense 15-02. - - - = 300,000.00, 5-02 - 136,000.00 15,000.00 150,000.00 2,927,040.00 (Gher Maintenance & Operating Expenses |5-02- 4,899,794.97 | | 3,151,723.33 | 10,893,260.67 14,044,984.00_ 6,512,138.00 a Once tenes 2,151,508.97 | 5.963.924.54 sarprteas| 25204400) —34458,780.00 \wiy/ 2 df 104 wat | rane [Taser Batre ee Object of Expo: “ " Tote! anaes Cote Actua! Actua! Estimate (Proposed) 2020 __| Janine, 2021 | suy-Dec, 2001 202 2022 [PROPERTY, PLANT & EQUIPMENT Buldings and Other Structures, .07-04.010 : : 5,567,160.00 (Office Equipment 1.07-06.020 - - 160,000.00} 160,000.00 970,000.00 Inemeton &CammuricatonTecnoky Equpmel-07-06-030) 60,000.00} 30,000.00} 50,000.00] 80,000.00 750,000.00 Motor Veicle +07-26.010 ; 2,500,000.00 Furnitures & Fixtures 107.07.01 : : 500,000.00 ‘TOTAL PROPERTY, PLANT & EQUIPMENT 50,000.00} 30,000.00] 210,000.00 240,000.00 _10,287,160.00 [TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 6,931,514.06 | 8,053,379.05 | 24,598,117.95 liscecenon 52,583,005.00 Republic of the Philippines Province of Surigao del Sur CITY OF TANDAG. fee of he Pangguriang Painbangsod 7Focr, Legaiotve Buleing ‘Axpert Rood, gy. Awasan ondag Civ, Surigao del O86) 214-3076 Page 3 Resolution No. 155 Series of 2021 WHEREAS, the staffing action to implement the upgrading of the former Nurse i positions by one (1) SG shall be dependent on whether the position is filed or vacant. For filled positions, the proper staffing action shail be reclassification from Nurse |, SG-15 to Nurse ll, SG-16. For vacant positions, the proper staffing action shell be conversion wherein the vacant Nurse | (formerly Nurse II) item shall be abolished, and in its stead, the creation of Nurse 1, SG-16 item shall be pursued. It is understood, however, that the conversion of the vacant Nurse items shall not result in any excess Nurse I! positions based on the existing prescribed staffing standards for government hospitals. WHEREAS, upon receipt of the NOSCA, the agency's HRMO/AO shall prepare the ‘appointments of the affected incumbents, following the procedures prescribed by the CSC In addition, the HRMO/AO shail aiso prepare the Notice of Position Allocations and Salary Adjustments (NPASA) of the affected incumbents, following the format attached. The Head of Agency/Local Chief Executive shal issue a NPASA to each employee concemed. The Government Service insurance System shali be furnished @ copy of the NPASA if the employee is a member thereof; WHEREAS, the ssiary adjustment of the former Nurse I! position under this Circular shail be subject to review and post-eudit, and to appropriate re-adjustment i found not in order. The recipient employees shall refund any overpayments received: WHEREAS, the amount required to implement the salary upgrading shal be charged excusively to the funds of the LGUs, subject to the PS Limitation in LGU budgets pursuant to Section 325 (a) and 331 (b) of RA No. 7160; WHEREAS, such amounts shall be provided for in an appropriation ordinance to be ‘enacted by the Sangguniang Panlungsod: WHEREAS, the Head of Agency/Local Chief Executive shall be responsible for the proper implementation of the provisions of this Circular. He/She shall be held liable for any Payment of salary adjustment not in accordance with the provisions of this Circular NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Members of The Sangguniang Paniungsod to “ADOPT BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. 2021-2 DATED AUGUST 25, 2021, OF THE DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT, MANILA, SUBJECT: MODIFICATION OF NURSE POSITIONS EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2021.” the Philippines Province of Surigao del Sur a CITY OF TANDAG ‘Aeoor Rood Brgy Awan geo or Poor Page 4 Resolution No. 155 Series of 2021 RESOLVED FURTHER, to furnish copies of this resolution to Dir. Winston G. Plaza, Acting Regional Director, CSC Regional Office, CARAGA 13, Doongan Road, Butuan City, thru Dir. Aurora B. Mantila, Director Il, CSC Provincial Field Office, Capito! Hills, Telaje. Tandag City, Surigao de! Sur; Mrs. Lina Y. Coma, Supervising Administrative Officer (HRMO V), CADMO-HRMD, this CGO-Tandag, for their information and favorable consideration ADOPTED, this 15” day of September, 2021 Movant: Hon. Rey-Vic M. Geli Seconder Ali Sangguniang Paniungsod Members Present sonsored by the on Finance, Budget and Appropriation Hon. Rey-Vie M. Geli Hon. Seldio L. Pilongo Hon. Philip George S. Azarcon AS disposed of by the Presiding Officer Ayes (8) Hon. Tan, Hon Avia, Hon Perez, Hon. Urbiztondo, Je, Hon. F Hon, Pongo. Hon. Gel and Hon. Bat-a. Sr Nays (9) None Abstain (0}- None ATTESTED: Q he LOURDES LOUELLA E. Ya woon MPP Secretary to the Sangguniang Pantungsod ATTESTED AND CERTIFIED TO BE DULY ADOPTED: aD ELEANOR D. MOMO City Vice Mayor Presiding Officer

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