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Case Study Strategic Staffing at Atlas Corporation Graphic T-shirt

company Atlas Corporation knows that executing its growth strategy

depends on promoting from within. Atlas believes that its staffing
activities must obtain talent able to do the job being filled and with the
potential to advance into management. Because it tends to receive a
large number of applications for its job openings, Atlas must also
process a large number of applicants for every opening and wants to do
so as efficiently as possible. Atlas decides that it wants to capitalize on
the trend of using social media to source and recruit. The company
opens a Twitter account and starts Tweeting its job openings to people
following the company (generally customers hoping for discount offers).
It also posts its jobs on, a large and popular job board, to
try to maximize the number of applications. When job seekers apply for
graphic design positions, they first complete an online application, and
the information is sent to a database. A recruiter is immediately sent any
applications that pass an initial competency screen. Within a few days,
the recruiter e-mails the candidate requesting a sample portfolio of his or
her work. Because of the size of the files, the portfolios are often
rejected by recruiters’ e-mail accounts and the candidate must fax the
documents as Atlas has no cloud storage mechanism. Due to the large
number of applications, those not passing the initial screen remain in the
database unviewed and are not contacted in any way by the company.
Applications passing the initial screen are invited to a telephone
interview with a recruiter to assess basic jobrelated competencies. The
top 10 candidates are then invited to interview face-to-face with another
recruiter to assess their fit with Atlas’s culture and to better assess job-
related skills and competencies. The top scoring 5 candidates are then
invited to interview with the hiring manager, who makes the final
decision on who should receive a job offer. A background check is then
performed and if it is passed then a job offer is made. If a candidate
declines the offer, the next highest scoring candidate receives a
background check and a job offer until no acceptable finalists are left.
Atlas evaluates the effectiveness of every staffing effort by evaluating
the number of applications it received, the time it took to fill the
position, and whether or not one of its first two job offers were accepted.
Questions 1. What is Atlas doing well with regard to staffing
strategically? 2. How could Atlas staff its graphic designer positions
more strategically? 3. What would you suggest Atlas do to further
enhance the alignment between its staffing function and its need to
promote from within?

1. What is Atlas doing well with regard to staffing strategically?

Atlas Corporation is doing several things well in its strategic staffing


 Promoting from Within: Atlas recognizes the importance of promoting

from within to execute its growth strategy. This approach ensures that
existing employees with potential are given opportunities for
advancement, which can improve employee morale, retention, and
overall organizational knowledge.
 Utilizing Social Media and Job Boards: By opening a Twitter account
and using it to share job openings, as well as posting on a popular job
board like, Atlas is leveraging multiple platforms to reach
a wide range of potential candidates. This increases the visibility of their
job openings and attracts a larger pool of applicants.
 Structured Screening Process: Atlas has a structured screening process
that involves an initial competency screen, telephone interview, face-to-
face interview with recruiters, and finally an interview with the hiring
manager. This multi-stage process helps filter out candidates who are not
a good fit and ensures that only the most qualified candidates proceed to
the final stages.
 Performance Evaluation: Atlas evaluates the effectiveness of its
staffing efforts by considering metrics such as the number of
applications received, time taken to fill a position, and acceptance rate of
job offers. This data-driven approach allows them to assess the success
of their staffing strategies and make improvements if needed.
2. How could Atlas staff its graphic designer positions more

While Atlas is implementing several effective strategies, there are areas

where they could enhance their approach:

 Portfolio Submission Process: The current process of requesting

portfolio submissions through email and fax is outdated and inefficient.
Atlas could benefit from setting up a cloud storage system or an online
platform where candidates can easily upload and share their portfolios.
This would streamline the process and reduce the risk of documents
being rejected due to file size.
 Enhanced Communication: Atlas should improve communication with
candidates who do not pass the initial screening. Even if a candidate is
not selected for the current position, providing them with feedback or
keeping their information for future opportunities could enhance the
company's reputation and maintain a talent pipeline.
 Continuous Skill Development: To promote from within effectively,
Atlas should also invest in continuous skill development programs for
existing employees. This could involve training and upskilling programs
to prepare employees for higher-level positions, aligning with their
strategy of promoting from within.

3. What would you suggest Atlas do to further enhance the

alignment between its staffing function and its need to promote from

To enhance the alignment between staffing and internal promotion,

Atlas could consider the following steps:

 Internal Job Postings: Implement a policy of posting job openings

internally before advertising externally. This gives existing employees
the opportunity to apply for positions and advance within the company
before external candidates are considered.
 Talent Development Plans: Create personalized talent development
plans for high-potential employees. These plans should outline the skills
and experiences needed for advancement within the company. Providing
guidance and support for career growth can motivate employees and
increase the likelihood of successful internal promotions.
 Mentorship Programs: Establish mentorship programs where senior
employees can mentor and guide junior employees who show potential.
This not only aids in skill development but also helps in creating a
strong internal network and sharing organizational knowledge.
 Succession Planning: Develop a formal succession planning process
that identifies potential candidates for key positions in advance. This
ensures that there is a pool of qualified internal candidates ready to step
into higher roles when vacancies arise.
 Performance-Based Promotions: Align promotions with performance
evaluations and results. Rewarding employees who consistently excel in
their roles sends a clear message that growth within the company is
based on merit and effort.

By integrating these strategies, Atlas can create a holistic approach to

staffing that not only attracts external talent but also nurtures and
promotes its existing employees, leading to a more effective and aligned
staffing function.

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