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Multilin™ Mile. FEEDER PROTECTION SYSTEM KEY BENEFITS Economical feeder protection with recloser + Reduce troubleshooting and maintanance cost - Event reports, waveform capture + Design exbilty- Easy to use programming loake + Assel monitoring - Breaker health, ond breaker fiure + Access to information ~ Modbus RTU communications + Configurable ogi curves, sand LEDs + Fash memory fr fel upgrades APPLICATIONS + Primary feeder protection on dstrbution networks FEATURES + Two settings groups + Passwerd protection fr local operation + automatic display of last foulinformation ‘+ AC/DC power suophy + improved use interface + Access via font panel keypad or communi + Enea! compatible + lsolted front 28232 serial port rion inks + Sockupfouriary protection fr ansformers, generators fond meters Protection and Contral + Phase and ground TOC and lOc + Thermelimage protection + lac time-current curves TAR-C tme-current curves + Grcut breaker contra! lopen and close) + Fourshot autoreloser + Cold loa pickup element + Configurable breoker fur to open + Configurable vo +S outputs tip, sence required 4 avainy Monitoring & Metering + s2.event cord + Anaoaldigto! escilogroshy + 4.2 counter for breaker maintenance + Perphose curent metering + Monitoring ofthe last 5 tis information from the splay imagination at work User Interfaces + Enervisto™ for setting and monitoring + 2416 character LCD display + GLED indicators, 4 configurable in function and colour. + Independent fran 85232 ond rear RSA: 60870-5-103, + Multiple Protocols -MedBus RTU, EnerVista™ Software + Enervsta™ software anindusty leading suite of software tools that simplifies every aspect of working with Mullin devces + Erervsta™ Integrator providing eos integration of data inthe MiFilinzo new or exsting monitoring and contra systems Daeg Overview ‘The MIF Ils @ member ef the M I Family of protection relays. This relay is used to perform primary cicuit protection on istribution networks at ony valtage level, ond beckupfauxliary protection for transformers, generators and motors. Basic protection features include time deloyed overcurrent, instantaneous overcurrent {two levelsl. and thermal image protection, Overcurrent elements can be three-phase and ground ar single phase, depending on the selected model. ‘An optional protection offering is also providedfor cod loadpickup,breoker folie protection, breaker health, confgurcble logic and autorecoser. Each protection element con be solectively enabled either via the front porel or vio communicetions. Flexible settings, tend ‘selectable models for ANSI. EC. IAC oF EPTAR-C curves enable accurate coordination with other devices, The basic ME Il has Swe fed cigitelnputs ond sk fixed digital outputs. An aption is provided allowing the two inputs ond four ofthe outputs to be user configurable. ‘The basic MI has si ved status LEDs ‘An optionis provided allowing four a these LEDs to be user configurable. The front pone! also features a $-putton kaypad ana (1612 LCD dsply that provides an easy to se user iterfoce, Tne front keypad allows the user to set the baud rate and relay address for communicaten, A front RS282 ond @ rear RSWBS communication port are provided for computer access using ModBus@aTU protocol. The ear RSUBS can be converted to Ethernet by means of on externol converter, such 05 Mutiin MukiNet™, ‘The MIF canbe accessed with a PC using the MI EnerVista™ Setup Software vio the S232 communication port located in the relay front panel, Use Enervistal™ to view or modify settings and relay configuration linputs, outputs, LEDS and configurable logiel, 95 well a5 to display metering information, and real time status. If the relay was furnshed with the appropriate option, use EnerVista™ to display lat fault information such as event reports and an ‘scilography records. Protection The MIF | provides primary circuit protection for distribution feeders, ‘and backup/ausiliary protection far transformers, generators ond motors ‘As pat of the M Ii Fomiy, the MIF 1 provides advonced digital protection which includes: Overcurrent Protection A voriety of time curves are provided, depending on modal It includes GE IAC, ANSI, IEC, EPTAR-C or resistive eorths definite time and user-programmobie curves, The GE-IAC curves inverse, very inverse, extremely inverse, short ond long inverse allow retrofit of popular ‘lectromecharical ic relays, Phase TOC ‘The TOC protection con be set from 0.1 te 24 per unt. Four standard TOC curves con be selected in eddition to © user configurable curve, Each curve can be et with customized time multipiers to ‘coordinate with equament Ground To ‘This element has the same curve selection choices ond settings os the phase time ‘overcurrent element, The ground signal normally derived os the residual sum of the three-phase Cs eliminating the need {for on additione! ground sensor. For more sensitive detection, an edditional core balance \zere sequence) ground sensor encitcing the three-phase conductors con be used Instantaneous Overcurrent The MIF | includes two separately adjustable 10C elements, eech ef whieh con be independently enobled, MIF madels provide two three-phase 10C ‘elements and two ground 10C elements. The pickup setooint can be set fom 0.1 to 30 tmes In and o time delay from 0 t0 600 seconds, Functional Block Diagram 1 Sys fi se the oriogropyfeture a5 on aces troubleshaaing ond dings ook ‘Thermal image Unit ‘A thermal image element protects ‘equipment against overheating due to ‘excessveload Sever operatingcurvescan beset esa function efhecting imeconetant ‘Ti adjustable between 3 ond 600 minutes Cool down time constant T2 is adjustable from one to sik times the heating time cconstont, Inputs and outputs ‘he basic unit of MIF 1 incorporates two inputs programmed os Disable SOP ond Disoble 506, ond S outputs, programmedas Service Required, Trip, Phase Tip, Ground ‘Trip, 50 Trip ane 49 Alarm. The factory configuration of ME Il inputs ‘ond outputs con be easily modified using Enervista™ software in relays with OPTION or OPTION 2. Multiple Setting Groups ‘Two separate settings groups ore stored in norwolatile memary, with only one group ‘ctive ot « given time. Switching between setting groups 1 ond 2 can be done by eons of a setting, © communication ‘command er contact aut acwaton. Settings clossified into two cotegores, main and cavanced settings. This ollows users to have cccess to main relay functionalty in on extremely simple, user- Atvendly woy by entering only moin settings. ‘Access to complete functionality for more Ccomplexuue is availabe through advanced settings Metering MIF provides metering values for phase and ground cures, Te accuracy's3%in the complete ronge, ane 5 ot te rates current. Primary or Secondary Metering ‘The MIF 1! con moniter beth the primery ‘and secondary curtent metering velues, by setting the corresponding CT rata, Option 1 Features MIF 11 OPTION 1 unite Include ol the functions described above plus the folowing fects. Event Recording Events consist of @ braod ronge of change fof state occurrences, inclusing pickups, rps, contact operations, alarms and self test stolus The MIF stores upto 52 events time togged to the nearest millsecond This provides the information needed to determine sequence of events wich faciltotes diognosis of relay operation Foch event is individually moskable in order to avois the generation of undesired Vale need evens, ond includes the values of currents ‘ond status ofl te protection elements a the moment ofthe event Oscillography MIF I captures current waveforms and dlgitel channels at 8 samples per cycle. ‘one ascilogropy record with a maximum length of 24 cycles is stored in memory. Oscllogrephy is triggered ether by internal signals oran external contact, Configurable /0 and LEDs In MIF \) OPTION 1 ond OPTION 2 models, the two digital inputs ore user configurable Out ofthe six digital outputs incorporated. two have c fixed function ip cond service require), while the other four reuse: programmable These configurable fulputs can be assigned either to 0 set of pre-configured values, or an OR/NOT combination of the same values. Each configurable output con be independently latched, and individually selected as NO or INC by means ofa jumper Four of the 6 LED indicators can also be programmed by the user. The fst LED has 1 fixed assignment Keay in service). the second s fixed for trip, and the remeining four LEDs are configurable in function, merary and colar red or green Option 2 Features MIF 1 OPTION 2 units include ol the functions described above plus the following fectures, Cold Load Pickup This fecture adopts the pickup of the overcurrent elements to override higher overload currents resulting from re-energizaton, Breaker Failure Protection A simple “brecker has not opened” feature is standard. A complex breaker failure scheme conbe eosiyimplementedthrough digitalinputand configurable output logic logic gots and timers) Breaker Health ‘The breaker health theshoid is set by the User to ochieve justin time" maintenance. \When the cumulative I2 value exceeds the ‘threshold en olarmis issued, Daeg Configurable Logic Up to.a maximum of 4 configureble logic schemes can be implemented into the MIF by means of using a set of pre-configured logiegates and timer cal. graphical user interface i providedforconfgurction of IF !Wogic. The inputs ofthe MIF Il configurable logic con be assigned to contact outputs condor LEDs, Circuit Breaker Control The MIF Il permits operation of the Circuit oreoker, Brecker opening and closing operations can be caried out by programming specie outauts, ond digital inputs con be used for verlying the success ofthe operotion Autorecloser ‘The cutometic reloseis intended for use in three-pole tripping schemes ond single breaker applications. Up to four reclosing “shots" ore possible priar to locking cout. Each shot has en independently progremmable decd ime. ‘he autorecosing scheme provides outputs ‘hot can be used to medi crcut protection settings between shots. User Interfaces Disploy Measurement deta factual values), fault reports forthe lot ve tins, nd settings fre shown on the L6x2 choracters LCD ‘splay. Status LEDs ‘The MIF Incorporates 6 LED indicators in the front pate, The fist one isa green LED identfied es "READY" use to indicate the status of the protection elements. When ON" it means the relay is energized ond ready te protect, ond ot least ane protection element nos been enabled, ‘he second one iso ed LED used for TR Indication. It will be "ON" when @ fout feccurs and the relay energizes the trip outputs. Once energized, it will cemain latched untl the ESC/RESET key is pressed for three seconds to RESET the relay Four edditonal LEDs ore pragrammeble in function and calor. The factory default functions. of the programmable LEDs cre: Phase Tip, Ground Trp, $0 Trp, and Pickup, tile the color is set to RED, and opus outputs and tbs can be cosy configured using Enerista™ MY setup program the stotus memory as self-esetting, The ser may change the function and status ‘memory through the use ofthe Enervistat™ software ‘Te LED color can be modified using the relay keypad. The stotus memory may be programmed either selt-resetting or latching. f programmed as sel-esettng When the associated function draps out the corresponding LEDS turn off. If progrommes as tched, the LED ill recin “ON until the ESC/RESET Key i pressec for ‘three seconds to reset the reoy In order to test LEDS, pressing the ESC/ RESET key for three seconds will turn ‘ON cl LEDs. When the key is released, the LEDs wil tur ef lexcept the funtion pickups re sill active. Ths ollows easy testing of the equipment. keypad A ve-butonkeypd allows user access for any elo itrrogationoné change o stone Aces to rents ond oscllagrophy reco and unt coniguaton is possible ony though 2C communication Self Test Diagnostics Comprehensive el-testciagnestis eccur at power up and continuously during relay operotion. Ary problem found by sets causes on alarm ond an eventis logged. ‘Communication Ports {font mountee R5252 end a rear RSUBS port alow easy user interface via a PC. MocBus® RTU protocols used fr all pots. The relay supports baud rates from 300 to 18,200 bps. Up to $2 Mullin devices can be addressed on a single communications cchonnel. A unique oddress must bs ‘assigned to each relay via a setting when mukiple relays are connected. MultiNet™ compatible Multiet™ is © communications module thot provides Muti serial Modus IEDs with ModBus TCP/IP communications over Ethernet lowing connection to fae optic LAN ond WAN network systerns. MultiNet™ hes the capability to ‘connect up to 52 serial Modus devices ‘limiting complex wiring and addtional ‘communications converters, and providing ‘astieaminedand economicaléthernet hub. Unike mast communications converters thot are designed for commercial use, Multiett™ is environmentally hardened to withstand severe utity and industria! conditions + Converts Modbus RTU over RSABS into Modbus TCP ever Ethernet * Supports both 10aaseT and 10BaseF fiver connections + Connect upto 32 RSHBS serial devices to ten Ethernet network + Modbus TCPIP provides muitiple SCADA masters allowing smultoneous ‘communications te the same IED + Flexible mounting options allow retro-ft to-eisting devices + Industaly hardened fer utility end industiol applications + Simple “plug & ploy" device setup with Enetvisto™ software MultNet™ gives you the ebity to connect MI serial devices to new or existing Lthernet networks. thes o L0B0se-F fiber ‘optic interface thot provides high EMUREI Immunity and inherent elecrical isolation ‘over long eable runs. MultNet™ setup is simple, with e Windows®based Enervista™ software program for installing and configuring the communication divers. EnerVista™ Software The Enervisto™ Suite is an industry: leading set of software programs that simples every ospect of using the relay. The Enerv’sta™ suite provides al the tools to mont or the status of the protected ‘osset, mointain the reey, and integrote Information measured into DCS or SCADA ‘monitoringsystems, Convenient COMTRADE fond Sequence of Events viewers ere an Integrol_port of the UR Setup software Included with every UR relay, to carry ‘out pastmortem event analysis to ensure proper protection system operation. EnerVista™ Launchpad Enervisto™ Launchped is 0 powerful software package thot provides users with ll ofthe setup and support tools needed for configuting and maintaining Mullin Dae ged products. The setup softwore within Launchpad allows configuring devices in real-time by cormmunicating using sera Ethernet, or modem connections, or affine by creating setting files to be sent to devices at later time Included in Launchpad is a document frchiving ond management system thot ensures critical documentation is up-to-date and available when needed. Documents made available include Manuals Application Notes Suidetorm Specications Brochures ‘wiring Diograms Fras Service Bulletins Viewpoint Monitoring Viewpoint Monitoring is @ simple-to-use fond ful-feetured monitoring and date recording software package for small systems, Viewpoint Monitoring provides a complete Hil package withthe following ‘functionality Plug &-Play Device Monitoring System Single-tine Monitoring & contro! ‘annuncitor Alarm Sereens Trending Reports Automatic Event Retrieval Automatic Woveform Retrieval Dimensions | | S@ FRONT W/// Li cuTouT Uae Typical Wiring mee ‘Gy Us [CX] ES RENT NUTS Lash) tte sn | = @ i aly Jer net Peas e\meile 7 Ele eee soa S| Slee ro Sipe = |B Shr ono] Anan Bar nour (() Terminals B12, A12 and B11 must be connocted to SELV (safety extraiow voltage) parts (on the PLC). They are not to be tested for hipot test under any circumstance (*)In the basic model, inputs and outputs are configured as follows: inpurs. ourpurs CCI: Disable SOP Function OUTI: Phase Tip (6G2: Disable 506 Function OUT Ground Th OUTS: 50 Trp OUTS: 49 Alarm Technical Specifications Sausicinvey erste ‘ypc ie access ange enounn ns aicOUS OVERCUARENT Sropmuttent Spot oe Sperone: Sawer So ors 30 mst ‘ypemaocue Seater SP Site, ert ca cot ern ns oh te i 7 ie conpiterenge ‘ngpea! "“" heyeoveljuner apes Sychrsnibapse Sarge chaae s spent —— Fraquaney sien Sarit FONE mum fer Piwers coansion tine: Pat FeTiee Schone 2/5000 Mnlman avotage 33/2Eavae s9 oe ones censumpton: ss" py age Pass muntonvestNeeeerss-s | ru.saleonr sare Teg iene moat on Sa SRE | on sees, | Babar Daeg User Interface “STATUS INDICATION LEDS: ‘sr programmable in fineon DISPLAY {xz ares LCD daly or one spi se va rnesoges, anda pors ‘CONTROL AND PROGRAMING KEYS. Escape, Reset, Err Manu Uo, sean Boni rate witout computer Ordering om 5607 imagination at work Description

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