Grade 12 Bio Systems Technology Syllabus 619f326177b99

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General Certificate of Education (A/L)

(Grade 12 - 13)

Biosystems Technology
(To be implemented from 2017)

Department of Technical Education

Faculty of Science and Technology
National Institute of Education
Sri Lanka

Biosystems Technology

Grades 12 & 13

First printing - 2017

National Institute of Education


Press (

1'0 Introduction

It is pleasure to get an occasion to re-update the subject, Biological Systems Technology that was introduced in the year 2013 for G.C.E. (Advanced
Level) grades.

It aims to expand the occasions for technological education based on the knowledge that gets through the practical activities and give students the
basic technological knowledge and practical experiences that is needed to the developing world through studying of this subject.

The subject, Biological Systems Technology has been prepared by combining the use of modern technology in the fields of agricultural science,
ecological science, practical science and biology. The students who learn this subject would be able to give large contribution to national development
processes through their knowledge. This subject confirms on basic management skills related to the technology and gives necessary knowledge to see the
business world with a new vision by combining technology in the process of production value chain. Further, it is a role of this subject to identify the
challenges of an economy that is based on the modern technological knowhow through the business knowledge, skills and attitudes and train students to
react to those challenges.

This subject includes activities that give necessary skills for occupations or self-employment to the students who do not focus on higher education.
The subject is also expected to give entrepreneur skills that can contribute to the economic development of Sri Lanka and improve the skills that are
necessary for personal livelihood.

In order to achieve the learning outcomes of this subject, it is a must to import theoretical knowledge and practical skills through classroom as well as field
activities. Keeping this focus, it is the responsibility of all of us to build a suitable environment in the school to achieve this end.

2'0 Common National Goals

The national system of education should assist individuals and groups to achieve major national goals that are relevant to the individual and

Over the years major education reports and documents in Sri Lanka have set goals that sought to meet individual and national needs. In the light
of the weaknesses manifest in contemporary educational structures and processes, the National Education Commission has identified the following set of
goals to be achieved through education within the conceptual framework of sustainable human development.

I. Nation building and the establishment of a Sri Lankan identity through the promotion of national cohesion, national integrity, national unity, harmony
and peace, and recognizing cultural diversity in Sri Lanka’s plural society within a concept of respect for human dignity.
II. Recognizing and conserving the best elements of the nation’s heritage while responding to the challenges of a changing world.
III. Creating and supporting an environment imbued with the norms of social justice and a democratic way of life that promotes respect for human
rights, awareness of duties and obligations, and a deep and abiding concern for one another.
IV. Promoting the mental and physical well-being of individuals and a sustainable life style based on respect for human values.
V. Developing creativity, initiative, critical thinking, responsibility, accountability and other positive elements of a well-integrated and balanced per-
VI. Human resource development by educating for productive work that enhances the quality of life of the individual and the nation and contributes to
the economic development of Sri Lanka.
VII. Preparing individuals to adapt to and manage change, and to develop capacity to cope with complex and unforeseen situations in a rapidly
changing world.
VIII. Fostering attitudes and skills that will contribute to securing an honourable place in the international community, based on justice, equality and
mutual respect.

3'0 Common National Competencies

The following Basic Competencies developed through education will contribute to achieving the above National Goals.

(I) Competencies in Communication

Competencies in Communication are based on four subsets; Literacy, Numeracy, Graphics and IT proficiency.
Literacy : Listen attentively, speak clearly, read for meaning, write accurately and lucidly and communicate ideas effectively.
Numeracy : Use numbers for things, space and time, count, calculate and measure systematically.
Graphics : Make sense of line and form, express and record details, instructions and ideas with line, form and colour.

IT proficienc : Computer literacy and the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in learning, in the work
environment and in personal life.

(II) Competencies relating to Personality Development

 Generic skills such as creativity, divergent thinking, initiative, decision making, problem solving, critical and analytical thinking, team work, inter-
personal relations, discovering and exploring;

 Values such as integrity, tolerance and respect for human dignity;

 Emotional intelligence.

(III) Competencies relating to the Environment

These competencies relate to the environment: social, biological and physical.

Social Environment : Awareness of the national heritage, sensitivity and skills linked to being members of a plural society, concern for
distributive justice, social relationships, personal conduct, general and legal conventions, rights, responsibilities, duties
and obligations.

Biological Environment : Awareness, sensitivity and skills linked to the living world, people and the ecosystem, the trees, forests, seas, water,
air and life- plant, animal and human life.

Physical Environment : Awareness, sensitivity and skills linked to space, energy, fuels, matter, materials and their links with human living,
food, clothing, shelter, health, comfort, respiration, sleep, relaxation, rest, wastes and excretion.

Included here are skills in using tools and technologies for learning, working and living.

(IV) Competencies relating to Preparation for the World of Work

Employment related skills to maximize their potential and to enhance their capacity

 To contribute to economic development,

 To discover their vocational interests and aptitudes,
 To choose a job that suits their abilities, and
 To engage in a rewarding and sustainable livelihood.

(V) Competencies relating to Religion and Ethics

Assimilating and internalizing values, so that individuals may function in a manner consistent with the ethical, moral and religious modes of conduct in
everyday living, selecting that which is most appropriate.

(VI) Competencies in Play and the Use of Leisure

Pleasure, joy, emotions and such human experiences as expressed through aesthetics, literature, play, sports and athletics, leisure pursuits and other creative
modes of living.

(VII) Competencies relating to “learning to learn”

Empowering individuals to learn independently and to be sensitive and successful in responding to and managing change through a transformative process,
in a rapidly changing, complex and interdependent world.

Suggestions for a national policy framework for general education in Sri Lanka - National Education Commission (December, 2003)

4'0 Objectives of the syllabus

² To improve the technological knowhow needed for day today life.

² To develop the necessary skills to solve the problems of developing world.

² To develop employment base skills.

² To connect the student’s occupational education with the national framework.

² To develop basic technological knowledge base to continue work in biological systems.

² To improve the necessary skills for management and planning.

² To give basic knowledge and knowhow on laboratory activities, fields activities and the using of equipment and tools and improve the employment base skills

² To improve the necessary skills to employ technological methods effectively and efficiently to gain high quality products.

² To generate innovations and testings related to the Biological Systems Technology.

² To intensify readiness in students to exploit technology-based employment opportunities.

5'0 Evaluation and Assessment

It is expected that learning-teaching tools are prepared creatively and used covering the competencies and competency levels earmarked for each term
under the school based programme. through it, the proficiency level of students can be assessed.

In grades 12,13, evaluation is done at two levels, under school level and national level. School level assessment is carried-out by the school and the
provincial education department.

National level evaluation is done through the end of the G.C.E. (A/L) examination held by the Department of Examinations, at teh end of grade 13. Here
75 marks are allocated for the written paper and 25 marks are given for the practical test. The practical test consists of a spot test with 30 questions and two
practical activities.

Suggested number of periods for each competency

Grade 12 Grade 13

Competency Periods Competency Periods

1' Interprets weather conditions suitable for biological 12 12' Exhibits readiness for mechanization. 74
systems. 13' Exhibits readiness to utilize sustainable timber and non-
2' Investigates the soil in biological systems. 30 timber based products.

3' Exhibits readiness for surveying and levelling. 50

14' Investigates different techniques to produce plantation 20
and minor export crops based products.
4' Investigates the water resources in biological systems. 08
15' Exhibits readiness to develop and construct process 72
control and automation mechanisms.
5' Determines the quality of water. 22

6' Exhibits readiness to produce quality plants 16' Exhibits readiness to apply Occupational Safety and 08
18 Health (OSH) practices related to different occupations.
7' Exhibits readiness to engage in aquaculture. 22 17' Exhibits readiness to engage in horticulture. 40

8. Exhibits readiness to engage in animal production through 38 18' Investigates environmental friendly strategies for 45
application of technology. sustainable development of biological systems.
9' Plans methodologies for quality food production. 65 19' Improves necessary skills for enterprise and product 15
10' Investigates the post harvest techniques for high quality development.
11' Investigates the technology of controlled environment 20
for crop production.

Total 300 Total 300

Competencies and competency levels for Grades 12 and 13

Grade Term Competency and competency level

From first competency to fourth competency
First Term ( 14 competency levels)

From fifth competency to eighth competency

Grade 12 Second Term ( 12 competency levels)

From nineth competency to eleventh competency

Third Term ( 17 competency levels)

From twelfth competency to thirteenth competency

First Term ( 10 competency levels)

From fourteenth competency to sixteenth competency

Grade 13 Second Term ( 10 competency levels)

From seventeenth competency to nineteenth competency

Third Term ( 11 competency levels)


Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

1. Interprets weather 1.1 Inquires into climatic factors  Weather and climate  Distinguishes between 04
conditions suitable affecting biological systems.  Climatic factors weather and climate.
for biological  Rainfall  Names climatic factors.
systems.  Sunlight  Describes the impact of
 Temperature climatic factors on biological
 Wind systems.
 Relative humidity
 Atmospheric pressure
 Impact of climatic factors on different bio-

1.2 Inquires into meteorological  Meteorological observation station  Describes factors to be 08

observation station and its  Site selection considered to establish a
functions.  Instruments and installation meteorological station.
 Data collection  Names different instruments
 Data recording to be used to measure
 Automated Weather Station (AWS) particular weather
 Weather forecasting parameters.
 Importance  Describes the way of
installing instruments in a
meteorological observation
 Determines the weather
parameters using relevant
 Presents information about
 Describes the importance of
weather forecasting.

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration
2. Investigates the soil 2.1 Inquires into characteristics of  Soil  Describes the importance of 28
in biological systems. soil.  Importance soil.
 Characteristics  Categorizes the
 Physical characteristics characteristics of soil.
 Soil texture  Describes the impact of
 Soil colour physical characteristics of
 Soil structure soil in a biological system.
 Soil consistency  Determines the soil texture
 Water holding capacity and structure.
 Infiltration rate  Determines the soil colour.
 Soil temperature  Determines the soil
 Soil density consistency.
 Chemical characteristics  Determines bulk density and
 Soil pH true density of soil.
 Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)  Calculates soil porosity.
 Electrical Conductivity (EC)  Describes the impact of
 Biological characteristics chemical characteristics of
 Micro soil in a biological system.
 Meso  Suggests corrective
 Macro measures to overcome
advese chemical
characteristics of soil.
 Determines pH value in soil.
 Determines EC in soil.
 Interprets the soil condition
according to EC.
 Describes the impact of
biological characteristics of
soil in a biological system.
 Identifies the macro
organisms in soil.

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration
2.2 Investigates the characteristics  Common soil types in Sri Lanka and their  Describes the characteristics 02
of common soil types in Sri characteristics in relation to the purpose of common soil types in Sri
Lanka.  Reddish Brown Earth (RBE) Lanka and their distribution.
 Red Yellow Podsolic (RYP) soil  Proposes suitable soil type
 Lowland Humic Glay (LHG) soil according to purpose.
 Laterite soil

3.Exhibits readiness for 3.1 Inquires into fundamentals of  Surveying  Describes the different 14
surveying and surveying.  Applications applications in surveying.
levelling.  Construction  Describes the methods and
 Mapping instruments used in
 Agriculture measuring distance and
 Types of measurements and units used area.
 Linear (Distance)  Applies units and their
 Angular conversions in surveying.
 Area  Describes the components
 Volume of a map.
 Working with maps  Names different symbols in
 Components a map.
 Scale  Describes the factors affecting
 Symbols in selection of a scale in
 Index mapping.
 Measurements on a map  Relates map to ground.
3.2 Inquires into surveying  Surveying techniques  Names different surveying 08
techniques.  Plane table surveying techniques.
 Chain surveying
 Lists out the uses of different
 Compass surveying
 Theodolite surveying surveying techniques.
 Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM)  Describes the advantages
 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and disadvantages of
 Photogrammetry compass surveying.
 Geographic Information System (GIS)  Finds out a given location by
using hand held GPS.

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

3.3 Engages in plane table  Plane table surveying  Identifies the instruments 08
surveying.  Required instruments used for plane table
 Methods surveying.
 Traversing  Describes plane table
 Radiation surveying process.
 Triangulation/intersection  States advantages and
 Advantages and disadvantages of each disadvantages of plane table
method surveying methods.
 Preparation of surveying plan  Develops a survey plan
 Map reading using plane table method.
 Calculation of the area of a land  Calculates the area of the
surveyed land.

3.4 Engages in chain surveying.  Chain surveying  Lists out the required 08
 Terminology equipment needed for chain
 Steps surveying.
 Field work (Surveying)  Lists out the technical terms
 Office work used in chain surveying.
 Mapping  Names the steps in chain
 Calculation surveying.
 Technical problems  Develops a map for a small
 Advantages and disadvantages land using chain surveying.
 Calculates the area using
chain surveying.
 Describes the advantages
and disadvantages in chain
 Describes the technical
problems and suggests the
solutions to overcome them.

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

3.5 Performs levelling in the field.  Leveling  Names different types of 06

 Applications leveling.
 Terminology  Identifies instruments used
 Types in levelling.
 Profile levelling  Selects type of levelling
 Differential levelling according to purpose.
 Methodology  Applies the height of the
 Field work instrument method to find
 Height of the instrument method out relative height difference
 Office work between two selected
 Calculation points.
 Possible errors  Determines the accuracy of
 Explains possible errors
occurred in levelling.

3.6 Performs contour mapping for  Contouring  Lists out the applications in 06
levelling.  Applications contouring.
 Terminology  Defines different terms
 Field work related to contouring.
 Direct contouring  Describes the indirect
 Indirect contouring contouring methodology.
 Contour map preparation  Calculates contour position
 Grid system by height interpolation.
 Spot height  Sketches various
 Contour interpolation geographical features using
 Identification of ground features using contours.
contour line

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration
4. Investigates the 4.1 Inquires into water resources  Water resources  Describes the uses of water 04
water resources in and rain water harvesting  Surface resources.
biological systems. methods in Sri Lanka.  Ground water  Describes the factors to be
 Factors to be considered in selection considered in selection of a
of a water resource for following uses water resources for
 Agriculture different uses.
 Domestic  Describes methods of rain
 Industrial water harvesting in Sri
 Other Lanka.
 Rain water harvesting methods  Constructs a model of rain
 Structures water harvesting structure.
 Usage

4.2 Inquires into ground water  Ground water  Describes the factors 04
 Factors affecting occurrence affecting for occurrence of
 Geological factors ground water.
 Porosity of soil  Describes aquifers.
 Permeability of soil  Describes the methods of
 Aquifers ground water recharge.
 Ground water recharge  Suggests methods to
 Importance eliminate ground water
 Methods depletion.
 Ground water depletion and elimination

5. Determines the quality 5.1 Evaluates the quality of water.  Water quality  Describes physical, 16
of water.  Parameters chemical and biological
 Physical parameters of water.
 Total Suspended Solids (TSS)  Determines physical
 Colour characteristics of water.
 Odour  Determines chemical
 Turbidity characteristics of water.
 Temperature  Determines biological
characteristics of water.

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

 Chemical
 pH
 DO
 Salinity/EC
 Hardness
 Biological
 Total coliforms
 Faecal coliforms
 Quality standards of municipal and domestic
 Quality standards of treated waste water

5.2 Inquires into impact of polluted  Water pollution  Describes the different 02
water.  Sources of water pollution sources of water pollution.
 Point  Describes the impact of
 Non-point water pollution on
 Impact on biosystems biosystems.

5.3 Inquires into the treatment of  Waste water sources  Describes the different 04
waste water .  Industrial sources of waste water.
 Agricultural  Describes the importance of
 Domestic water treatment.
 Treatment of waste water  Describes the process of
 Importance waste water treatment.
 Process
 Preliminary
 Primary
 Secondary
 Tertiary

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration
6. Exhibits readiness to 6.1 Propagates plants by using  Plant propagation methods  Compares advantages and 10
produce quality advanced techniques.  Sexual disadvantages of sexual and
plants commercially.  Asexual asexual plant propagation.
 Advanced asexual propagation techniques  Performs different layering
 Layering techniques according to
 Aerial layering plant species.
 Ground layering  Performs different budding
 Budding and grafting and grafting techniques
 Micro propagation according to plant species.
 Performs experiments on
micro propagation.

6.2 Inquires into plant nursery  Plant nursery  Describes the importance 08
techniques.  Objectives and benefits of a plant nursery.
 Commercially used nursery containers  Describes the different
 Compots types of commercially used
 Pots plant nursery containers.
 Bio-degradable nursery containers  Produces nursery plants
 Poly bags and maintains properly.
 Selection and preparation of planting  Describes the factors to be
materials considered for grading and
 Selection of mother plants transporting nursery plants.
 Selection and preparation of cuttings/  Lists out the quality
seeds standards of nurseries.
 Production of nursery plants
 Preparation of media
 Sterilization
 Filling
 After care practices
 Pest and diseases control
 Hardening off
 Grading
 Preparation for transportation
 Quality standards

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration
7 Exhibits readiness to 7.1 Inquires into ornamental fish  Fresh water ornamental fish culture  Identifies suitable fresh 10
engage in farming.  Importance water species for
aquaculture.  Culturing species ornamental fish culture.
 Egg laying  Describes the way of
 Live bearers broodstock rearing and
 Broodstock selection and breeding breeding.
 Larval rearing  Prepares a feed for fish
 Methodology larvae.
 Setting up an aquarium  Maintains a fish tank
 Introduction of fish properly.
 Feeding  Packs ornamental fish for
 Disease management the market.
 Harvesting
 Packing and transport
7.2 Inquires farming techniques of  Fresh water table fish culture  Identifies potential
fresh water table fish.  Culturing species culturable fresh water fish 04
 Fresh water species.
 Brackish water  Explains general culture
 Methodology procedures of fresh water
 Site selection fish species.
 Pond construction  Describes the way of
 Fish introduction harvesting mature fish.
 Feeding
 Harvesting
7.3 Inquire into ornamental aquatic  Aquatic plant industry  Selects economically
plant industry.  Economically important aquatic plants important aquatic plants. 10
 Ornamental  Follows suitable farming
 Edible techniques.
 Ornamental aquatic plants culture  Maintains ornamental
 Culturing techniques aquatic plant cultivation.
 Propagation methods  Describes the way of
 Maintenance processing of ornamental
 Harvesting
 Packing for the market, display aquatic plants for the

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

8. Exhibits readiness to 8.1 Inquires about technologies  Technologies in livestock production  Explains the importance of
engage in animal used in animal production.  Importance adopting technology in 16
production through  Poultry management livestock production.
technology.  Rearing systems and housing  Distinguishes methods of
 Brooders, deep litter system incubation.
 Egg incubation  Prepares an incubator using
 Artificial method locally available resources.
 Conditions  Explains the way of using
 Egg selection technologies in poultry and
 Quality Day old chicks cattle management.
 Feeding
 Water supply
 Dairy management
 Rearing systems and housing
 Feeding
 Water supply
 Machine milking
 Identification of animals
 Health management and sanitation

8.2 Inquires into the required  Commercial milk industry  Describes the factors
conditions for commercial milk  Importance affecting quality milk. 10
industry.  Quality assessment  Identifies quality milk.
 Physical  Describes the technological
 Chemical requirements for a milk
 Biological collecting centre.
 Milk adulteration  Describes the common
 Identification dairy processing
 Technological requirements for a milk techniques.
collecting centre
 Dairy processing
 Clarification
 Standardization
 Separation
 Homogenization
Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration
8.3 Inquires into broiler meat  Quality broiler meat  Describes the importance of
industry.  Importance production of quality broiler 08
 Factors affecting meat.
 Processing  Describes the factors
 Procedure affecting quality of broiler
 Market forms chicken.
 Describes the steps of
 Whole chicken broiler meat processing.
 Commercially valuable chicken  Names the market forms of
portions broiler meat.
 Diversified and value added  Prepares a diversified and
chicken products value added chicken

8.4 Inquires new trends of egg  Egg and egg related product industry  Selects quality eggs. 08
related products.  Egg quality characteristics and their  Grades eggs based on
measurements criteria.
 External  Describes the method of
 Internal processing egg related
 Grading of dietary eggs products.
 Importance  Prepares egg related food
 Egg related products products.

9. Plans methodologies  Lists out various factors 06

9.1 Identifies the factors affecting  Food spoilage affecting food spoilage.
for quality food food spoilage.  Factors affecting
production.  Physical factors  Describes how physical
 Temperature factors affect food spoilage.
 Relative humidity  Explains chemical and
 Adulterants biological factors affecting
 Chemical factors
 Biological factors food spoilage.
 Enzymes  Identifies favourable
 Insects and rodents conditions for microbial
 Micro organisms activities which affect food
 Favourable conditions for the growth of spoilage.

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

9.2 Plans methods to preserve  Food preservation  Describes the importance 16

food by following the  Importance and objectives of food preservation.
principles of food  Principles  States the principles of food
preservation.  Inhibition preservation.
 Inactivation  Identifies the preservation
principles of traditional food
 Pre-treatment methods preservation techniques.
 Blanching  Suggests appropriate food
 Preservation methods preservation methods
 Physical methods based on the type of food.
 Thermal preservation  Preserves foods by using
 Sterilization different methods.
 Pasteurization
 Low temperature
 Refrigeration
 Freezing
 Blast freezing
 Dehydration
 Concentration
 Irradiation
 Chemical methods
 Adding preservatives
 Smoking
 Bio-chemical methods
 Fermentation
 Combined methods

9.3 Inquires into new trends in  New trends  Describes new trends of 10
food processing.  Value addition food processing.
 Enrichment  Performs minimal processing.
 Fortification  Performs food enrichment.
 Minimal processing  Performs food fortification.
 High pressure processing
 Pulse electric heating
 Membrane filtration

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration
9.4 Inquires into the procedure of  New food product development  Names standards and 08
new food product development  Related standards and regulations regulations related to new
 Procedure food product development.
 Need assessment  Describes the procedure of
 RDA table new food product
 Selecting raw materials development.
 Formulation and product  Develops a new food
development product and packages it.
 Sensory evaluation  Performs sensory evaluation
 Cost evaluation for food products.
 Shelf-life determination  Determines the shelf life of
 Packaging foods.
 Product certification
9.5 Inquires diversity of food  Food packaging  Describes the objectives of
packaging.  Objectives food packaging.
 Different packaging materials  Names food packaging
 Packaging under special conditions materials and lists out their
 Controlled atmosphere (CA) properties.
 Vacuum packaging  Describes food packaging
 Shrink wrap packaging technologies under special
 Modified atmosphere (MA) conditions and their
 Nitrogen importance.
 Carbon dioxide  Selects suitable packing
 Biodegradable packaging materials for different foods.
 Intelligent packaging system

 Food labelling
 Objectives 04
9.6 Inquires importance of labeling  Regulatory requirements  Describes the objectives of
food. food labelling.
 Lists out the information to
be included in a food label.
 Designs a food label.
 Describes regulation
 Food safety

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration
9.7 Plans to improve food safety.  Types of hazards and issues  Describes the types of food 03
 Physical hazards and safety issues.
 Chemical  Names microbes and food
 Biological types that may cause food
 Radiological allergies and food poisoning.
 Methods to improve food safety  Proposes actions to overcome
food hazards and issues.
 Identifies permitted food

9.8 Inquires into food  Food adulteration  Describes ways of food 08

adulteration.  Adulterants adulteration.
 Types  Identifies non-adulterated
 Identification spices and flour.
 Unauthorized and unethical food  Presents unauthorized and
preparation practices and related health unethical food preparation
issues practices and related health

9.9 Identifies methods associated  Quality certification  Explains the importance of 03

with quality management of  Importance food quality certification.
food.  Steps  Names different steps of
 Food quality standards quality certification.
 ISO  Names quality certification
 SLS institutes in Sri Lanka.
 Food safety management systems  Presents information
 GAP - Good Agricultural Practices regarding food quality
 GMP - Good Manufacturing Practices standards and food safety
 HACCP - Hazard Analysis Critical management systems.
Control Point
 ISO 22000
 FSSC 22000

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

9.10 Inquires about rules and  Rules and regulations related to food  Explains the importance of 03
regulations of food handling. handling rules and regulations related
 Necessity to food handling.
 Food act (1980 No. 02)  Lists out the important
 Food act implementation mechanism details included in the food
 Regulations included in the act act.
 Consumer protection  Describes the way of
 Food additives presenting a food item to
 Packaging the market according to the
 Labelling food act.
 Storage
 Food processing

10.1 Inquires into rice processing  Rice processing techniques for minimizing  Identifies the grain 06
10. Investigates the post techniques for minimizing post post harvest losses processing basics.
harvest techniques harvest losses.  Drying  Describes the methods of
for a high quality  Storage increasing Head Rice Yield
products.  Hulling (HRY).
 Milling
 Grading

10.2 Inquires into the techniques  Maturity index of crop harvest  Determines maturity index 06
for minimizing post harvest  Determination of perishables using various
losses of perishables.  Visible testing techniques.
 According to calendar dates
 Other  Makes necessary actions to
 Minimizing post harvest losses of crop minimize post harvest losses
harvest of perishables.
 Storage
 Transport

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration
10.3 Inquires into the proper ways  Proper handling of fish harvest  Describes the importance of 03
of handling harvested fish for  Importance proper handling of
minimizing post harvest losses.  Handling stages harvested fish.
 At catching  Describes handling of
 At vessel harvested fish at different
 At transportation stages.
 At market  Identifies quality fish.
 At consumption

11. Investigates the 11.1 Inquires into importance of  Crop cultivation under controlled conditions  Describes the importance of 02
technology of crop cultivation under  Importance crop cultivation under
controlled controlled conditions.  Protected agricultural structures controlled conditions.
environment for crop  Classification  Classifies protected
production.  According to protective structure structures according to
 According to protective cover different criteria.
 According to durability
11.2 Inquires into way of  Constructing protective structures  Describes the factors to be 06
constructing protective  Procedure considered in site selection
structures.  Site selection for protective structures.
 Selecting construction materials  Names different
 Floor construction materials
 Covering materials according to component of
 Roofing materials
 Accessories the structure.
 Designing structural loads  Prepares the plan and
 Site preparation layout of the structure
 BOQ preparation according to the suitability
of locality.
 Prepares a BOQ for
protected house.
 Constructs a small
protected structure using
locally available materials.

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

11.3 Inquires into techniques of  Measuring environmental factors and  Names equipment used to 02
measuring and controlling en- controlling measure environmental
vironmental conditions in pro-  Air conditions in protected
tected houses.  Light houses.
 Temperature  Describes the techniques
 Moisture used to control
environmental factors in
protected houses.

11.4 Inquires into soilless culture  Soilless culture  Describes the importance of 10
techniques applied in protected  Importance soilless culture.
houses.  Cultivation techniques  Builds a circulating
 Hydroponics hydrophonics system.
 Solid media culture  Cultivates crops in
 Limitations circulating hydrophonics
and maintains properly.
 Makes structures for
cultivation in solid media.
 Selects suitable solid media
and sterilizes them.
 Cultivates crops in solid
media and maintains
 Suggests solutions to
overcome limitations in
soilless culture.

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration
12. Exhibits readiness 12.1 Inquires into water lifting  Water lifting devices  Describes the principles of 20
for mechanization. devices and performs calcula-  Conventional conventional water lifting
tions related to water lifting.  Non-conventional methods.
 Water pumps - operation and
working principles  Identifies the components of
 Centrifugal a centrifugal and piston type
 Piston type water pumps.
 Installation and maintenance of centrifugal  Describes the function and
pumps working principles of
 Factors to be considered in selection of a
centrifugal and piston type
water pump
 Calculations related to water lifting water pumps using
 Suction lift diagrams.
 Delivery head  Compares advantages and
 Frictional losses
 Energy for water lifting disadvantages between
 Cost of water lifting centrifugal and piston type
water pumps.
 Installs, operates and
maintains centrifugal water
 Describes the factors
affecting the selection of a
particular type of water
 Performs calculations
related to water lifting.
 Selects the pump model
according to total water
head and the discharge rate.
 Calculates the cost of
pumping based on energy
Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

12.2 Inquires into drip and sprinkler  Drip and sprinkler irrigation systems  Installs a drip and a simple 16
irrigation systems.  Components sprinkler irrigation system.
 Installation  Operates a drip and a simple
 Function irrigation system properly.
 Benefits and limitations  Describes benefits and
limitations of drip and
sprinkler irrigation systems.

12.3 Inquires into land preparation  Land preparation techniques and related  Describes the techniques of 14
techniques and related equipment land preparation.
equipment.  Primary tillage  Describes the function of
 Secondary tillage land preparation
 Inter cultivation equipment.
 Selection and function  Explains maintenance of land
 Maintenance preparation equipment.

12.4 Inquires into small engines and  Engines  Describes the basic engine 18
tractors.  Basic engine components components of tractors and
 Four stroke their functions.
 Two stroke  Describes the different
 Tractors systems in tractors and their
 Systems functions.
 Attaches different equipment
 Fuel system and air filtration system
to two-wheel and four-
 Cooling system wheel tractors.
 Electrical and ignition
 Power transmission system
 Hydraulic system
 Lubrication system
 Power outlets of tractors
 Two wheel
 Four wheel

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

12.5 Inquires into equipment used in  Plant protection equipment  Identifies the components of 06
plant protection.  Piston type sprayers plant protection equipment
 Power sprayers and describes its function.
 Maintenance of equipment  Assembles a knapsack
sprayer and calibrates.
 Maintains knapsack sprayer.

13. Exhibits readiness 13.1 Inquires into economically  Gross features of timber  Describes the gross features 04
to utilize sustainable important timber species in Sri  Physical of timber.
timber and non- Lanka.  Mechanical  Classifies economically
timber based  Economically important timber species important timber species
products.  For construction with examples according to
 For furniture purpose.
 For ornaments  Identifies economically
 For infrastructure important timber species by
 For fuel visual and microscopic
 In paper industry observations.

13.2 Inquires into method of timber  Timber seasoning  Describes the importance of 06
seasoning and preservation.  Necessity timber seasoning and
 Methods preservation.
 Air drying  Identifies the seasoning
 Kiln drying defects.
 Seasoning defects  Determines moisture
 Timber preservation content of air dried timber.
 Necessity  Proposes suitable
 Types of pests techniques for timber
 Techniques seasoning and preservation.
 Identifies preserved timber
by chemical analysis.

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

13.3 Inquires into the timber  Timber grading  Describes the importance of
grading.  Necessity timber grading. 02
 Grading criteria and standards  Describes the standards
 Methods considered for timber
 Yield method grading.
 Cutting method  Grades timber according to
 Stress grading method different criteria.

13.4 Performs some important  Forest mensuration  Describes the importance of

measurements used in forest  Importance forest mensuration. 04
mensuration.  Measurements and equipment  Measures the height of
 Diameter of felling trees standing trees.
 Height of standing  Calculates the
 Volume of a standing tree circumference and volume
of standing trees.

13.5 Performs techniques to  Non-timber forest products- related  Categorizes and lists out
produce non-timber forest industry various non-timber forest 10
products.  Categorization products.
 Cosmetics  Describes the procedure of
 Medicinal non-timber forest products
 Bath and body care processing.
 Ornaments  Prepares non-timber herbal
 Non-timber herbal product processing products.
 Procedure
 Collection
 Extraction
 Production

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

14. Investigates 14.1 Inquires into different ² Plantation crops- based products  Describes the different
different techniques techniques to produce ² Coconut techniques used to produce 10
to produce plantaiton based products. ² Kernal products different products of
plantation and minor ² Desiccated coconut plantation crops.
export crops based ² Coconut oil  Extracts virgin coconut oil.
products. ² Shell products  Produces coir based
² Activated carbon products.
² Husk products  States the procedure of
² Fibre products green and black tea
² Tea processing.
² Processing  Produces rubber based
² Green tea products.
² Black tea
² Rubber
² Value added products
14.2 Inquires into different ² Processing of black pepper  Describes the different
techniques used to process ² Berry separation techniques used to produce 10
minor export crops based ² Hot water treatment different products of minor
products. ² Drying export crops based
² Processing of white pepper products.
² Berry separation  Processes pepper and
² Soaking cinnamon.
² Removing outer vind  States the pepper grades
² Soaking in citric acid and quality standards of
² Washing and drying cinnamon.
² Cleaning and winnowing
² Pepper grades
² Processing of bark products of cinnamon
² Quality standards of cinnamon

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

15. Exhibits readiness to 15.1 Inquires in to electrical  Measuring instruments (Analog and digital  Identifies electrical 06
develop and measurements. multimeters) measuring instruments.
construct process  Measuring DC voltages  Performs following
control and  Measuring DC currents measurements in a given
automation  Measurement/Reading resistance simple electrical circuits.
mechanisms.  Resistance
 Voltage
 Current

15.2 Assembles simple circuits.  Assembling simple circuits  Constructs simple circuits 10
 Components with bread boards and vero
 Bread boards boards.
 Vero boards  Operates different power
 Battery pack supplies.
 Step down transformers  Constructs power supply
 Voltage regulators with voltage regulators.
 LED, ICs  Make different circuits using
 Measurements of V, I and R components.
 Calculation of power.  Performs different
measurements and
 Develops skills in making
different circuits.

15.3 Engages in calculations related  Calculations related to elecrical power  Applies V=IR equation in 08
to electrical power.  Voltage simple circuits.
 Current  Performs electrical power
 Resistance calculations.

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

15.4 Inquires in to the use of  Microcontrollers  Identifies the role of 20

microcontrollers.  Components controller, sensor and
 Controller actuator
 Sensor  Identifies available
 Actuator microcontrollers (PLCs and
 Types arduino boards)
 PLCs  Selects sensors and
 Arduino circuit board actuators for different
 Simple on/off using arduino purposes.
 Use of sensors with arduino
 Use of actuators with arduino
 Relay
 Bulb
 Motor
 Transistor switch

15.5 Fabricates automated systems.  Automated systems  Assembles automated 30

 Timers for activating simple devices (bulb, systems using Arduino
fan, heater etc.) boards.
 Temperature controller  Acquires hands on
 Automated irrigation system using soil experience in building
moisture sensors Arduino based automated
 Identifies the mechanisms
those can be automated
with the existing knowledge.
 Describes methods of
possible automation

24 15
Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

16. Exhibits readiness 16.1 Investigates occupational  Occupational safety and health  States some disaster 02
to apply Occupa- hazards.  Importance incidents relevant to bio-
tional Safety and  Hazards systems technology.
Health (OSH)  Physical  Describes the importance of
practices related to  Chemical occupational safety and
different occupa-  Biological health.
tions.  Ergonomics  Describes occupational
 Psychosocial hazards with examples.

16.2 Inquires into safety auditing  Safety auditing  Describes the steps of safety 04
and prevents OSH hazards.  Steps auditing.
 Hierarchy of hazard control  Prepares a check list for
 Hazard evaluation safety auditing.
 Performs experiments on
hierarchy of hazard control.
 Evaluates hazards.

16.3 Inquires into standards and  OSH standards and regulations  Describes the legal aspects 02
regulations relevant to OSH.  Local relevant to OSH.
 International

17 Exhibits readiness to 17.1 Inquires into cutflower and  Techniques of cultivating conomically  Collects different types of 08
engage in foliage plant culture techniques. important species and varieties economically important cut
horticulture.  Cut flowers flowers and foliage and
 Tropical prepares a picture album.
 Temperate  Selects suitable varieties
 Foliage according to environmental
 Applies different techniques
to propagate cut flowers
and foliage plants.
 Establishes plants in selected
 Maintains the cultured plants

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

17.2 Prepares cut flower and  Market presentation of products  Applies suitable techniques 06
foliage products for the  Procedure to harvest yield.
market.  Cleaning  Lists out the quality
 Processing according to standards standards of cut flowers.
 Grading  Performs post harvest
 Post harvest treatment management of cut flowers
 Packaging and foliage.
 Floral decorations  Prepares floral decorations
 Principles for different occasions.
 Materials required
 Techniques
 Designing

17.3Investigates the elements  Landscaping  Describes the benefits of 04

and principles in landscape  Benefits landscaping.
designing.  Elements of landscape designing  Describes the elements and
 Lines principles of landscape
 Forms designing.
 Texture  Describes the applications
 Colour of elements and principles in
 Visual weight landscape designing.
 Principles of landscape designing
 Scale and Proportion
 Order
 Balance
 Rhythem
 Unity
 Focalization
 Variety

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration

17.4 Inquires about landscape  Application of elements and principles in  Identifies different hard and 04
materials. landscape designing soft landscape materials.
 Landscape materials  Prepares a picture album on
 Hard landscape materials plants and other elements
 Water features used in landscaping.
 Paving
 Statues
 Murals
 Soft landscape materials
 Lawns
 Trees
 Borders
 Hedges
 Flower beds

17.5 Establishes and maintains the  Landscape designing  Describes the steps in 18
garden properly.  Steps landscape designing.
 Site visit and discussion with client  Prepares a suitable
 Surveying of the land landscape design.
 Development of the design  Identifies machinery and
 Implementation tools needed for
 BOQ and budgeting establishment and
 Construction maintenance of landscapes.
 Vertical  Prepares a BOQ for a small
 Horizontal project.
 Establishment  Implements a small
 Plants landscape project.
 Root-balled trees
 Lawn
 Maintenance
 Pruning and training
 Fertilizer management
Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration
18. Investigates 18.1 Inquires into techniques to  Solid waste  Classifies solid waste based 24
environmental minimize the impact of solid  Classification on source of generation and
friendly stategies for wastes in biological systems. composition.
sustainable  According to source of generation
 Describes the characteristics
development of  According to composition of solid waste.
biological systems.  Characteristics of waste  Determines the composition
 Moisture content of a sample of domestic
 Density solid waste.
 Presents suggestions for
 Solid waste management solid waste management.
 Disposal  Describes the solid waste
 Size and volume reduction disposal techniques.
 Recycling  Performs experiments on
disposal techniques of solid
 Energy recovery wastes.
 Composting  Determines the most viable
 Incineration solid waste disposal option
 Gasification for locality.
 Develops and implements a
 Cleaner production solid waste management
 Concept plan for the school.
 Importance  Explains the concept of
 Techniques cleaner production
 Procedure  Describes the importance of
 Energy and water controlling of a cleaner production
production flow chart technology.
 Applies cleaner production
techniques in a small entity.
(household, technology lab,
school canteen etc.)

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration
18.2 Inquires into production of  Renewable energy production  Describes the importance of 16
renewable energy sources.  Importance renewable energy.
 Sources  Explains the methodologies
 Solar power of production of renewable
 Wind power energy.
 Bio fuel  Generates solar power,
 Dendro-thermal power dendro power and biogas
 Biogas using available waste.

18.3 Inquires into environmental  Environmental friendly techniques used in  Describes the importance of 05
friendly techniques used in agricultural sector using environmental friendly
agricultural sector.  Edible gardening techniques in agriculture
 Importance sector.
 Methodology  Establishes an edible
 Use of biodegradable pesticides garden.
 Importance  Prepares biodegradable
 Types and method of application pesticides and applies them
into the crops.

19 Improves necessary 19.1 Investigates business  Entrepreneurship  Describes the role of an 04

skills for enterprise opportunities.  Characteristics of an entrepreneur entrepreneur in value
and product  Administrative skills creation.
development  Planning  Develops the attributes and
 Organizing skills necessary for
 Regulation entrepreneurship
 Evaluation  Describes the successes and
 Personality skills failures of entrepreneurship
 Risk management in the context of product
 Identifying business opportunities and market orientation
 Creativity/innovation
 Entrepreneurial activity
 Goods
 Services
 Market orientation vs product

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcomes Duration
19.2 Inquires into business process  Business opportunities  Uses SWOT analysis to 08
and acquires the tools of  Methods to identify identify alternatives business
business development.  Market surveys pathways.
 SWOT analysis  Describes methodology of
 Development of Business Plan (BP) market survey.
 Contents and structure of a BP  Converts a business idea
 Illustration of BP for a SME into a marketable proposal.
 Basic management activities of a SME  Describes the basic
 Planning management activities of
 Organizing SME.
 Directing, controlling
 Evaluating

19.3 Investigates the infrastructure  Infrastructure facilities required for the  Describes the role of 03
facilities required for the existing a business obtainable support services
existance of a business.  Support services to conduct a business.
 Finance/credit  Describes the role of
 Microfinance regulations and the actions
 Leasing needed to comply with
 Loans business.
 Regulations  Describes the cost and
 Price control efficiency issues related to
 Labour law
 Consumer protection market logistics .
 Quality control/ standards
 Documentation
 Registration
 Import documents
 Export documents
 Certification
 Logistics
 Transport
 Storage
 Research and development


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