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NAME : .............................................................................................................

Bengkel menjawab soalan

Fizik Tahun 2015

1 Nucleus 238
U is radioactive. The following equation shows that the nucleus U decays to produce nucleus
Y and an alpha particle.

U Y + Alpha particle + Energy

(a)How many neutrons are present in nucleus U?

………………………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]
(b) What is the nucleon number and atomic number of nucleus Y?

nucleon umber :………………………………………………………[1 mark]

atomic number :.....……………………………………………… …[1 mark]

(c) Diagram 1.1 show three different rays emitted by a radioactive source. The rays are directed through
a strong electric field.

C Q -
Radioactive source -

Diagram 1.1
(i) Identify the type of radiation in diagram above.

A :......................................................................................................

B :.......................................................................................................

C :…………………………………………………................................................ [ 3 marks ]

(d) Using Diagram 1.1

(i) compare the degree of deflection for A and C.

.................................................................................................................................. [ 1 mark ]
(ii) explain your answer in (d)(i).

.................................................................................................................................. [ 1 mark ]

2. The following equation represents the reaction that occurs in the core of the sun.

(a) (i) Name the reaction that occurs. ............................................................................[1 mark]

(ii) State one conditions that is required for the reaction in (a) (i) to occur.

.......................................................................................... ........................................ [ 1 mark ]

(b) (i) State the charges of He
2 : ............................................................................[1 mark]

(ii) State the number of neutron in 2

: ...........................................................[1 mark]
NAME : ............................................................................................................. Bengkel menjawab soalan
Fizik Tahun 2015

3. Diagram below shows a type of nuclear reaction


(a) Name the type of nuclear reaction.

…………………………………………………………………………………….......[1 mark]

(b) State the value of X. ..............................................................................[1 mark]

(c) Total atomic mass before reaction is 3.985 x 10-25 kg and total atomic mass after reaction is
3.982 x 10-25 kg.

(i) the mass defect.

[2 marks]
(ii) the amount of energy released.

[2 marks]

4 Diagram below shows how the thickness of a plastic sheet is controlled automatically using a radioactive

The radioactive source contains radioisotope and the roller is used to compress the plastic sheet.
Table 2 shows four radioisotopes with their respective characteristics.

Types of Physical
Radioisotope Half-life
radiation state

J Beta Liquid 10 days

K Beta Solid 45 years
L Alpha Solid 8 hours
M Gamma Liquid 36 seconds
(a) What is meant by radioisotope?
_______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
NAME : ............................................................................................................. Bengkel menjawab soalan
Fizik Tahun 2015
(b) Based on Table 2 , state the suitable characteristics of a radioisotope for detecting the thickness of
plastic sheets.
(i) Type of radiation :______________________

Reason : _______________________________________________________[2 marks]

(ii) Physical state : ______________________

Reason : _______________________________________________________[2 marks]

(iii) Half-life : ______________________

Reason : _______________________________________________________[2 marks]

(c)Based on your answers in 3(b), choose the most suitable radioisotope in Table 2 to determine the
thickness of the plastic sheets.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]
(d) (i) State the change in the reading of the ratemeter when a thinner plastic sheet is used.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]
(ii) What modification is taken to measure a thicker plastic sheet ?

……………………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]

(e) A radioactive source has a half-life of 25 minutes. How much time does it takes for its activity to
reduce to 12.5% of its initial value?

[2 marks]
NAME : ............................................................................................................. Bengkel menjawab soalan
Fizik Tahun 2015

[2 marks]

[2 marks]
NAME : ............................................................................................................. Bengkel menjawab soalan
Fizik Tahun 2015

12. Diagram 12 shows a Geiger Muller tube is connected to a counter that reads the background reading.

Diagram 12.1

(a) Name one source that produced the background reading. [1 mark]
(b) Diagram 12.2 shows a charged electroscope. When a radioactive source is brought near the
metal plate of the electroscope the gold leaf collapsed.

Diagram 12.2

(i) Name the type of radiation emitted by the source. [1 mark]

(ii) Explain why the gold leaf collapsed. [3 marks]

(c) Radioisotopes is used to detect the position of blood clots (thrombosis) in the blood vessels.
You are required to investigate the characteristics of the radioisotopes as shown in Table 12.

Radioisotope State of Half life Type of Type of detector

Radioisotop Matter Setengah radiation Jenis Pengesan
Keadaan hayat Jenis
Jirim Sinaran
J Liquid 6 days Gamma GM tube
Cecair 6 hari Gama Tiub GM
K Liquid 15 hours Gamma GM tube
Cecair 15 jam Gama Tiub GM
L Solid 140 days Beta Spark counter
Pepejal 140 hari Pembilang Bungapi
M Solid 28 years Beta Spark counter
Pepejal 28 tahun Pembilang Bungapi

Table 12

Explain the suitability of each characteristics of the radioisotope to be used to detect the blood
clots in the blood vessels. Determine the most suitable radioisotope that can be used to detect the
position of the blood clots.Give reasons for your choice. [10 marks]
NAME : ............................................................................................................. Bengkel menjawab soalan
Fizik Tahun 2015

(d) A nuclear reaction is represented by the following equation:

Mass of

Based on the equation,calculate:

(i) the mass defect in kg
ii) the energy released.
[5 marks]
(e) Diagram 12.2 shows the decay graph of cesium-137

Activity / count per minute

Aktiviti / bilangan per minit

30 60 90 Masa / tahun

(a) What is the meaning of half -life? [1 mark]

(b) Based on the graph in Diagram 12.2, state the half-life of cesium-137.

(c) A Geiger Muller detector is used to detect the leakage of radiation by cesium-137 at a nuclear power
plant; the reading of the rate meter is 8055 count/minute. The background reading is 55 count/minute. The
rate count which is safe for human being is below 1200 count/minute.
Calculate how long does it take for human being to enter safely intothe nuclear power plant. [3 marks]
(a) What is the meaning of half -life? [1 mark]
(b) Based on the graph in Diagram 12.2, state the half-life of cesium-137.

(c) A Geiger Muller detector is used to detect the leakage of radiation by

cesium-137 at a nuclear power plant; the reading of the rate meter is 8055
count/minute. The background reading is 55 count/minute. The rate count
which is safe for human being is below 1200 count/minute.
Calculate how long does it take for human being to enter safely into
the nuclear power plant. [3 marks]
Mass of

Based on the equation,calculate:

(i) the mass defect in kg
ii) the energy released.
[5 marks]
(e) Diagram 12.2 shows the decay graph of cesium-137

Activity / count per minute

Aktiviti / bilangan per minit

30 60 90 Masa / tahun

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