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Low Beginner

Low Beginner
Final st

Lesson 1 Nice to meet you!

Maria: Hi! My name’s Maria.

What’s your name?
Peter: Hello, Maria. I’m Peter.
Nice to meet you!

Ben: Hello! __’m Ben.

Sandra: Hi! __ name is Sandra.

Maria: Hi, Stephen. How are you? my name’s = my name is

Stephen: I’m fine. How are you?
Maria: I’m very well. Bye! I’m = I am
Have a great day!

Saying Hello… How are you? Saying Goodbye…

Hello! I’m fine, thank you. Bye. = Goodbye.
Hi. Everything is great. Have a nice day!
Good morning. I’m very well. Have a great day!
Good afternoon. Not so well. See you.
Good evening.

Lesson 2 What’s your job?

1. Vocabulary
waiter police officer teacher actor student
engineer businessman/businesswoman sales clerk

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8
2. Conversation
Maria: Hi, Ben. How are you?
Ben: I am fine. How are you?
Maria: I’m fine too. What’s your job?
Ben: I’m a teacher. Are you a teacher?
Maria: No, I’m not. I’m an actress.
Ben: Really? That’s great!

3. Complete the sentences

Personal Pronouns Amy: What’s your job?
I we Stephen: I’m __ police officer.
Are you ___ teacher?
you you Amy: No, I’m not.
Stephen: Are you __ sales clerk?
he/she/it they Amy: No, I’m not.
Stephen: Are you __ engineer?
Amy: Yes, that’s right.
Lesson 3 The Alphabet

1. The alphabet

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg I can read!
Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn
Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu
Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

2. How do you spell…?

Amy: How do you spell Canada?

Ben: C-A-N-A-D-A.
Amy: How do you spell Korea?
Ben: K-O-R-E-A.
Amy: How do you spell China?
Ben: C-H-I-N-A.

3. Where are you from?

Amy: Where are you from?

Ben: I’m from Canada. And you?
Amy: I’m from _____________
Stephen: I’m from __________
Kate: And I’m from _________

Please put the expressions in the correct order to make a
meaningful conversation.

Hello! Hello!

What’s your name?

Nice to meet you too!

How are you?

I’m fine too.

My name is…

Bye! Nice to meet you!

I’m fine.
How are you?
Lesson 4 The Numbers

1. Say the numbers

1 one 5 five 9 nine
2 two 6 six 10 ten
3 three 7 seven 0 zero
4 four 8 eight

11 eleven 15 fifteen 19 nineteen

12 twelve 16 sixteen 20 twenty
13 thirteen 17 seventeen
14 fourteen 18 eighteen
2. Let’s play BINGO! You will need a sheet of paper and a pen.

1) Think of nine numbers (1-20) and write them in a square as shown

2) Take turns saying different numbers. If the number you say is one of
the nine numbers you have, cross it out.
3) The person who crosses out all of his numbers first wins. When you
cross out all of your numbers, say BINGO!

A: I say six.
B: I say eleven.
A: I say two!
Lesson 5 Asking Questions

1. Read the conversation

Wendy: Hello. What’s your name?
Stacy: Hi. My name is Stacy Smith.
Wendy: What’s your first name?
Stacy: My first name is Stacy.
Wendy: And what’s your last name?
Stacy: My last name is Smith.
Wendy: How do you spell it?
Stacy: S-M-I-T-H.
Wendy: What’s your job?
Stacy: I don’t have a job. I’m a student.
Wendy: What’s your phone number?
Stacy: It’s 123-441-55.
Wendy:Ok. Thank you very much.
Stacy: Thank you.

2. Practice the conversation

3. Now tell us about yourself…

My first name is _____ and my last name is _____. I’m a/an _____

Asking questions… Responding…

What’s your name? My name is _________.
What’s your job? I am a/an ___________.
What’s your phone number? It’s ________________.
What’s your email address? It’s ________________.
Lesson 6 Who are you?

1. Role-play.
Choose one of the people below. Then ask and answer questions and try to guess your partner’s
A: Are you from Canada?
B: No, I’m not. Are you from the USA?
A: Yes. Are you from the USA?
B: Yes, I am. Are you a writer?
A: Yes. Are you a writer?
B: No. Are you Dominique Cotier?
A: Yes.

Name: Park Ha-Jun Name: William Name: Kim Bora Name: Jane Smith
Country: Korea Shakespeare Country: Korea Country: Canada
Job: student Country: the UK Job: businesswoman Job: musician
Job: writer

Name: Dominique Name: Kate Peterson Name: Martin Smith Name: Lily Watson
Cotier Country: the UK Country: Canada Country: the USA
Country: the USA Job: musician Job: businessman Job: student
Job: writer

Name: Paul Rodrigo Name: Mary Shaw Name: Kim Eun-Ji Name: Park Chae-Won
Country: the USA Country: the USA Country: Korea Country: Korea
Job: musician Job: musician Job: musician Job: student
Lesson 7 Where are you from?


1. Vocabulary 6

the USA the UK Canada France

China Japan Korea
Which countries can you see in pictures 1-7?
Say the names of:
- your country 7
- a country near your country

The verb TO BE

I am we are I am not we are not Am I…? Are we…?

you are you are you are not you are not Are you…? Are you…?
he/she/it is they are he/she/it is not they are not Is he/she/it…? Are they…?

I’m = I am you are = you’re we are = we’re Are you from China?
he is = he’s they are = they’re she is = she’s it is = it’s Where are you from? 9
Lesson 7 Where are you from?

2. Countries and Nationalities

Country Nationality Ending

Russia Russian + -ian

Canada Canadian
America (the USA) American + -n
Korea Korean
England (the UK) English + -ish/sh
Scotland (the UK) Scottish
Wales (the UK) Welsh
Ireland (the UK) Irish
France French + -ch
China Chinese + -ese
Japan Japanese

Where are you from?

I am from Korea. = I am Korean.

3. Complete the sentences

A: Is Wei Wei from China?
B: Yes, she is. She is ________.
A: Is John Smith from England?
B: Yes, he is. He is ________.
A: Is Dominique Bon from France?
B: Yes, she is. She is ________.
A: Is Slavena Ivanova from Russia?
B: Yes, she is. She is ________.
A: Is Akiko from China?
B: No, she isn’t. She is ________.
Brad Pitt ___ an American actor. He __ from the USA.
Lesson 8 Is this his pen?

1. Complete the sentences with am/are/am not/are not:

A: Where ___ you from?

B: I ___ from the UK.
A: ___ you a teacher?
B: No, I _____. I ___ a student. ___ you from the USA?
A: No, I______. I ___ from China.

2. Complete the sentences with is/isn’t:

A: Where ___ Kate Smith from?

B: She ___ from the UK.
A: ___ she a teacher?
B: No, she _____. She ___ a student.
A: This is my friend, Carla. Carla ___ from the USA. She ___ a teacher.

3. Complete the sentences with my/your/her/his:

1 I have a pen. This is ___ pen.

2 You have a car. This is ____ car.
3 She has a new bag. This is ____ new bag.
4 He has a new phone. This is ____ new phone.
5 I have a pencil. This is ___ pencil.

Lesson 8 Is this his pen?

4. Conversation
Kate: Is this your pen?
Mike: No, it isn’t. It’s his pen.
Kate: Is this your bag?
Mike: No, it isn’t. It’s his bag.
Kate: Is this your phone?
Mike: Yes. This is my phone.

Personal Pronouns Possessive Adjectives

my pen our pen
I we
your pen your pen
you you
his their pen
he/she/it they
her pen

5. Practice
Jim: What’s her name?
Ben: ___ name is Kate Smith.
Jim: What’s ___ job?
Ben: She is a student.

Kate: Where is he from?

Jim: He ___ from China. He ___ Chinese.

Kate: Is ___ name Jane?

Jim: No, it ______. Her name ___ Kristen. 12
Lesson 9 Music

1. Vocabulary
jazz techno pop classical hip-hop
folk rock country heavy metal reggae

2. Conversation
Jack: Hey, Jill! What are you doing?
Jill: I’m listening to music.
Jack: Oh! What kind of music do you like?
Jill: I like jazz and hip-hop. I’m really into hip-hop.
Jack: I don’t like hip-hop. I love rock.

What kind of music do you like?

I (really) love rock music. I don’t like jazz.

I like jazz (a lot). I don’t like to listen to hip-hop.
I am (really) into hip-hop. I hate rock music.
Lesson 10 The Numbers (21-100)

1. Say the numbers

20 twenty 60 sixty 100 a hundred
30 thirty 70 seventy
40 forty 80 eighty
50 fifty 90 ninety

20 twenty 24 _______ 28 _______

21 twenty-one 25 _______ 29 ________
22 twenty-two 26 _______
23 __________ 27 _______
2. How old are these people?

Lesson 11 This, that, these, those

This is an apple => That is an apple =>

These are apples => Those are apples =>

And now you:

___ are oranges => ___ is an orange =>

___ is an orange => ___ are oranges =>

Which of these things can you see in the pictures?

banana – bananas
apple – apples
boy – boys
girl – girls

woman – women
child – children
man – men
person - people 15
Lesson 12 Singular and plural nouns

1. Match the singular nouns with the plural nouns:

cat sandwiches
dog flies
sandwich spies
fly cats
spy dogs

Singular noun Rule
cat cats with most nouns, we add -s
sandwich sandwiches if the noun ends in o /ch /sh /x /ss,
we add –es
fly flies If the noun ends in a consonant + y,
y => ie, then we add -s

2. Choose the correct word: this, that, these or those.

A: ____ two books, A: Ben, this / that A: Who is ___ girl?

please. is Peter. B: She is my classmate.
B: 20$, please. B: Hello, Peter.
Lesson 13 Are you happy?

1. Vocabulary

happy friendly big fast strong dangerous

sad unfriendly small slow cute lazy

2. Describe the animals using the adjectives above

e.g. The dog is lazy. The cat is cute.

dog cat tiger

rabbit lion parrot

cow horse monkey 17

Lesson 14 What’s in your bag?

1. What’s in your bag? Let's play a game. The

teacher will show you the
1. an umbrella most interesting things in
2. a watch his/her bag. You can try to
guess the name.
3. a phone
4. a camera
5. sunglasses
6. gloves
7. a wallet
8. a notebook
9. a pen

2. Make the nouns in exercise 3 plural.

e.g. an umbrella => (two) umbrellas

Lesson 15 Food and drink

1. Vocabulary

cheese pasta rice egg

juice tea coffee milk
2. What can you see in the picture?

Lesson 15 Food and drink

3. Conversation
Bella: Can I have chicken soup, please?
Server: And for you, madam?
Kate: Nothing for me, thank you.
Server: And to drink?
Bella: I would like an orange juice, please.
Kate: Coffee for me, please. With milk.
Server: Anything else?
Kate: No, thank you.

Useful expressions
What’s your favorite food?
I would like _______. My favorite food is (Chinese food).
What’s your favorite drink?
Can I have ________, please? My favorite drink is orange juice.
What’s a popular drink in China?
______ for me, please. Tea is very popular in China.

Lesson 16 On holiday

1. Complete the text with the forms of the verb to be: is (not),
are (not), am (not).
Kim and I ___ teachers and we ___ from London, England.
We ___ (not) in England now. We ____ in China for a
conference. Jane ____ also a teacher. She ____ from the UK,
she ___ from the US. We ___ in Hong Kong now. It ___ a great
city and the conference ____ very interesting. But the shops
___ very expensive.
2. Vocabulary
Ben is going on vacation in China. Which of these things should
he take? Give him some advice.

cash backpack



dog sunscreen beach umbrella

Lesson 17 In town

1. Vocabulary

hotel bank street house railway station subway

school park café bus stop police station clothes shop

2. There is / There are

Use there is / there are and tell us the things you can see in the picture.
e.g. There is a school.

Lesson 17 In town

3. Conversation
Kate: Hello. I am in Pink City for the weekend. Any ideas for places to visit?
Matt: There is a famous old post office. And there’s a big university.
There is an old town in the center of the city. There are some beautiful
old streets. There are a lot of nice cafés.
Kate: Thanks! Is there a good hotel in Pink City? Not expensive, please!
Matt: Yes. There’s a nice hotel оn Lane Street.
Kate: And is there a good restaurant near the hotel?
Matt: Yes, there is a Chinese restaurant. It’s near the hotel and the food
is very good.
Kate: And where can I buy some gifts for my friends?
Matt: There are a lot of shops оn River Street.
4. Prepositions

Lesson 18 Where is…?

department store

school bus stop

police station

hospital café park

subway hotel

gym clothes shop

1. Choose the correct word

1 The school is near the bank / bus stop.
2 The department store is on the left of / on the right of the bus stop.
3 The café is / isn’t in West Street.
4 The subway is near the bank / café.
5 The church is / isn’t in the park.
6 The gym is near the clothes shop / restaurant.
7 The subway is on the left of / on the right of the bank.
8 The café is on the left of / on the right of the hospital.

Lesson 19 Some / Any / A / A lot of

1. Vocabulary
a beach a hill an island a lake
a mountain a forest a river the sea

2. Conversation

Ben: What famous places are there near your town?

Kate: There aren’t any famous places near my town.
But there are some beautiful mountains and lakes.
Ben: What places are there in your town?
Kate: There is an old church. There are a lot of nice
Ben: Are there any beaches near your town?
Kate: Yes. There are a lot of beaches near my town.
They’re fantastic!

A / AN = 1 thing e.g. There is an apple. (= 1 apple)

Use “a / an” with countable nouns. There is a banana. (= 1 banana)

Use in positive (+) sentences e.g. There are some apples.

SOME Use with countable and uncountable nouns. There is some milk.

e.g. There aren’t any apples.

ANY Use in negative (-) sentences and questions (?)
There isn’t any milk.
Use with countable and uncountable nouns.
Are there any apples?
Is there any milk? 25
Lesson 20 My town

1. Choose the correct word

1 Is there a lot of / a hotel near here?
2 There are any / a lot of cafés in Royal Street.
3 Are there a / any department stores near here?
4 The Mediterranean is a very big river / sea.
5 There aren’t any / some hotels in this street.
6 I will take a / an taxi.
7 There are seven islands / hills in the city of Rome.
8 There is / are a famous university in my city.

2. Speaking : My town
The name of my town is ______. It’s in ______ (country).
It’s famous for ________ (its long main street/ its beautiful gardens/
etc.). There’s a beautiful ______ (place).
There are a lot of _______ (places). My favorite ____ (place) is
______ (name). Near my town, there is a _______ (a big lake, etc.).

Lesson 21 Giving directions

A: Excuse me, how

do I get to the
B: Go down Rose Blvd.
You’ll see the
supermarket. restaurant

Blueberry Str.
Paradise Str.

Tulip Str.
pharmacy clothes shop
A: Where’s Ben’s house?
B: It’s at 25 Hogwarts Str.
A: How do I get there?
B: It’s not far. From the bus stop
park go up Tulip Str.
Take a left on Daisy Str. park
It’s easy. optician’s



You are here

Giving directions

Go up/down this road/street/avenue

Turn left/right
Take the third on the left/right
Go straight on, past the university
You will see ____ on your left/right
Lesson 22 Describing people

1. Vocabulary
beautiful / handsome ⬄ ugly short ⬄ tall
fat ⬄ thin young ⬄ elderly/old


Let's play a game! Find

some pictures on the
internet and describe the
people in the pictures.

talkative ⬄ quiet
funny ⬄ serious
friendly ⬄ unfriendly
Hello, goodbye

1. Listen to the song “Hello, goodbye” by the Beatles on YouTube.

"Hello, Goodbye"
You say yes, I say no
You say stop and I say go go go, oh no
You say goodbye and I say hello
Hello hello
I don't know ____ you say goodbye, I say hello
Hello hello
I don't know ____ you say goodbye, I say hello

I say high, you say low

You say why and I say I don't ____, oh no
You say goodbye and I say hello
(Hello goodbye hello goodbye) Hello hello
(Hello goodbye) I don't know ___ you say goodbye, I say hello
(Hello goodbye hello goodbye) Hello hello
(Hello goodbye) I don't know ___ you say goodbye
(Hello goodbye) I say hello/goodbye

Why why why why why why do you say goodbye goodbye, oh no?

You say goodbye and I say hello

Hello hello
I don't know ___ you say goodbye, I say hello
Hello hello
I don't know ___ you say goodbye, I say hello

You say yes (I say yes) I say no (But I may mean no)
You say ____ (I can stay) and I say go go go (Till it's time to go), oh
Oh no
You say goodbye and I say hello
Hello hello
I don't know ___ you say goodbye, I say hello
Hello hello
I don't know ___ you say goodbye, I say hello
Hello hello
I don't know ___ you say goodbye, I say hello hello

Lesson 23 What’s the weather like?

1. Vocabulary

A: What’s the weather like?

B: It’s sunny.

It’s cloudy/stormy/windy.
It’s raining. It’s snowing.

What’s the temperature?

Lesson 23 What’s the weather like?

2. Conversation
Mary: It’s really nice today, isn’t it?
Anne: Yes. It’s sunny. It’s warm. I can’t believe it’s fall!
Mary: What is your favorite season?
Anne: Oh, actually, I really like winter.
Mary: Winter? But it’s so cold in winter! I like summer.
Anne: It’s too hot in summer.
Mary: I suppose we have different tastes!

spring summer

fall winter
Lesson 24 Family

1. Vocabulary

Which of these words are: a sister a son

• male a grandchild a daughter
• female a husband a parent
• male or female a father a grandfather

a sister a daughter a mother a grandmother a granddaughter

a brother a son a father a grandfather a grandson
siblings children parents grandparents grandchildren

2. Read about Kate’s family.

Kate is 15 years old. She lives with her parents.

She has an older sister and a younger brother.
Her sister is 22 years old.
She is not married, but she is engaged.

=> Tell your partner about your family.

e.g. I have a big family. I have four sisters and one brother…
My brother is fifteen years old.

Lesson 25 Possessive ‘s

1. Conversation

Tom: Do you have a large family?

Jerry: I guess. Besides my mom and dad, I have four sisters
and one brother.
Tom: Really? Your family is very big.
Jerry: Yes. I can show you a picture. Look. This is my mother.
And this is my mother’s sister.
Tom: Really? And this car is very nice.
Jerry: Thanks. It’s my brother’s car.

Possessive ‘s
my brother’s car
my mother’s sister

Possessive ‘s Kate’s mother’s name is Dana.

singular plural
Ally and Peter’s parents are
my sister’s cat my brothers’ toys
Sonya and John.
my boss’s car my children’s toys

2. Put the possessive ‘s in the right places

1 Kate is John sister. 2 Tom is Jerry friend.
3 Her brother name is George. 4 Maria and Kate are Dana daughters.
5 Kate and Maria are Becky sisters. 6 My boys toys are there.

Lesson 26 Likes and Dislikes

1. Vocabulary

2. Conversation
John: Hey, who’s that girl? Do you know her name?
Ben: I’m not sure. I think it’s Kate.
John: She looks nice.
Ben: Does she play the violin?
John: Well, she’s got a violin case!
Let’s go and ask her.

Lesson 26 Likes and Dislikes

3. Do you…

… like reality TV programs?

• Yes, I do.
• No, I don’t.

4. Do you like sports?


play + ball sports football, table tennis, golf

go + -ing running, swimming

do + others athletics

Hobbies… Favorite things… Role-models…

acting my computer a singer
playing a musical instrument my diary a dancer
reading books my car an artist
writing poetry, stories, blogs my camera a politician
drawing an inventor
collecting things a writer
taking photos an actor
someone I know ___

• Tell us about a friend of yours.

Mary likes playing table tennis and reading books. Her favorite thing is her computer.
Her role-model is Taylor Swift. 35
Lesson 27 Colors and Clothing

1. Vocabulary
1. red
2. violet
3. pink
4. black
5. white
6. green
7. yellow
8. blue

Let's play a game. The teacher

will show you different objects
and will ask you about their colors.

2. Text
My name’s Wei Wei. I’m from China but I don’t live there now. My parents are
from a small town in China. I study IT at a university in London. I live with two
other students. They don’t study IT. They study medicine. We live in an
apartment near the university. Everything is expensive in London, so it’s
a small apartment, but it’s really comfortable.

Lesson 28 Present Simple

Jill is 25. She’s a businesswoman. She likes learning different languages. She likes reading
books and playing computer games.

She wakes up at 7:00 AM every day and she takes a shower. She has breakfast at 8:00 and
she goes to work. She starts work at 9:00. She finishes work at 6:00 PM and she gets
back home at 7:00. She has dinner at 8:00 and goes to bed at 11:00 PM.

Present Simple
(+) I play We play Spelling for he/she/it (3rd person sg.)
I cry => he/she/it cries *when a verb ends in a consonant + y,
You play You play
y => ie, then we add -s
He/she/it plays They play
I go => he/she/it goes *when a verb ends in o/ch/sh/x/ss,
we add -es
(-) I don't play We don’t play
You don't play You don't play We use the Present Simple to talk about facts or things
He/she/it doesn't play They don't play that are always true, or things that we do every day:
e.g. The sun rises in the east.
(?) Do I play? Do we/you/they play? I like chocolate.
Do you play? I brush my teeth in the morning.
Does he/she/it play?

Do you do this every day?

❖ wake up early
❖ check your e-mail
❖ play on your phone
❖ go to work Let's make some (+), (-) and (?)
❖ have breakfast
❖ go out with friends
❖ take a shower
❖ brush your teeth

Lesson 28 Present Simple

1. Do you… ?

❖ go to bed late
❖ drink coffee in the morning
❖ take the bus to work
❖ take the subway
❖ watch TV in the evening
❖ go to the gym
❖ walk the dog
❖ cook in the evening

No, I don’t. I drink

green tea.
Do you drink coffee
in the morning?

2. Complete the sentences

1. Florian (play) football on Wednesdays.
2. They (want) you to be polite and well-behaved.
3. She (look) afraid though it is just a little spider!
4. How often (he/see) his grandparents? Let's make some (+), (-) and
5. We always (go) to school by bus. (?) sentences.
6. John (study) to become a teacher.
7. Who (work) with you in your office?
8. Peter (never/say) anything : he's very shy.
9. I (walk) the dog every day.
10. When they're on holiday, they usually (wake up) at midday.

Lesson 29 Present Simple

1. Match the words with the verbs

breakfast lunch the piano computer games a laptop

magazines music the cinema your family the park
TV the news sports a meal a movie

read: a book, _________

watch: ______________
go to: _______________
go out with: _________
listen to: ____________
play: ________________
cook: _______________
have: _______________
use: ________________

2. Let’s talk!
Do you go to _______ a lot?
Do you like _____________ (spicy food / rock music)?
Do you play ____________?
Do you listen to ____________ a lot?
Do you have _________ (a pet) ?

And how about your best friend?

Lesson 30 Daily routine

1. Text
Hello, I’m Beth. I live in the USA. I get up at half past six.
I have breakfast at quarter past seven. I go to school at eight o’clock.
We have lunch at school at half past twelve. I eat sandwiches,
soup and fruit for lunch. I go home at three o’clock.
I go to bed at half past nine.

Hello, I’m Megan. I am a manager, I live in Ireland. I get up

at quarter past eight. I have breakfast at half past eight.
I go to work at nine o’clock. We have lunch in the office at
twelve o’clock. I eat pasta and fruit for lunch.
I go home at half past five. I go to bed at nine o’clock.

2. Tell your partner about your daily routine

3. Here is my daughter's routine:

At six o'clock every morning, she (wake up).

Then she staggers to the bathroom and she (have) a shower.
After her shower, she goes to the kitchen and (have) her breakfast.
Then she (brush) her teeth after breakfast, (put) on her
make-up, and (get) dressed. She usually wears blue jeans.
Finally, she (pick up) her handbag and (leave) the house
by 6:45. She (get) in her car and drives to school.

Lesson 31 What time is it?

1. The time

15 min = quarter
30 min = half

2. What time is it?

Lesson 32 WH- Questions

1. Choose the correct question word

1. ______ are you? (place)
2. _____ are these people? (people)
3. ______ is this thing? (things)
4. _____’s the weather like? (information, facts)
5. _____ is he upset? (reason)
6. ________ coffee is there? (amount)
7. ________ oranges are on the table? (amount)
8. ____ is the party? (time)
what when
where what
how much how many
why who

2. Ask your partner some questions

Where do you buy food? When do you wake up?
Where do you brush your teeth? When do you take a bath?
Where do bats live? When do you eat dinner?
What do you need when it rains? Why do people go to work?
What is a pencil used for? Why do we laugh?
What are the four seasons? Why do we eat?

Lesson 33 Are you free on Saturday?

1. Vocabulary
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
always usually often sometimes never

2. Conversation

Mary: Hi, Joseph! Are you free on Saturday?

Joseph: Hi, Mary. I think so. I am usually free on Saturday. Why?
Mary: How about a film? Pride and Prejudice is on at Cinema
City at 5:00.
Joseph: Pride and Prejudice? This is a romantic movie, right?
I don’t really like romantic movies.
Mary: Ok. How about Die Hard? It’s an action movie.
It’s on at 6:00.
Joseph: Sounds great! I’d like to see that. Meet me at Cinema
City at 5:45.
Mary: Ok. See you at 5:45!

3. Practice
Are you free on ____? (day)

How about ____?

Meet me at the ______ (place) at ____ (time)?

Lesson 34 I can do it!

1. Vocabulary
drive a car play tennis dance play chess ride a bike swim

Tell us about yourself.

e.g. I can drive a car. I can play chess. I can’t ride a bike.

can + verb (infinitive form)

I can play the piano.
2. Conversation
Amy: Hi, Kate. Where are you?
Kate: I am standing outside the café with Ben. Where are you?
Amy: I am sitting in my room now.
Kate: What are you doing in your room?
Amy: I am waiting for Sandra. I think she’s got a problem at home.
Kate: Where is she?
Amy: Don’t worry. She’s cycling here now. We can leave soon.
Kate: Hurry up!

Present Continuous
(+) I am playing We are playing We use the Present Continuous to talk about things
You are playing You are playing that are happening now:
He/she/it is playing They are playing e.g. I’m not studying at the moment
*We don’t usually use it to talk about likes/dislikes
(-) I am not playing We aren’t playing I’m hating this film. I hate this film.
You aren’t playing You aren’t playing *We don’t usually use it with verbs of perception
He/she/it isn’t playing They aren’t playing (hear, feel, see, sound, smell, taste)
This meal is tasting good. This meal tastes good.
(?) Am I playing? Are we/you/they playing?
Are you playing?
Is he/she/it playing?

Lesson 35 Occupations

1. Vocabulary Match the jobs with the pictures.

astronaut architect firefighter flight attendant nurse
cook farmer politician judge dentist
• Which is the best job?
• Which is the most difficult job?

1 2 3 4

5 6

7 8 9 10

Lesson 35 Occupations

2. Guess the job

astronaut architect firefighter flight attendant nurse
chef farmer politician judge dentist

1 An _____ designs buildings.

2 Someone who serves food on an airplane is a _____.
3 A ____ prepares food, for example, in a restaurant.
4 A _____ is elected by people and is a member of the
5 A _____ stops fires from burning.
6 A ______ treats people’s teeth.
7 An ____ travels in a spacecraft!
8 A _____ works in a farm.
9 A ____ decides how criminals should be punished.
10 A ____ looks after the ill people in a hospital but is not
a doctor.

• What’s your job? Do you like it?

• When you were a child, what did
you want to work as an adult?
• Is there a job you find disgusting?
• Is there a job you find very dangerous?
• Is there a job you find boring?

Lesson 36 Flags and countries

1. Match the flags with the countries

France Spain
Brazil Italy
Canada the US
the UK Germany
Turkey the Netherlands

2. Describe the flags using shapes and colors. Try to guess the country.
e.g. A: There are three vertical rectangles in the flag.
They are blue, white and red.
B: That’s the flag of France!

Lesson 36 Flags and countries

Additional exercise
1. Learn More!
These are the countries participating in the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
How many of their flags can you recognize?



Answers: Group A: Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Uruguay Group B: Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Iran
Group C: France, Australia, Peru, Denmark Group D: Argentina, Iceland, Croatia, Nigeria
Group E: Brazil, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Serbia Group F: Germany, Mexico, Sweden, S. Korea
Group G: Belgium, Panama, Tunisia, England Group H: Poland, Senegal, Colombia, Japan
Possessive adjectives and
Lesson 37 possessive pronouns

Personal Possessive Possessive

Adjectives Pronouns
*possessive adjectives are used to mean
that something belongs to you.
I my + N mine e.g. This is my bag.
you your + N yours
*They’re called “adjectives” because you always need
he his + N his
a noun after them.
she her + N hers
it its + N its possessive
+ noun
we our ours my bag
you your yours *possessive pronouns are used to mean
they their theirs that something belongs to you.
e.g. This is my bag. It’s mine.
*possessive pronouns are called “pronouns” because
they stand alone in a sentence (just like the
personal pronouns I/you/he/she/etc.)

Fill in the gaps with the correct personal/possessive pronouns

Exercise 1 or possessive adjectives. There may be more than 1 possible answer.
1. ___ dress is really nice. ___ color is interesting.
2. Someone broke the vase. I’ll tell you whose fault it is. It’s ___!
3. I bought this car a few years ago, it’s ____.
4. You are my cousin. So, your aunt is also ____.
5. This cat looks familiar. I think it’s my neighbor’s. It’s ___.
6. __ best friend is also my neighbor.
7. I cannot believe they stole __ idea. You must be very angry!
8. This movie’s really good, you should try to watch __.
3 mine 4 mine 5 his/hers 6 my 7 your 8 it
Answers ex.1 1 my/your/her & its 2 his/hers/yours 49
Possessive adjectives and
Lesson 37 possessive pronouns

Fill in the gaps with the correct personal/possessive pronouns

Exercise 2 or possessive adjectives

1. ‘Martin's? No this isn't 1____ scarf! 2___ is red and this one’s blue.
3 ___’s Peter’s, I think! 4 ____ is blue and fashionable. It’s certainly

5 ____!'

2. 'Can you lend me 6_____ pen please? I forgot 7____ and 8__ can’t
do the test without 9___!' ' Thanks a lot, 10 ___ promise 11 ___'ll give it
back to 12___ after my test.'

3. “Look! It’s Jane! 13___ ’s with her sister and I don’t know her.
But you know them! Can you invite both to 14___ birthday party,
Exercise 3 Fill in the gaps. There may be more than 1 possible answer.

1 We can call Peter and ask ____.

2 Jim and Cathy. Do you know ___?
3 Marissa is working on ___ presentation for the meeting.
4 Excuse ___, what time is it?
5 This is Mike, and next to ___ is ___ friend, John.
6 This is not ___ T-shirt! ___ was blue.
7 I bought this necklace for ___.
8. We have three dogs. These three dogs are ___.
9 I don’t like oranges and I don’t understand why other people
like ___.
9 them 13 she 14 my
5 him/his 6 my/mine 7 you 8 ours 6your 7mine 8 I 9it 10 I 11 I 12 you
ex.3 1 him 2 them 3 her 4 me Answers ex.2: 1his 2his 3it 4it 5his 50
Lesson 38 Let’s go to the zoo

1. Vocabulary

tiger koala monkey snake parrot

elephant rhinoceros hippopotamus zebra

I like _______ (go to) the zoo!

2. At the zoo Do you agree with the speaker?

Some people say that animals should be free. But I believe

zoos are a good thing. People can learn about many animals
at the zoo.
For example, elephants are the largest mammals that live on
land. There are African and Asian elephants. African elephants
are big and tall while Asian elephants have short tusks. I like tigers.
I can see them only at the zoo, but not in real life.
3. Additional activities Vocabulary: at the zoo
*Watch the video:
*Play the game related to zoo animals:

Lesson 38 Let’s go to the zoo

Rewrite the sentences as in the example.

4. Rewrite Use as many pronouns as you can.

1. The parrots are very talkative. => They’re very talkative.

2. The tiger is sleepy. => ______________________.
3. I want to see the meerkats. => __________________.
4. Give the kangaroo some food! => _________________.
5. This camel is special. They say it is Aladdin’s camel.
=> ___________________________________________.
6. I don’t think it’s Aladdin’s camel. => _______________.
7. You should see the ostrich. => ____________________. kangaroo
8. You can’t jump higher than kangaroos! => ____________.

5. Quiz Answer the questions. Test your knowledge!

1. An animal that hides its head in the sand when he or she meerkat
is scared is called _____________.
2. What animal does Aladdin have?
3. True or false. The horse is the fastest land animal.
4. True or false. Harry Potter has a pet rat.
5. What is a black mamba?
6. From what tree do acorns come? alligator
7. What is the name of a famous archer from Sherwood forest?
8. True or false. Parrots can’t fly.
9. Something birds can’t fly without. What is it?
10. The king of the jungle, but he doesn’t live in the jungle!
Who is he?

Quiz answers: 1 an ostrich 2 monkey (and/or a parrot) 3 false (correct answer: cheetah)
4 false (he has an owl) 5 a kind of snake 6 oak tree 7 Robin Hood 8 false (they can)
9 feathers 10 lion
Lesson 39 Guess the word!

Choose 1 of the words below. Don’t say which word you’ve chosen.
1. Let’s play Explain it to your partner with words and/or gestures. Don’t use derivative words.

monkey lake piano pirate

sun heavy metal alien grandmother

the Eiffel Tower astronaut beach umbrella theatre

judge spaghetti cow black mamba

wind wallet air-conditioner tent

meerkat house fall (season) desert

city sea troll Germany

hill skeleton pharmacy swimming pool

Play again:
house forest orange clothes’ shop

beer face carrot hair-dresser’s

baby beard moustache hate

salad beef ears parrot

island heart apple mind

love shower butterfly yogurt

breakfast terrace living room blouse

cloud stadium porcelain skirt

Lesson 40 My family tree

1. My family tree Study the family tree and complete the sentences below.

William Kate

Sarah Bernard Isabelle John

Michael Susan Mike

1. Isabelle is Susan’s _______________. 2.William is Mike’s ________________.

3. John is Michael’s ________________. 4. Mike is Sarah’s _________________.
5. Kate is Susan’s _________________. 6. Susan is Mike’s _________________.
7. Bernard is Sarah’s _______________. 8.Michael is Susan’s _______________.
9. Michael is John’s ________________. 10. John is Mike’s __________________.
11. Isabelle is William’s ______________. 12. Mike is Isabelle’s ________________.
13. Sarah is Bernard’s ______________. 14,Sarah and Bernard are Michael’s ________.

2. Ask questions Ask some questions about the family tree in ex.1

Whose daughter is Isabelle?

Whose parents are Sarah and Bernard?

Lesson 41 Pick ONE!

Pick one of the two things mentioned.

Remember you must choose one! Answer quickly.

Day or night? => Night

Alone or in a crowd? => …….
Sun or Moon?
Star or sky?
Bed or hammock?
Pizza or burger?
Spaghetti or carbonara?
Elementary or high school?
Black or white?
Action or horror?
Chat or message?
History or mystery?
Reading or watching?
Science or math?
Sleeping or writing?
Cellphone or computer?
Brains or beauty?
Text or talk?
Awesome or unique?
Past or present?
Fame or money?
Today or tomorrow?
Candle-lit dinner or
stroll along the beach?
Beach or snow?
Books or TV?
Hula or hoedown?
Fast or slow?
Country pop or pop rock?
Ancient or modern?
Cleopatra VII or Nefertiti?
The U.S. or the U.K.?
Princess or Queen? (King or Prince?)
Trick or treat?
Kittens or puppies?
Lesson 42 Exercise: Possessive ‘s

1. Put the possessive ‘s in the sentences

4. sailor’s/sailors’ 5. politician’s 6.Hansel and Gretel’s

1. Britain coastline is very beautiful.

Answers: 1. Britain’s 2. daughter’s 3. girls’

2. Greg is her youngest daughter husband.
3. Ben shouldn’t enter the girls room.
4. This is the sailors boat.
5. The politician hypocrisy was deeply shocking.
6. Everybody knows about Tom and Jerry
2. Speaking
1. What is your favorite actress’s best movie?
2. What is your mother’s favorite hobby?
3. What is your favorite superhero’s superpower?

Did you know?

• We usually use possessive ‘s to talk about people who own something:

=> Howard’s car (not: the car of Howard)
• When 2 nouns possess the same entity, we use possessive ‘s only after
the second noun: e.g. Jane and Peter’s children. (=Jane is the mother, Peter is the father)
• When 2 nouns possess different entities, we use possessive ‘s after
both of them: e.g. Jane’s and Peter’s children (= Jane’s children and Peter’s children)

We also use possessive ’s to talk about time and duration:

e.g. Is that yesterday’s paper?
I’ve only had one week’s holiday so far this year.

Lesson 43 What are you going to do tomorrow?

I am going to…
You are going to…
We use “be going to” He/she/it is going to…

to talk about our plans

We are going to…
for the future. You are going to…
They are going to…

Look at those clouds! It is going to rain!

1. What are these people going to do on the weekend? Make sentences!

Brittany and Becky Amelia Peter and Ashley

Samantha Marissa Kate Emily

Lesson 43 What are you going to do tomorrow?

I am going to… We are going to…

You are going to… You are going to…
He/she/it is going to… They are going to…

upload a feed
START picture
on Facebook
my cat

water the
games play the flowers
study piano
hang out go
with friends shopping

I am going to visit my grandma tomorrow. the

go to bed

go to
a restaurant

go to the download
study some music
hard illegally
go to
a restaurant
play with
my pet meet a
cook sleep
dinner late
Lesson 44 Present simple

1. Complete the sentences

1. A: What ________ (your mother/do)?
B: She’s a doctor!
2. They ____ (go) hiking every week.
3. _______ (she/ like) fantasy movies?
4. A: Where ________ (you/live)?
B: In New York.
5. Michael and Penny ____ (not / go out) every Saturday.
6. On Saturdays she ______ (tidy) her room.
7. He always _____ (carry) his sister's schoolbag.
8. Her dog _____ (bark) when he hears someone walk in the garden.
9. Her baby is very calm. He ____ (not/cry) when she goes shopping!
10. She _____ (buy) a new dress every month.

2. Read about Amy and Harry. Answer the questions.

Job doctor Job engineer

Get up 6:00AM Get up 6:00AM

Lunch at No Lunch at No
home? home?
Go to work/ By bus Go to work/ By car
how how
Leave 7:00AM Leave 7:00AM
home home
Earn a lot No Earn a lot No
of $$? of $$?
Work/ Yes Work/ No
Saturdays Saturdays
Love/job Yes Love/job No
Feel tired? Always Feel tired? Often

9 doesn’t cry 10 buys

4 do you live 5 don’t go out 6 tidies 7 carries 8 barks
Answers ex.1: 1 does your mother do 2 go 3 does she like 59
Lesson 44 Present simple

Review the forms

of present simple
1. Where does Harry work?
2. What time does Amy get up?
3. What time does Harry get up?
4. Where does Amy have her lunch?
5. Does Harry go to work by train?
6. How does Amy go to work?
7. What time does Harry leave home?
8. Does Amy work on Saturdays?
9. Does Harry work on Saturdays?
10. What time does Amy leave home?
11. Does Amy feel tired?
12. Does Harry love his job?

3. Do you remember?
Close your book and ask each other similar
questions about Amy and Harry. What do you remember?

Lesson 45 Present simple or present continuous

1. Present Simple or Present Continuous

1. I __________ (to play) basketball right now.

2. I __________ (to play) tennis on Saturdays.
3. I __________ (to play) volleyball every Tuesday.
4. I ________ (to study) English at school (18 classes a week).
5. Elizabeth _______ (to cook) in the kitchen now.
6. Marissa _______ (to cook) for her grandmother on Sundays.
7. James ____ (to love) Jill.
8. Peter ____ (to like) Korean food.
9. Timothy ______(to jog) in the park today.
10. I _____ (to read) a fantastic book, keep silent!
11. Penny ______ (to want) to go outside.
12. Harry ________ (to play) on his computer this afternoon.
13. Ron ______ (to eat) chicken wings at the moment: he is very
14. A: What _____ (you /do)? B: I’m studying!

Lesson 46 Describing people and clothes

1. He’s got a long grey beard and a moustache. He’s wearing a hat.
He is the principal of Hogwarts and he is very wise.

2. He’s mysterious but actually he’s good. He’s a teacher at

Hogwarts. He’s got short straight black hair. He doesn’t smile a lot.
He is wearing black robes.

3. He’s a natural redhead. He’s wearing the Gryffindor school uniform.

He’s from a poor family, but he is very good-natured.

4. She is extraordinarily smart. She has curly red hair. She is one of
Harry Potter’s best friends.

5. He’s a bad guy. He has long blond hair and light blue eyes. He has a
son named Draco Malfoy. He is rich and he thinks he is more important
than all other wizards.

6. He’s wearing glasses and he’s got short brown hair and bangs.
People call him “the boy who lived” because he survived after
Voldemort’s attack.

1 2 3

4 5 6

Lesson 47 From top to toe

1 Vocabulary Put the words in the categories

Height/ Age Skin/hair


 tall freckles average height ponytail well-built slim

elderly pimples flawless skin straight wavy curly
bald dyed in his twenties chubby bangs

2 What is your style?

~neatly dressed
~formal clothes
When you are neatly
Formal clothes for men
dressed, your clothes are
usually include a tie or a
clean and well-ironed.
bow tie, a shirt and a
They can be semi-formal.
jacket or coat. Formal
Or maybe you wear some
clothes for women include
accessories such as a hat or
a suit or a dress. Normally,
a necklace, belt or earrings.
people don’t wear formal
Neat clothes may be trendy
clothes every day.
but they are usually not
baggy or loose.
~casual clothes
Casual clothes are clothes
we can wear every day.
They include the popular
jeans and checked shirts.
We feel comfortable wearing
them. In some companies,
people are allowed to wear
casual clothes.
Lesson 48 Do you want to meet on Tuesday?

1 Vocabulary Match the actions with the places

department store shopping

park playing badminton
library borrowing books
computer lab surfing the Internet

2 Conversation
Marissa: Do you want to meet on Tuesday?
Cathleen: Sure! I’d love to see you!
Marissa: What time do you wake up?
Cathleen: I wake up at 10:00AM.
Marissa: So we can meet at 11:00 or 11:15AM?
Cathleen: I will be busy in the morning.
Let’s meet in the afternoon.
Marissa: Ok. How about 2:00PM?
Cathleen: Sorry. I have an English class at 2:00PM.
How about 4:00PM?
Marissa: Well, I want to watch my favorite TV show at 4:30PM.
Cathleen: Ok. When will you finish?
Marissa: At 5:30PM.
Cathleen: Then let’s meet at 6:00PM for dinner?
Marissa: Great! We can go to that new Italian restaurant?
See you at 6:00PM.

3 Play the game! Play the game to review vocabulary related to time

Lesson 49 My cozy apartment

I really love my new apartment. It is situated in a nice neighborhood. It is sunny

and far from the main street, so it is peaceful and quiet during the day. There is
convenient transport – the bus stop is only 3 minutes away, the nearest subway
station is 10 minutes away.

My bedroom is really bright, and the apartment has everything you might need:
it is well-furnished with a modern sofa, air-conditioner, and a stove. The kitchen
is not very big and overall the apartment is not spacious, but it is enough for
one person. The location is also good – 25 minutes from the city center, and the
sea is only 700m away! The only bad thing is that I’m very busy at university
and I don’t have time to go out!

Lesson 50 Flowers

1. Ten magical uses for roses

Read the text about roses.
Have you tried any of these things?

1. Carry them in a sachet to attract love

2. Add them to your bath to increase your confidence
3. Use them to make magical perfumes and rose water
4. Use their petals to decorate your house for a romantic
5. Red roses symbolize love and passion
6. White roses symbolize unconditional love
7. Pink roses symbolize friendship
8. Yellow roses symbolize joy and healing power
9. Red roses symbolize the masculine (active) principle
white roses symbolize the feminine (passive) principle
10. Red and white roses together symbolize unity

z=z Do you know any other flowers

and what they symbolize?

Lesson 50 Flowers

2. QUIZ: Opposites Find the opposite word

What is the opposite of

1. near?
2. to break?
3. to close?
4. to win?
5. here?
6. in front of?
7. heavy?
8. deep?
9. to go to sleep?
10. to laugh?
11. narrow?
12. straight hair?

If you don’t know the right answer,

look at these words for help:

to lose to cry far

there to repair behind

light shallow
curly to open to wake up


Lesson Grammar Vocabulary

1. Nice to meet you Greetings

2. What’s your job A/ an Jobs

3. The alphabet The alphabet The question “Where are you

4. The numbers The numbers 1-20

5. Asking questions Basic questions

6. Who are you? Basic questions - practice

7. Where are you from? The verb “to be” Countries and nationalities

8. Is this his pen? Possessive adjectives and

personal pronouns
9. Music Vocabulary related to music

10. The numbers (21-100) The numbers 21-100

11. This/ that/ these/ those This/ that/ these/ those

12. Singular and plural nouns Singular and plural nouns

13.Are you happy? Animals, some adjectives

14. What’s in your bag? Things in your bag

15. Food and drink Vocabulary related to food

and drink
16. On holiday Vocabulary related to
17. In town There is/ there are Things in town


Lesson Grammar Vocabulary

18. Where is… Talking about things in town

/ prepositions (near, on the
left/right of, etc.)
19. Some/ any / a / a lot of Some/ any / a / a lot of

20. My town Talking about your town

21. Giving directions Giving directions

22. Describing people Adjectives used to describe
23. What’s the weather like? Talking about the weather

24. Family Talking about your family and

family members
25. Possessive ‘s Possessive ‘s

26. Likes and dislikes Talking about likes and dislikes,

hobbies and favorite things
27. Colors and clothing Colors and clothes

28. Present Simple (1) Present Simple

29. Present Simple (2) Present Simple

30. Daily routine Present Simple

31. What time is it? The time

32. WH- questions WH- words

33. Are you free on Saturday? Adverbs of frequency. The days

of the week
34. I can do it! Can and can’t.
Present Continuous 69

Lesson Grammar Vocabulary

35. Occupations Vocabulary: Jobs

36. Flags and countries Vocabulary: Countries and

37. Possessive adjectives and Possessive adjectives and
possessive pronouns possessive pronouns
38. Let’s go to the zoo Practice: Pronouns Vocabulary: Animals
39. Guess the word! Review old vocabulary

40. My family tree Review: Possessive ‘s Review: My family tree

41. Pick ONE!
42. Exercise: Possessive ‘s Review: Possessive ‘s
43. What are you going to do Be going to (do something)
44. Present simple Review: Present simple
45. Present simple or present Review: Present simple and
continuous present continuous
46. Describing people and Vocabulary: Describing people
47. From top to toe Vocabulary: Describing people
48. The time Review: The time

49. My cozy apartment Talking about my apartment

50. Flowers Vocabulary: Opposites


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