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EDRD 6150 Lesson Plan- 4

Your Name: Tiandra Harris-Canty_

S6E5 f. Construct an explanation of how the movement of lithospheric plates, called plate
tectonics, can cause major geologic events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
(Clarification statement: Include convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries.)

 Students will define the different types of plate boundaries.
 Students will describe the role of plate tectonics in different geological processes.
 Students will be able to identify key features and events associated with each plate

Specific Literacy Strategy or Strategies (Name and describe how you used the strategy.)
 Journal/Lab Report- Students will keep track of what they observed during the lab. They
will write down what happened at each step and include the plate boundary they think is
responsible for the type of movement they witnessed. Students will have guiding
questions attached to the lab to help with their summary.
 Digital graphic organizer- (Make-a-Map)- students will organizer the three plate
boundaries and identify what makes them different (the definition or example). The will
also have to select an image that represents the specific plate boundary.

Hook/Introduction (10 minutes):

 Lesson will begin by stating the objectives of the class.
 Teach will play the BrainPOP Plate Tectonics movie and pause throughout the movie to
discuss key ideas (2:03-seafloor spreading, 3:10-force that pushes the plates apart, 4:57-
compare volcanic activity to earthquakes).

Step by Step Methods:

Small group (15 minutes)
 Plate Boundaries Candy Lab
Teacher Modeling/Group Practice (5 minutes)
 As the movie is complete and to prepare for the independent activity, teacher will model
how to use and navigate the Make-a Map.
 Teacher and students will practice using the words continental drift, seafloor spreading
and convection currents.
Individual Practice (20 minutes)
 Make-A-Map- create a word map to define vocabulary using the Make-a-Map
 Students will select keywords, click and drag the terms: convergent boundaries, divergent
boundaries, and transform boundaries.
 Students will click images to select the correct image that depicts the vocabulary term.
They will then type in a definition or explanations with each term and image.
 Students will click the submit to teacher button.

Closing (5 minutes):
EDRD 6150 Lesson Plan- 4
Your Name: Tiandra Harris-Canty_
 BrainPOP Movie quiz-students will have the opportunity to re-watch the video to answer
the questions from the BrainPOP video.

 Journal/Lab Report
 Make-a-Map Organizer (graded)
 BrainPOP Plate Tectonic Movie Quiz

Materials Needed:
 Computers, BrainPOP movie, make-a-map (optional printed version), movie quiz
(optional printed version), 2 small Milky Way candy bar, lab sheet( 1per group), paper

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