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In the Name of Allah

Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Nour Al-Zahra’a Fouani

Class: KG3

Theme Three: Look at Us!

Lesson: Alphabet Letters.

Teaching Aids: songs, video

Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:

1. Identify the alphabet letters.

2. Identify the sound of each letter.

Activities throughout the week

1. Day 1: The teacher will play the ABC song and students will sing together.
2. Day 2: They will sing the alphabet song alone and the teacher will be pointing
on each letter.
3. Day 3: They will listen to the song (A is for Apple A A apple)
4. Day 4: they will sing the alphabet letters with their sounds with the teacher
pointing on each letter.
5. Day 5: the teacher will choose ind. to sing the alphabet letters.
In the Name of Allah
Daily Lesson Plan
Name: Nour Al-Zahra’a Fouani

Class: KG3

Theme Three: Look at Us!

Lesson: Names activities.

Teaching Aids: sheets, cardboard, glue, playdough, papers.

Activities throughout the week

1. Day 1: students will build their names using playdough. The teacher will give
each student his name as a flashcard.
2. Day 2: the teacher will distribute underlined papers, so the students will
copy their first name between the lines. (the teacher will model writing her
name between the lines on the board.)
3. Day 3: students will build their rainbow name.

4. Day 4: the teacher will distribute underlined

papers, so the students will copy their first name between the lines. (the
teacher will model writing her name between the lines on the board.)

5. Day 5: students will apply this sheet.

6. The teacher will model it before they start.

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