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Assalamualaikum and good day everyone. My name is

…………………………………………….. I am from SK Kota Setia, Perak. I would like
to tell you a story entitled Si Tenggang.

Tenggang lived on an island. He liked hunting monkeys along

the beach. One day, a monkey pounced on Tenggang. The monkey bit

Tenggang’s arm. “Ouch! It’s painful!” screamed Tenggang.Tenggang’s

scream was heard by a sailor. ‘’ Come, follow me to my ship,’’ said the

sailor pointing to his ship which was about to anchor.

After that, the ship set sail. The captain and sailors looked after

Tenggang. He became the captain’s adopted son. The captain of the

ship taught Tenggang how to sail. “You will soon be a skillful captain,’’ he

said. He gave Tenggang control of the ship. Tenggang became a skillful

sailor. He also became proud and greedy. ‘’ We must rob the merchant

ships.’’ Tenggang ordered his sailors.

Finally, many merchant ships were robbed by Tenggang. Tenggang

became very rich. He married a princess. He brought the princess to

sail on his ship. One day, there was a storm in the middle of the sea.

“Let us find an island to anchor!” said Tenggang to his men. The storm

brought Tenggang to his old village. The villagers saw Tenggang on his

ship. Tenggang’s parents rowed their boat to Tenggang’s ship. ‘’I can’t

wait to see Tenggang,’’ said his mother.

Tenggang’s parents tried to hug him. Tenggang was ashamed of

his poor parents. “Get out of my ship!” shouted Tenggang. Tenggang’s

parents were shocked by their attitude. “How could you treat us this

way,” cried Tenggang’ mother. Tenggang’s mother prayed. Suddenly,

lightning flashed in the sky. Tenggang felt his body burning. He was

changed into a stone. Tengang’s ship sank. All these happened when a

child is ungrateful to his parents.

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