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The Puno region due to its strategic location (Cusco - Puno - La Paz axis, Bolivia), its ancestral culture,
presence of Pre Inca cultures and Inca culture, and vestiges of the Viceroyalty; coupled with innumerable
natural attractions (Lake Titicaca, lagoons, rivers, jungle, flora, fauna, etc.), archaeological ruins, colonial
temples, and its rich and varied folklore (it is known as the "Capital of Peruvian Folklore"). The
development of its tourist potential, added to an intense promotion, will allow it to continue being an
important destination in terms of receptive tourism in the country.

It has a variety of places of tourist interest, which can be summarized in 5 main ones:

I. City of Puno
It is the tourist center of the region, famous for the festival of the
Virgen de la Candelaria (February 2), among its main attractions are:
Puno Cathedral, with the rank of minor basilica, built in the 18th
San Juan Church, inside is the revered Virgin of Candelaria.
San Antonio de Padua Church, where the image of the Lord of
Miracles is located.
Mercy Church.
Squares and parks:
Plaza de Armas, where the main State institutions are located, such
as the Provincial Municipality of Puno, the Judiciary, among others.
Pino Park, is the monument to Manuel Pino, hero of the war with
Other attractions:
Balcony of the Count of Lemus, it is said that the Viceroy Count of
Lemus lived in this house.
Dreyer Municipal Museum, has collections of gold and silver,
pottery, and fabrics.
Cerrito de Huajsapata, is the monument to Manco Cápac, where
you can see Lake Titicaca.
Deustua Arch, built in memory of the patriotic Peruvians who fought in the battles of Junín and Ayacucho.
Rock art in Salcedo, located 4 km from Puno.
San Luis de Alva, known as the old Puno, located 5.2 km away in a direct line from the Plaza de Armas.
Isla Esteves, located 2 km from Puno, where there is a hotel for tourists.
Colegio San Carlos, one of the oldest educational institutions in the region, located in Parque Pino and
built in 1851.
Kuntur Wasi and Puma Uta, tourist viewpoint where you can appreciate the bay of Puno.

II. Titicaca lake

Floating Islands of Los Uros, is located 6 km from the Lake Port
of Puno.
Titicaca National Reserve, located in the northeast area of the lake
in two sectors: Puno with 29,150 hectares, comprising the districts
of Puno, Huata and Paucarcolla, and the Ramis sector with 7,030
hectares, considering the Ramis river, as well as the Sunuco and
Yaricoa lagoons.
Taquile Island, located 35 km from the city of Puno, divided into 6 of its own.
Amantaní Island, located 38 km from the Lake Port of Puno.
III. Tourist Corridor "The Aymaras"
Cutimbo Archaeological Center, located in the district of
Pichacani, 15 km from the city of Puno.
Chimu and Ojerani, located 7 and 10 km from Puno,
Ichu, where its inhabitants descend from the "Ch'irys" that
were brought from Ecuador at the time of the Inca Huayna

Chucuito, located 18 km from the city of Puno, also called the city of the "Royal Boxes", has the following
among its attractions:
1. Inca Uyo Archaeological Center, where fertility rituals were performed, there are also stone phalluses
of various sizes.
2. Temple of Santo Domingo, located in the lower part of the city.
3. Temple of the Assumption, located in the upper part of the square.
4. Tourist viewpoint of Chucuito, it has a beautiful view of Lake Titicaca.
5. Stone Clock, marks the hours as the Sun advances.
6. El Rollo, was the pillory where criminals were exposed at the time of the viceroyalty.
7. Piscicultura, a trout farm, shows us its entire growth process.

Acora, located 33 km from Puno, has the following attractions:

1. Temple of San Pedro, in the Mudejar style of the Moorish tradition.
2. Temple of San Juan, it is Renaissance in style
3. Playa de Charcas, with fine white sand beaches.
4. Molloko archaeological group, located 5 km from Ácora, made up of 4 square and 3 circular chullpas.
5. Hot springs and Kenko, in Kenko there is a sports arena, where the Inca army practiced swimming, as
well as the Pachaka chullpas.
Ilave, is located 56 km from the city of Puno, is eminently commercial, has colonial temples San Miguel
and Santa Bárbara.

Juli, known as the little "Rome of America", located 80 km from the city of Puno; On the Ilave - Juli route
you can see geological formations such as the whale, elephant, hare,
seal and the tired horse and the Temple of the Sun; the colonial temples
are the following:
1. Iglesia San Pedro, built in 1565 in the Renaissance style.
2. Church of San Juan de Letrán, built at the beginning of the 17th
3. Church of Santa Cruz, notable for its
expressions of deep miscegenation and indigenism.
4. Church of the Assumption, Renaissance style.

Pomata, called the "Philosophical Balcony of the Altiplano" 105 km from the city of Puno, has among its
attractions the following:
1. Church of Santiago Apóstol, mestizo style made with reddish
2. Catacombs, inside the Santiago Apóstol church, where
Bishops and Archbishops of the altiplano are buried.
3. Chatuma beaches, 10 km from
Pomata, are of fine white sand.
Zepita, located 140 km from the city of Puno, among its attractions are:
1. Temple of San Pedro de Zepita, built by the Dominicans, Baroque style.
2. Tanka Tanka, located 30 km from the Desaguadero district, presents houses, funerary towers and
Yunguyo and Desaguadero, located 128 and 147 km from Puno, respectively, are located on the border
with Bolivia. In Yunguyo, the following tourist attractions are considered.
1. Kapia extinct volcano, located 9 km from Yunguyo, at the top of the volcano there is a lagoon and 3
fortresses or Pukaras.
2. Archaeological remains, the tired stones are found in Lake Wiñay Marka and in the communities there
are monoliths, tombs, etc.
3. 15 km from Yunguyo is Copacabana where the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Copacabana is located.

IV. Tourist Corridor "The Quechuas"

Sillustani Archaeological Complex, located 33 km from the city of

Puno, famous for the "Chullpas". In the complex, 13 sectors are
considered, with different configurations; also in the place is the
Laguna de Umayo with an aspect of grandeur and mystery.

Capachica, located 1 hour away from Puno, presents a beautiful landscape, vast vegetation, varied
climate and beaches.
Juliaca, located 44 km from the city of Puno, is among its attractions:
1. Church of Santa Catalina, belongs to the mestizo Baroque style.
2. La Merced Church, built in 1889.
3. Convent of the Franciscan Fathers, built on the Santa Bárbara hill.
4. The Imposing Roman Christ, located on the "Huaynaroque" hill.

Lampa, located to the northwest of the department, among

its attractions are the following:
1. Colonial Bridge of Cal y Canto, built in 1845 of stone with
ashlar lining.
2. Forest of Queñuales, located in the districts of Lampa,
Palca and Vilavila.
3. Santiago Apóstol Church, with eight towers, its roofs are
made of multicolored glazed tiles.
4. La Piedad, replica of the work of Michelangelo.
Anda of the Immaculate Virgin, it is made of an iron frame,
but covered entirely in silver.
6. Chinchilla farm, located in the Palca district, this rodent is highly valued for its fine fur.

Pucará, located 114 km from the city of Puno, where buildings of the Keluyo culture are located, it is also
famous for its pottery, in which the "Torito de Pucará" stands out.
Asillo, its main attraction is the Baroque-style Temple of San Gerónimo.

Melgar, located on the Puno – Cusco route, counts among its attractions:
1. Pojpoquella hot springs, located on the slopes of the Kolkeparque hill.
2. Church of San Francisco de Asís, was built in the 17th century, based
on granite stone.
3. Tinajani Canyon, is a stone citadel, product of erosion and formation
4. Maucallacta, pre-Inca citadel 2.5 km from Nuñoa.
5. Umachiri Church, located in the capital of the Umachiri district.
6. Maucallacta de Cuchopujio, pre-Inca citadel 15 km from Nuñoa.
7. Snowy Kunurana, suitable for mountaineering.
8. Laguna de Orurillo, for adventure tourism and esotericism

Azángaro, counts among its attractions, the following:

1. Temple of Asunción, built in 1624 in the colonial Baroque style.
2. Tintiri Sanctuary, built in mud in 1860, it has basements.
3. Cancha Cancha, ceremonial center of the Pucará culture.
4. Cruz Kunka and Iscayapi beaches, located 5-6 km from Arapa.
5. Church of Santiago de Pupuja, built in 1767, follows architectural currents from Cusco and mestizo
ornaments from Puno.
6. Church of San Gerónimo, built between 1678 and 1696.

Carabaya, located in the extreme northwest of the department, among its tourist attractions are:
1. Tambopata-Candamo Reserve, has natural resources of flora and fauna.
2. Qquilli Qquilli cave paintings, includes platforms and chullpas.
3. Q'encasaya, an ashlar rock 12 km from Macusani, has cave paintings inside.
4. Machuccollo, has crystallized penoleries, there are fossils of fish and shellfish.
5. Allin Ccapac, Huayna Ccapac and Chichi Ccapac, snow-capped peaks suitable for mountaineering and
adventure tourism.
6. Hot springs, 0.5 km from the town of Ollachea.

V. Northeast Tourist Corridor of Lake Titicaca

Huancané, located northeast of Lake Titicaca, among its attractions are:
1. Church of Santiago Apóstol, built of adobe and stone in 1700.
2. Colonial houses, which maintain architectural characteristics of the time.
3. Quellahuyo, highlights its microclimate and its beautiful landscape.
Vilquechico, located 9 km from Huancané, has among its attractions:
1. Keñalata, where there are conical and square tombs, made of stone and mud.
2. Tambolaccaya, 3 km from the town, there are sculpted stones.
3. Intihuatana, in the Plaza de Armas of the Pusi district.
4. Chullpas de Queñani, in the district of Rosaspata.
Taraco, located southwest of Huancané, among its attractions are:
1. Lithic sculptures, where 7 monoliths are shown, located in the Plaza de Taraco.
2. Putucos, mud rooms, built with "Champas".
Moho, 38.3 km from Huancané, called the "Garden of the Altiplano", among its attractions are:
1. Church of San Pedro, colonial temple of carved stone.
2. Aguita de Supuyuyo, mineral water spring, located 1 km. of mold.
3. Cerro Merkemarka, there are vestiges of an ancient stone city.
4. Keyahuasi Beaches, has 5 peninsulas, presents a natural and scenic beauty.
5. Ulunko necropolis, an archaeological group that covers the slopes and summits of Ulunko hill.
6. Huancarani Necropolis, has 2 archaeological groups.
7. Quequerani Fortress, has 2 sections: Siluya, with 2 gigantic walls, and Pariani, which has funerary
8. Queñalati I and Capellada II, an archaeological complex that presents walls, chullpas and square rooms
in an area of 9000 m2.
Conima, located 19 km from Moho, presents the following attractions:
1. Ruins of Siani, you can see walls and small stone houses.
2. Monoliths of Huata (Conima), there are Tiahuanaquense-style monoliths.
02 Patronal Feast Virgin of Candelaria PUNO PUNO
08 Festivity of the patron "San Juan de Dios" PUNO PUNO
09 Amantan Anniversary AMANTANI PUNO
03 Feast of the "Alasitas" and the Crosses PUNO PUNO
03 Patron Feast "Pentecost" VILQUE PUNO
24 Saint John festivity PUNO PUNO
29 Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul ICHU PUNO
16 Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel PUCARÁ LAMPA
25 Feast of the Apostle Saint James ISLA TAQUILE PUNO
25 Feast of the Apostle Saint James HUANCANÉ HUANCANÉ
25 Feast of the Apostle Saint James LAMPA LAMPA
25 Feast of the Apostle Saint James POMATA POMATA
25 Feast of the Apostle Saint James JALLIHUAYA PUNO
06 Feast of the Child San Salvador (Child of Prague) CAPACHICA PUNO
15 Patronal Festival of the Blessed Virgin of the Assumption AZÁNGARO AZÁNGARO
15 Patronal Festival of the Blessed Virgin of the Assumption PICHACANI PUNO
15 Patronal Festival of the Blessed Virgin of the Assumption OLLACHEA CARABAYA
17 Festivity of the Patron Saint San Simón AMANTANI PUNO
24 Festivity of the Patron Saint Saint Bartholomew JULI CHUCUITO
14 exaltation festival JULI CHUCUITO
14 Festival of Our Lady of Alta Gracia AYAVIRI MELGAR
14 Festival of the Lord of Pacaypampa SANDIA SANDIA
15 Feast of the Virgin of the Nativity ACORA PUNO
24 Feast of Our Lady of Mercy JULIACA SAN ROMÁN
29 Festivity of the Patron Saint Saint Michael the Archangel ILAVE EL COLLAO
04 Festivity of the Patron Saint Francis of Assisi TIQUILLACA PUNO
07 Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary CHUCUITO PUNO
07 Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary ACORA PUNO
07 Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary ORURILLO MELGAR
10 Festivity of the Patron San Francisco de Borja YUNGUYO YUNGUYO
04 civic anniversary PUNO PUNO
08 Patronal Festival of the Virgin of the Immaculate PAUCARCOLLA PUNO
08 Patronal Festival of the Virgin of the Immaculate JULI CHUCUITO
08 Patronal Festival of the Virgin of the Immaculate LAMPA LAMPA
08 Patronal Festival of the Virgin of the Immaculate NUÑOA MELGAR
08 Patronal Festival of the Virgin of the Immaculate MACUSANI CARABAYA
09 Patronal Festival of the Virgin of the Immaculate MAÑAZO PUNO
Puno, capital of Peruvian Folklore, demonstrates its traditions through a great variety of music and
dance, which constitute a source of praise and admiration from locals and strangers.

The Puno inhabitant reflects his expectations, disappointments and joys, through dance, in which
people from different social strata, cultural level participates massively; with the sole purpose of
expressing their emotions.

In the department of Puno, around 300 typical dances and dances are known, which due to their
location are divided into Aymara and Quechua dances; there are dances of colonial origin that
satirize the Spanish conquerors and mestizo dances. This has been manifested mainly in the
Altiplano, where the inhabitants express their feelings through artistic creation that interprets
different passages of life.

In addition, dance is the artistic expression of the production relations that occur in the Andes. The
native dances have agricultural and livestock origin.

The recorded dances and dances are performed in each town with peculiar costumes and dynamics
and in some cases, they usually take different names, which makes it difficult to collect all the
varieties or expose the differences in their details, subject to constant innovations or stylizations.

According to some scholars, they indicate that in the Peruvian highlands there are 11 genres of

Andean dances
Among them are Janq'a (Chucuito),
Q'ajelo (provinces of Chucuito, Puno and
El Collao), Kullahuada (the entire

hunter dances
The Choquelas (Puno and Chucuito
provinces), the Llipipunti (Puno province),
the Challpas (Chucuito and El Collao
provinces), the Chuchulajas (Melgar
province), llipi (Huancané province) and
Puli Puli (San Román province )

dances of shepherds
Los Llameritos (provinces of Chucuito, Huancané, Melgar and Puno), Llameradas (provinces of
Chucuito, El Collao, Yunguyo, Huancané, Moho, Melgar, Azángaro and Putina) and Ahuatiris (the
entire department).

wedding dances
Tumpay (provincias de Sandia y Carabaya) y Casarasiri (todo el departamento).

agricultural dances
Satiris (El Collao province), Turupu (Huancané and Lampa provinces), Chuspi chuspi (Chucuito and
El Collao provinces), Maris or Cahuiris (El Collao and Puno provinces).
traditional dances
Jick'atasiri, Uñstiri, Wifala, Rimapuqui, Tarqueada, Pandilla,
Marinera, Novenantes and Cacharpari (the entire department),
Cintakana (Juli, Pilcuyo and Chucuito districts), K'ajjcha
(Melgar, Carabaya, Azángaro and Sandia provinces) , Jilaq'atas
de Pomata (Pomata and Chucuito districts), Tucumanos
(Azángaro and Sandia provinces), K'aswa (Taraco, Capachica
district), Bomberos (Zepita, Chucuito and Chimu district),
Intitusoj (Lampa district ), Cachacallas (Carabaya province,
Crucero), Kuntis (Juli and Chucuito districts), Saraq'enas
(Santiago de Pupuja district) and Chojñas (Huancané district).

carnival dances
Carnivals of Taquile, Ichu, Platería, Ccapamayo and Socca (Puno province), Pajiiay de Santiago, Arapa
carnival, Muni grande (Azángaro province), Pujllay (Capachica district), Pomata carnival (Pomata district),
Waqueroa (Province of Sandia), Tarqueada, Pinquillada, Muceñada, Chutas (Provinces of Yunguyo,
Chucuito and Puno)

satirical dances
Calla machu (Azángaro province), Auki auki or achachi cumu (Huancané province), K'opo-k'opo and Siki
siki (Chucuito and El Collao provinces), Machu Tusoj, Puli puli and K'aperos (all the department), Q'ena
q'enas (Zepita and Huacullani districts), Turcos (Huancané district), Callahuaya (Puno, Huancané and
Sandia provinces), Tintihuaca (Chucuito and San Román provinces), Chatripuli (Chucuito provinces,
Huancané and Sandia), Pantominos (Huancané, Chucuito and Lampa provinces).

war dances
K'arapulis (Puno and Chucuito provinces), Chirihuano (Yunguyo province), K'allkasikus or
Kallamachusijus (Chucuito province), Chunchos de Yahuarmayo (Sandia province) and Tobas (Puno, El
Collao, Chucuito, Yunguyo provinces and San Roman).

dances of sicuris
Imillani and Palla pallas or Pasku - pasku
(provinces of Yunguyo and Huancané),
Soldado Palla pallas (province of
Huancané), Diablada (the entire
department), Sicuris (provinces of
Chucuito, Yunguyo, El Collao, Puno and
Huancané), Sank' Ayo Chirihuano
(Huancané district), Sicuris de Taquile
(Taquile Island), Ayarachis (Lampa,
Carabaya, Sandia and Melgar provinces),
Kena Kenas and Chalpas (Yunguyo

mystified dances
Rey moreno, Morenada, Caporales, Waca waca, Doctorcitos, Tuntunas-sayas (provinces of Puno,
Chucuito, El Collao, Yunguyo, Huancané and Moho).

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