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FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY Institute of Accounts Business and Finance MGT1102 – Fundamentals of

Business Analytics with Spreadsheets Answer the following problems: 1. A Wall Street Journal subscriber
survey asked 46 questions about subscriber characteristics and interests. State whether each of the
following questions provides categorical or quantitative data. a. What is your age? b. Are you male or
female? c. When did you first start reading the WSJ? High school, college, early, career, mid-career, late-
career, or retirement? d. How long have you been in your present job or position? e. What type of
vehicle are you considering for your next purchase? Nine response categories include a sedan, sports
car, SUV, minivan, and so on. 2. The following table contains a partial list of countries, the continents on
which they are located, and their respective gross domestic products (GDP) in U.S. dollars. A list of 125
countries and their GDPs is contained in the file GDPlist. a. Sort the countries in GDPlist from largest to
smallest GDP. What are the top 10 countries according to GDP? b. Filter the countries to display only the
countries located in Africa. What are the top 5 countries located in Africa according to GDP? c. What are
the top 5 countries by GDP that are located in Europe? 3. Ohio Logistics manages the logistical activities
for firms by matching companies that need products shipped with carriers that can provide the best
rates and best service for the companies. Ohio Logistics is very concerned that its carriers deliver their
customers’ material on time, so it carefully monitors the percentage of on-time deliveries. The following
table contains a list of the carriers used by Ohio Logistics and the corresponding on-time percentages for
the current and previous years. (Please refer to the Carriers Data file) a. Sort the carriers in descending
order by their current year’s percentage of on-time deliveries. Which carrier is providing the best service
in the current year? Which carrier is providing the worst service in the current year? b. Calculate the
change in the percentage of on-time deliveries from the previous to the current year for each carrier.
Use Excel’s conditional formatting to highlight the carriers whose on-time percentage decreased from
the previous year to the current year. c.Use Excel’s conditional formatting tool to create data bars for
the change in the percentage of on-time deliveries from the previous year to the current year for each
carrier calculated in part b. d. Which carriers should Ohio Logistics try to use in the future? Why? 4. In a
recent report, the top five most-visited English language web sites were (GOOG), (FB), (YT), (YAH), and (WIKI). The most visited
web sites for a sample of 50 Internet users are shown. (Please refer to the Website Data) a. Are these
data categorical or quantitative? b. Provide frequency and percent frequency distributions. c. On the
basis of the sample, which web site is most frequently the most often-visited web site for Internet
users? Which is second? 5. The owner of an automobile repair shop studied the waiting times for
customers who arrive at the shop for an oil change. The following data with waiting times in minutes
were collected over a one-month period. (Please refer to the Repair Shop Data). Using classes of 0–4, 5–
9, and so on, show the following: a. The frequency distribution b. The relative frequency distribution c.
The cumulative frequency distribution d. The cumulative relative frequency distribution e. The
proportion of customers needing an oil change who wait 9 minutes or less. 6. Suppose that the average
waiting time for a patient at a physician’s office is just over 29 minutes. To address the issue of long
patient wait times, some physicians’ offices are using wait-tracking systems to notify patients of
expected wait times. Patients can adjust their arrival times based on this information and spend less
time in waiting rooms. The following data show wait times (in minutes) for a sample of patients at
offices that do not have a wait-tracking system and wait times for a sample of patients at offices with
such systems. (Please refer to the PatientsWait Data). a. What are the mean and median patient wait
times for offices with a wait tracking system? What are the mean and median patient wait times for
offices without a wait-tracking system? b. What are the variance and standard deviation of patient wait
times for offices with a wait-tracking system? What are the variance and standard deviation of patient
wait times for visits to offices without a wait-tracking system? c. Create a box plot for patient wait times
for offices without a wait-tracking system. d. Create a box plot for patient wait times for offices with a
wait-tracking system. e. Do offices with a wait-tracking system have shorter patient wait times than
offices without a wait-tracking system? Explain. 7. According to the National Education Association
(NEA), teachers generally spend more than 40 hours each week working on instructional duties. The
following data show the number of hours worked per week for a sample of 13 high school science
teachers and a sample of 11 high school English teachers. (Please refer to the Teachers Data) a. What is
the median number of hours worked per week for the sample of 13 high school science teachers? b.
What is the median number of hours worked per week for the sample of 11 high school English
teachers? c. Create a box plot for the number of hours worked for high school science teachers.

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