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Lecture 3.2: Iteration & Branching - Continue

CMPT 120, Spring 2023, Mohammad Tayebi

Study Number: 30001144

Assessing Computational Thinking in an Intro CS Course

1. Pre-assessment - Week #1
2. Post-assessment - Week #14
3. (if interested, optional) follow-up Interview ($25 gift card)
Interested? Check Canvas announcements for more information!

Questions? Contact Parsa Rajabi @

CMPT 120, Spring 2023, Mohammad Tayebi
Class Agenda

• Today
• Last Time
• In-class Exercises
• Piazza Challenges
• Iteration
• Branching
• Software Engineering

• Reading
• cspy ch. 4 & 7

CMPT 120, Spring 2023, Mohammad Tayebi 3

In-class Exercise 1
• Write a program to take three numbers from user and
print the greatest one.

# this program find the largest number among

three numbers provided by user.
max = 0
for i in range(3):
x = int(input())
if x > max:
max = x
print(max, "is the greatest number.")

CMPT 120, Spring 2023, Mohammad Tayebi 4

In-class Exercise 2
• Write a program that takes two float numbers from user and
writes True if both are between 0 and 1 and False otherwise.

# this program detects whether two numbers

provided by user are between 0 and 1 or not.
x = float(input())
y = float(input())
if 0 < x < 1 and 0 < y < 1:

CMPT 120, Spring 2023, Mohammad Tayebi 5

In-class Exercise 3
• Write a program to generate the following structure.

@@@@ for i in range(7):
@@@@@ print("@" * (i + 1))

CMPT 120, Spring 2023, Mohammad Tayebi 6

In-class Exercise 4
• Write a program to generate the following structure.

@@@@ for i in range(7):
@@@ print("@" * (7 - i))

CMPT 120, Spring 2023, Mohammad Tayebi 7

In-class Exercise 5
• Write a program to generate the following structure.
The optional string end is set to the
empty string to suppress newline.
print("Hello there!", end = "")
123 for i in range(7):
1234 for j in range(1, i + 2):
123456 print(j, end="")
1234567 print()

Adding newline

CMPT 120, Spring 2023, Mohammad Tayebi 8

Next Lecture

Modules & Functions

Pre-reading: cspy ch. 5 & 6

CMPT 120, Spring 2023, Mohammad Tayebi


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