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Group Members:

Abiog, Esperanza Pasikan, Lumnay Katherine

Aquebay, Jeimar Poblete, Ermalyn
Bacud, John Peter B. Pugal, Joanna
Latawan, Rocel Viñas,Kimberly

Enterprise Resource Planning is the integrated management of main business processes, often in
real time and mediated by software and technology. ERP provides an integrated and continuously updated
view of core business processes using common databases maintained by a database management system.

ERP5 is an open source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system created and developed by
Nexedi, an open source software publisher based in France, Japan, Senegal, Brazil, and Germany. It has
been initially released on 2002 and is based on Python programming language and Zope Object Database.
It is being particularly based on a unified modeling language to describe it implementation. ERP5 is an
example of an ERP software system whose source code has been made publicly available and is offered
commercially free by the solution provider.

Our group was tasked to demonstrate the application of the ERP5, particularly on different business
functions from different modules. For this task, we conceptualized a company that would employ ERP5 in
the management of its business processes.

Company Name: Flower Rangers

Description: It is a medium-sized company that manufactures and sells flower-based gifts. They
also offer flower arrangement services for various events. It is a mix between a
manufacturing and a servicing business.

Business Units:

❖ Flower Arrangement Services Business Unit (Servicing)

 Wedding Floral Arrangements
 Birthday Surprise Bundle
 Valentine’s Day Bundle
 Funeral Floral Arrangements
 *Floral arrangements for other parties and events

❖ Flower Gifts Business Unit (Manufacturing)

 Bouquets
 Garlands
 Individual flowers (Rose, Tulips, etc.)
 Potted/house flower plants (Orchids,etc)
 Gifts and Flower token

Business Size: Medium-sized enterprise (60 employees)

Market Reach: Entire Luzon

Features of ERP5 Software
(Application to the management of Flower Rangers Company)

1. Front Page
-It contains different tabs for different purposes
• Quick Search tab- a tab that provide answers for short queries and allows searching directly
through all documents in the system.

• Contribute tab- a tab that allows uploading a document in the system.

• Browse tab- a tab that displays and allows access to the different ERP modules as well as the
different business functions for each module.

• New tab- it contains the links that opens up a page for creating new draft documents.
• Dig tab- a tab that allows performing an advanced/deeper search in each module.

• Reports tab- it displays the access links for the generated reports on each module.
• Printouts tab- allows access to printouts available on each module.

• Exchange tab- allows accessing modules import/export features. Most reports from report
tab are also available in spreadsheet format here in the exchange tab.
2. Organizations module– is a feature on ERP5 wherein we can create and set up an account for the
organization/company. It can be accessed by clicking on the “Organisations” link under the “Base”
within the browse tab.

After which, we click on the actions button which will open up a drop-down list. We select “Add
Organization” from the list, which will open up the view tab for the organization’s module.
a. View Tab- In this tab, general information about the organization must be filled in.

b. Details tab- additional information and details of the organization must be filled out in this tab.

❖ After filling out the details about the organization each tab and before moving on to the next tab,
we must click the floppy disc icon located in the upper right corner of the tab to save our
3. Persons Module- is a feature in ERP5 wherein we can create a profile for a person. This person may be
theowner, an employee, a client, a sipplier,etc. To access the persons module, wemust click on the
“Persons” link located under the “Base” within the browse tab.

We then click on the action button which will open up a dropdown list. We select the “Add Person”. This
will open up the view tab of the persons module
a. View Tab- within the view tab, we must fill in with some general information about the person of whom
we would create a profile.

b. Details Tab- additional general information and details of the person must be filled out in this tab.

c. Bank Account- We then click on the action button and then select “Add Bank Account” from the
dropdown list. This will open up the view tab of the Bank Account section.
In this tab, we fill out the bank details of the person.

❖ After filling out the details about the person on each tab and before moving on to the next tab, we
must click the floppy disc icon located in the upper right corner of the tab to save our
d. Reports- Tabulated details of the persons accounts can be seen on the “Persons” page.

4. Currencies Module- is a feature in ERP5 wherin we can input details about the selected currencies which
will be used for business transactions.

a. View Tab- within the view tab, we must fill in the details of the currecncy to be used.

b. Reports – tabulated details of the currencies can be viewed on the currency account.
5. Account Module- is a feature of ERP5 wherin we can set up the different financial statement accounts.
These accounts will later beused for the accounting purposes.

a. View Tab- itn this tab, we input details about the financial statement account that we want to add to the

b. Reports - tabulated details of the different financial statement accounts that were added to the system
can be viewed on the “Accounts” page.
6. Product Module –is a feature of ERP5 wherein we can enter details and information about the products
offered by the company.

a. View Tab-in this tab, we can input the details of the products that the company offers.

b. Measure Tab- in this tab, we can choose the unit of measurement as well as the price per unit of
c. Sale Tab – in this tab, we can input the quantity and the amount of the products that are available for

d. Reports – In this tab, we can view the tabulated details about the products.
7. Services Module –is a feature of ERP5 wherein we can input the details of the services offered by the

a. View Tab- in this tab, we can enter the details and information about the services offered by the

b. Measure Tab- in this tab, we can choose the unit of measurement(time/duration) as well as the price for
the duration of the service.
c. Sale Tab- in this tab, we can input the measure and the price of the services rendered.

d. Reports - In this tab, we can view the tabulated details about the services offered.
8. Sale Trade Condition Module- is a feature of ERP5 wherein we can input the trade conditions. Trade
Conditions are information about the payment mode, the currency, the tax behavior, the discount behavior,
the delivery mode, the incoterm.

a. View Tab- is here we input the trade conditions.

b. Payment Tab- in this tab, we input the payment details.

c. Profile Tab- is where we enter the details of the invoice sender and the payee.

d. Sale Supply Line- in this tab, we supply what product or services is being use in the sale trade condition
with its corresponding base price and additional price.

e. Reports- is where we can view the tabulated details about the sale trade conditions.
9. Sale Order Module- is a feature of ERP5 where in we can create,edit, and manage customers orders.

a. View Tab - is here we input the sale order details.

b. Payment Tab- is where we input the payment details.

c. Profile Tab- is where we enter the details of the invoice sender and the payee.

d. Sale Supply Line - in this tab, we supply what product or services is being ordered with the price and
quantity of the product or services.

e. Reports - In this tab, we can view the tabulated details about the sale orders.
10. Accounting Module- is a feature of ERP5 with a complete accounting solution which has been certified
by accountants. The report system allows you to print automatically the general ledger, balance, results
etc. The accounts used here were the ones added in the account’s module.

a. View Tab - is here we input the accounitng details.

b. Details Tab - in this tab, additional general information and details of the accounting transaction must
be filled out.
c. Source Conversion Tab - this tab presents the source section , transaction currency and the accounting
operation date. There is no data input here because the data is automatically generated by the system.

d. Profile Tab – in this tab, is where we enter the details of the seller and the client or invoice recipient.

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