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Names: juan jose realpe Date: _31/8/2023

Daily routine workshop

1. Listen to the next audio about Fred daily routine and answer the next questions.

a. What does Fred usually do at 7:00 am?

Fred usually wake up to 7:00 am __
b. Around what times does he usually have breakfast?
Fred have breakfast around 7:30 am
c. What does he usually have for breakfast?
Fred eat breakfast cereal with Orange juice _
d. How does Fred get to school?
He walks goes to school
e. From what time to what time does he have his first two lessons at school?
Fred _______ it has its 2 horse from 8:30 to 10:15_____
f. How long is his first break?
______your first break last 15 minutes_____
g. At what time does he finish school?
_______Finishing school at 3:30__
h. What does he do after he gets home?
________Relaxes for an hour and usually watches tv or reads ___
i. What does he usually do about 6:30 pm?
____ he usually mind sitting at that time _____

2. Read the text about Jerry’s Day, then numbers his activities in the correct order.

First, Jerry wakes up at 5:30 in the morning, but he doesn’t get up until 5:50 a.m. After that, Jerry goes to the
bathroom to brushes his teeth around 6:00 a.m., then he takes a shower, dries off and gets dressed, At 6:45
Jerry begins to have breakfast, he usually eats breakfast standing up because he likes to listen to the news while
he finish eating breakfast. After that, he puts his suit on, takes the newspaper and his briefcase, and goes to
work. He works from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. so he arrives home around 5:00 p.m. After that, Jerry usually likes to
watch T.V. to relax. Around 6:00 p.m. he cooks his dinner and then he eats. Around 8:30 p.m. Jerry often calls his
mother to say hello. Later, he sometimes reads a good book, and finally he goes to bed around 10:00 p.m.


A __5___ B ___4_ C __2___ D __8___ E __3___ F __11___

G __6___ H ___9__ J ___1__ K ___7__

3. Write a description of your daily routine. Use minimum 15 words or phrases from the 20 in the chart
for your writing.

FirstThenAfter thatLaterFrom____ To ____UntilFinally

Go to workArrive homeGo to sleepCook dinnerWake uphave breakfastGet dressed
Read a bookExerciseEat dinnerBrush my teethTake a showerhave breakfast

__________When I get up in the morning, first I get up and shower, then I have breakfast, after that I brush
my teeth, get dressed and go to work (university). I exercise in my free time until 4, then I take a shower and
at night when I get home, I cook my food, after I rest, I read a book and finally I go to sleep.
4. Record your daily routine in an audio using speakpipe. Use the following link and paste your recording
when you have finish

Link for your recording (student 1):

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