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Research Paper On Penguins

The Emperor Penguin lives in Antarctica on the Antarctic ice surrounded by very cold water. They are the largest Penguin to live with an average
height of 45 and weigh on an average of 66lb. They are also considered the most beautiful of all penguins that live right now. The Emperor Penguin has
big heads, thick necks, wedged shaped tail, and tiny flipper–like wings. They feed on fish, squid, krill, and cephalopods where they catch it by diving
into the ocean up to 700 feet. They remain under the water for about 18 minutes while finding food. Both male and female penguins look very much
alike with the same colors and same size. To identify them, you would have to check their behavior to see which one is a male or female. The female more content...
Most of the penguins form new pair bonds each year, which means that they mate with another penguin each breeding season. There is a study that
says only about 14.6% pair of penguins stay with the same mate each year. The male penguin arrives to their nest before the female penguin does.
Since there are more female penguins than male penguins, there will be major competitions to get a female. To attract females, the male penguin
will stand still, put their head on their chest, inhales, and give out a courtship call. They keep this position for a few seconds before moving to
another position. To nest, both penguins travel to a colonial nesting area at around March or early April and lay a single egg in May or early June.
The single egg weighs about 460 or 467g. Once they lay an egg, the male penguin is in charge of incubating the egg while the female penguins go
back to an area to obtain food. The job of the male penguin is to keep the egg protected from any danger and they also have to keep the egg
between their legs so that it can be warm. If the egg is exposed to the cold, the egg and baby penguin will die rapidly due to the severe temperature
of the Antarctic. It takes about 64 days for the egg to hatch and the age of the fledging is about 150 days. Once the egg hatches, the female penguin
comes back from bringing food to the nesting area. The male penguin has been fasting for

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Research Paper On Emperor Penguins

In relation to their swimming adaptations, Emperor penguins also need to be able to dive to great depths in order to retrieve vital resources such as
food. Emperor penguins tend to hunt for quick, midwater squid as well as fish and therefore they need to be capable of diving to relatively deeper and
remain submerged for longer period of time, in relation to other penguin species. Emperor penguins can dive to depths of approximately 550–565
metres towards the sea floor which is known as the "twilight zone" where less light is able to penetrate the surface of the water. Emperor penguins are
also able to hold their breath for approximately 22–27 minutes. Both of these aspects enable the emperor penguin to stay submerged in the water and more content...
This is because the female Emperor desires a partner who is able to survive throughout the unfavourable environment during the long fasting
period whilst incubating the egg produced by the female. Once the female lays her egg, both parents alternate between incubating and protecting
the eggs as well as caring for the chicks once they're hatched while the female hunts for food. So, while the female returns to sea in order to forage
food, the male is left to fend for him and his egg and consequently chicks, this can last for approximately 2 months and the male penguins can
potentially lose up to 45% (potentially 20 kilograms) of their overall body fat over the breeding season. Therefore, it is incredibly important for a
female to find a fat partner, as the larger the partner, the longer he will be able to fast while she forages for food, and protect their eggs and
consequently their chicks. To emphasize and flaunt their size, the male Emperor penguins produce a call of sorts in order to attract a suitable female,
whilst performing and waving their flippers/wings around in order to draw attention to themselves. Dependant on the density of the male's layer of fat
surrounding its voice box and consequently the overall size of the male's chest cavity, the tone of the call produced will either be suitable or unsuitable
decided on said

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Effects Of Oil On Penguins

Effects of oil The presence of oil in water can be fatal for penguins both at individual and populations as they spend a considerable amount of time in
water foraging for food, especially during breeding times. On an individual level – physiology of penguins: The ends of bird's feather consist of tiny
barbs, under normal circumstances, that interlock with each other and provide insulation to a penguin. However, when it comes in contact with oil, the
hydrophobic nature of oil separates the interlockings of barbs and birds lose their insulation. This exposes birds' skin to extreme temperature and makes
them susceptible to hyperthermia which can eventually lead to death. Image:

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Write An Argumentative Essay On Penguins

April 25th is World Penguin Day, so it's important to know the facts to fully appreciate these spectacular animals. And the fact is, penguins are in
critical danger. There are currently 600,000 emperor penguins living in Antarctica, but researchers predict a 33% drop in their population. They will
soon be considered an endangered species. Penguins are the lovable, flightless birds that are found on every continent in the Southern Hemisphere. Of
the 18 different species, 6 are found in Antarctica. Their population is in the millions, but that number is quickly dropping. Penguins depend on sea ice
for their survival, but early break–up of it can cause breeding failure. Scientists are working hard to preserve what's left of the penguin population in
Antarctica, and to find a long–term solution for the devastating effects of climate change. Their population is in the millions, but that number is quickly
dropping. "Climate change, which is quickly melting the sea ice that this species depends on for survival, could cause dramatic drops in the number of
emperor penguins across Antarctica by more content...
"As some of the ice melts permanently and the quality of the remaining ice worsens, the penguins' breeding grounds become endangered. If the ice
melts before the chicks have had a chance to grow their waterproof adult feathers, the chicks won't survive." It proves that sea ice in Antarctica greatly
affects the penguin population. Scientists are working hard to preserve what's left of the penguin population in Antarctica. "Systematically monitoring
the 43 penguin aggregations worldwide would provide the data necessary to determine the status and trend of all penguin species. With this
information, scientists could identify trouble spots and intervene before populations crash." By closely monitoring, scientists will hopefully be able to
prevent further drop in the penguin

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Penguin Observation Essay

A scholastic research article was published in Applied Animal Behaviour Science called Little Penguins. In this article researchers take observations of
penguins that are held in a Melbourne Zoo in Australia and explore the idea that human disturbances caused by the zoo environment have a negative
effect on penguins. Through the use of the scientific method, the scientists studied two penguin enclosures; one was open to the public and the other
was not. The penguins that were exposed to visitors showed increased avoidance, aggression, and vigilance. The results of the behavioral change from
the control group of penguins to that of the group exposed to the crowds of the Melbourne zoo concluded that zoo visitors may provoke fear from these
animals on a daily basis (Magrath). The scientists that authored and performed this research ensured that the penguins would be subjected to "normal"
zoo atmosphere, to be sure not to interfere with the results of the observation. The main purpose of this research was to explore the idea that human
disturbances on penguins held in zoos more content...
The research in Uganda would show that none of the abnormal behaviors that were shown in zoos were displayed in the wild. The resulting research
shows us that despite differences in the location, group size and the zoo itself, there was abnormal behavior displayed that could not be explained by
age, sex, history of how the chimpanzee was raised or their backgrounds. The data shows us that although most behavior by chimpanzees in zoos is
considered normal and is displayed in wild chimpanzees, abnormal behavior is widespread and extremely common in captive chimpanzees (Birkett).
Birkett and the research team suggest that there is a strong need to understand how chimpanzees cope with living in captivity. This is an issue of animal
welfare of animals that are held captive in

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Essay on Penguins – Birds that Cannot Fly

Penguins – Birds that Cannot Fly

Penguins are one of my favorite species of birds. They look like a bunch of men in tuxedos at the beach. Although they are considered birds, none of
them are capable of flying. They live in climates and locations that range from the warm Equator to the freezing Antarctic. Penguins are so cool that
they have become the stars of many television commercials. Of the seventeen species, it is the Emperor penguin that is the most interesting penguin.
After all, how many fathers can go without food for two months, so that they can protect their off–spring twenty four hours a day?

All penguins are found in the Southern Hemisphere and are flightless seabirds. While many people associate penguins with the more
Penguins feed off of small sea life forms, including fish, crustaceans, and cuttlefish. Surprisingly, in captivity, the King and Emperor penguins usually
have to be fed by hand, because they do not learn how to pick up their own food (Pete & Barbara's Penguin Page).

Most penguins can be found in captivity throughout the world. The Emperor and Adelie penguins, however, are only found in a few locations.
Because they live exclusively in the Antarctic, only places such as Sea World keep them in captivity. The Sea World Parks have constructed special
buildings in which the penguin's complete habitat has been simulated, i.e. air temperature, icy surfaces, and cold water. Sea World puts the penguins in
a considerably more realistic environment than the usual zoo exhibit, which consists of a cold water pool constructed in an outdoor setting, in a city
such as Cleveland or Miami.

The breeding and/or nesting habits of penguins vary from one species to the next. Like other birds, penguins gather in flocks. Unlike most birds,
however, penguins also nest in flocks. These gatherings are referred to as rookeries, can consist of several species of penguins, and may contain
hundreds of thousands of these intriguing birds.

As I mentioned in the first paragraph, the Emperor penguin is the most interesting of all penguin species. I have previously discussed some of the
reasons. It is, however, the nesting behavior of the Emperor penguin that makes it the favorite
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Research Paper On Emperor Penguin

In Antarctica, the weather conditions are extremely unfavorable to most organisms. The organisms that live there have adapted not only to survive the
subzero temperatures, but have also adapted to successfully reproduce and have healthy offspring. Two fascinating Antarctic species are the emperor
penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) and the adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae). These two species, although almost neighbors, have developed different
mating rituals and methods of egg care.
The emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) is one of the largest and heaviest penguins in Antarctica. On average, these penguins are 4 feet in height
and weigh in at about 80 pounds (Owen, 2014). Apart from being one of the tallest penguin species in the world, more content...
These penguins reach their mating sites around October to November (Robinsson, 2010). Their mating sites can not be on ice, instead they locate
areas on the antarctic edge where there is fast melting ice. If not then they try their best to locate solid land. Once they reach the breeding grounds the
males begin to court the adelie females. The primary way for the male adelie penguins to court female penguins is to make a nest. Unlike other birds,
these nests are not made out of sticks and twigs, instead the adelie penguins make their nests out of stones and pebbles. The male adelie penguin that
manages to gather the most stones and ultimately build the largest nest will be seen as the most desirable mate for that season (Robinsson, 2010).
Due to the fact that the mating season for the adelie penguins lasts such a short time, the younger penguins often commit sexual deviancy in the
breeding grounds due to their sexual inexperience. Often times, the young adelie penguin does not know how to behave when breeding, frequently
misinterpreting signs and signals that signify as a consent to mate. Examples of sexual deviancy that is found amongst the young adelie penguins
include but is not limited to: necromantic sex, homosexual sex, and rape of other female penguins (McKie,

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Emperor Penguin Research Paper

Emperor penguins

In one of the most often inhospitable environments, with 98% of the land covered in ice, winds ranging from 8 kilometres an hour to 64 kilometres an
hour, fluctuating climates that potentially reach incredibly cold temperatures down to –89 degrees Celsius, continuous daylight during summer, and
storms such as blizzards where winds vary up to 200 kilometres per hour, that arrive rapidly in which potentially cause incredibly contrasting weather
patterns within relatively short distances, lives the Emperor Penguin. Consequently, the Emperor Penguin has many phenomenal and useful adaptations
that ensure the penguin is able to sustain life in such a challenging, unfavourable environment.

The Emperor Penguin can only be more content...

Emperor penguins tend to hunt for quick, midwater squid as well as fish and therefore they need to be capable of diving to relatively deeper and
remain submerged for longer period of time, in relation to other penguin species. Emperor penguins can dive to depths of approximately 550–565
metres towards the sea floor which is known as the "twilight zone "where less light is able to penetrate the surface of the water. Emperor penguins are
also able to hold their breath for approximately 22–27 minutes. Both of these aspects enable the emperor penguin to stay submerged in the water and
locate a source of food that other penguins cannot. Therefore, both swimming and diving adaptations are vital to the Emperor penguin's ability to
sustain life for the adult and newly born Emperor penguins, as without them it would be much more difficult for them to survive their surroundings
without a food

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Informative Essay On Royal Penguins

The one reason i didn't change the topic is because my grandma's favorite animal is a penguin. That's why i picked it to wright about. Let's get into
the facts i will be writing about the Royal penguin lives in sub antarctic. There it is cold but warm enough where they can survive and they spend
much time at sea. They eat krill fish and small amounts of squid.

They make there nests with seaweed and rocks. They were hunted for oil in 1870 to 1919 . they breed in areas with vegetation. And their biological
name is Eudyptes schlegeli. They are very similar to the king penguin by looks and they nest in scrapes and 2 to 3 days they get to eat.

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Penguins Research Paper

It is hard to imagine the icy snow of Antarctica without penguins sliding on there stomach or swimming in the ocean. There are many species of
penguins, and they all gracefully slid along the ocean floor. Let's go for an adventure and explore these amazing creatures.

Splash! Is that a Emperor penguin or a king penguin, they look so alike!

Emperor penguins and king penguins are alike but they are also different. According to the book "The Penguins" by Lynn M. Stone, king penguins
way about half the weight of Emperor penguins. That means that king penguins weigh 30 pounds and Emperor Penguins weigh 70! Also, Emperor
penguins live in a colder climate, and king penguins live in a warmer climate. In addition to that, Emperor penguins have a full body full of feathers,
and king penguins have less feathers because they do not need them. Despite their diffrences they have many similarities too. One similarity is king
penguins and Emperor penguins are the most colorful penguins. Also, both these penguins live by each other despite their different climates. Lastly,
king and Emperor penguins look alike because they have about the same colors on there heads. As you can see King penguins and Emperor penguins
are different and similar in many more content...
One thing about the Emperor penguin is they have very small feet. Another fact is that Emperor penguins grow to be almost 4 feet tall that is about as
tall as a 10 year old kid, and Emperor penguins are taller than all the other penguins. In addition to that Emperor penguins are the biggest penguins that
scientist now of, they weigh the most, and are the tallest. As you can see Emperor penguins are one of the most amazing creatures in the

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Penguins Research Papers

Why can't penguins fly? Penguins not being able to fly is an important topic because they are considered a bird but they are unable to fly. Penguins
cannot fly because they are such swimmers and no bird can excel at both. A Penguin's body isn't designed to fly. Penguins wings are like flippers that
make them particularly suited for life in the water. It's wings are too short and stubby. A number of other birds, including the ostrich can't fly either.
Scientist believe that because they lived near the water and had to adapt they became more aquatic. According to the scientist of Scientific American,
"Penguins are expert divers, with species like the Emperor penguin capable of plunging 1,500 feet under water. In order to accomplish this feat, their
wings are structured differently from flying birds. Unlike most birds that swim, penguins use their modified wings to propel themselves rather than
their feet."

Scientist believe that "A small wingspan reduces drag when they are diving. Dense, solid bones, not hollow, allow them to dive rather than just float
on the water." While no other species of bird are capable of swimming quite like penguins, there are some birds that swim and still manage to fly. The
thick–billed murre is a bird that is closely related to penguins, but more content...
Penguins eat krill, squid, or fish depending on the species, and only eat while at sea. During their time on land, penguins are fast. Part of what
prevents a penguin from being able to fly is their large bodies. Penguins' larger bodies facilitate in diving deeper and longer. Unfortunately, their
heavier bodies make them too heavy to fly. A larger body also helps keep penguins insulated in the freezing cold waters they dive into. Their unique
body shape is streamlined for gliding through the water. "The fastest species is the Gentoo Penguin, which can reach swimming speeds up to 22

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Penguins Research Paper

A penguin is a bird that is typically found in Antartica that is flightless but can swim fast in arctic waters. Humans are fascinated with the flightless
bird with dense flippers because we think they mate for life which is a goal most humans strive to accomplish in their lifetimes. However, it is not
plausible that penguins mate for life because the majority of the animals in the animal kingdom, including humans, do not mate for life so why should
they? It is not plausible that penguins mate for life because of different factors like: monogamy versus life mates, 95 percent of animals do not mate for
life and each penguin species have differences in breeding seasons. Penguins, like most birds, are monogamous within the duration of breeding season
(Leu). Monogamy is defined as the practice of being married, or in this case, having one mate at a time. There are two different versions of
monogamy; there is sexual monogamy and social monogamy . Sexual monogamy is the practice of breeding with one mate at a time (Than). Social
monogamy is when animals form pairs and to mate and raise their offspring but still have affairs. Penguins are monogamous during the breeding season
once they choose aa partner unless they are unable to successfully produce offspring (Than). Most humans do not remain faithful to each other, one more content...
Out of 5,000 mammals in the animal kingdom 95% of them do not mate for life (Than). The overall divorce rate of king penguins is 81% (Olsson).
Most animals are not monogamous because it is a lot pressure to pick the right and perfect mate (Than). Also, it requires an individual to place all of
their time and hope into one another all in the name of proper breeding (Than). Most penguins do not mate for life, those penguins are: King penguins,
Emperor penguins, Little (Blue) penguins, Banded penguins, Chested penguins, Yellow–eyed penguins, Brush–tailed penguin and Magellanic penguins

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Argumentative Essay About Penguins

Magnificent creatures of the land and sea, penguins have been around for a long time. Penguins have adapted well over the course of many years, for
swimming and hunting purposes. Everyone knows that penguins are weird birds that can't fly and have to waddle on land, but what most people don't
know about are the harms that penguins have been exposed to and the fact that many penguins are endangered, if not vulnerable to endangerment.
Penguins are incredibly different from other animals and are very important to the food chain, so they should be saved from endangerment. Penguins
indeed have adapted a great deal as time passed. According to recent research on old fossils found in Peru, ancient penguins used to be six feet tall.
They could swim more content...
It seems unusual that birds can't fly, but it's brilliant that they can practically "fly underwater"! The World Book (2008 ed.) states that penguins use the
same motion to swim as other birds use to fly. These flipper–y fowls can zoom through the water at a rate of eight miles an hour, but if they really
must, they can swim above twenty miles for the same amount of time! Penguins take breaths every minute so they soar by the surface and pounce
into the air on occasion, although they can hold their breath for almost twenty minutes as they dive deep below into the water. Penguins can plunge
as deep as 900 feet. That's 300 times their average height! They are not only so fabulous underwater; penguins can toboggan across the snow on their
bellies or climb over rocks if they need to! Rockhopper penguins, as one might assume, are named after their ability to hop over rocks easier than most
other penguins. Rockhoppers are also able to pencil dive (feet–first) into the water, unlike most other penguins, and can leap back into the air as high as
three times their height and grab onto perches above them with their tiny

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How Does Global Warming Affect Penguins

Many creatures in the world are affected by global warming. Penguins are affected by global warming because the size of the Antarctic Peninsula is
getting smaller. Global Warming causes a lot of glaciers and ice to melt. It is still happening today. Penguins will also be affected by global warming
because when the ice melts, the penguins could be swept in the ocean and die. Global warming could also cause penguins habitats to change. Some
ways you can stop global warming is to power your house with solar panels, drive battery operated cars, and raise the price of CO2 products so people
will not buy as much.

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Penguins Personal Statement

Growing up, I always wanted to be a marine biologist. During 2nd grade, I remember doing a research report on penguins – I was reading a book about
the habitats, diets, and mating behaviors of penguins. I would tell my parents all about what I've read and if we could go to the aquarium to see
some in real life. As a child, all I could dream about was one day going to Antarctica to participate in a field expedition studying the lifestyle and
migration patterns of penguins. As a child of immigrants, I was always told to assimilate into American culture. Back then, I never really understood
my role as a forerunner, as a role model, for others.
It wasn't until high school until I understood what I represented – what I symbolized to other immigrant

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Penguins Research Paper

Penguins Black, white and fluffy, penguins are almost the most loved animal at the zoo. Penguins have many qualities. They have many different
species, different habitats, different appearances, and different looking babies. All of those are probably why the penguins are almost the most loved
animal at the zoo.Lots of species, different types of habitats, diets, different appearances, and different types of babies.
Penguin's habitats are in different places on earth and some have different types of habitats. Some penguins make nests out of rocks because there's no
vegetation around to make a nest out of("Penguins Zoobooks 15"). Some make their nests in a hole underground that has a nest made out of vegetation.
Then more content...
King penguins have a grayish blue coat with orange and yellow feathers ("Penguins Zoobooks 10"). And the Little Blue penguin has blue feathers
and white feathers ("Penguins Zoobooks 5"). Penguins have thick coats of fat to keep them warm while hunting for fish, krill, and squid so they
don't freeze ("Penguins Zoobooks 10"). Penguins feathers are small and tightly packed together to store heat("Raffety"). If they ever get hot, they can
fluff up their feathers and let out all of the heat from their feathers ("Penguins Zoobooks 11"). Penguins are made to stand up straight while other birds
are bent over. Since penguins stand up straight and aren't bent over, they sometimes have hard times walking and will fall over, so penguins can slide
on their stomach down a hill or anywhere. People call that action tobogganing,, its the same as sledding, or penguins stick out their wings for balance.
Penguins can toboggan for miles before stopping ("Penguins Zoobooks 11"). Penguins appearances can help them in life like protecting themselves or
helping themselves move around. Penguins all have different appearances, heights, shapes, and

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Research Paper On Emperor Penguin

Emperor penguins are known to be the largest of all penguins, an average bird stands 45 inches tall. The emperor penguins are slow and dignified, it's
a beautiful bird with a blue grey back that shades into a black tail, and a characteristically white belly flushed with yellow. Penguins interact with
humans in a interesting but different way. The Emperor penguins are near the top of the Southern Ocean's food chain. Their varied menu changes with
the season, some prey items are more important than others. An adult emperor penguin eats 2–3 kilograms each day. When they need to be fatten up
before or at the start of the breeding season, they can eat as much as 6 kilograms per day. Before returning to the colony breeding penguins have to fill
up to feed their baby chicks, and the colonies more content...
These type of penguins don't have any symbiotic relationships with any organisms since they are the largest of all penguins and live in the coldest
climate on earth. When resources become limited, organisms must compete for those organisms. Intra–specific competition occurs between emperor
penguin species, when they compete for nesting areas. This event gets intense because members of the same species share the same resources.
Emperor Penguins are basically endangered species because the majority of colonies will have lost half of their populations by the end of the
century. Every few minutes, emperor penguins leap out of the water when they are seeking for food. They are preyed on by seals and other animals,
where they become vulnerable when entering and exiting water at the beginning and end of breeding seasons. The Emperor penguins mainly feed on
fish, squid and krill. They search for their meals in the open sea or in the gaps in the sea ice. Like other penguins, they are expert swimmers, usually
spending two and half to nine minutes underwater while diving to depths of more than 400

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Evolution Of Penguin Size

Ancient penguins used to be relatively ginormous in size compared to how they look now. 57 million years ago, the average long beaked penguin
stood 5 feet 7 inches, and was about 220 pounds. That's the same size as the average sized man today. Today the largest living species of penguin is
the emperor penguin, which stands at about 4 feet tall. There is actually no rock solid evidence as to why the average penguin size has decreased, just
speculations. One popular theory as to why they have decreased in size is because of extinction. Many of the predators had died out, so they did not
have to fear being killed. The penguins, since they had no predators, could adapt to catching their prey underwater without any real competition, or fear.

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African Penguins Research Paper

The African penguin mostly feeds on sardine and anchovy. commercial fishers are one of the competitors of the African penguin which means the
African penguin has to fight for all the food that they are getting against the commercial fishers.
Global warming also has an impact on the African penguins such as the adults have to travel further and expend more energy in order to find adequate
food for themselves and their chicks which means more die from starvation.
The worst thing affecting African penguins has been oil spills. Since 1948 there have been 13 major oil spill events off the coast of South Africa, some
involving tanker collisions or groundings, or oil from ruptured pipelines. In 2000 the sinking of the MV Treasure, a huge vessel carrying

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