Pre Test INU611 Files Hecho

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INCOMPLETE SENTENCES: Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. I don’t mind time with my mother in law. 10. I of being a famous musician.
(A) to spend (A) plan
(B) spend (B) hope
(C) spending (C) dream
(D) spent (D) want

I don’t mind spending time with my mother-in-law. I hope to be a famous musician. (B) hope
(A) to spend Espero ser un músico famoso. (B) esperar
No me importa pasar tiempo con mi suegra. (A)
pasar 11. Don’t to turn off the smart TV.
2. We stopped at the supermarket some food. (A) miss
(A) to buy (B) forget
(B) for buy (C) remember
(C) buying (D) leave
(D) buy
Don't forget to turn off the smart TV. (B) forget
We stopped at the supermarket to buy some food. No olvides apagar el televisor inteligente. (B) olvidar
(A) to buy
Nos detuvimos en el supermercado para comprar 12. Please stop so much noise. I’m trying to
comida. (A) comprar
sleep here!
3. about everything is the best way to have (A) to make
a good relationship. (B) make
(A) The talk (C) making
(B) Talking (D) made
(C) Talk
(D) The talking Please stop making so much noise. I'm trying to sleep
here! (A) to make
Talking about everything is the best way to have a good Por favor, deja de hacer tanto ruido. ¡Estoy tratando de
relationship. (B) Talking dormir aquí! (A) hacer
Hablar de todo es la mejor manera de tener una buena
relación. (B) Hablar
13. He always to help me with everything.
(A) offers
4. It’s important your girlfriend’s family. (B) thinks
(A) meet (C) says
(B) for meet (D) gets
(C) to meeting
(D) to meet
He always offers to help me with everything. (A) offers
Siempre se ofrece a ayudarme con todo. (A) ofrecer
It’s important to meet your girlfriend’s family. (D) to
14. I to go to the bank today before lunch.
Es importante conocer a la familia de tu novia. (D)
(A) need
(B) hope
5. I don’t feel like dinner at night.
(C) dream
(A) having
(D) like
(B) have
(C) to have
(D) for having
I need to go to the bank today before lunch. (A) need
Necesito ir al banco hoy antes del almuerzo. (A) necesitar
I don’t feel like having dinner at night. (A) having
No tengo ganas de cenar por la noche. (A) tener

6. You pay to go into that museum. It’s free. 15. He’s to buy a new smart phone.
(A) have to pay (A) thought
(B) don’t have to (B) would like
(C) must not (C) decided
(D) don’t must (D) want

You have to pay to go into that museum. It’s free. (A) He wants to buy a new smart phone. (D) want
have to pay Quiere comprar un nuevo teléfono inteligente. (D) querer
Debes pagar para entrar a ese museo. Es gratis. (A) tener
que pagar
16. If you time, will you come over for coffee?
(A) have
7. Could you when you were 1-year-old? (B) would have
(A) to walk (C) had
(B) walking (D) will have
(C) walk
(D) to walking If you have time, will you come over for coffee? (A) have
Si tienes tiempo, ¿vendrás a tomar café? (A) tener
Could you walk when you were 1-year-old? (C)
¿Podías caminar cuando tenías 1 año? (C) caminar 17. You’ve got an exam tomorrow. You go out
(A) don’t should
8. Try too much when you meet people for (B) shouldn’t to
the first time. (C) not should
(A) don’t laugh (D) shouldn’t
(B) not to laugh
(C) don’t to laugh
(D) no laughing You've got an exam tomorrow. You shouldn't go out
tonight. (D) shouldn't
Try not to laugh too much when you meet people for the Tienes un examen mañana. No deberías salir esta noche.
first time. (B) not to laugh (D) no deberías
Trata de no reír demasiado cuando conoces a personas por
primera vez. (B) no reír 18. Our team played really . We won the game.
(A) good
(B) well
9. I would work in a big company in the future. (C) great
(A) like (D) excellent
(B) liking
(C) to like Our team played really well. We won the game. (B) well
(D) like to Nuestro equipo jugó realmente bien. Ganamos el juego.
(B) been

I would like to work in a big company in the future. (C) to

Me gustaría trabajar en una gran empresa en el futuro. (C)
READING COMPREHENSION: Choose the one best answer to each question.

Tips and Tricks to learn a


KNOW WHY YOU’RE DOING IT. This might sound obvious, but if you don’t have a good reason to learn a language,
you are less likely to stay motivated over the long-run. Wanting to impress English-speakers with your French is not a
very good reason; wanting to get to know a French person in his or her own language is another matter entirely.

TALK TO YOURSELF. When you have no one else to speak to, there’s nothing wrong with talking to yourself. This
can keep new words and phrases fresh in your mind and build up your confidence for the next time you speak with

HAVE FUN WITH IT. Using your new language in any way is a creative act. Think of some fun ways to practice your
new language: make a radio play with a friend, draw a comic strip, write a poem, or simply talk to whomever you can. If
you can’t find a way to have fun with the new language, chances are you aren’t following step four.

ACT LIKE A CHILD. This is not to say you should jump around all day or get food in your hair when you go out to a
restaurant, but try learning the way kids do. The idea that children are inherently better learners than adults is proving to
be a myth. New research cannot find a direct link between age and the ability to learn. We learn by making mistakes. As
kids, we are expected to make mistakes, but as adults mistakes become taboo. Think how an adult is more likely to say, “I
can’t”, rather than, “I haven’t learned that yet” (I can’t swim, I can’t drive, I can’t speak Spanish).

LEAVE YOUR COMFORT ZONE. This can be scary, but it’s the only way to develop and improve. No matter how
much you learn, you won’t ever speak a language without putting yourself out there: talk to strangers in the language, ask
for directions, order food, try to tell a joke. The more often you do this, the bigger your comfort zone becomes and the
more at ease you can be in new situations.

LISTEN. You must learn to listen before you can speak. Every language sounds strange the first time you hear it, but the
more you expose yourself to it the more familiar it becomes, and the easier it is to speak it properly.

WATCH PEOPLE TALK. Different languages make different demands on your tongue, lips and throat. Pronunciation
is just as much physical as it is mental. If you can’t watch and imitate a native-speaker in person, watching foreign-
language films and TV is a good substitute.

HABLAR CONTIGO MISMO. Cuando no tines a nadie más con quien hablar, no hay nada de malo en hablar contigo mismo. Esto puede mantener nuevas palabras y
frases frescas en tu mente y aumentar tu confianza para la próxima vez que hables con alguien.

DIVIÉRTETE CON ELLO. Usar tu nuevo idioma de cualquier manera es un acto creativo. Piensa en algunas formas divertidas de practicar tu nuevo idioma: haz una obra
de radio con un amigo, dibuja un cómic, escribe un poema o simplemente habla con quien puedas. Si no puedes encontrar una forma de divertirte con el nuevo
idioma, es probable que no estés siguiendo el paso cuatro.

ACTÚA COMO UN NIÑO. Esto no significa que debas saltar todo el día o poner comida en tu cabello cuando salgas a un restaurante, pero intenta aprender de la
misma manera que lo hacen los niños. La idea de que los niños son inherentemente mejores aprendices que los adultos está demostrándose como un mito. Nueva
investigación no puede encontrar un vínculo directo entre la edad y la capacidad de aprender. Aprendemos cometiendo errores. Cuando somos niños, se espera que
cometamos errores, pero como adultos, los errores se vuelven tabú. Piensa en cómo un adulto es más propenso a decir, "No puedo", en lugar de "No he aprendido
eso todavía" (No puedo nadar, no puedo conducir, no puedo hablar español).

SAL DE TU ZONA DE CONFORT. Esto puede ser aterrador, pero es la única forma de desarrollarte y mejorar. No importa cuánto aprendas, nunca hablarás un idioma
sin exponerte: habla con desconocidos en el idioma, pide direcciones, ordena comida, intenta contar un chiste. Cuanto más hagas esto, más grande se vuelve tu zona
de confort y más cómodo te sientes en nuevas situaciones.

ESCUCHA. Debes aprender a escuchar antes de poder hablar. Cada idioma suena extraño la primera vez que lo escuchas, pero cuanto más te expones a él, más
familiar se vuelve y más fácil es hablarlo correctamente.

OBSERVA A LAS PERSONAS HABLAR. Diferentes idiomas hacen diferentes demandas a tu lengua, labios y garganta. La pronunciación es tan física como mental. Si no
puedes ver e imitar a un hablante nativo en persona, ver películas y programas de televisión en otros idiomas es un buen sustituto.

1. Where is this text from? 3. What do the advices say about leaving your
(A) A business newspaper comfort zone?
(B) An advertisement (A) Don’t talk with strangers
(C) A travel magazine (B) It’s no scaring
(D) A book (C) It’s the only way to improve and develop yourself
(D) Don’t leave your comfort zone
¿De dónde proviene este texto?
(A) Un periódico de negocios ¿Qué dicen los consejos sobre salir de tu zona de confort?
(B) Un anuncio publicitario (A) No hables con desconocidos.
(C) Una revista de viajes (B) No es aterrador.
(D) Un libro (C) Es la única forma de mejorar y desarrollarte.
Traducción: ¿De dónde proviene este texto? (D) No salgas de tu zona de confort.
Respuesta: La opción (C) "Es la única forma de mejorar y
Respuesta: Según el texto anterior, el texto proviene de "A desarrollarte" es lo que dicen los consejos sobre salir de tu
book" (Un libro). zona de confort.

2. Which of the following is not included in the text? 4. What is the text about?
(A) You must have a reason to learn the new language (A) Going to France
(B) Build your confidence by talking to yourself (B) Learning a new language
(C) Expose yourself to the new language (C) Being confident
(D) Find a partner (D) Having fun

¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones no se menciona en el ¿De qué trata el texto?

texto? (A) Ir a Francia.
(A) Debes tener una razón para aprender el nuevo idioma. (B) Aprender un nuevo idioma.
(B) Construye tu confianza hablando contigo mismo. (C) Ser seguro de sí mismo.
(C) Exponerte al nuevo idioma. (D) Divertirse.
(D) Encuentra un compañero. Respuesta: El texto trata sobre (B) "Aprender un nuevo
Respuesta: La opción (D) "Encuentra un compañero" no se idioma".
menciona en el texto.

LISTENING: Go through the following webpage // Listen carefully

and choose the one best answer to each question.

1. What is one course taught at the English 3. If the Fall semester begins on August 29th, by
Language Center? what date should one apply to the program?
(A) Business English (A) March 29th
(B) TOEFL (B) May 29th
(C ) (C ) June
TOEIC 29th
(D) US Culture (D) July 29th

2. What is the tuition for a full-time student?? 4. Which one was NOT mentioned as part of the
(A) $ 2030 application packet a student must send to the
(B) $ 2300 center?
(C ) $ 2033 (A) sponsorship form
(D) $ 2003 (B) high school
transcripts (C )
application fee
(D) bank statement

Writing: You want to take painting lessons. Send an email to an art school. Write about the lessons you would like to take.
Use the questions below to guide you.

Follow these questions:

• Why are you writing?
• Who are you? Where are you from?
• How long would you like to practice?
• What course are you interested in? Why?
• What other information would you like to
get? (Schedule, dates, prices, etc.)

To Whom It May Concern,

Writing to inquire about your painting classes. I am Melissa Zamorano from

Duoc UC, and I wish to practice painting for an extended period.

I want to enroll in your painting course due to my deep passion for art and a
strong desire to enhance my skills. The course content and teaching
approach appear to align perfectly with my artistic goals.

Furthermore, I would appreciate receiving information regarding class

schedules, session dates, and painting lesson prices.

Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to your response.
Melissa Zamorano

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