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Name: _____________________

Strand and Grade Level:________________
4th Quarter Assessment
I. Directions: Read and analyze the statement. Write the letter of the correct answer before the

1. The cycle of life, death, and rebirth

A. Dharma B. Samsara C. Karma D. Pali
2. The concept involves the accumulation of one’s past deeds that have direct effect on one’s
present condition.
A. Samsara B. Dharma C. Pali D. Karma
3. The concept wherein people must accomplish their task so that the society can prosper.
A. Dharma B. Hinduism C. Islam D. Christianity
4. They believed within the human is an eternal soul that is reborn millions of times and in
many forms.
A. Islam B. Hinduism C. Christianity D. Buddhism
5. Followed the Eight-Fold Path and the Four Noble Truths
A. Hinduism and Sikhism C. Jainism and Shintoism
B. Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism D. Christianity and Islam
6. Which of the following is NOT belong to the group?
A. Confucianism B. Buddhism C. Daoism D. Shintoism
7. The Golden Rule of Confucius that found in Analects.
A. “Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.”
B. "To see what is right, and not to do it, is want of courage or of principle."
C. "Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles."
D. "What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in
8. He is the Founder of Confucianism?
A. Laozi B. Mencius C. Mengzi D. Kung Fuzi
9. He believed that all human being is born with innates goodness which can be cultivated
through proper education and self-discipline.
A. Mencius B. Mengzi C. Confucius D. Laozi
10. The idea of ancestors’ worships is based on the key Confucian idea that expected of children
to respect and obey their parents in life.
A. Tian B. Renxing C. Filial Piety D. Dao
11. Which of the following is NOT belong to the group?
A. Confucianism B. Buddhism C. Daoism D. Shintoism
12. The Golden Rule of Confucius that found in Analects.
A. “Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.”
B. "To see what is right, and not to do it, is want of courage or of principle."
C. "Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles."
D. "What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in
13. He is the Founder of Confucianism?
A. Laozi B. Mencius C. Mengzi D. Kung Fuzi
14. He believed that all human being is born with innates goodness which can be cultivated
through proper education and self-discipline.
A. Mencius B. Mengzi C. Confucius D. Laozi
15. The idea of ancestors’ worships is based on the key Confucian idea that expected of children
to respect and obey their parents in life.
A. Tian B. Renxing C. Filial Piety D. Dao

16. The three Daoic religions originated in _________.

A. East Asia C. South Korea
B. India D. Southwest Asia
17. Confucianism and Daoism started as attempts by two philosophers that bring order to the
chaos happening during the Warring States period in China.
A. Laozi, Mao Zedong C. Kung Fuzi, Siddartha Gautama
B. Kung Fuzi, Laozi D. Siddhartha Gautama, Laozi
18 Shinto started as a religion focusing on the worship of _____________ that were
seen as the source of prosperity, especially in the sphere of agriculture.
A. atman C. kami
B. dao D. shrine
19. Its morality is based on loyalty, ritual observance, and self-cultivation.
A. Buddhism C. Daoism
B. Confucianism D. Shintoism
20. It emphasizes purity of oneself to maintain the natural state which can bring harmony and
order in society.
A. Buddhism B. Daoism C. Confucianism D. Shintoism

II. Directions: Read the following statement and identify whether it is pertaining to
Confucianism, Daoism and Shintoism. Write the letter of the correct answer before the number.


21. It initially started as a philosophy that would provide a solution to China’s chaotic society
during the Zhou dynasty.
22. Believed that nature should be allowed to take its natural course for the attainment of social
23. The concept of morality is based on loyalty to one’s superiors and elders, parents, and
respect for others.
24. Advocated the idea that society should not be regulated with morality but should be allowed
to exist according to the natural laws.
25. Believed that morality is not based on definite standards of right and wrong.
26. They believed that when people let evil guide their actions, they bring upon themselves
impurities and sin which need to be cleansed through rituals.
27. To become virtuous, one should be mindful of all the senses (sight, hearing, speech, and
action) and make sure that every action, thought, and feeling should be in accordance with li
28. Advocates the idea that every person has a destiny to follow, a mission to fulfill which will
make one’s life worthwhile.
29. It has the most positive view of women, with its emphasis on the significance of balancing
the masculine and feminine qualities in every individual to achieve harmony not only of the body
but the world as well.
30. It emphasized hierarchy, and in that hierarchy, women are expected to become subservient
to men.

II. A) Directions: Match Column A which defines the five classical virtues of Confucianism in
Column B. Write the correct letter in your answer sheet.

Column A Column B

31. Returning to the traditional Chinese rituals. A. Wisdom

32. Having the moral disposition to do good. B. Righteousness
33. Considered as the concrete guide to human C. Propriety
action and social order. D. Benevolence
34. Knowing what is right and what is wrong. E. Fidelity
35. Keeping one’s word and being faithful.

II. B) Directions: Match Column A which pertains to the five classic books in Column B. Write
the correct letter in your answer sheet.

Column A Column B

36. Compilation of ceremonial rituals, A. Book of History

administration and social forms. B. Classic Rites
37. Consist of chronological accounts of C. Book of Poetry
imperials achievements and rules D. Analects
of government. E. Book of Changes
38. Following the type of divination called
39. Collection of three hundred five songs
includes four sections of various themes.
40. Collections of saying and ideas attributed to
Chinese philosopher Confucius.

III.Write “True” before the number if the statement is correct and “False” if not. (2pts each)

1. Purification is a key concept of Shintoism, that is why much of their rituals make use of water
for cleansing purposes.
2. Death is considered as the best form of purity in Shintoism.
3. Women who menstruate are considered impure, as well as women after childbirth, and must
be isolated for a definite period of time.
4. In Shintoism, people are regarded as superior beings, and everyone is considered a potential
kami whose life on earth is destined to be filled with blessings.
5. Japan celebrates numerous festivals (called misogi) since almost every shrine has its own
6. Shintoism has no weekly service; instead, people visit shrines at their own convenience.
7. The Kojiki and Nihongi are considered as sacred scriptures on Shinto, although they are not
exclusively about Shinto; they also contain extensive information on Buddhism and
8. Ghosts are known as sosai and require certain rituals to send away before they cause harm.
9. Shintoists value the virtues of beauty, truth, goodness, and morality.
10. Shintoists believe that amulets provide protection and can even be a source of magic.


Good Luck
Prepared by: Noted and Approved by:


Subject Teacher School Principal

1. B 25. C
2. D 26. C
3. A
27. A
4. B
5. B 28. C
6. B 29. B
7. A
30. A
8. A
9. B 31. D
10. C 32. B
11. B 33. C
12. A 34. A
13. A 35. E
14. B 36. B
15. C 37. A
38. E
16. A 39. C
17. B 40. D
41. True 2points
18. C
42. False 2points
19. B 43. True 2points
20. D 44. True 2points
45. False 2points
21. C
46. True 2points
22. B 47. True 2points
23. A 48. False 2points
24. B 49. True 2points
50. True 2points

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