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ESci 115 - Chemistry for Engineers

Energy is usually defined as the capacity to do work.

force x distance
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directed energy change resulting from a process

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Forms of Energy:

Kinetic energy is the energy produced by a moving object.

Thermal energy is the energy associated with the random motion of atoms
and molecules. Content Here

Radiant energy, or solar energy, comes from the sun and is Earth’s
primary energy source.

Chemical energy is stored within the structural units of chemical

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substances; its quantity is determined by the type and arrangement of

constituent atoms.

Potential energy is energy available by virtue of an object’s position.

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ENERGY Content Here

The total quantity of energy in the universe is


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Almost all chemical reactions absorb or produce (release) energy, generally in
the form of heat.

Heat is the transfer of thermal energy between two bodies that are at
different temperatures.
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Thermochemistry is the study of heat change in chemical reactions.

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System, or the specific part of the universe that is of interest to us.
There are three types of systems.

(a) Open system can exchange mass and energy, usually in the form of heat
with its surroundings.

(b) Closed system, which allows the transfer of energy (heat) but not mass.
(c) Isolated system, which does not allowContent
the transfer
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Classify each of the following as an open system, a closed system, or an isolated system.
Review of concepts:

Classify each of the following as an OPEN SYSTEM, a CLOSED SYSTEM,


a. Milk kept in a closed thermo flask.

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b. A student reading in her dorm room.

c. Air inside a tennis ball.

d. Hot water placed in perfectly closed Aquaflask.

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e. Our planet Earth.

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Exothermic process, which is any process that gives off heat —that is,
transfers thermal energy to the surroundings.

Endothermic process, in which heat has to be supplied to the system

by the surroundings.

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Introduction to Thermodynamics:

Thermodynamics, which is the scientific study of the interconversion of heat

and other kinds of energy.

State of a system, which is defined by the values of all relevant macroscopic

properties, for example, composition, energy, temperature,
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State functions — properties that are determined by the state of the system,
regardless of how that condition was achieved.
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Example: Energy, pressure, volume, and temperature

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Energy can be converted from one form to another,

but cannot be created or destroyed.
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Sign Conventions for Work and Heat

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Process Sign
Work done by the system on the surroundings -
Work done on the system by the surroundings +
Heat absorbed by the system from the surroundings (endothermic process)
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Heat absorbed by the surroundings from the system (exothermic process) -

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The work done by the gas on the surroundings is

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A gas expands from 264 mL to 971 mL at constant temperature.
Calculate the work done (in joules) by the gas if it expands (a) against a vacuum and
(b) against a constant pressure of 4.00 atm.
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A gas expands and does P-V work on the surroundings equal to 279 J. At the same time, it
absorbs 216 J of heat from the surroundings. What is the change in energy of the system?
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