Parametrized Garment Pattern Manipulation For The Men's Suit

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Parametrized Garment Pattern Manipulation for the Men’s

Wonseop Lee Hyeong-Seok Ko
Seoul National University Seoul National University
1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-Gu 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-Gu
Seoul, Korea Seoul, Korea
82 2 880 1804 82 2 880 1780

ABSTRACT manipulation of garment pattern is more advanced level.

The method for making men's suits has long been established and Generally, garment patterns are obtained by drafting using the
developed manually. Starting from measuring the customer’s customer’s body sizes as an input. In the tailoring field, garment
body size, tailor drafts the garment patterns and construct then patterns are drafted by pattern-maker according to their own
into suit model. With the advance of machine, most of suit distinct drafting scheme. Depending on the drafting scheme,
making processes have been automatized. However, drafting participating sizes are different. This paper adopts the drafting
garment pattern still remains in the manual work. This paper scheme that uses only 5 body sizes to obtain the garment patterns.
proposes the parameterized garment drafting system for the men’s During the drafting, certain lengths are needed for drawing partial
suit utilizing only 5 body sizes. Once user provides required 5 region such as armhole. We define those lengths as secondary
body sizes to the proposed system, garment patterns are generated parameters. Figure 1 shows the result of creating garment pattern
automatically. After passing through the positioning and sewing using proposed method. The obtained 2D garment patterns are
process, 2D garment patterns are converted to the 3D garment transferred to 3D space and sewed to be constructed as 3D
model. The 3D garment model would be draped on the virtual garment model that would be fit to the customer’s body model.
body model using physically-based simulation. The fitting The 3D garment model is draped onto the 3D body model to
evaluation would be performed to check the suitability of draped evaluate the fit. The virtual 3D body model is parameterized
garment. If there were implausible result, then it is required to which can be generated by deformation according to the size input.
modify the garment to reduce the implausibility. To modify the fit Garment pattern modification is achieved by manipulating
of the men’s suit, this paper proposes pattern modification method secondary parameters.
using secondary parameters.

CCS Concepts
• Applied computing➝Operations research➝Computer-aided

Pattern making; Garment modification; Clothing Simulation;
Virtual garment visualization.

Along with the growth of the fashion industry, mass production of
the garment is popularized. However, for the men’s suit, it is more
general to tailor personalized suit (made-to-measure) rather than Figure 1. Garment patterns of men's suit (jacket)
ready-made-clothes. Unfortunately, tailoring personalized suit is
still not in the region of mass production. Since it requires 2. RELATED WORK
professional knowledge, practical experience and skills, the entry
barrier of creating the garment pattern is very high. Moreover, Garment modeling. The most basic and traditional way to model
garments is to draw draft pattern. As noted above, it is
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for sophisticated work. To make it easier, methods that creates
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are garment model from extracting features of body [1; 2] and
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that combining existing garment components in database [3] are
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights
developed.[4] proposed the pattern making method starting from
for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be
honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or the 2D outline of garment flats. After modifying the design and
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior constructing a 3D garment model, 2D garment patterns are created
specific permission and/or a fee. by dividing and flattening. The sewing operation is time-
Request permissions from consuming and repetitive work for 3D garment model. [5]
ICDSP 2019, February 24–26, 2019, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea presented automatic system by extracting sewing patterns from
© 2019 Association for Computing Machinery. garment model.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6204-7/19/02…$15.00

Garment fitting. Fitting the garment to the target body model is scheme from [21] and reduces it to use only 5 major body
one of the complicated issues because it should consider both the measurements for pattern-making. Those dominatingly affect
garment and the body model. [6] used body profile templates to determining the shape of the garment pattern. For example, in our
represent the garment model using encoding and decoding. pattern-making for the men’s jacket, the followings are used as
Volumetric deformation is widely used for garment fitting [6; 8; the major measurement: Stature (H), Chest Circumference (CC),
9]. With the segmentation of the body model, pose-independent Bi-shoulder Length (S), Shoulder Angle (SA), Arm Length (AL).
fitting is possible [10]. The design of the original garments can be The abbreviations in the parentheses are representing each major
maintained by a sequential process of the proportional scaling and body measurement. Hereafter, those abbreviations are used.
optimization process [11]. The graded garments would be draped
to the various body pose using skeleton-driven body 3.2 Secondary Parameters
representation [12]. In the process of parameterized pattern making, specific values
that describe particular region are required. As noted in the
Pattern editing. After the draping is finished, users may want to previous section, those values can be represented as a function of
modify the garment design. To accomplish the purpose, [13] major measurement. The functional correspondence between
developed the pattern-editing method using alteration of feature major measurement and secondary parameters is listed in Table 1
curves on the pattern. [14] proposed interactive garment design and visualized in Figure 2.
tools that enables bidirectional and immediate editing transfer
between 2D and 3D garment model. [15] presented a pattern Table 1. List of Secondary Parameters
adjustment system based on the physics-aware method that
directly modifies the garment pattern in 3D space and computes ① Front panel height = f (CC) ⑧ Pocket width = f (CC)
2D patterns automatically. To create a new garment, the method ② Waist height = f (H, CC) ⑨ Collar width = f (CC)
for mixing two different garments is also proposed. [16] proposed
the iterative garment modification method which reduces ③ Shoulder width = f (S) ⑩ Collar height = f (CC)
evaluated misfits. It defines 5 panel operations, and the sequence ④ Shoulder slope = f (SA) ⑪ Sleeve width = f (CC)
of panel operation modifies the pattern. Although it follows the
drafting rules but it has slight limitation of preserving the original ⑤ Armhole width = f (CC) ⑫ Sleeve height = f (AL)
shape as it is. ⑥ Armhole height = f (H, CC) ⑬ Elbow height = f (AL)
Fitting evaluation. Evaluation of garment fitting has been ⑦ Front fly = f (CC)
researched in both computer graphics and fashion field. Many
researchers tried various methods to quantify the evaluation result. Since the major measurements dominate the shape of the garment
In the previous work, garment fitting was evaluated by comparing pattern, it is obvious that changing the value of H or BC (the
horizontal cross-sectional area between the garment and human major measurements) may bring the 1) modification of the entire
body model [17; 18], calculating garment pressure during the shape of the garment pattern and 2) unwanted result. On the other
physically-based simulation [19]. Especially for men’s shirt, hand, the secondary parameters are the end value and covers small
measuring shoulder angle was used [20]. [16] defined fitting region in the pattern. Therefore, modifying the value of secondary
evaluation system so called ‘misfit measure’. The misfit is parameter itself has little effect to other region. (See Figure 2)
evaluated by the difference between body and garment landmark
point/lines. 3.3 Evaluation of Fitting Degree
To evaluate the fitting degree of draped virtual men’s jacket, this
paper adopts the method proposed by [16]. The proposed method
uses ‘misfit value’ that indicates how the fitting result is proper
using difference between body and garment landmarks.

3.3.1 Body model

To perform draping simulation, body models are required to put
the garment on. The body model used in this paper is
parameterized one so that users can create a body model that is
deformed to represent the user’s various body sizes.

3.3.2 Initial Try-on

Before evaluating the fitting degrees, a well-draped garment is
required, because ill-draped garment would bring wrong
evaluation result regardless of the outcome of fitting. For example,
assume that a male customer is in the tailor shop to baste his suit.
Putting the suit on the right position of customers’ body comes
first. In a similar way, the proposed method starts from those

Figure 2. Secondary parameters on the garment pattern. 3.4 Pattern Modification

Typically, modification of the pattern follows the drafting scheme.
3. METHOD It utilizes secondary parameters that participate in pattern making.
3.1 Parameterized Pattern Making Once the garment is created, the value of secondary parameters is
This paper proposes a parameterized pattern making method for determined. The garment pattern is modified by changing the
men’s suit. Basically, the proposed method adopts drafting value of secondary parameters. Figure 3 shows the examples of

Figure 3. Pattern modification using secondary parameters: grey(original), blue(increased) and pink(decreased).

Figure 4. Experiment results of men's suit (jacket).

the pattern modification. The color of original pattern is grey. The measurements from the user. Using parametrization, proposed
modification from increasing the value is shown as blue colored method can cover the garment from varying body size such as S,
pattern and decreasing the value is shown as red colored pattern. M, L and XL. This paper defines the secondary parameters to
Consider the Figure 3 (a), it is the result of manipulating the value draw and to control the particular region in garment pattern. The
of ‘Front panel height’. The blue pattern has bigger value and the proposed pattern modification method utilizes the secondary
red pattern has smaller value against the original pattern (grey). parameters. Changing the value of secondary parameters enables
users to modify the particular region without large affection to
After finishing evaluation of the fit, users are aware of where and other regions.
how much to modify for the better fit result. The second
parameter is changed as much as the result of the fitting where it The scope of our study is limited to the men’s jacket. In the future
is judged to be implausible. Assume the case that the sleeve work, we will extend proposed method to the entire components
circumference is 3cm longer than the measurement, modification of men’s suit such as pants, shirts and so on.
process decreases the value of ‘Sleeve width’ as the amount of
3cm (See Figure 3 (d)
This work was supported in part by the National Research
4. RESULT Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education,
Using proposed pattern modification methods, we modify the Science and Technology (MEST) (NO.2015R1A2A1A10055178,
men’s jacket to have better fit. According to the method [16], NRF-2018M3E3A1057302), the Brain Korea 21 Plus Project in
body landmark lines are shown as blue line on the body model. 2018, and ASRI (Automation and Systems Research Institute at
Similarly, garment landmark lines are shown as grey lines on the Seoul National University).
3D garment model. The purpose of modification is to match grey
and blue lines. Starting from initial state (Figure 4 (a)), using
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