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Email: Ms.

Lisa Nevoral
Website: Science Teacher
Phone: (250) 870-5108 ext7225 Room 131


4544 Gordon Drive, Kelowna, BC, V1W 1T4
Tel: (250) 870-5108

Chemistry 12 Course Outline

Course Rationale
Welcome to Chemistry 12! If you want to challenge your skills and prepare for further studies in the sciences at
the college or university level, you are in the right course! This elective course satisfies graduation requirements for
science. My hope is that by the end of this course you will view chemistry as a broad science that touches nearly every
aspect of human life and begin to learn the many professions and hobbies that require or use the knowledge of

"Everywhere one looks there are chemicals. We are made of chemicals, we wear them, build with them, eat them, we even
breathe chemicals. Everything around us is made up of atoms and molecules. The science that deals with these, how to
control them, change them and make new chemicals is chemistry.

However, chemistry is not just confined to a laboratory, it has come to be extremely important in our lives. Of course we are
all doing some chemistry when we cook, which is very important to all of us, but chemistry dominates our lives even if we do
not notice it. Everything we interact with is the product of a chemical process which might be natural or synthetic."(Dr.
Stephen H. Ashworth)

Learning Standards
Learning standards define the required attitudes, skills and knowledge for each subject. They are
statements of what students are expected to understand, know, and be able to do by the end of the grade.
Big Ideas Content Curricular
(UNDERSTAND) (KNOW) Competencies
Reaction Kinetics ➢ Understand the concept of reaction rate (a change in amount/time).
• Reactants must collide to ➢ State different factors affecting reaction rate and how to control it.
react, and the reaction ➢ Understand the relationship between successful collisions (Collision
Theory) and reaction rate. ➢ Questioning and
rate is dependent on the ➢
surrounding conditions.
State the relationship between activated complex, reaction predicting
intermediates, and activation energy to PE diagrams
➢ Explain enthalpy and create graphs.
➢ Understand reaction mechanism and rate-determining step. ➢ Planning and
Dynamic Equilibrium ➢ Understand the dynamic nature of chemical equilibrium. conducting
• Can be shifted by ➢ Apply Le Chatalier's Principle to equilibrium shift.
changes to the ➢ Determine minimum enthalpy and maximum entropy.
➢ Perform calculations that include the equilibrium constant, Keq ➢ Processing and
surrounding conditions.
analyzing data and
Solubility Equilibrium ➢ Understand the concept of solubility. information
• Saturated solutions are ➢ Understand that solubility and precipitation are in equilibrium
systems in equilibrium. ➢ Perform calculations that include the solubility product Ksp
➢ Perform quantitative analysis dealing with solubility. ➢ Evaluating
Acids, Bases, and Salts ➢ Determine the relative strength of acids and bases in solution.
• Acid and base strength ➢ State the properties and definitions of acids and bases. ➢ Applying and
depends on the degree of ➢ Perform calculations on Kw, pH, an pOH
➢ Problem solving using Ka and Kb innovating
ion dissociation. ➢ Understand the hydrolysis of salts
➢ Perform calculations on titration problems
➢ Know how to use indicators.
➢ Communicating
Oxidation-Reduction ➢ Balance redox equations.
➢ State how electrolytic cells work.
➢ Perform calculations on redox titrations.
Course and Classroom Expectations
Keys to success…
• Come to class on time and prepared.
• Stay organized. Keep your coursework in your binder and bring all materials to class.
• Use class time effectively. Time will be given to work on assignments in class.
• Ask for help when you do not understand a concept.
• Be respectful of your teacher, fellow classmates and the classroom.
• Food and drink are allowed as long as you remove all garbage and recyclables. NEVER during labs!!
Cell phones…
• Personal devices may be used during individual work time only and not during lessons, activities
(unless otherwise stated) or tests.
o Students may be required to put their devices into a cell phone "hotel" during tests or test

Required Materials
Please bring the following items with you to every class:
 Binder with notepaper and class handouts
 Notebook for reflections (this can be kept in class)
 Pens, pencils, erasers, scientific calculator
 Textbook – Hebden Chemistry 12 (Workbook for Students – SW)

Evidence of Student Learning
Valid and reliable evaluation of student learning is gathered over time through a variety of avenues.
1. Observations: What is observed about student learning thought their on-going learning process.
2. Conversations with Students: What students communicate about their learning and understanding.
3. Student Work: What student work demonstrates about what they know and can do.
Class Mark Final Mark
Check Your Understanding (Quizzes) 0% Term 1 40%
Labs/Assignments 15% Term 2 40%
Reflection 10% Final Exam 20%
Tests 75%

Types of Assessment
Formative Assessment - the following types of tasks will not be included in the student grades since their
purpose is to build knowledge. They will be assigned to provided learning and feedback to both the student
and teacher regarding understanding of the learning standards.
• Practice questions/worksheets (PWS)
• Check Your Understanding (CYU)
• Activities
• Vertical Whiteboard Questions (VWB)
• Unit Reviews
Summative Evaluation - will be generally based on the following tasks.
• Unit tests
• Assignments (projects, Explain This, etc)
• Labs
• Observation and conversation of student knowledge
Your grade will be a cumulative mark for the whole semester.
If marked, student assignments/labs/projects may be assessed on the four-point scale found below.
Exceeding Proficient Developing Emerging
A B C+ C C- IE/F
• Student has independently • Student has demonstrated a • Student has demonstrated a • Student has not successfully
demonstrated a thorough partial understanding of the minimal understanding of the demonstrated their
understanding of the scientific concepts and how scientific concepts; or has understanding of the scientific
scientific concepts and how they relate to procedures or required considerable teacher concepts and how they are
they relate to procedures. processes. assistance to meet outcome. related to procedures.
• All the work has been • The work appears to follow a • The work appears to follow a • The work shown is incomplete,
logically shown to provide logical sequence, but there are partially logical sequence, but and no logical process has
accurate solutions with only some errors. there are some significant been followed.
minor errors in computations • Some work is shown to errors. • Computation involves major
NOT procedures or demonstrate understanding of • Some work is shown to errors, and or computation
processes when necessary. the procedures, but is not demonstrate understanding of shows a weak understanding of
• It is clear that students are complete. the procedures, but is not concepts learned.
proficient in the language • Work may appear to be rushed complete. • Inappropriate method has been
used in these units. or partially understood. • Work may appear to be rushed used to solve the question.
or minimally understood.
Student has successfully completed the outcome through this work. Student should redo this work. Student must redo this work.

Student progress with respect to the learning outcomes will use the approved letter grades and percentages
as set out by the Ministry of Education:

Letter Grade/Percentages Description

A The student demonstrates excellent or outstanding performance in
86-100% relation to the learning outcomes.
B The student demonstrates very good performance in relation to the
73-85% learning outcomes.
C+ The student demonstrates good performance in relation to the learning
67-72% outcomes.
C The student demonstrates satisfactory performance in relation to the
60-66% learning outcomes.
C- The student demonstrates minimally acceptable performance in relation
50-59% to the learning outcomes.
IE The student has NOT provided SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE of learning in
(Insufficient Evidence) relation to the learning outcomes.
F Failed – The student has not demonstrated the minimally acceptable
0-49% performance in relation to the learning outcomes for course.
W Upon request, the administration of a school may grant permission to a
(Withdrawal) student to withdraw from a course or subject.

Extra Help

It is very important to keep up in Chemistry 12. Most students find it necessary to seek additional assistance
at some point in the school year. If you are struggling with a concept, I encourage you to come see me
ASAP. The longer you wait the harder it will be. Don’t fall behind! I am available, but you need to make
make an appointment to see me!

While it is understandable that students will get sick through the year, have family emergencies and have
appointments to attend, the original classroom experience can never be 100% duplicated. I will always do my
best to help students catch up on the material that has been missed, but it is the student’s responsibility to
follow up with me and their classmates for the missing work.

• If a student is absent for a test, they will do a makeup test on Thursday afterschool as part of the
OKM Test Taking program.
o Students will not be granted time to do a makeup test unless an explanation is presented by
a parent or guardian. This can be in the form of an email.
• There will only be one re-do test at the end of the semester. This will have an application process.
• In the event a student is absent for a lab or assignment, they will be given a set of data to complete
their write-up. Write-ups for those absent will only be accepted with a valid explanation.
• Any evidence of plagiarism will result in a mark of 0, with further consequences pending the
severity of the situation.

How to Keep Up in Chemistry 12

• Please check my webpage This contains notes, PWS

keys, videos, etc. As well, it contains the Google Calendar with updated classwork outlines.
• The Chemistry 12 Google Classroom will be used to hand in assignments and be a site for
online interactives, quizzes, etc.

Some Short-hands to Know:

1. GC → Google Classroom
2. VWB → Vertical whiteboards
3. PWS → Practice Worksheet
4. CYU → Check Your Understanding

I hope that you and I have an enjoyable year together in Chemistry 12. Thank you,

Lisa Nevoral

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