As Good As You Target Lesson STUDENT COPY

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Target Lesson: Identifying Theme and Summarizing with “As Good as You”

PART 1: Warm-Up: Writing

Directions: Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

Today you’re going to read a story about a girl

Taekwondo is a type of martial art form from Korea that and her friend who are learning taekwondo.
involves quick kicking, punching, and spinning.
Think of a time when you learned something

● What was it?

● How did it feel when you first tried it?

Take three minutes to jot down your ideas.

“Milad Kharchegani at the 2016 Summer Olympics” by Tasnim News Agency is

licensed under CC BY 4.0

Students learning Taekwondo earn different color belts that

show their progress.

“ 04232012box pilates059” by Talento Tec is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Identifying Theme and Summarizing: As Good as You

Unless otherwise noted, this content is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
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PART 2: Video Introducing the Target Skill

Directions: Watch the video and then answer the question.

1. What is a summary?

PART 3: Review the Target Skill - Identifying Theme and Summarizing

Identifying Theme and Summarizing: As Good as You 1

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PART 4: Reading and Answering Questions
Directions: Read the text and answer the questions.

As Good as You
by Dawn Malone

[1] “Class, please line up!” said Ms. Baroni, Jenna’s taekwondo

[2] Jenna snapped to attention.2 Ms. Baroni was about to introduce3

everyone to Marti, Jenna’s best friend. Jenna was excited that Marti
would be taking lessons too.

[3] “Let’s welcome Marti,” said Ms. Baroni. Paragraph 5

1. What is the best summary of
[4] Everyone mumbled “hi.” Marti blushed4 and fidgeted5 with the paragraphs 1-5?
hem of her shirt. A. Jenna is joined by her best
friend Marti at Ms. Baroni’s
[5] “You don’t need to be shy here,” Jenna whispered to Marti. taekwondo class. This is
“Everyone’s really nice.” Marti’s first class, and she is
[6] After warm-up exercises, Ms. Baroni divided everyone into B. Ms. Baroni is a taekwondo
color-belt groups. Even though Jenna was a yellow belt and a level teacher. Marti and Jenna are
in the class. Everyone
above Marti, Ms. Baroni told the friends to work together. “Jenna, why mumbled. Marti fidgeted with
don’t you show Marti some basic6 kicks?” her shirt.

[7] “Sure!” Jenna said. She turned to Marti. “Watch me.” She
demonstrated a front kick.

[8] Marti copied it. Her kick was as high as Jenna’s shoulder.

someone who teaches
Attention (noun): standing straight, with legs and feet together and eyes looking forward
Introduce (verb): to present another person
Blush (verb): to become red in the face
to move in a fearful way
need to know first; simple

Identifying Theme and Summarizing: As Good as You 2

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[9] “Great job, Marti!” said Ms. Baroni, who had walked up behind
them. “Let me show you something.” Paragraph 10
2. Summarize what is happening in
[10] Ms. Baroni stood next to Marti. “Bend your knee, like this,” she the taekwondo class.
said. She then spent the next five minutes working with Marti. ________________________________

[11] Jenna slumped7 against the wall and watched Marti copy ________________________________

everything Ms. Baroni did. The more Marti did, the more compliments ________________________________

she earned from Ms. Baroni. ________________________________

[12] “Wonderful!” ________________________________

[13] “You really put a lot of power behind that kick!”

[14] Jenna practiced her form halfheartedly.8 What if Marti became

better than her? What if Marti became Ms. Baroni’s favorite student?

[15] “Watch your form!”

[16] Who is Ms. Baroni scolding?9 Jenna wondered. She turned and
saw Ms. Baroni looking directly at her. Nothing could have been worse.

[17] “Jenna, your side kick could be better than that,” said Ms. Baroni
Paragraph 18
with an encouraging10 nod. “You’ve memorized11 your form perfectly,
3. Summarize how Jenna is feeling
but your moves are sloppy. Try again.” about Marti and why.
[18] At the end of class, Jenna grabbed her bag and hurried outside to
find her mom. She had planned to wait and say good-bye to Marti, but
now she wanted to be alone. ________________________________



to sink down or fall
done with little interest
Scold (verb): to speak in an angry way
Encouraging (adjective): giving help or hope
to learn completely

Identifying Theme and Summarizing: As Good as You 3

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[19] For the next several weeks, Marti continued to impress12 their
teacher with her skills. And as Marti turned into a star student, Jenna
became less and less excited about taekwondo.

[20] “Ms. Baroni thinks I’m ready to test for my new belt,” Marti said
as they walked down the hallway at school one day.

[21] Jenna stopped in her tracks. “It’s harder than you think. Two
judges other than Ms. Baroni give you points,” said Jenna.

[22] Marti looked disappointed. “You don’t think I’m good enough to
test yet?”

[23] Jenna felt her face get hot. “I didn’t say that.” She didn’t like
feeling jealous,13 but she couldn’t help it. She wasn’t ready to test for
her next belt because she hadn’t been practicing every day.

[24] A week later, at the belt testing, Jenna saw Marti stretching. “I’m
glad you’re here. I’m really nervous,”14said Marti.

[25] “You’ll do fine,” Jenna said, even though she secretly knew she’d
feel better if Marti made a mistake or two.

[26] But when Marti finished her form, Jenna thought it looked
perfect. If Marti had made a mistake, Jenna had missed it.

[27] Parents and students clapped. Master Lee, one of the judges,
asked Marti to come forward. “Great job,” he said.

[28] Marti beamed.15 “Thank you, sir,” she said.

[29] “How often do you practice, Marti?” asked Master Lee.

[30] “About 45 minutes every day,” Marti said.

to make someone like or respect you more
Jealous (adjective): wanting what another person has or can do
Nervous (adjective): having a fearful or worried feeling
Beam (verb): to smile widely or happily

Identifying Theme and Summarizing: As Good as You 4

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[31] I don’t practice that much in a week! Jenna thought. Maybe five
minutes, tops, on the days I remember. No wonder Marti was getting
so good. Paragraph 31
4. Summarize how Marti’s belt
[32] While another judge continued asking Marti questions, Jenna testing went and what Jenna learns.
remembered how she had treated Marti since she’d joined the ________________________________
academy. I haven’t been a very good friend, Jenna thought sadly. ________________________________

[33] Later, Jenna approached Marti to congratulate her. “That was ________________________________

awesome,” she said. ________________________________

[34] “You think so?” Marti asked. ________________________________

[35] Jenna nodded. “Maybe we could start practicing together.”

[36] “I could use some tips on how to memorize the form as fast as
you do,” Marti said. “Then I might have a chance at becoming as good
as you.”

[37] Jenna laughed. “Funny, I was hoping I might become as good as


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Identifying Theme and Summarizing: As Good as You 5

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PART 5: Assessment
Directions: Answer the questions.

1. Summarize the entire story in 3-6 sentences. Hint: use your answers from the reading questions to help you.

2. What is a theme of the story?

A. Friends should not play sports together.

B. You must practice in order to get better.
C. It is important to be better than your friends.
D. You should ask for an adult’s help when you need it.

Identifying Theme and Summarizing: As Good as You 6

Unless otherwise noted, this content is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

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