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On an ordinary night, when people are hungry and want to find or make food for dinner before they
fall onto a soft object made of foam which is usually called a mattress. Of all the people and families,
there was a family who was well off and who usually did not gather together at dinner, but by chance
they were at the same table and at the same time.In this family there is a habit or you could even say
a tradition, namely that they will go on holiday once a week. Suddenly there was someone who
wanted to go on a trip outside the island for healing for next week. But there was something that
prevented them from granting that request.


INTAN: Good evening dad, mom

GUNTUR: Good evening mom, dad

AYAH, MOM: good evening guys

AYAH: How was your day Guntur?

GUNTUR: Good dad, I have completed all enrichment for this semester.

INTAN: And dad, mom, how was your work today?

AYAH: Good, everything went smoothly.

MOM: Thats right, everything went very smoothly today.

AYAH: oh yeah, for next week’s holiday, do you guys want to go somewhere?

MOM: Yes, is there a place you want to visit?

GUNTUR: mmmm.... I haven’t thought about it, Mom.

INTAN: Yes, Mom, I want to go to Bali. Many of my friends are going on holiday to Bali.

AYAH: However, isn’t Bali too far, son?

INTAN: mmmm..... That’s true, but I think if we go to Bali we can enjoy the beautiful beach views

GUNTUR: That’s true, but in my opinion it’s better for us to just go on vacation to Bandengan beach,
Bandengan beach also offers beach views that are no less beautiful than Bali beaches, especially on
Prawean beach. And also in order to appreciate the local wisdom that exists in Jepara.

INTAN: I don't agree, it's different, In my opinion, in Bali we can visit various kinds of new tourist
attractions that we haven't visited yet.

AYAH: You're right. That's a good point, namun I think bukankah kita juga bisa mengunjungi wisata
lokal yang ada disekitar sini?
MOM: I agree with dad, what’s more, I think it costs a lot of money to go to Bali, so wouldn’t it be
better if we went on holiday close by? What’s more, to go to Bali it takes a lot of time to get there, if
you use a plane you can arrive exactly, but the cost is very expensive.

AYAH: Exactly, and i think so, akhir akhir ini pendapatan ayah berkurang untuk tabungan biaya masuk
kalian masuk ke perguruan tinggi.

MOM: Exactly, and I think so, lately my father's income has been reduced to cover your entrance fees
to go to college.

GUNTUR: Yes Intan, we have to give in, especially since the savings are also for our future.

INTAN: Ok, if you all agree to Bandengan beach, then I agree too.

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