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Bullying is an intentional and repeated behavior using physical, verbal and mental contact to
threaten, attack someone, or fight a group that can result in injury, death, mental disorders,
developmental delays and more.

Bullying can not only take the form of physical, psychological and verbal violence. Physical
bullying can take the form of kicking, hitting, and damaging the victim's property. Psychological bullying
takes the form of intimidation, image destruction, and threats. While verbal bullying is in the form of
words or speech in the form of name calling, harassment, sexual comments that are very inappropriate
that come out of the mouth of the bully. Most of the children in school age are most vulnerable to being
victims of bullying, in fact most of them play truant almost every day because they feel traumatized by
acts of bullying in the form of physical and verbal violence.

Bullying is basically like the law of the jungle where a stronger person or group freely oppresses
a weaker person or group. In addition, the characteristics of school children who tend to be unstable.
This act of bullying is usually done once, many times, even often so that it becomes a habit that is very
detrimental to others. This bullying habit can destroy a person's childhood and even their future. Most
of the victims of bullying experience a decline in self-confidence, reduced motivation to learn and
achievement, trauma, depression, and even worse, some of the victims of bullying end their own lives
because of the pressure they get.

From the paragraph above, we can conclude that bullying is very dangerous because it can
interfere with a person's development both physically and mentally. Whatever the attitude of bullying,
we should avoid it as much as possible. In this day and age, the progress of one's education and
creativity is very dependent on the heart, which is the main key to one's mental and thinking. Therefore,
as millennial children, we must campaign for STOP BULLYING.

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