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Quiz 1: Irregular verbs

*The past simple and past participle are the same

Student’s name:

Grade: Group:

Verb Past simple Past participle

1 cost cost
2 hit hit
3 let let
4 shut shut
5 send sent
6 build built
7 learn learnt
8 feel felt
9 meet met
10 mean meant
11 shoot shot
12 light lit
13 keep kept

__________ out of 13

Quiz 1: Irregular verbs

*The past simple and past participle are the same
Student’s name:

Grade: Group:

Verb Past simple Past participle

1 cost cost
2 hit hit
3 let let
4 shut shut
5 send sent
6 build built
7 learn learnt
8 feel felt
9 meet met
10 mean meant
11 shoot shot
12 light lit
13 keep kept

__________ out of 13

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