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ANRV310-PP58-06 ARI 21 March 2007 19:17

Leaf Senescence
Pyung Ok Lim,1 Hyo Jung Kim,2
and Hong Gil Nam2
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

Department of Science Education, Cheju National University, Jeju,

Jeju, 690-756, Korea
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

Division of Molecular Life Sciences and National Core Research Center
for Systems Bio-Dynamics, POSTECH, Pohang, Kyungbuk, 790-784, Korea;

Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007. 58:115–36 Key Words

The Annual Review of Plant Biology is online at longevity, developmental aging, programmed cell death, nutrient
remobilization, environmental factors
This article’s doi:
10.1146/annurev.arplant.57.032905.105316 Abstract
Copyright  c 2007 by Annual Reviews. Leaf senescence constitutes the final stage of leaf development and
All rights reserved
is critical for plants’ fitness as nutrient relocation from leaves to re-
First published online as a Review in Advance on producing seeds is achieved through this process. Leaf senescence
December 19, 2006
involves a coordinated action at the cellular, tissue, organ, and organ-
1543-5008/07/0602-0115$20.00 ism levels under the control of a highly regulated genetic program.
Major breakthroughs in the molecular understanding of leaf senes-
cence were achieved through characterization of various senescence
mutants and senescence-associated genes, which revealed the nature
of regulatory factors and a highly complex molecular regulatory net-
work underlying leaf senescence. The genetically identified regula-
tory factors include transcription regulators, receptors and signaling
components for hormones and stress responses, and regulators of
metabolism. Key issues still need to be elucidated, including cellular-
level analysis of senescence-associated cell death, the mechanism
of coordination among cellular-, organ-, and organism-level senes-
cence, the integration mechanism of various senescence-affecting
signals, and the nature and control of leaf age.

ANRV310-PP58-06 ARI 21 March 2007 19:17

plants undergo leaf senescence along with the

Contents organismal-level senescence when they reach
the end of their temporal niche, as we observe
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
at the grain-filling and maturation stage of the
crop fields of soybean, corn, or rice. For trees
and other perennial plants, leaf senescence is
illustrated by the splendid autumn scenery of
DEATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
color changes in leaves.
Structural and Biochemical
Leaf senescence is not a passive and
Changes in Leaf
unregulated degeneration process. During
Senescence-Associated Cell
senescence, leaf cells undergo rather orderly
Death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
changes in cell structure, metabolism, and
Molecular Comparison of Leaf
gene expression. The earliest and most signif-
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

Senescence-Associated Cell
icant change in cell structure is the breakdown
Death with Other Programmed
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

of the chloroplast, the organelle that contains

Cell Deaths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
up to 70% of the leaf protein. Metabolically,
carbon assimilation is replaced by catabolism
of chlorophyll and macromolecules such as
proteins, membrane lipids, and RNA. In-
SENESCENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
creased catabolic activity is responsible for
Assay of Leaf Senescence . . . . . . . . . 120
converting the cellular materials accumulated
Genetic Analysis of Leaf
during the growth phase of leaf into ex-
Senescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
portable nutrients that are supplied to devel-
Molecular Approaches to
oping seeds or to other growing organs. Thus,
Understanding Leaf
although leaf senescence is a deleterious pro-
Senescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
cess for the sake of the leaf organ, it can be
seen as an altruistic process: It critically con-
tributes to the fitness of whole plants by ensur-
SENESCENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
ing optimal production of offspring and bet-
Onset of Leaf Senescence . . . . . . . . . 123
ter survival of plants in their given temporal
Environmental Factors and Leaf
and spatial niches. Leaf senescence is thus an
Senescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
evolutionarily selected developmental process
Involvement of Phytohormone
and comprises an important phase in the plant
Pathways in Leaf Senescence . . . 124
life cycle (7, 40, 46, 48). In agricultural aspects,
Other Regulatory Genes
however, leaf senescence may limit yield in
of Senescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
crop plants by limiting the growth phase and
may also cause postharvest spoilage such as
CHALLENGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
leaf yellowing and nutrient loss in vegetable
crops. Thus, studying leaf senescence will not
only enhance our understanding of a funda-
mental biological process, but also may pro-
INTRODUCTION vide means to control leaf senescence to im-
Senescence is the age-dependent deteriora- prove agricultural traits of crop plants.
tion process at the cellular, tissue, organ, or Leaf senescence is basically governed by
organismal level, leading to death or the end of the developmental age. However, leaf senes-
the life span (48). Leaf senescence is an organ- cence is also influenced by various internal
level senescence but is often intimately associ- and environmental signals that are integrated
ated with cellular or organismal death. Annual into the age information: Leaf senescence is

116 Lim · ·Kim Nam

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an integrated response of leaf cells to age tinguishable developmental stages and show
information and other internal and environ- a well-defined and reproducible senescence
mental signals. This integrated senescence re- program (Figure 1), which makes genetic
Monocarpic plant:
sponse provides plants with optimal fitness by analysis of leaf senescence feasible. Extensive a plant that
incorporating the environmental and endoge- genomic resources available for Arabidopsis al- reproduces once and
nous status of plants in a given ecological set- low rapid identification and functional analy- then dies at the end
ting by fine-tuning the initiation timing, pro- sis of senescence regulatory genes. of its reproductive
gression rate, and nature of leaf senescence. In this review, we discuss recent progress
The environmental factors that influence leaf toward molecular and genetic understand- Leaf longevity:
reflects the period of
senescence include abiotic and biotic factors. ing of leaf senescence and longevity that
a whole life span of a
The abiotic factors include drought, nutrient has been achieved mostly from Arabidopsis. leaf from its
limitation, extreme temperature, and oxida- It is cautioned that Arabidopsis leaves have a emergence as a leaf
tive stress by UV-B irradiation and ozone, etc. senescence character different from that of primordium to death
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

The biotic factors include pathogen infection some other monocarpic plants in that the leaf
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

and shading by other plants. Leaf senescence longevity in Arabidopsis is not controlled by
can occur prematurely under these unfavor- the developing reproductive structures. Thus,
able environmental conditions (39). the findings in Arabidopsis might not reveal
In naturally senescing leaves, senescence some of the mechanisms involved in leaf
occurs in a coordinated manner at the whole- senescence of other plants. Thus, wherever
leaf level, usually starting from the tips or the appropriate we also discuss the discoveries
margins of a leaf toward the base of a leaf. achieved from other plants.
However, when the uneven environmental
stress is targeted locally on a leaf, the stressed
leaf region undergoes earlier senescence than LEAF SENESCENCE-
do the other parts. Thus, leaf cells show some ASSOCIATED CELL DEATH AS A
degree of locality in a senescence program. PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH
Leaf senescence can occur without an ob- Leaf senescence involves cell death that is
vious correlation with senescence of other or- controlled by age under the influence of
gans in some plants, such as many tree species, other endogenous and environmental fac-
although it is often developmentally coor- tors. Programmed cell death (PCD) is a
dinated with senescence of other organs or self-destructing cellular process triggered by
whole plants, especially monocarpic plants. In external or internal factors and mediated
some monocarpic plants, the reproductive de- through an active genetic program. Cell death
velopment often governs senescence of leaves. in leaf senescence is controlled by many ac-
This so-called correlative control is dramati- tive genetic programs (10). The cell death oc-
cally observed in pea and soybean, where re- curring in leaf senescence is thus a type of
moval of the reproductive organ can actually PCD. Leaf organs are composed of various
reverse the fate of senescing leaves to juve- cell types. Cell death in leaf senescence starts
nile leaves. However, in some plants such as from mesophyll cells and then proceeds to
Arabidopsis, leaf senescence does not appear other cell types. It also appears that cell death
to be under correlative control, but the leaf does not occur coherently but starts with local
senescence at the whole-plant level is some- patches of early-dying cells and then propa-
what correlated with the life span of the whole gates into the whole-leaf area.
plant. PCD plays crucial roles in various devel-
Arabidopsis thaliana is a favorite model for opmental and defense responses in plants.
the molecular genetic study of leaf senescence Typical examples of PCD in plants are ob-
(5, 7, 39). As a monocarpic plant, it has a served in the formation of tracheary elements,
short life cycle. Its leaves undergo readily dis- germination-related degeneration of aleuron • Leaf Senescence 117

ANRV310-PP58-06 ARI 21 March 2007 19:17
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

Figure 1
Characteristics of whole-plant senescence and leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. (a) Stages in the life cycle of
whole plants. Plants are pictured at 15, 25, 30, 40, 50, and 60 days after germination. (b) An
age-dependent senescence phenotype in the third rosette leaf. Leaves are pictured at 12, 16, 20, 24, 28,
and 32 days after emergence. (c) As leaves senesce, nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and metals are
relocated to other parts of the plants such as developing seeds and leaves.

layer cells, and pathogen-induced hypersen- plants’ fitness and is critically affected by fine
sitive response (HR) (34, 70). PCD in leaf control of senescence process. In this regard,
senescence has some features distinctive from the slow degeneration of cells during leaf
other PCDs (71). First, leaf senescence in- senescence is in part to ensure effective re-
volves an organ-level cell death that eventually mobilization of nutrients that are generated
encompasses the entire leaf, whereas other by macromolecular hydrolysis during senes-
PCDs involve rather localized cell death or cence. Many molecular events during leaf
occur in limited tissues and cell types. Sec- senescence can be readily understood from
ond, cell death rate during leaf senescence is the viewpoint of this altruistic remobilization
slower than that in the other PCDs. Third, activity.
in terms of the biological function, PCD in
leaf senescence is mostly for remobilization
of nutrients from the leaf to other organs in- Structural and Biochemical Changes
cluding developing seeds. The leaf organ is in Leaf Senescence-Associated Cell
the major photosynthetic organ. Thus, opti- Death
mal utilization of nutrients accumulated dur- Leaf cells at the senescence stage show
ing the photosynthetic period is critical for some distinctive structural and biochemical

118 Lim · ·Kim Nam

ANRV310-PP58-06 ARI 21 March 2007 19:17

changes. A notable feature of cellular struc- 28, 52). Senescence-associated cystein pro-
tural change during leaf senescence is the teases, which are accumulated in the vacuole,
order of disintegration of intracellular or- also play a role in protein degradation. Lipid-
ganelles (48, 68). The earliest structural degrading enzymes, such as phospholipase D,
changes occur in the chloroplast, i.e., changes phosphatidic acid phosphatase, lytic acyl hy-
in the grana structure and content and forma- drolase, and lipoxygenase appear to be in-
tion of lipid droplet called plastoglobuli. In volved in hydrolysis and metabolism of the
contrast, the nucleus and mitochondria that membrane lipid in senescing leaves (66, 67).
are essential for gene expression and energy Most of the fatty acids are either oxidized to
production, respectively, remain intact until provide energy for the senescence process or
the last stages of senescence. This reflects that converted to α-ketoglutarate via the glyoxy-
the leaf cells need to remain functional for late cycle. The α-ketoglutarate can be con-
progression of senescence until a late stage of verted into phloem-mobile sugars through
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

senescence, possibly for effective mobilization gluconeogenesis or used to mobilize amino

by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

of the cellular materials. In the last stage of leaf acids released during leaf protein degradation
senescence, typical symptoms of PCD such as (28, 66). A massive decrease in nucleic acids
controlled vacuolar collapse, chromatin con- occurs during leaf senescence (65). Total RNA
densation, and DNA laddering are detected levels are rapidly reduced along with progres-
in naturally senescing leaves from a variety of sion of senescence. The initial decrease in the
plants including Arabidopsis, tobacco, and five RNA levels is distinctively observed for the
trees (10, 62, 78). These observations imply chloroplast rRNAs and cytoplasmic rRNAs.
that leaf senescence involves cellular events The amount of various rRNA species is likely
that ultimately lead to PCD. Eventually, visi- regulated coordinately, although this aspect
ble disintegration of the plasma and vacuolar has not been analyzed. The decrease of the
membranes appears. The loss of integrity of amount of rRNAs is followed by that of the
the plasma membrane then leads to disrup- cytoplasmic mRNA and tRNA. The decrease
tion of cellular homeostasis, ending the life of in the RNA levels is accompanied by increased
a cell in senescing leaves. activity of several RNases.
The cellular biochemical changes in
senescing leaves are first accompanied by re-
duced anabolism (4, 5, 76). The overall cel- Molecular Comparison of Leaf
lular content of polysomes and ribosomes Senescence-Associated Cell Death
decreases fairly early, reflecting a decrease with Other Programmed Cell Deaths
in protein synthesis. This occurs concomi- One obvious question regarding leaf
tantly with reduced synthesis of rRNAs and senescence-associated cell death is how the
tRNAs. Further cellular biochemical changes cell death pathways during leaf senescence
are most easily understood from the view- are distinct from those of other types of
point of nutrient salvage, e.g., hydrolysis of PCDs at the molecular level. Cell death in
macromolecules and subsequent remobiliza- pathogen-induced HR is best-characterized
tion, which requires operating a complex array among plant PCDs. Pathogenesis-related
of metabolic pathways. Chloroplast degener- (PR) proteins are associated with PCD in HR.
ation is accompanied by chlorophyll degra- A few earlier works showed that many PR
dation and the progressive loss of proteins genes are induced during leaf senescence in
in the chloroplast, such as ribulose biphos- several plant species (55, 56). A comparative
phate carboxylase (Rubisco) and chlorophyll study of leaf senescence and HR showed
a/b binding protein (CAB). Hydrolysis of pro- that HIN1, an HR cell death marker, is also
teins to free amino acids depends on the ac- expressed at late stages of leaf senescence
tions of several endo- and exopeptidases (6, (63). Furthermore, defense-related genes • Leaf Senescence 119

ANRV310-PP58-06 ARI 21 March 2007 19:17

including the Arabidopsis ELI3 gene showed a measured on a single leaf base along with its
senescence-associated induction as well (56). age information. Measuring senescence pa-
The LSC54 gene encoding a metallothionine rameters with a mixture of several leaves at
efficiency: deduced is also highly induced during both senescence a given age of a plant is not a valid analy-
from the and pathogen-related cell death (9). These sis for leaf senescence because the individual
characteristics of observations indicate that, at the molecular leaves of a plant have different ages. Second,
chlorophyll level, some common steps or crosstalks the senescence symptom should be measured
fluorescence of PSII.
exist between senescence-associated and with various senescence parameters and ide-
The ratio of
maximum variable pathogen-induced cell death. ally with markers that cover various aspects
fluorescence (Fv) to In contrast, a few molecular markers that of senescence physiology. Senescence results
maximum yield of are specific for each of the senescence- from a sum of various physiological changes
fluorescence (Fm), associated and HR-associated PCDs were also and it is often possible that a single param-
which corresponds
identified. For example, HSR203J is upregu- eter may not reflect senescence but only the
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

to the potential
quantum yield of the lated during HR but not during leaf senes- change of a specific physiology related to the
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

photochemical cence (54). Similarly, the Arabidopsis SAG12 measuring parameter.

reactions of PSII, is gene expression is associated with leaf senes-
used as the measure cence but is not detected in the HR PCD in
of the photochemical
tobacco. Thus, these two genes may be a spe- Assay of Leaf Senescence
efficiency of PSII
cific part of signaling steps for HR PCD and To quantitatively measure the leaf senes-
senescence-associated cell death, respectively, cence symptom, a range of physiologi-
indicating that there are specific branches of cal and molecular parameters can be uti-
molecular pathways leading to these two types lized. Well-established senescence markers
of PCD. include chlorophyll content, photochemical
A comparison of changes in global gene efficiency, senescence-associated enzyme ac-
expression patterns during natural leaf senes- tivities, change of protein levels, membrane
cence with those during starvation-induced ion leakage, and gene expression, etc. Leaf
death of suspension culture cells has shown yellowing is a convenient visible indicator of
similarities as well as considerable differences leaf senescence and reflects mainly chloroplast
between these two PCDs (8). Of the 827 senescence of mesophyll cells, which is the
senescence-enhanced genes, 326 showed at first step in senescence-associated PCD. The
least threefold upregulation in the starvation- survivorship curve assay based on visual ex-
induced PCD of suspension culture. In con- amination of leaf yellowing (the time when
trast, the rest of the senescence-upregulated the half of a leaf turns yellow) provides a re-
genes were not significantly upregulated in liable measure, although the assay is some-
starvation-induced PCD of suspension cul- what subjective. Measuring chlorophyll loss
ture. The result implies that distinctive and photochemical efficiency is another con-
pathways for the two PCD processes are venient assay for chloroplast senescence (49,
present. 74). The activation of catabolic or hydrolytic
activities, such as RNase or peroxidase ac-
tivity occurs during leaf senescence (1, 65).
MOLECULAR AND GENETIC Thus, measuring these enzyme activities is
APPROACHES FOR ANALYZING also a reliable and quantitative way to assay
LEAF SENESCENCE leaf senescence. Senescence involves disrup-
As with any other biological phenomena, it tion of plasma membrane integrity as the fi-
was critical to develop an accurate and proper nal step of cell death, which can be conve-
assay for leaf senescence. Two main points niently quantified by monitoring membrane
must be seriously considered in analyzing leaf ion leakage (74). This provides one of most
senescence. First, leaf senescence should be reliable assays for senescence-associated cell

120 Lim · ·
Kim Nam
ANRV310-PP58-06 ARI 21 March 2007 19:17

death, although it measures the later step of senescence mutants from T-DNA or a chem-
senescence. ical mutant pool, which allowed identifica-
Leaf senescence is accompanied by de- tion of various important positive elements of
creased expression of genes related to senescence (50, 74, 75, 79). Early-senescence
photosynthesis (e.g., CAB2) and protein syn- mutants screened from T-DNA or chemical
thesis (e.g., RPS, RBC) and by increased mutant pools would enable identification of
expression of senescence-associated genes negative factors involved in the leaf senes-
(SAGs). The expression pattern of these cence process (80). However, this approach
genes during leaf development can be mon- should be taken with the caution that mu-
itored by RNA gel blot analysis or reverse tations with apparent early-senescence symp-
transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT- toms may not be directly associated with con-
PCR) (74). Microarray analysis would provide trol of senescence because mutations in many
a quantifiable and global picture of the senes- homeostatic or housekeeping genes could also
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

cence process at the gene expression level with give apparent early-senescence symptoms.
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

a clue of which downstream pathways of leaf

senescence are affected by a specific mutation
or by a specific environmental condition (8, Molecular Approaches to
11). Microarray data may be further utilized Understanding Leaf Senescence
for systems-level analysis of leaf senescence. The alternative approach was to identify and
characterize genes that show enhanced or
reduced expression during leaf senescence.
Genetic Analysis of Leaf Senescence Recent technological advances have allowed
Two main approaches were utilized for under- investigation of the SAGs at the genome-wide
standing regulation of leaf senescence: the ge- scale (3, 8, 17, 19, 41, 72). For example, a
netic and molecular approaches. The genetic DNA microarray with 13,490 aspen expressed
approach involves isolation and characteriza- sequence tags (ESTs) was used to analyze the
tion of mutants that show altered senescence transcriptom of aspen leaves during autumn
phenotypes. Arabidopsis is a suitable model senescence (3). In Arabidopsis, Affymetrix
plant in this regard (25). Considering the GeneChip arrays representing 24,000 genes
complex nature of leaf senescence, it is ex- were utilized for analyzing changes in global
pected that regulation of senescence involves expression pattern during leaf senescence (8,
many regulatory elements composed of posi- 72). This analysis has identified more than
tive and negative elements to finely tune the 800 SAGs, illustrating the dramatic alteration
initiation and progression of senescence. The in cellular physiology that underlies the
positive elements must exist for senescence developmental transition to the senescence
to proceed. The negative elements are also stage. Unlike the genome-wide microarray
important to prevent senescence from occur- analysis, microarray analysis of 402 potential
ring prematurely. Many of these regulatory transcription factors was carried out at
elements may contribute subtly in the senes- different developmental stages and under
cence phenotype due to redundant functions various biotic and abiotic stresses, providing
in senescence. In addition, senescence is in- a clue to the transcriptional regulatory
evitably affected by the previous developmen- network during leaf senescence (11). Similar
tal stages including leaf formation and growth. approaches for other crop plants should
Thus, a screening scheme suitably focused allow comparison of molecular pictures of
on leaf senescence symptoms was developed leaf senescence in different species. The
and successfully employed for isolating senes- collection of T-DNA insertion lines avail-
cence mutants. So far, most of the genetic able in Arabidopsis was effectively utilized
screening was focused on identifying delayed for functional analysis of individual SAGs. • Leaf Senescence 121

ANRV310-PP58-06 ARI 21 March 2007 19:17

In particular, functional characterization However, the senescence process including

of potential regulators such as signal senescence rate and molecular nature is in-
transduction-related proteins and tran- timately influenced by various environmen-
scription factors was the primary target for tal and internal factors. The environmental
this analysis. Analysis of these mutant lines cues that affect leaf senescence include stresses
has provided and will continue to provide such as high or low temperature, drought,
important information for understanding ozone, nutrient deficiency, pathogen infec-
regulatory pathways of leaf senescence. tion, and shading, etc. The internal factors in-
clude various phytohormones and reproduc-
tive development as well as developmental age
MOLECULAR GENETIC (Figure 2). It is obvious that multiple path-
REGULATION OF LEAF ways responding to various internal and exter-
SENESCENCE nal factors should exist and are interconnected
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

Leaf senescence is an integral part of plant to form a complex network of regulatory path-
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

development and constitutes the final stage ways for senescence (24). It is also obvious
of development. The timing of leaf senes- that, although the apparent symptoms of leaf
cence is thus controlled by developmental age. senescence appear similar during senescence,

Internal factors Regulatory External factors

• Hormones • UV-B or ozone
Cytokinin (AHK3, ARR2) • Nutrient limitation
Ethylene (EIN2, OLD) • Heat or cold
Developmental • Drought
Auxin (ARF2) age • Shading
• Pathogen attack
ABA or wounding
• Reproduction

Onset of senescence

Macromolecule Nutrient salvage Detoxification

degradation & translocation & defense
• Chlorophyll loss/ nitrogen and lipid mobilization
• Increase of antioxidants and defense-related genes

• DNA laddering/ disruption of the nucleus and mitochondria

• Disintegration of the plasma and vacuolar membranes

Figure 2
A model for regulatory pathways in leaf senescence. Leaf senescence is considered a complex process in
which the effects of various internal and external signals are integrated into the developmental
age-dependent senescence pathways. Multiple pathways that respond to various factors are possibly
interconnected to form regulatory networks. These regulatory pathways activate distinct sets of
senescence-associated genes, which are responsible for executing the degeneration process and ultimately
lead to cell death.

122 Lim · ·Kim Nam

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the molecular nature of the senescence state tosynthesis, are only partially functional in the
influenced by these factors will be distinctive mutant. Reduced metabolic rate could lead to
(53). less oxidative stress, which might be a crucial
Aging: an addition
Leaf senescence should be a finely regu- factor in senescence. of timing to a cell,
lated process, considering its potential role in Leaf senescence should be intimately re- organ, or a whole
plants’ fitness and the various factors involved lated to the previous developmental stages of plant that occurs
in senescence control. Below we discuss the leaf, such as leaf initiation, growth, and mat- throughout
development. In this
progress regarding molecular and genetic un- uration. Thus, it is possible that genes con-
sense, aging would
derstanding of leaf senescence. trolling these processes, including meristem- be a major
atic activity, could influence age-dependent determinant of
senescence. In this respect, we observed that senescence but not
Onset of Leaf Senescence the leaves of the blade on petiole 1-1 (bop1- senescence itself
A few of the central and unanswered ques- 1) mutant that showed enhanced meristem-
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

tions regarding leaf senescence are how the atic activity in leaves exhibited a prolonged
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

leaf senescence is initiated, what the nature life span (21). Exact mechanisms by which
of the threshold that triggers leaf senescence this gene regulates leaf senescence need to be
is, how the developmental age is recognized investigated.
to initiate the senescence program, and what
the nature of the developmental age is. There
are some indications that lead to answers to Environmental Factors and Leaf
these questions. In plants, sugar status modu- Senescence
lates and coordinates internal regulators and Senescence is an integrated response of plants
environmental cues that govern growth and to endogenous developmental and external
development. Several lines of evidence sug- environmental signals. Thus, some of the
gest that a high concentration of sugars lowers genes involved in the response to environ-
photosynthetic activity and induces leaf senes- mental changes are expected to regulate leaf
cence (12, 31, 44, 55). Senescence would be senescence. A comparison of gene expres-
triggered when the level of sugars is above sion patterns between stress responses and
an acceptable window. In that sense, sugar leaf senescence indicated that considerable
metabolic rate would affect leaf longevity and crosstalk exists between these processes. For
might be the mechanism that regulates the example, among the 43 transcription factor
developmental aging process, as shown in a genes that are induced during senescence, 28
range of organisms from yeast to mammals genes are also induced by various stresses.
(15, 36). Our current understanding of the relation-
An interesting finding was obtained from ship between environmental responses and
studies of the oresara 4-1 (ore4-1) mutation, leaf senescence mostly comes from the study
which causes a delay in leaf senescence dur- of senescence response to the phytohormones
ing age-dependent senescence, but not in such as abscisic acid (ABA), jasmonic acid
hormone- or dark-induced senescence (75). ( JA), ethylene, and salicylic acid (SA) that are
The ore4-1 mutant has a partial lesion in extensively involved in response to various
chloroplast functions, including photosynthe- abiotic and biotic stresses. These stresses af-
sis, which results from reduced expression of fect synthesis and/or signaling pathways of the
the plastid ribosomal protein small subunit 17 hormones to eventually trigger expression of
(PRPS17) gene. It was suggested that the de- stress-responsive genes, which in turn appears
layed leaf senescence phenotype observed in to affect leaf senescence. The involvement of
the ore4-1 mutant is likely due to a reduced these hormonal pathways is discussed below.
metabolic rate because the chloroplasts, the However, we emphasize the need to directly
major energy source for plant growth via pho- examine the relationship between the stress • Leaf Senescence 123

ANRV310-PP58-06 ARI 21 March 2007 19:17

responses and leaf senescence by, for exam- genes, are downregulated and a gene for cy-
ple, utilizing various stress response mutants tokinin degradation, cytokinin oxidase, is up-
existing in Arabidopsis. regulated in senescing leaves (8).
AHK3: Arabidopsis
Histidine Kinase 3 How cytokinins affect leaf senescence is
still unknown despite of the dramatic effect of
Arabidopsis Involvement of Phytohormone
response regulators cytokinin in delaying leaf senescence. A recent
Pathways in Leaf Senescence discovery showed that Arabidopsis Histidine
(ARRs): classified
into two distinct Hormone signaling pathways often mediate Kinase 3 (AHK3), one of the three cytokinin
subtypes, type A and or influence development and environmen- receptors in Arabidopsis, plays a major role in
type B, by the
tal responses in plants. For leaf senescence, controlling cytokinin-mediated leaf longevity
receiver domain
sequences and by an especially intimate interplay of many of (35). This conclusion was obtained through
C-terminal these hormonal pathways is involved along characterization of the gain-of-function
characteristics with age-controlled senescence. This would Arabidopsis mutant, ore12-1, which shows
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Apoplastic phloem be a way for plants to ensure proper con- delayed leaf senescence due to a missense mu-
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

unloading pathway: trol of leaf senescence response to endogenous tation in the AHK3 gene. A loss-of-function
Sucrose is released and/or environmental signals. The hormonal mutation of AHK3, but not of the other
via a sucrose
pathways appear to play at all the stages of cytokinin receptors, conferred a reduced
transporter from the
sieve elements of the leaf senescence, including the initiation phase sensitivity to cytokinin in cytokinin-mediated
phloem in the of senescence, progression, and the terminal delay of leaf senescence. This report also
apoplast, where it is phases. Each plant hormone affects various showed that the phosphorylation of the
irreversibly developmental and/or environmental events Arabidopsis response regulator 2 (ARR2) me-
hydrolyzed by an
in a complex manner. This causes difficulties diated by AHK3 is essential for controlling
invertase in assaying the roles of the hormonal pathways leaf longevity (Figure 3). The exact mech-
in leaf senescence. Nonetheless, the roles of anism by which the phosphorylated ARR2
these hormones in regulating leaf senescence leads to induction or repression of genes
are becoming evident through characteriza- regulating and/or executing leaf senescence
tion of genetic mutants and the global gene ex- needs further investigation.
pression analysis, providing important molec- An interesting link between the antise-
ular information about how the hormonal nescence effect of cytokinins and primary
signaling pathways lead to changes in pattern metabolism was suggested, based on the find-
of gene expression during leaf senescence. ing that cytokinin-mediated delay of senes-
Cytokinins have many critical functions cence is correlated with the activity of
in plants, such as the control of cell prolif- extracellular invertase, the enzyme function-
eration, shoot formation, and shoot branch- ally linked in the apoplastic phloem unload-
ing. Cytokinins have also been known for ing pathway (38). When the extracellular
many decades to be senescence-delaying hor- invertase activity was inhibited, cytokinin-
mones (59), based on the findings that the mediated delay of leaf senescence was also in-
endogenous cytokinin level drops during leaf hibited. The result showed that extracellular
senescence and exogenous application or en- invertase plays a role in mediating cytokinin
dogenous enhancement of cytokinin content action in delaying leaf senescence, suggesting
using the senescence-specific SAG12 pro- that carbohydrate partitioning associated with
moter delays senescence (16, 42, 51). Con- invertase activity may be related to cytokinin-
sistent with the physiological finding that mediated delay of leaf senescence. This ob-
the cytokinin level decreases during leaf servation is particularly notable in that regu-
senescence, genomic-scale molecular analy- lation of leaf senescence is related to changes
sis revealed that genes involved in cytokinin in source-sink relationships of sugars and in
synthesis, a cytokinin synthase and adeno- that a tight link among cytokinin action, pri-
sine phosphate isopentenyl-transferase (IPT) mary metabolism, and leaf senescence exists.

124 Lim · ·Kim Nam

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Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

Figure 3
Hypothetical model for a function of ORE12/AHK3 in controlling cytokinin-mediated leaf longevity.
Although the cytokinin signals may be perceived by the other cytokinin receptors in Arabidopsis, ARR2
phosphorylation is specifically mediated by ORE12/AHK3. Thus, the phosphorelay of ORE12/AHK3 to
ARR2 is a signaling pathway specific to the control of cytokinin-mediated leaf longevity. The
phosphorylated ARR2 then induces downstream cytokinin-responsive genes and, directly or indirectly,
leads to induction of a set of target genes responsible for delaying the leaf senescence program, resulting
in increased leaf longevity.

Ethylene has long been known as a ma- ulated in senescing leaves (72). Two of the
jor hormone in hastening leaf senescence as Arabidopsis mutants, ethylene-resistant 1 (etr1)
well as fruit ripening and flower senescence and ethylene-insensitive 2 (ein2), that are defi-
(1). Although it was apparent that ethylene is cient in ethylene perception and signal trans-
an important positive regulator of leaf senes- duction, respectively, exhibited significant
cence, the molecular genetic mechanism of delays in leaf senescence, revealing the impor-
ethylene action in leaf senescence is only now tance of the endogenous ethylene signaling
being revealed. In many plant species, includ- pathway as a positive regulator in leaf senes-
ing Arabidopsis, the level of ethylene increases cence. A recent study also showed that En-
during leaf senescence. Accordingly, the ethy- hanced Disease Resistance 1 (EDR1) might
lene biosynthetic genes encoding ACC syn- be a negative regulator for ethylene-mediated
thase, ACC oxdiase, and nitrilase are upreg- leaf senescence (64). However, transgenic • Leaf Senescence 125

ANRV310-PP58-06 ARI 21 March 2007 19:17

Arabidopsis and tomato plants that constitu- conditions ABA content increases in leaves.
tively overproduce ethylene do not exhibit Concurrently with the increased ABA level
earlier-onset leaf senescence, suggesting that in senescing leaves (18), the genes encoding
Abscission: the
shedding of leaves, ethylene alone is not sufficient to initiate leaf the key enzyme in ABA biosynthesis, 9-cis-
flowers, or fruits, senescence. This is consistent with the pos- epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NECD), and
usually at a weak area tulation that age-dependent factors are re- two aldehyde oxidase genes AAO1 and AAO3
termed the quired for ethylene-regulated leaf senescence. show increased expression (8, 72). The ABA-
abscission zone
Furthermore, potential regulators involved inducible receptor-like kinase gene of Ara-
in integrating ethylene signaling into age- bidopsis, RPK1, was found to be gradually up-
dependent pathways have been reported. The regulated during leaf senescence ( J.C. Koo &
onset of leaf death 1 (old1) mutant of Arabidopsis H.G. Nam, unpublished data). Inducible ex-
displays a phenotype with earlier-onset senes- pression of RPK1 hastened the onset of leaf
cence in an age-dependent manner (33). The senescence, supporting a role for ABA in leaf
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

early-senescence phenotype was further ac- senescence. A recent report argued that ABA
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

celerated by exposure to ethylene, showing induces accumulation of H2 O2 in senescing

that the old1 mutation resulted in alternation rice leaf, which in turn accelerates leaf senes-
of both of the age- and ethylene signaling- cence (30). Another possibility is that senes-
dependent leaf senescence. However, in the cence accelerated by exogenous ABA treat-
old1etr1 double mutant where ethylene per- ment might cause increased H2 O2 generation,
ception was blocked by the mutation in the since it is well known that there is an increase
ETR1 gene, age-dependent earlier-onset leaf of reactive oxygen species during leaf senes-
senescence still occurred but was not further cence. ABA also induces expression of an-
accelerated by ethylene treatment. These ob- tioxidant genes and enhances the activities of
servations suggested that OLD1 negatively antioxidative enzymes such as superoxide dis-
regulates integration of ethylene signaling mutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APOD),
into leaf senescence. Recent studies with sev- and catalase (CAT) (29). These activities may
eral old mutants that exhibited an altered play at least a partial role in protecting the cel-
senescence response to ethylene treatment lular functions required for progression and
further supported the notion that the effect completion of senescence. It appears that ABA
of ethylene on leaf senescence depends on controls activities of both the cellular protec-
age-related changes through these OLD genes tion activities and senescence activities. The
(32). balance between these two activities seems
ABA is a key plant hormone mediating to be important in controlling progression of
plant responses to environmental stresses. It leaf senescence and may be adjusted by other
also functions in plant development such as senescence-affecting factors such as age. A
seed germination and plant growth. Further- crucial link between ABA and leaf senescence
more, it has been well known that exogenous has yet to be discovered via genetic analysis.
application of ABA promotes leaf abscission Methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and its precur-
and senescence (81). However, the role of sor JA promote senescence in detached oat
ABA in leaf senescence has not been clearly (Avena sativa) leaves (69). Exogenously ap-
defined aside from some circumstantial evi- plied MeJA to detached Arabidopsis leaves
dence. The ABA level increases in senescing leads to a rapid loss of chlorophyll content
leaves and exogenously applied ABA induces and photochemical efficiency of photosystem
expression of several SAGs (73), which is con- II (PSII) and increased expression of SAGs
sistent with the effect on leaf senescence. En- such as SEN4, SEN5, and γ VPE. A more
vironmental stresses such as drought, high salt convincing support for the role of JA in leaf
condition, and low temperature positively af- senescence comes from the observation that
fect leaf senescence, and under these stress JA-dependent senescence is defective in the

126 Lim · ·
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JA-insensitive mutant coronatine insensitive 1 There is evidence indicating that SA

(coi1), implying that the JA signaling path- might be involved in senescence-associated
way is required for JA to promote leaf senes- cell death. Leaves from Arabidopsis pad4 mu-
NahG: a
cence (23). Functional studies on a nuclear- tants that are defective in the SA signal- gene-encoding
localized CCCH-type zinc finger protein, ing pathway do not appear to undergo cell bacterial salicylate
OsDOS (Oryza sativa Delay of the Onset death as efficiently as the wild type (45). hydroxylase that
of Senescence), also supports involvement of In this mutant, leaves often remain yellow destroys SA by
converting it to
MeJA in leaf senescence (37). The expression during the senescence stage with a much-
of the OsDOS gene was downregulated dur- delayed cell death (57, 58). This result shows
ing leaf senescence. Notably, RNAi knock- a clear involvement of the SA pathway in
down of OsDOS accelerated age-dependent senescence-associated cell death. A hyperse-
leaf senescence, whereas its overexpression re- nescence mutant hys1, which showed an early-
sulted in a marked delay of leaf senescence, senescence phenotype, was found to be allelic
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

showing that OsDOS acts as a negative regu- to cpr5, which was isolated based on its con-
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

lator for leaf senescence. A genome-wide ex- stitutive expression of defense responses and
pression analysis revealed that many of the JA spontaneous cell death. The enhanced levels
signaling-dependent genes in particular were of SA and defense-related gene expressions
upregulated in the RNAi transgenic lines but might cause precocious senescence, support-
downregulated in the overexpressing trans- ing a role of SA pathways in the senescence-
genic lines. This implies that OsDOS acts as associated cell death process.
a negative regulator of leaf senescence in in- The role of auxin in leaf senescence has
tegrating the JA signaling pathway into age- been elusive, particularly due to its involve-
dependent senescence. ment in various aspects of plant develop-
SA is the hormone involved in pathogen ment. However, evidence suggests that auxin
response and pathogen-mediated cell death. is also involved in the senescence process (61).
A recent intriguing discovery in leaf senes- The auxin level increases during leaf senes-
cence was the role of SA in age-dependent cence. Consequently, IAA biosynthetic genes
leaf senescence. The concentration of en- encoding tryptophan synthase (TSA1), IAAld
dogenous SA is four times higher in senescing oxidase (AO1), and nitrilases (NIT1-3) are
leaves of Arabidopsis. The higher SA level in upregulated during age-dependent leaf senes-
senescing leaves appears to be involved in up- cence (72). Exogenous application of auxin
regulation of several SAGs during leaf senes- represses transcription of some SAGs (27,
cence (45): expression of a number of SAGs 47). Together, this implies that the auxin
such as PR1a, chitinase, and SAG12 is consid- level increases during leaf senescence due
erably reduced or undetectable in Arabidopsis to increased expression of auxin biosynthetic
plants defective in the SA signaling or biosyn- genes, which leads to delayed leaf senescence,
thetic pathway (npr1 and pad4 mutants, and leaving auxin as a negatively acting factor of
NahG transgenic plants). A surprising discov- leaf senescence. It has also been suggested that
ery was derived from transcriptome analysis: changes in auxin gradients rather than the en-
The change of transcriptome mediated by the dogenous auxin level itself could be important
SA pathway is highly similar to that medi- in modulating the senescence process (2). Ex-
ated by age-dependent senescence. The fact pression of more than half of the genes related
that the SA pathway is specifically involved in to auxin transport is reduced during senes-
age-dependent leaf senescence is further sup- cence (72). This may cause aberrant distribu-
ported by the finding that age-dependent but tion of auxin following leaf senescence.
not dark-induced leaf senescence is delayed Studies on the genetic mutation altered in
in NahG overexpressing transgenic plants that auxin signaling support the involvement of
produce dramatically reduced SA levels. auxin in controlling leaf senescence (14, 50). • Leaf Senescence 127

ANRV310-PP58-06 ARI 21 March 2007 19:17

AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 (ARF2) is A few regulatory genes identified in

one of the transcription repressors in the auxin our laboratory by genetic screening include
signaling pathway. Microarray analysis shows ORE7, ORE1, and SOR12. ORE7 is an AT-
that expression of the ARF2 gene is induced hook transcription factor that may be in-
in senescing leaves. Disruption of ARF2 by volved in controlling chromatin architecture.
T-DNA insertion causes delay in leaf senes- ORE1 is NO APICAL MERISTEM (NAM),
cence. The phenotype canonically puts ARF2 ATAF1, and CUP-SHAPED COTYLE-
as a positive regulator of leaf senescence. We DONS2 (CUC2) (NAC) family transcription
also isolated another allele of arf2 from an factor. SOR12 suppresses the delayed senes-
ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS)-mutagenized cence phenotype of ORE12/AHK3. It also
pool, which showed delayed leaf senescence appears that miRNA is involved in control-
along with an increased sensitivity to the ex- ling leaf senescence. Functional characteriza-
ogenous auxin in hypocotyls growth inhibi- tion of these genes and further genetic iso-
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

tion. Together, these imply that the reduced lation of the senescence regulatory elements
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

ARF2 function in the mutant can cause re- should be a critical asset in understanding leaf
duced repression of auxin signaling with in- senescence.
creased auxin sensitivity, leading to delayed A large number of SAGs have been identi-
senescence. However, it has yet to be seen fied in various plants through microarray anal-
whether the effect of auxin pathways is di- ysis. Some of them have been found to encode
rectly involved in leaf senescence or whether potential regulatory factors that are compo-
it indirectly influences leaf senescence be- nents of signal perception and transductions,
cause auxin and the arf2 mutants also cause such as transcription factors and receptor-like
a pleiotropic effect in plant development. kinases. Characterization of these potential
regulatory genes led to discovery of a few im-
portant senescence regulatory genes and pro-
Other Regulatory Genes vided some insight into the regulatory mech-
of Senescence anism of leaf senescence.
Besides the regulatory genes mentioned Genes for 96 transcription factors were
above, several other regulatory genes of leaf identified in Arabidopsis to be upregulated at
senescence have been identified through ge- least threefold in senescing leaves. These be-
netic screening of senescence mutants and long to 20 different transcription factor fam-
through functional identification of some ilies, the largest groups being NAC, WRKY,
SAGs. C2H2-type zinc finger, AP2/EREBP, and
Ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis is likely MYB proteins. Among the WRKY transcrip-
involved in regulation of leaf senescence. The tion factors, AtWRKY53 and WRKY6 have
ORE9 gene encodes an F-box protein, a com- been further characterized in relation to leaf
ponent of the SCF complex, which acts as senescence. WRKY53 is upregulated at a very
an E3 ligase in ubiquitin-dependent prote- early stage of leaf senescence but decreases
olysis. Leaf senescence was delayed in the again at later stages, implying that WRKY53
ore9 mutant (74). It was also known that might play a regulatory role in the early events
proteolysis by the N-end rule pathway has of leaf senescence (26). Putative target genes
a function in senescence progression. The of WRKY53 include various SAGs, PR genes,
delayed-leaf-senescence 1 (dls1) mutant, which is stress-related genes, and transcription factors
defective in arginyl tRNA:protein transferase including other WRKY factors. A knockout
(R-transferase), showed delayed develop- line of the WRKY53 gene showed delayed
ment of leaf senescence symptoms (79). leaf senescence, whereas inducible overex-
R-transferase is a component of the N-end pression caused precocious senescence, show-
rule proteolytic pathway. ing that it functions as a positive element in

128 Lim · ·Kim Nam

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leaf senescence (43). Identification of direct upregulated NAC transcription factors play a
target genes of WRKY53 should further re- regulatory role in leaf senescence. Transcrip-
veal the WRKY53-mediated senescence reg- tional autoregulation and inter-regulation, as
Autophagy: a
ulatory pathways. Another WRKY transcrip- well as homodimerization and heterodimer- regulated recycling
tion factor gene, WRKY6, shows high-level ization, among the NAC family members are process whereby
upregulation during leaf senescence as well important mechanisms in regulating NAC cytosol and
as during pathogen infection (60). WRKY6 transcription factor-mediated developmental organelles are
encapsulated in
regulates a set of genes through the W-box processes. Similar mechanisms are expected
vesicles, which are
sequences in their promoter. Many WRKY6- to be involved in the NAC transcription then engulfed and
regulated genes are associated with senes- factor-mediated regulatory network of leaf digested by lytic
cence and pathogen response, including the senescence. The potential functions of most vacuoles/lysosomes
senescence-induced receptor-like kinase gene leaf senescence-associated transcription fac-
(SIRK). Although WRKY6 appears to have a tors remain to be elucidated. Functional char-
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

functional role both in pathogen defense as acterization of these genes including the sig-
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

well as senescence, the SIRK gene appeared naling pathways they are involved in and the
to be expressed only during senescence but target genes they regulate will be invaluable in
not during pathogen infection. The wrky6 understanding the complex molecular path-
knockout mutation alters expression of SAGs ways regulating leaf senescence.
but does not have any apparent effect on leaf Another example of SAGs with which in
senescence. The altered expression of SAGs in vivo function was assayed is the autophagy
the knockout mutation may not be enough to genes. Autophagy is an intracellular process
be manifested into the apparent change of leaf for vacuolar bulk degradation of cytoplas-
senescence. It is also likely that functional re- mic components and is required for nutrient
dundancy exists among the WRKY transcrip- cycling. Mutants carrying a T-DNA inser-
tion factors, considering the large number of tion within the Arabidopsis autophagy genes,
members in the family. AtAPG7, AtAPG9, and AtAPG18a, exhibited
NAC proteins are one of the largest fami- premature leaf senescence (13, 22, 77). In
lies of plant-specific transcription factors with these mutants, nutrients may be less efficiently
more than 100 members in Arabidopsis. NAC utilized during execution of senescence, or
family genes play a role in embryo and shoot some of the components needed for pro-
meristem development, lateral root forma- gression of senescence may not be efficiently
tion, auxin signaling, and defense response. A provided.
total of 20 genes encoding the NAC transcrip- A few of the genes involved in lipid
tion factor, representing almost one fifth of metabolism have a role in leaf senescence.
the NAC family members, showed enhanced Reduced expression of the Arabidopsis acyl
expression during natural senescence and in hydrolase gene by antisense RNA interfer-
dark-induced senescence (20). The T-DNA ence in transgenic plants delayed the onset
knockout mutant of AtNAP, a gene encoding of leaf senescence, whereas chemically in-
an NAC family transcription factor, showed duced overexpression of the gene caused pre-
significantly delayed leaf senescence. Thus, cocious senescence (20). In addition, trans-
AtNAP functions as a positive element in leaf genic plants with reduced expression of a
senescence. AtNAP orthologs exist in kidney senescence-induced lipase also showed de-
bean and rice and are also upregulated during layed leaf senescence (67). It is likely that the
leaf senescence. We also isolated a delayed leaf delayed senescence in these transgenic lines
senescence mutant, which is due to a nonsense with reduced lipase expression is due to pro-
mutation in one of the NAC transcription fac- longed maintenance of membrane integrity,
tors ( J.H. Kim & H.G. Nam, unpublished indicating the importance of membrane in-
data). It is likely that several other senescence- tegrity during senescence. • Leaf Senescence 129

ANRV310-PP58-06 ARI 21 March 2007 19:17

CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE sis, including the large collection of T-DNA

CHALLENGES insertion lines or the Targeting-Induced
Local Lesions in Genomes (TILLING)
With the aid of microarray, we now know
that more than 800 genes are distinctively
It is encouraging that senescence is now
upregulated during senescence, which illus-
well assayed in the realm of genetics. The
trates the dramatic alteration in cellular phys-
genetic screening of senescence mutants was
iology that underlies leaf senescence. With
fruitful in understanding the genetic regula-
the knowledge of the nature of these SAGs,
tory mode and in isolating senescence regula-
we can now figure out the molecular land-
tory genes. However, considering the com-
scape of leaf senescence. We need to see
plex nature of senescence, current genetic
the dynamic changes of the transcriptome
screening is far from saturated. It will be im-
along more detailed windows of leaf senes-
portant to use various mutant pools to iden-
cence stages, which will enable identifica-
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

tify novel senescence regulatory elements.

tion of more SAGs. This will also allow us
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

Chemically mutagenized pools in particular

to understand the dynamic changes of the
are valuable because they might provide novel
physiology undergoing senescence. The mi-
alleles that cannot be obtained by T-DNA
croarray data could be further examined using
mutagenesis, as illustrated by the discovery of
various bioinformatic tools for classifying the
ORE12/AHK3. Global gene expression anal-
SAGs, for establishing a hierarchical relation-
ysis of the senescence mutants could provide
ship among the SAGs, and for systems-level
important clues for dissecting the regulatory
analysis of molecular events underlying senes-
pathways. Identifying suppressors to known
cence. The senescence pathways affected by
mutants will be also useful to dissect genetic
various signals are being revealed. Further mi-
mechanisms governing senescence processes.
croarray analyses of leaf senescence in var-
More genetic mutants can certainly be iso-
ious senescence mutants and under various
lated by designing a more elegant screening
senescence-affecting conditions should reveal
scheme, for example, for mutations defective
a detailed molecular level of the senescence
in integrating environmental effects into a
pathways. One important challenge will be
senescence program.
to investigate how the SAGs are coordinately
Leaf senescence occurs at the last step of
regulated during leaf senescence. DNA mi-
leaf development. Accordingly, some genes
croarray and chromatin immunoprecipitation
that function in senescence could also be
approaches could be helpful to answering this
involved in other biological processes. The
mutations in this type of gene may show dif-
Although isolating a few key regulatory
ficulties in assaying their function in senes-
genes of leaf senescence greatly aided the un-
cence because their effects on senescence can
derstanding of leaf senescence, there are many
be masked by other early-mutant phenotypes.
more regulatory elements of leaf senescence.
Through senescence-specific gene silencing
Finding the senescence regulatory genes has
or senescence-specific induction, using a
been and will continue to be one of the main
senescence-specific promoter or chemically
challenges. Some regulatory elements could
inducible promoters will partially circumvent
be found fairy easily by functionally charac-
the problem.
terizing the potential regulatory SAGs. How-
Although most of the molecular anal-
ever, it should be noted that there are many
yses on leaf senescence were based on
other senescence regulatory genes that do
mRNA expression, it should be noted that
not belong to SAGs. The in vivo function
mRNA expression is only one aspect of
of the SAGs can now be easily assayed us-
functional gene regulation. Other regulatory
ing the genomic tools available in Arabidop-
mechanisms such as protein-level expression,

130 Lim · ·Kim Nam

ANRV310-PP58-06 ARI 21 March 2007 19:17

protein stability, or localization of regula- Leaf senescence is certainly an evolution-

tory proteins involved in senescence process arily acquired process and thus the plants
should certainly be involved. An integrated in- evolved in different ecological settings with
formational analysis involving proteomic and different evolutionary tracks will show differ-
metabolomic analyses during leaf senescence ences in the pattern and regulation of senes-
will eventually be needed to better understand cence. It would be interesting to do a compar-
leaf senescence. ative study utilizing the information obtained
One serious pitfall in the current assay for from Arabidopsis. This may even be pursued in
leaf senescence is that senescence symptoms various ecotypes of Arabidopsis.
are measured at the organ level. However, Another important challenge in the area
within a senescing leaf, individual cells are of leaf senescence is determining its biotech-
usually at different stages of developmental nological applications. Although manipula-
age or senescence. It is also unlikely that all tion of leaf senescence can greatly improve
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

the cells within an individual leaf undergo co- crop yield and other characteristics such as
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

herent cell death. To better understand the increased shelf life, the knowledge and mate-
senescence process, it will be necessary to rials obtained so far have been poorly utilized
develop assays that can monitor senescence for this purpose. Considering the potential fu-
symptoms and senescence-associated cell ture food shortage and the use of plants as a
death symptoms at the individual cellular source of bioenergy, improving crop produc-
level. tivity should be a top priority.

1. Leaf senescence is a finely regulated and complex process that incorporates multiple
developmental and environmental signals. Microarray analysis revealed the complex
molecular network of the senescence pathways.
2. Leaf senescence involves age-dependent PCD. Senescence-associated cell death and
other PCDs show common as well as distinctive signaling pathways.
3. The genetic scheme was established in screening leaf senescence mutants. Genetic
analysis revealed that leaf senescence is controlled by various negative and positive
genetic elements.
4. More than 800 genes were identified as SAGs, reflecting the dramatic alteration in
cellular physiology that underlies the leaf senescence. Potential regulatory elements
among the SAGs were characterized for their function in leaf senescence. The tran-
scription factors WRKY53 and AtNAP act as positive regulators of leaf senescence.
5. Metabolic rate appears to be one mechanism involved in age-dependent leaf
6. A key molecule for cytokinin-mediated leaf longevity was identified as AHK3, one of
the cytokinin receptors. ARR2 phosphorylation mediated by AHK3 is essential for
controlling leaf longevity.
7. Signaling pathways of various phytohormones including ABA, SA, JA, and ethylene
are intimately linked to leaf senescence. Interestingly, SA-mediated senescence path-
way is highly similar to that of natural leaf senescence, as revealed by microarray
analysis. • Leaf Senescence 131

ANRV310-PP58-06 ARI 21 March 2007 19:17

8. Ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis is likely involved in controlling leaf senescence.

Other senescence-regulatory factors include acyl hydrolase, invertase, and autophagy,
which suggest involvement of membrane integrity, apoplasitc sugar levels, and nutri-
ent recycling, respectively.

We apologize to all our colleagues whose work could not be properly reviewed here because
of space limitation. The work by H.G.N. was supported in part by MOST (KOSEF) through
the National Core Research Center for Systems Bio-Dynamics (R15-2004-033-05002-0) and
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

in part by the Crop Functional Genomics Research Program (CG1312). The work by P.O.L.
was supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant funded by the Korea Government
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

(MOEHRD, Basic Research Promotion Fund, KRF-2005–261-C00075).

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Annual Review of
Plant Biology

Contents Volume 58, 2007

Diter von Wettstein p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pxii
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from
by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

From Analysis of Mutants to Genetic Engineering

Diter von Wettstein p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p1
Phototropin Blue-Light Receptors
John M. Christie p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 21
Nutrient Sensing and Signaling: NPKS
Daniel P. Schachtman and Ryoung Shin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 47
Hydrogenases and Hydrogen Photoproduction in Oxygenic
Photosynthetic Organisms
Maria L. Ghirardi, Matthew C. Posewitz, Pin-Ching Maness, Alexandra Dubini,
Jianping Yu, and Michael Seibert p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 71
Hidden Branches: Developments in Root System Architecture
Karen S. Osmont, Richard Sibout, and Christian S. Hardtke p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 93
Leaf Senescence
Pyung Ok Lim, Hyo Jung Kim, and Hong Gil Nam p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p115
The Biology of Arabinogalactan Proteins
Georg J. Seifert and Keith Roberts p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p137
Stomatal Development
Dominique C. Bergmann and Fred D. Sack p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p163
Gibberellin Receptor and Its Role in Gibberellin Signaling in Plants
Miyako Ueguchi-Tanaka, Masatoshi Nakajima, Ashikari Motoyuki,
and Makoto Matsuoka p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p183
Cyclic Electron Transport Around Photosystem I: Genetic Approaches
Toshiharu Shikanai p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p199
Light Regulation of Stomatal Movement
Ken-ichiro Shimazaki, Michio Doi, Sarah M. Assmann,
and Toshinori Kinoshita p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p219

AR310-FM ARI 22 March 2007 15:33

The Plant Heterotrimeric G-Protein Complex

Brenda R.S. Temple and Alan M. Jones p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p249
Alternative Splicing of Pre-Messenger RNAs in Plants in the
Genomic Era
Anireddy S.N. Reddy p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p267
The Production of Unusual Fatty Acids in Transgenic Plants
Johnathan A. Napier p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p295
Tetrapyrrole Biosynthesis in Higher Plants
Ryouichi Tanaka and Ayumi Tanaka p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p321
Plant ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007.58:115-136. Downloaded from

Philip A. Rea p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p347

by ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY on 12/06/12. For personal use only.

Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms for Gene Expression and

Phenotypic Variation in Plant Polyploids
Z. Jeffrey Chen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p377
Tracheary Element Differentiation
Simon Turner, Patrick Gallois, and David Brown p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p407
Populus: A Model System for Plant Biology
Stefan Jansson and Carl J. Douglas p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p435
Oxidative Modifications to Cellular Components in Plants
Ian M. Møller, Poul Erik Jensen, and Andreas Hansson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p459


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 48–58 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p483

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 48–58 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p488


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