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Hesam Tavoosi, CFPS, CWBSP, CSITMS
Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Predicting the precise sprinkler coverage pattern is difficult because it depends on fire conditions and water
discharge pressure. Although it seems the actual coverage area is almost like a circle at lower discharge
pressure and an elliptical shape at higher discharge pressure, NFPA 13 requires that the coverage area be
assumed as a rectangle. This requirement increases the flexibility for locating the sprinkler because the
designer is not limited to considering the fixed spacing between the sprinklers along the branch line,
however, in some cases, finding the area coverage of sprinklers can be complicated.

“S × L” is the method for determining the area coverage of standard spray and Residential sprinklers. (
and - NFPA13,2022)

In accordance with NFPA 13, The protection area of coverage per sprinkler (As) shall be determined as

(1) Along branch lines as follows:

(a) Determine distance between sprinklers (or to wall or obstruction in the case of the end sprinkler on
the branch line) upstream and downstream

(b) Choose the larger of either twice the distance to the wall or the distance to the next sprinkler

(c) Define dimension as S

(2) Between branch lines as follows:

(a) Determine perpendicular distance to the sprinkler on the adjacent branch line (or to a wall or
obstruction in the case of the last branch line) on each side of the branch line on which the subject
sprinkler is positioned

(b) Choose the larger of either twice the distance to the wall or obstruction or the distance to the next

(c) Define dimension as L

Because this method relies on piping routes, it is difficult to find “S” and “L” where the piping is not in
regular shapes or sprinkler arrangement is non-uniform (Figure 1).

Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Figure 1- Irregular piping and non-uniform sprinkler layout

This paper recommends determining "S" and "L" based on the Cartesian coordinate rather than on the piping

So, we define “S” and “L” as follows:

S: Along horizontal direction:

(a) Determine distance between sprinklers in horizontal direction (or to wall or obstruction in the case of
the end sprinkler on the branch line) upstream and downstream

(b) Choose the larger of either twice the distance to the wall or the distance to the next sprinkler

L: Along vertical direction:

(a) Determine distance between sprinklers in vertical direction (or to wall or obstruction in the case of the
end sprinkler on the branch line) upstream and downstream

(b) Choose the larger of either twice the distance to the wall or obstruction or the distance to the next

Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Potential Coverage Area of sprinkler:

For determining a sprinkler's area coverage, we must first identify which adjacent sprinkler or wall should
be examined to determine the “S” and “L”. To find the adjacent sprinklers and walls, we should define a new
concept as “Potential Coverage Area” or “PCA”. The PCA represents area that one sprinkler can cover. While
drawing the PCA of sprinklers, we should consider the sprinklers whose PCAs intersect for determination of
“S” and “L”.

It should be noted, the PCA differs from the “Maximum coverage area" that is defined in NFPA 13, however,
where the maximum spacing is equal to the square root of the maximum coverage area, both definitions
will be the same. (For example, In Light hazard, the maximum spacing is 15 ft and the maximum area of
coverage is 225 ft²). The PCA depends on the classification of the hazard, the maximum area coverage, and
the maximum spacing. (In Annex A, PCA of all types of sprinklers are shown)

The PCA is also used to check the location of sprinkler. In general, we should consider the following terms
while placing sprinklers:

1- PCA of sprinklers covers the entire floor area.

2- The coverage area of sprinklers doesn’t exceed the maximum permitted coverage.

As we'll see in the following sections, for Upright/Pendent standard spray sprinklers in light hazard
occupancies if the first condition is satisfied, we can ignore the second term, but in Ordinary and extra hazard
occupancies, both terms must be met at the same time.

I- Upright and Pendent Standard Spray Sprinklers

I-a) PCA in Light Hazard Occupancies:

In these occupancies, if the construction type is noncombustible and pipes are sized in accordance with
hydraulic calculations method, the maximum area coverage is 225 ft² and the maximum spacing is 15 ft.
[Table]. As the spacing is equal square root of the maximum coverage area, the PCA will be
simple, a square with the length of 15 ft as it shown in Figure 2.

Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Figure 2- PCA in LH

Example 1) In order to determine the area coverage of sprinkler No. 5, which of the adjacent sprinklers
should be considered? The building is classified as Light hazard.

Figure 3- Sprinkler layout in Example 1

Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Solution: We draw PCAs Step by step. At first, Sprinkler No.1

Figure 4 (a)

Due to overlapping the squares, Sprinkler No. 1 should be considered for determining “S” and “L” of Sprinkler
No.5. We do this procedure for other sprinklers as follows:

Figure 4 (b) Figure 4 (c)

Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Figure 4 (d) Figure 4 (e)

Figure 4 (f) Figure 4 (g)

Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Figure 4 (h) Figure 4 (i)

Figure 4 (j) Figure 4 (k)

As shown in Figures 4(a) to 4(k), to determine the area coverage of Sprinkler No. 5, Sprinklers Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4,
6, 7 ,8 and 9 shall be examined. Since sprinklers Nos. 10, 11 and 12 have no contact with sprinkler No. 5,
they will be ignored.

Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Example 2) Check the validity of sprinklers location in Figure 5. The room is classified as light hazard and
has an opening with 4 ft wide, without lintel.

Figure 5- Sprinkler layout in Example 2

Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Solution) The conditions of room don’t let to apply the “Small Room Rule”, so the maximum distance from
the wall shall not be more than 7.5 ft. As it shown in Figure 5, the red sprinkler located 8.5 ft from the east
wall. It means that the location of this sprinkler is wrong. We could find this problem by drawing the PCA. In
Figure 6, the hatched area is not covered by the red sprinkler.

Figure 6- Hatched area is not covered by the red sprinkler

Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Example 3) If the red sprinkler in Example 2, moving 2 ft to the east as shown in figure 7, Calculate the
area coverage of sprinklers.

Figure 7- Sprinkler layout in Example 3

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Solution) In the first step, we draw the sprinkler PCA to make sure that the sprinklers cover the entire floor
area and see the intersection of PCA to find the adjacent sprinklers and walls.

Figure 8- PCA of Sprinklers

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Blue Sprinkler:

As shown in Figure 8, the PCA of the blue sprinkler contacts with the red and green also north, west and
south wall around it. Regardless of piping routes, we apply the cartesian coordinate, so, the “S” will
determine in horizontal and the “L” in vertical direction.

Figure 9 (a)- Determination of the “S” for the Blue Sprinkler

The “S” should be the larger of either twice the distance to the wall or the distance to the next sprinkler. So,
the “S” will be 15 ft.

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Figure 9 (b)- Determination of the “L” for the Blue Sprinkler

The “L” should be the larger of either twice the distance to the wall or the distance to the next sprinkler. So,
the “L” will be 15 ft.

We got “S” and “L”, so the coverage area will be 15 × 15 = 225 ft².

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Red Sprinkler:

Figure 9 (c)- “S”, “L” and the area coverage of the Red Sprinkler

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Green Sprinkler:

Figure 9 (d)- “S”, “L” and the area coverage of the Green Sprinkler

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I-b) PCA in Ordinary Hazard Occupancies:

In these occupancies, the maximum area coverage is 130 ft² and the maximum spacing is 15 ft. [Table].

PCA in these occupancies is not easy as light hazard and it will be drawn by selecting "S" and "L" so that "S ×
L" equals 130 ft². For example, for “S” equal to 15 ft, “L” should be 8.66 ft.

Table 1 shows some of “S” and “L” values.

S (ft) L (ft) S (ft) L (ft)

15 8.66 8.66 15
14 9.28 9.28 14
13 10 10 13
12 10.83 10.83 12
11 11.81 11.81 11
10 13 13 10
9 14.44 14.44 9

Table 1- “S” & “L” for drawing PCA

According to the table, we draw rectangles as Figure 10.

Figure 10- Initial PCA in ordinary hazard occupancies

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

A more accurate shape can be obtained by selecting more "S" and "L" (For Example, S = 14.99 ft and L =8.67
ft.). Assuming we draw new rectangles and connect their corners, the PCA will look as Figure 11.

Figure 11- Final PCA in ordinary hazards

As we see in Figure 11, in Ordinary occupancies (and as we will study PCA in Extra hazard), the PCA is bigger
than the maximum coverage area of sprinklers. It means that in these occupancies, even if the PCA covers
the entire area, sprinkler’s location might be wrong and exceeds the NFPA 13 requirements. In other words,
even if the PCA shows that the entire area is covered, we cannot be sure that the sprinkler layout is correct.
We should calculate the coverage area of sprinklers to ensure that the two terms of the correct sprinkler
location are met.

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Example 4) Solve the example 1 with the assumption that the building is Ordinary Hazard.

Solution) We draw the PCA as follows.

Figure 12 (a) Figure 12 (b)

Figure 12 (c) Figure 12 (d)

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Figure 12 (e) Figure 12 (f)

Figure 12 (g) Figure 12 (h)

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Figure 12 (i) Figure 12 (j)

Figure 12 (k)

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

As shown in above figures, to determine the area coverage of Sprinkler No. 5, Sprinklers Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7
and 8 shall be examined. Sprinklers No. 3, 9, 10, 11 and 12 will be ignored because they have no contact
with the PCA of sprinkler No. 5.

Example 5) Calculate the area coverage of sprinklers in the Figure 1, where the room is classified as
Ordinary Hazard.

Solution) In the first step, we draw the sprinkler PCA.

Figure 13- PCA of sprinklers

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

As we see in Figure 13, there is an unprotected area between the blue, red and purple sprinklers. This area
is shown by hatch in Figure 14.

Figure 14- The area not covered by sprinklers

At this step we can stop calculations because we know the arrangement of sprinklers is wrong. However, for
some educational purposes we continue and calculate sprinklers coverage.

To determine the “S” and “L” of the green sprinkler, we should examine the orange, purple, blue sprinklers
and the North wall since the PCA of Green sprinkler contacts them. Accordingly:

- Blue Sprinkler: Green, Purple and Red Sprinklers, North and East walls.
- Red Sprinkler: Blue sprinkler, South and East walls.
- Purple Sprinkler: Green, Orange and Blue Sprinklers and South Wall.
- Orange Sprinkler: Green and Purple Sprinklers, North, West and South Walls.

We start calculations with the green sprinkler.

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Green Sprinkler:

PCA of the green sprinkler have no contact with East and west walls, so the “S” will be determined with the
orange, purple and blue sprinklers. The biggest one should be chosen. Therefore, the “S” of the green
sprinkler will be 12 ft.

Figure 15 (a)

“L” or vertical distances between sprinklers. Where the PCA of sprinkler contacts the wall, we should
calculate twice the distance to the wall. The biggest value of “L” is 10 ft.

Figure 15 (b)
We determined “S” and “L”, So the area coverage of green sprinkler will be 12 × 10 = 120 ft²

We will follow the procedure for other Sprinklers.

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Blue Sprinkler:

Figure 15 (c)

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Red Sprinkler:

Figure 15 (d)

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Purple Sprinkler:

Figure 15 (e)

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Orange Sprinkler:

Figure 15 (f)

The coverage area of sprinklers summarized in following table:

Sprinkler S (ft) L (ft) Coverage (ft²)

Green 12 10 120
Blue 14 9 126
Red 6 12 72
Purple 13 10 130
Orange 8 15 120

Table 2- Coverage area of sprinkler in example 5

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

As indicated in the table, although all of the coverage area of sprinklers are up to 130 ft², and the NFPA 13
requirements appear to be met, however after sketching the sprinkler coverage area of sprinkler, it is
evident that there is an unprotected area (Figure 16). Comparing Figure 16 with Figure 14, we can see the
unprotected area that is shown by PCA is smaller. The reason for this difference, as previously explained, is
that the PCA is larger than the maximum coverage area that is required by standard.

Figure 16- Hatched area is not covered by sprinklers

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Example 6) The Purple sprinkler in Example 5, moved four feet to the east as it shown in Figure 17. Check
the validity of sprinkler layouts.

Figure 17- Relocation of the Purple sprinkler

Solution) In the first step, we draw the sprinkler PCA.

Figure 18- PCA of Sprinklers

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

As it shown in Figure 18, the entire area is covered by PCA, so we will start to calculate the coverage area of
sprinklers to verify that they don’t exceed the maximum permitted values.

In this new layout, the PCA of the purple sprinkler contact with the red sprinkler and may affect on the
coverage area of both sprinklers. In general, shifting one sprinkler may change the “S” and “L” of adjacent
sprinklers. Let’s calculate and check!

Green Sprinkler:

Figure 19 (a)

Comparing the Figure 15 (a) and (b) with Figure 19 (a), we see the relocation of purple sprinkler has no effect
on the coverage area of the green sprinkler. Because the “S” of the green, determined by the blue sprinkler
and the “L” with purple is still 10 ft, as the purple sprinkler moved 4 ft in horizontal direction.

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Blue Sprinkler:

Figure 19 (b)

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Red Sprinkler:

Figure 19 (c)

Changing the location of the purple sprinkler affects on the coverage area of the red sprinkler. As we saw
above, the coverage area of the red sprinkler exceeds 130 ft².

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Purple Sprinkler:

Figure 19 (d)

When we calculated the coverage area of this sprinkler in Figure 15(e), the “S” was determined from the
blue sprinkler (13 ft). Moving the Purple 4 ft to the east, cause the spacing from the blue decreased to 9 ft.
On the other hand, the spacing with Red should be considered as the PCA of the red and purple overlapped.
As we can see in Figure 19(d), the “S” of Purple is 13 ft. The “L” remains unchanged because it is still
calculating from the green (10 ft). So, the coverage area of the purple will be 130 ft².

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Orange Sprinkler:

Figure 19 (e)

As we saw, the relocation of purple sprinkler caused the coverage area of the orange, and red sprinklers to
exceed 130 ft². Therefore, we conclude that the moving the purple sprinkler 4 ft to the east wouldn’t be
helpful to correct the arrangement of sprinklers, although the PCA of sprinklers (Figure 18) shows that the
room is fully covered by sprinklers.

In example 5, we observed that the PCA did not completely cover the room, but the coverage area of
sprinklers was up to 130ft². In this example we saw the PCA covered the entire room, however two sprinklers
exceeded the maximum allowed coverage. In both examples the layout is unacceptable. This means to have
a proper sprinklers arrangement in ordinary and extras hazard occupancies, both terms shall be met.

Let`s study a correct sprinkler layout!

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Example 7) The purple sprinkler in Figure 1, moved 1 ft to the North, and the red sprinkler 2 ft to the south
and 3 ft to the west as it shown in Figure 20. Check the validity of sprinkler layouts.

Figure 20- Relocation of the Purple and Red sprinklers

Solution) We draw the sprinkler PCA.

Figure 21- PCA of sprinklers

The PCA covered all floor area, so the first term is met. Let`s calculate the area coverage of sprinklers.

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Green Sprinkler:

Figure 22 (a)

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Blue Sprinkler:

Figure 22 (b)

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Red Sprinkler:

Figure 22 (c)

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Purple Sprinkler:

Figure 22 (d)

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Orange Sprinkler:

Figure 22 (e)
The coverage area of sprinklers summarized in following table:

Sprinkler S (ft) L (ft) Coverage (ft²)

Green 13 9 126
Blue 14 8 112
Red 14 9 126
Purple 14 9 126
Orange 8 15 120
Table 3- Coverage area of sprinkler in example 6
In this example both conditions are met (PCA covers the entire room and coverage area of sprinklers doesn’t
exceed 130 ft²). So, we can say this arrangement is correct. In Figure 23 the actual coverage area of sprinklers
is shown.

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Figure 23- Actual Coverage area of sprinklers

I-c) PCA in Extra Hazard Occupancies:

In these occupancies, the maximum area coverage is 100 ft² and the maximum spacing is 12 ft. [Table].

It should be noted, in the 2022 edition of NFPA 13, the density of extra hazard group 1 shall be considered
0.3 , when designing new systems. To evaluation or modification of existing systems, where applying the
𝑓𝑡 2

Density/Area curves are permitted, if the design area is selected more than 3750 ft², the density of EH1 will
be less than 0.25 . In this situation, Refer to Table, the maximum coverage area and spacing
𝑓𝑡 2

of the sprinklers will be 130 ft² and 15 ft respectively, therefore the PCA will be similar to ordinary hazard.

To draw the PCA in Extra hazard occupancies, we follow the same procedure as for ordinary hazards. The
difference is that we need to select "S" and "L" so that "S” times "L" will be 100 ft². (For example, if S=12 ft,
then L= 8.33 ft)

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Figure 24- PCA in extra hazard

Example 8) Check the validity of sprinklers arrangement in Figure 25. The building is classified as Extra

Figure 25- Sprinkler arrangement

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Solution) The red sprinkler is located near the angled wall. In these situations, the distance from the wall
shall be measured perpendicular to the wall and it won’t be more than half of the spacing. Also, the distance
between the sprinkler and corner of the room shall not be more than 0.75 of the maximum allowable
spacing. In Extra hazard occupancies, the maximum spacing is 12 ft, so the maximum distance between
sprinkler and the corner will be 9 ft. (=12 × 0.75)

Figure 26 shows the distance from wall up to 6 ft and distance from corner is up to 9 ft., so both requirements
are met.

Figure 26- Red sprinkler distance from the wall and the corner
We draw PCA, then calculate the area coveragearrangement
of sprinklers.

Figure 27- PCA of sprinklers

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Blue Sprinkler:

Figure 28 (a)

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Green Sprinkler:

Figure 28 (b)

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Red Sprinkler:

Figure 28 (c)

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The coverage area of sprinklers is shown in Figure 29.

Figure 29- Actual Coverage area of sprinklers

II) Sidewall Standard Spray Sprinklers

II-a) PCA in Light Hazard Occupancies:

The maximum area coverage and the maximum room width (L) depend on combustibility of ceiling finish.
For noncombustible or limited combustible ceiling finish the “L” is 14 and the maximum area coverage is
196 ft². For combustible ceiling finish the “L” is 12 and the maximum area coverage is 120 ft². For all type of
ceiling finish, the maximum distance along the wall (S) is 14 ft. (Table PCA are shown in figure
30 and 31.

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Figure 30- PCA of sidewall sprinkler where the ceiling Figure 31- PCA of sidewall sprinkler where the
finish is noncombustible or limited combustible ceiling finish is combustible

Example 9) Check the validity of sprinklers location in Figure 32. The building is classified as light hazard
and the ceiling finish is combustible.

Figure 32- Sprinkler layout in example 9

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Solution) Drawing the PCA will reveal the unprotected areas.

Figure 33- PCA of Sprinkler and unprotected area

We could also find that 3 sprinklers cannot protect the room, before drawing the PCA. The area of this room
is 420 ft² (= 30 × 14) and the maximum area coverage of sidewall sprinkler in light hazard with combustible
finish is 120 ft², so:
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚 30 × 14
𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑙𝑒𝑟 = = = 3.5 => 4 𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑠
𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 120

The revised layout is shown in figure 34.

Figure 34- Revised sprinkler layout

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

As sprinklers are located uniformly, their coverage area is equal.

Coverage area = S × L = 7.5 × 14 = 105 ft²
The coverage area is shown in figure 35.

Figure 35- Coverage area of sprinklers

II-b) PCA in Ordinary Hazard Occupancies:

For noncombustible or limited combustible ceiling finish the maximum area coverage is 100 ft² and for
combustible ceiling finish is 80 ft². For all type of ceiling finish, the “S” and “L” is 10 ft. (Table PCA
are shown in figure 36 and 37.

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Figure 36- PCA of sidewall sprinkler where the ceiling Figure 37- PCA of sidewall sprinkler where the
finish is noncombustible or limited combustible ceiling finish is combustible

Example 10) Protect the room that is shown in Figure 38 by sidewall spray sprinklers. The room is classified
as ordinary hazard and the ceiling finish is combustible.

Figure 38- Building layout in example 10

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Solution) According to the room area and maximum coverage area of sprinkler, at least 4 sprinklers are
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚 20 × 16
𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑙𝑒𝑟 = = = 3.2 => 4 𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑠
𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 100

Drawing the PCA of one sprinkler shows that the room width is greater than what sidewall sprinkler can
handle. (Figure 39)

Figure 39-PCA of one sprinkler

However, in accordance with, installation of sidewall spray sprinklers on two opposite walls is
permitted, where the maximum width of the room is up to 24 ft for light hazard or 20 ft for ordinary hazard

Figure 40-PCA of four sprinklers

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

The sprinkler coverage area will be 80 ft² (= 8 × 10) and the arrangement is shown in figure 41.

Figure 41- Coverage area of sprinklers

Example 11) Check the validity of sidewall sprinkler’s location in Figure 42. The room is classified as
ordinary hazard and the ceiling finish is noncombustible.

Figure 42- Building layout in example 11

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Solution) Drawing the PCA shows the sprinklers covered the entire floor area.

Figure 43- PCA of sprinklers

Paragraph of NFPA 13-2022 says where sprinklers installed on opposing walls, no sprinkler shall
be located within the maximum protection area of another sprinkler. If the blue sprinkler will be relocated
more than 1 ft to the left or the red sprinkler more than 1 ft to the right, the NFPA requirement will be met.
In this example we`ll move the red sprinkler 1.5 ft to the right.

Figure 44- Moving the red sprinkler to meet the NFPA requirement
PCA of sprinklers

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

Annex A- PCA of Sprinklers:

A) Upright/ Pendent Standard Spray Sprinklers- Light Hazard:
A-1) Noncombustible Unobstructed/ Noncombustible Obstructed/ Combustible Unobstructed Construction
with no exposed members/ Combustible unobstructed Construction with exposed members 3 ft or more on
center where pipes are sized by hydraulic calculation methods:

A-2) Noncombustible Unobstructed/ Noncombustible Obstructed/ Combustible Unobstructed Construction

with no exposed members/ Combustible unobstructed Construction with exposed members 3 ft or more on
center where pipes are sized by pipe Schedule method:

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

A-3) Combustible Obstructed/ Unobstructed Construction with members less than 3 ft or more on center:

A-4) Combustible Obstructed Construction with exposed members 3 ft or more on center:

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B) Upright/ Pendent Standard Spray Sprinklers- Ordinary Hazard:

C) Upright/ Pendent Standard Spray Sprinklers- Extra Hazard:

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D) Sidewall Standard Spray Sprinklers- Light Hazard:

D-1) Noncombustible or Limited Combustible Ceiling Finish:

D-2) Combustible Ceiling Finish:

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

E) Sidewall Standard Spray Sprinklers- Light Hazard:

E-1) Noncombustible or Limited Combustible Ceiling Finish:

E-2) Combustible Ceiling Finish:

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

F) Upright/ Pendent Extended Coverage Spray Sprinklers- Light Hazard:

F-1) Unobstructed or Obstructed Noncombustible (when listed for such use) Construction, 20 ft × 20 ft

F-2) Unobstructed or Obstructed Noncombustible (when listed for such use) Construction, 18 ft × 18 ft

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F-3) Unobstructed or Obstructed Noncombustible (when listed for such use) Construction, 16 ft × 16 ft

G) Upright/ Pendent Extended Coverage Spray Sprinklers- Ordinary Hazard:

G-1) Unobstructed or Obstructed Noncombustible (when listed for such use) Construction, 20 ft × 20 ft

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G-2) Unobstructed or Obstructed Noncombustible (when listed for such use) Construction, 18 ft × 18 ft

G-3) Unobstructed or Obstructed Noncombustible (when listed for such use) Construction, 16 ft × 16 ft

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

G-4) Unobstructed or Obstructed Noncombustible (when listed for such use) Construction, 14 ft × 14 ft

G-5) Unobstructed or Obstructed Noncombustible (when listed for such use) Construction, 12 ft × 12 ft

63 | P a g e
Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

H) Upright/ Pendent Extended Coverage Spray Sprinklers- Extra Hazard and High-Piled Storage:
H-1) Unobstructed or Obstructed Noncombustible (when listed for such use) Construction, 14 ft × 14 ft

H-2) Unobstructed or Obstructed Noncombustible (when listed for such use) Construction, Area coverage
of 144 ft² and spacing of 15 ft:

64 | P a g e
Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

I) Sidewall Extended Coverage Spray Sprinklers- Light Hazard:

J) Sidewall Extended Coverage Spray Sprinklers- Ordinary Hazard:

65 | P a g e
Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

K) Upright/ Pendent Residential Sprinklers- Light Hazard (according to manufacturer datasheets):

K-1) Coverage of 20 ft × 20 ft:

K-2) Coverage of 18 ft × 18 ft:

66 | P a g e
Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

K-3) Coverage of 16 ft × 16 ft:

K-4) Coverage of 14 ft × 14 ft:

67 | P a g e
Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

K-5) Coverage of 12 ft × 12 ft:

L) Sidewall Residential Sprinklers- Light Hazard (according to manufacturer datasheets):

L-1) Coverage of 18 ft × 20 ft:

68 | P a g e
Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

L-2) Coverage of 18 ft × 18 ft:

L-3) Coverage of 16 ft × 20 ft:

69 | P a g e
Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

L-4) Coverage of 16 ft × 18 ft:

L-5) Coverage of 16 ft × 16 ft:

70 | P a g e
Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

L-6) Coverage of 14 ft × 14 ft:

L-7) Coverage of 12 ft × 12 ft:

71 | P a g e
Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

M) CMSA Sprinklers:
M-1) Noncombustible Unobstructed/ Noncombustible Obstructed/ Combustible Unobstructed

M-2) Combustible Obstructed/ Rack Storage Combustible Obstructed Construction:

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Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

M-3) Rack Storage Unobstructed and Noncombustible Obstructed Construction:

N) ESFR Sprinklers:
N-1) All Construction types with Ceiling/Roof up to 30 ft:

73 | P a g e
Determination of Protection Area of Coverage

N-2) All Construction types with Ceiling/Roof Over 30 ft:

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