Drug Study 2

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Generic Name: Gentamicin

Brand Name: Gentacare


Therapeutic: Aminoglycoside antibiotic

Dosage, Frequency, and Route: 12 mg IV q 12 hrs

Mechanism of Action: Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside that binds to 30s and 50s ribosomal
subunits of susceptible bacteria disrupting protein synthesis, thus rendering the bacterial cell
membrane defective.

Desired Effect: To treat infection by stopping the growth of aerobic bacteria.

Nursing Responsibilities and Rationale:

Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

Safe and effective drug administration

1. Verify the doctor’s order ● To ensure and verify the right

procedure to the right patient.

2. Observe the 13 Rs of medication ● To prevent medication errors and

administration. ensure the patient's safety.

3. Perform hand hygiene before and ● To reduce the transmission of

after administration. microorganisms.

4. Assess for any allergies to any ● To prevent adverse reactions.

aminoglycosides; renal or hepatic
disease; preexisting hearing loss;
active infection with herpes, vaccinia,
varicella, fungal infections,
myobacterial infections (ophthalmic
preparations); myasthenia gravis;
parkinsonism; infant botulism;
lactation, pregnancy.

5. Administer the medication slowly. ● To prevent vein injury.

6. Always wash hands thoroughly and ● To prevent the spread of infection.

disinfect equipment (whirlpools,
electrotherapeutic devices,
treatment tables, and so forth).

7. Report any muscle weakness or ● To provide emergent interventions

paralysis that occurs following when adverse reactions occur.
injection of high doses to the

8. Monitor signs of hypersensitivity ● To provide emergent interventions

reactions, including pulmonary when adverse reactions occur.
symptoms (tightness in the throat
and chest, wheezing, cough dyspnea)
or skin reactions (rash, pruritus,

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