Tia Clemen Learning Home Family Daycare :bilingual Spanish and English Family Day Care Schedule PDF

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Where Little Minds Blossom

Tia Clemen Learning Home Family Daycare

**Bilingual Spanish and English Family Day Care Schedule:**

**7:00 am - 8:00 am: Arrival and Free Play**

- Children are welcomed to the family day care.
- Parents can drop off their kids, and children have free play with various toys
and games to ease into the morning.

**8:00 am - 8:30 am: Breakfast Time**

- A bilingual breakfast is served, with both Spanish and English words used to
introduce food items and promote language learning.

**8:30 am - 10:00 am: Morning Outdoor Activities**

- The children engage in various outdoor activities that encourage physical
development and exploration:
- Sports with balls, such as soccer or basketball, to enhance motor skills.
- Trips to nearby parks for nature exploration and outdoor play.
- Visits to the beach for sand play and water activities (if applicable).
- Occasional trips to the library for storytelling and language exposure.
- Pool or water park visits (with appropriate safety measures) for water play.

**10:00 am - 10:30 am: Snack Time**

- A bilingual snack time is provided to boost communication skills while children
enjoy a healthy treat.

**10:30 am - 12:00 pm: Morning Educational Activities**

- Montessori-inspired educational activities are organized to stimulate cognitive
- Art class with age-appropriate materials to encourage creativity and
- Music class to introduce rhythm, sounds, and basic musical concepts.
- Simple science experiments and activities to spark curiosity and learning.
**12:00 pm - 1:00 pm: Lunch Time**
- A bilingual lunch is served, where children learn the names of foods in both
Spanish and English.

**1:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Nap Time**

- Children rest and have some quiet time to recharge for the afternoon.

**3:00 pm - 3:30 pm: Afternoon Snack**

- Another bilingual snack time is offered to keep energy levels up for the

**3:30 pm - 5:00 pm: Afternoon Craft and Educational Activities**

- More Montessori-inspired educational activities take place, fostering further
learning and creativity:
- Educational crafts that focus on motor skills and imagination.
- Story time with bilingual books to encourage language development.

**5:00 pm - 5:30 pm: Free Play and Departure**

- Children have free play as parents arrive for pickup.
- Parents are provided with feedback on their child's day and any notable

Throughout the day, the caregivers interact with the children in both Spanish and
English, creating an immersive bilingual environment. This approach helps
children develop language skills in both languages at a young age. Safety
measures are strictly followed during outdoor activities and field trips. The day
care is designed to cater to the needs of children between 11 months and 2 years
old, offering them a nurturing and stimulating environment to grow and learn.

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