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Scorecard Depto 22

Requested 701902261osec2003553 (MX) on 02/25/2021, 19:38

Selections Include:22 BASIC APPAREL
Calendar Type Selections Include:
Calendar Type, International Calendar
Time Range Selections include...Last Year Totals, TY Fiscal Year to D
All Clubs

Last Week (202103-202103 / 202003-202003

Vendor Nbr : 369301
Date : 02/25/2021

Sales 3560770.84 1424053.59
Comp Sales 3476400.33 1415508.22
Avg Price 152.724462 143.164129
Retail Dollar Inventory 35973379.8 28530083.22
Cost Dollar Inventory 24956734.08 22152111.83
Cost On Order 1809821.36 7249513.76
Instock % 0.692308 0.524915
Unit Turns 7.879812 3.371974
Retail Turns 5.147142 2.595533
Club Weeks On Hand 6.599142 15.421233
Ships At Retail 1911804.34 3720401.4
Ships At Cost 1350251.36 2747712.84
Gross Margin % 0.12162 0.170086
GMROII 0.90233 0.568569
Avg Lead Time(Wrk Days) 3.75 6.5
Order Fill Rate % 1 0.946224
Prepaid Transit(Wrk Days) 0 0
Collect Transit(Wrk Days) 0 0
3553 (MX) on 02/25/2021, 19:38

.Last Year Totals, TY Fiscal Year to Date

-202103 / 202003-202003Month (202101-202103 / 202001-202003) Year (202049-202103 / 201950-202003)

Diff TY LY Diff TY LY Diff

1.500447 11093293.01 5660708.6 0.9597 23882341.07 15492433.37 0.541549

1.455938 10875286.09 5631435.74 0.931175 23489451.99 15415021.04 0.523803
0.066779 153.619058 127.919836 0.200901 163.697649 122.648226 0.334692
0.260893 38180342.2733 25846795.26 0.477179 36888217.94 24765512.4457 0.489499
0.126607 26469788.4467 21750998.18 0.216946 20097509.9071 22100049.5829 -0.090612
-0.750353 2862968.19333 5852154.75333 -0.510784 6583963.29143 5267332.07143 0.249962
0.318896 0.694207 0.527227 0.316713 0.693618 0.519422 0.335365
1.336854 7.688872 5.131902 0.49825 7.765199 5.925578 0.310454
0.983077 5.036198 3.796175 0.326651 4.80944 4.647053 0.034944
-0.572074 6.763021 10.132695 -0.332555 6.696545 8.775515 -0.236906
-0.48613 8109184.02 7216186.82 0.123749 40513243.59 13232936.44 2.061546
-0.508591 5816803.26 6104578.32 -0.047141 29433235.71 11722864.92 1.510754
-0.284949 0.104282 0.067728 0.539705 0.146944 0.044358 2.312701
0.333761 0.757532 0.305524 0.452008 1.297152 0.230994 1.066158

-0.423077 3.501393 5.75 -0.391062 5.246333 6.130435 -0.144215

0.056832 1 0.972531 0.028245 1 0.983227 0.017059
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Quarter 1 (202049-202103 / 201950-202003)Quarter 2 (202110-202122 / 202010-202 Quarter 3 (202123-202135 / 202023-20
TY LY Diff TY LY Diff TY

23882341.07 15492433.37 0.541549 0 22840518.05 -1 0

23489451.99 15415021.04 0.523803 0 22678751.03 -1 0
163.697649 122.648226 0.334692 0 166.580495 -1 0
36888217.94 24765512.4457 0.489499 0 34022819.7892 -1 0
20097509.9071 22100049.5829 -0.090612 0 24705075.9731 -1 0
6583963.29143 5267332.07143 0.249962 0 3179427.45692 -1 0
0.693618 0.519422 0.335365 0 0.520436 -1 0
7.765199 5.925578 0.310454 0 3.163826 -1 0
4.80944 4.647053 0.034944 0 2.685317 -1 0
6.696545 8.775515 -0.236906 0 16.435798 -1 0
40513243.59 13232936.44 2.061546 0 23605752.96 -1 0
29433235.71 11722864.92 1.510754 0 17079209.61 -1 0
0.146944 0.044358 2.312701 0 0.206602 -1 0
1.297152 0.230994 1.066158 0 0.764037 -0.764037 0

5.246333 6.130435 -0.144215 0 4.12 -1 0

1 0.983227 0.017059 0 1 -1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Quarter 3 (202123-202135 / 202023-202 Quarter 4 (202136-202148 / 202036-202
LY Diff TY LY Diff

29912150.65 -1 0 41236794.35 -1
29663070.49 -1 0 40298543.74 -1
177.982832 -1 0 149.994523 -1
31901327.4392 -1 0 31719100.4023 -1
20453755.7015 -1 0 20116932.7977 -1
5420770.79846 -1 0 5943240.96 -1
0.526518 -1 0 0.658912 -1
4.465847 -1 0 7.167881 -1
3.750584 -1 0 5.200248 -1
11.643929 -1 0 7.254585 -1
39769757.96 -1 0 31532695 -1
28791332.91 -1 0 22846051.27 -1
0.26192 -1 0 0.171182 -1
1.532157 -1.532157 0 1.403597 -1.403597

6.642857 -1 0 7.660795 -1
0.994485 -1 0 0.999927 -1
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0

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