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Scorecard Women

Requested 701902333osec2003553 (MX) on 02/25/2021, 19:38

Selections Include:22 BASIC APPAREL
Item Number Is One Of 84286 And
Calendar Type Selections Include:
Calendar Type, International Calendar
Time Range Selections include...Last Year Totals, TY Fiscal Year to D
All Clubs

Last Week (202103-202103 / 202003-2020

TY LY Diff
Vendor Nbr : 369301
Date : 02/25/2021

Sales 664953.68 333779.29 0.992196
Comp Sales 652850.34 329557.95 0.980988
Avg Price 113.395921 100.596531 0.127235
Retail Dollar Inventory 4939198.81 3597828.17 0.372828
Cost Dollar Inventory 3210174.74 2897313.69 0.107983
Cost On Order 186086.4 1639782.6 -0.886518
Instock % 0.959302 0.970238 -0.011271
Unit Turns 9.206207 5.917684 0.555711
Retail Turns 7.000648 4.824167 0.451162
Club Weeks On Hand 5.648363 8.787221 -0.357207
Ships At Retail 1041112.2 975882.6 0.066842
Ships At Cost 726900 732715.2 -0.007937
Gross Margin % 0.145296 0.036599 2.969929
GMROII 1.565019 0.219249 1.345769
Avg Lead Time(Wrk Days) 3.75 6.5 -0.423077
Order Fill Rate % 1 0.946224 0.056832
Prepaid Transit(Wrk Days) 0 0 0
Collect Transit(Wrk Days) 0 0 0
on 02/25/2021, 19:38

r Totals, TY Fiscal Year to Date

Month (202101-202103 / 202001-202003) Year (202049-202103 / 201950-202003) Quarter 1 (202049-202103 / 201950-202

TY LY Diff TY LY Diff TY

1859498.68 1351130.21 0.376254 3565257.59 3843101.41 -0.072297 3565257.59

1828479.31 1337761.36 0.36682 3501064.99 3811083.76 -0.081347 3501064.99
111.903393 88.476865 0.264776 121.482131 86.562187 0.403409 121.482131
4279332.74 2519092.7133 0.69876 3611831.8871 2557717.7871 0.412131 3611831.8871
2807827.33 2664470.4933 0.053803 1123417.57 2955794.8857 -0.619927 1123417.57
1197928.4 1484725.8 -0.193165 1656911.2714 1214885.2714 0.363842 1656911.2714
0.96124 0.972222 -0.011296 0.957571 0.972789 -0.015644 0.957571
9.942056 10.184584 -0.023813 10.190482 11.237887 -0.093203 10.190482
7.531854 9.296835 -0.189848 7.332781 11.161807 -0.343047 7.332781
5.230306 5.105756 0.024394 5.102801 4.627205 0.102783 5.102801
3301389.3 1635504.48 1.018576 7202235.3 2824830.18 1.549617 7202235.3
2323172.4 1515999.24 0.532436 5070854.4 2870940.84 0.766269 5070854.4
0.133896 -0.095366 -2.404027 0.202188 -0.119594 -2.690618 0.202188
1.53701 -0.838228 2.375238 4.766624 -1.15511 5.921735 4.766624

3.5 5.75 -0.391304 5.25 6.133333 -0.144022 5.25

1 0.972531 0.028245 1 0.982477 0.017835 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
uarter 1 (202049-202103 / 201950-20200Quarter 2 (202110-202122 / 202010-20 Quarter 3 (202123-202135 / 202023-20
LY Diff TY LY Diff TY LY Diff

3843101.41 -0.072297 0 4280463.2 -1 0 6312374.09 -1

3811083.76 -0.081347 0 4237228.12 -1 0 6233936.76 -1
86.562187 0.403409 0 119.736586 -1 0 137.632437 -1
2557717.7871 0.412131 0 5087682.5946 -1 0 4372430.1131 -1
2955794.8857 -0.619927 0 3604477.1023 -1 0 2768981.7862 -1
1214885.2714 0.363842 0 731579.97692 -1 0 819080.34 -1
0.972789 -0.015644 0 0.962896 -1 0 0.956148 -1
11.237887 -0.093203 0 3.945354 -1 0 6.315917 -1
11.161807 -0.343047 0 3.365354 -1 0 5.774706 -1
4.627205 0.102783 0 13.180061 -1 0 8.233168 -1
2824830.18 1.549617 0 7037313 -1 0 5066858.1 -1
2870940.84 0.766269 0 4947757.2 -1 0 3559870.6 -1
-0.119594 -2.690618 0 0.190574 -1 0 0.295816 -1
-1.15511 5.921735 0 0.905259 -0.905259 0 2.697459 -2.697459

6.133333 -0.144022 0 4.12 -1 0 6.642857 -1

0.982477 0.017835 0 1 -1 0 0.994485 -1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Quarter 4 (202136-202148 / 202036-20
TY LY Diff

0 6866566.36 -1
0 6657420.04 -1
0 116.963332 -1
0 3044319.4815 -1
0 1463363.6085 -1
0 852438.90923 -1
0 0.949618 -1
0 13.195321 -1
0 9.022136 -1
0 3.940791 -1
0 5389811.55 -1
0 3796838 -1
0 0.171373 -1
0 3.216549 -3.216549

0 7.684524 -1
0 0.999915 -1
0 0 0
0 0 0

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