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Tremie Concrete
for Deep Foundations
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Z17 First Edition Published 2012

Title 1 of 1 - Tremie Concrete For Deep


ISBN: [978-0-909375-19-5] All Concrete Institute of Australia

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Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 1

This Recommended Practice is the first
edition and has been developed by a
task group of Concrete Institute of Australia

Sherard Northey,
Hyder Consulting

Professor Peter Dux,

University of Queensland

Dr Habib Alehossein,

Dr Stephen Buttling,
Piling and Foundation Specialists Federation

Gary Lucas,
Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia

Lex Vanderstaay,
Queensland Department of Transport
& Main Roads

Dr Karsten Beckhaus,
Bauer Foundations Australia Pty Ltd

Martin Larisch,
Piling Contractors Pty Ltd

Peter Ney,
Holcim Australia Pty Ltd

The task group would like to acknowledge

the valuable contribution of members from
comments obtained through the peer review

2 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations


1 General 5
1.1 Purpose 5
1.2 Scope 5
1.3 Background 6
1.4 Terminology 7
1.4.1 Deep foundations 7
1.4.2 Bored pile 7
1.4.3 Contiguous pile wall 7
1.4.4 Secant pile wall 7
1.4.5 Diaphragm wall 7
1.4.6 Cut-off wall 7
1.4.7 Panel 7
1.4.8 Cover 7
1.4.9 Tremie pipe 8
1.4.10 Trunking 8
1.4.11 Supporting fluid 8
1.4.12 Concrete 8
1.4.13 Normal concrete 9
1.4.14 Cut-off wall concrete 9
1.4.15 Tremie concrete 9
1.4.16 Mortar 9
1.4.17 Paste 9
1.4.18 Fines (powder) 9
1.4.19 Aggregate 9
1.4.20 Binder 9
1.4.21 Supplementary cementitious material 9
1.4.22 Admixture 9
1.4.23 Water/binder ratio [commonly referred to as water /cement ratio] 10
1.4.24 Workability required 10
1.4.25 Workability life 10
1.4.26 Required stability 10
1.4.27 Flowability 10
1.4.28 Passing ability (blocking resistance) 10
1.4.29 Water retention ability (filtration resistance) 10
1.4.30 Slump retention ability (flow maintenance) 10
1.4.31 Self-levelling 10
1.4.32 Self compaction or self consolidation 11
1.4.33 Filling of excavation 11
1.4.34 Viscosity 11
1.4.35 Pre-production test(s) 11
1.4.36 Acceptance test(s) [also referred to as compliance or conformance tests] 11
1.4.37 Over-pouring 11
1.4.38 High slump concrete for deep foundations other than tremie concrete 11
1.5 Field of application of tremie concrete 11
2 Characteristic performance of tremie concrete 13
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 Fresh concrete properties 14
2.3 Hardened concrete properties 15

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 3

3 Materials and mix proportions 16
3.1 General 16
3.2 Materials 16
3.2.1 Bentonite 16
3.2.2 Aggregates 16
3.2.3 Cementitious material 17
3.2.4 Admixtures 17
3.3 Proportioning 17
4 Concrete mix design 19
5 Production control 21
5.1 General 21
5.1.1 Raw material storage 21
5.1.2 Batching 21
5.1.3 Mixing 21
5.1.4 Delivery and transportation 21
5.2 Concrete control on site 22
5.2.1 General 22
5.2.2 Acceptance tests and frequency of testing 22
5.3 Pouring 23
5.4 Documentation 24
Appendix A Test methods 25
A.1 Slump, slump flow and visual stability index 25
A.2 L-Box test 28
A.3 BAUER filtration test 30
A.4 Knead bag test 32
Appendix B Specification guide 33
Appendix C Work method statements 34
C.1 Placing of tremie concrete under dry conditions 34
C.2 Placing of tremie concrete under wet conditions 34
Appendix D QA standard forms 36
D.1 Sample Caisson report 36
D.2 Sample Bentonite record 37
D.3 Sample Concrete consumption record 38
Appendix E Tremie Concrete Testing Sheet for Piles <2.4m in diameter (wet pour) 39
References 40

4 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

1 General

1.1 Purpose

This Recommended Practice provides guidance for those involved in the preparation of
specifications for the use of tremie concrete in the field of construction of cast in place
foundations, in particular for bored piles and diaphragm walls.

Currently Australian Standards do not cover the special requirements for the mix design or the
properties of tremie concrete with respect to its specific field of application, e.g. placed under
a drilling fluid or under water. In regards to the performance properties of tremie concrete,
special attention should be given to the fact that the workability required has to be achieved
and maintained under considerable hydraulic pressure and for the total time span from first
batching until the last working step, such as the withdrawal of a temporary casing of a bored
pile or the installation of a plunged column as reinforcement into the fresh concrete pile.

Based on international and Australian experience, this guide will provide recommendations on
properties, constituents and proportioning, as well as on testing of tremie concrete [1]. The
overall aim is to give advice on the usual range of applications of tremie concrete and to show
principal measures to achieve proper workability. Because of the very wide range of geological
and geotechnical conditions across Australia, and the impact of these conditions on the
constituents and the number of possible permutations and combinations of constituents, it is
not possible to offer full prescriptive information for every circumstance. For example, in case of
severe environmental conditions to which the concrete may be subjected, additional measures
may have to be taken beyond those recommended in this guide.

1.2 Scope

This Recommended Practice guide applies to concrete for deep foundations and structures
cast in place using a tremie pipe; thus, it:
- refers to tremie concrete for bored piles, diaphragm walls and cut-off walls with a minimum pile
diameter or wall thickness of 400 mm, see figure 1;
- applies to concrete for casting under both dry and wet conditions;
- deals with specifically required properties of fresh tremie concrete and consequently includes
descriptions of objective workability test methods for pre-production tests as well as for
acceptance tests regarding their verification;
- refers to the Recommended Practice for Super-Workable Concrete [2] where applicable, as
there are similarities in regards to the required workability to Super-Workable Concrete and to
recommendations of test methods to assess the rheological behaviour of fresh concrete;
- generally applies to low, normal and high strength concrete, mixed on site or pre-mixed
supplied by a batch plant or by truck.
But this Recommended Practice:
- does not refer to the intended service life of the structure, thus does not consider specific
durability requirements, e. g. for structures with only short term purpose, or those with 50, 100
or even 300 years design life;
- may not cover requirements which have to be applied as stated within a particular project
specification, which may require additional measures to be applied or deviations from this guide;
- does not cover health and safety requirements for the protection of workers during production,
delivery and casting of concrete;

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 5

- does not include recommendations for piling systems other than conventional bored piles,
diaphragm walls and cut-off walls which might require the use of high slump concrete (e.g.

Figure 1 Examples of deep foundations

1.3 Background

In many construction projects, the supply of the concrete for the deep foundation elements is
managed by the specialist subcontractor, who is able to control the quality of the mix and the
supply, generally through the use of preferred suppliers. However, in a significant number of
projects the main, or principal contractor chooses to supply the materials including concrete.
In these situations it becomes far more difficult to control the quality of the mix with the supply,
or selection being made more in terms of price alone. There is no appropriate standard to refer
to in order to ensure that the concrete supplied is suitable for the task, when it is required to be
placed in a deep foundation via a tremie pipe. As a result of problems which have arisen and
on the initiative of the Piling and Foundation Specialists Federation, a Task Group on Special
Foundation Concrete was established to develop an Australian “Tremie Concrete Guide”. This
document will be able to close the current gap between existing regulations given by Australian
standards that are indirectly relevant to this application and actual requirements on tremie
concrete (TC) for deep foundations. To complement the individual and collective experience
of the Task Group members, an extensive review of international and Australian standards
and experiences, and a special investigation program on the assessment of fresh concrete
characteristics was conducted by the tremie concrete working group as part of the compilation
of this Recommended Practice [1].

6 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

1.4 Terminology

The following terms and definitions apply for the purposes of this Recommended Practice. The
listing begins with the structural elements, continues with materials and their constituents, and
ends with material characteristics and terms of testing.

1.4.1 Deep foundations

Structural members in the ground, in general for the transfer of loads, typically with a depth
≥ 5 m and with a ratio of depth to diameter or thickness ≥ 5.

1.4.2 Bored pile

Structural member in the ground, primarily for the transfer of vertical loads, formed, with or
without a pile casing, by excavating or boring a hole in the ground and filling it with plain or
reinforced concrete.

1.4.3 Contiguous pile wall

Retaining wall primarily for transfer of lateral loads, made of reinforced concrete, which is
formed by installing adjacent (contiguous) bored piles not touching each other. Pile spacing to
be determined by design requirements on a project specific basis.

1.4.4 Secant pile wall

Retaining wall primarily for transfer of lateral loads, made of reinforced concrete, which is
formed by installing overlapping bored piles. Primary piles are often executed as so-called “soft
piles” with low-strength concrete. Secondary piles are constructed later to fill the gaps between
already hardened primary piles, and are called “hard piles” as they cut into soft (primary) piles.

1.4.5 Diaphragm wall

Retaining wall primarily for the transfer of lateral loads, made of reinforced concrete, which is
constructed in a trench excavated in the ground.
Note: The construction (excavation and concreting) is carried out in discrete lengths to form

1.4.6 Cut-off wall

Wall, not suitable for load transfer which is constructed in a trench excavated in the ground,
usually to act as a barrier to prevent migration of ground water or other fluid.
Note: The construction might be carried out in discrete lengths to form panels.

1.4.7 Panel

Portion of a diaphragm wall or cut-off wall constructed as a single unit, either in linear, L, T or
cruciform shape.
Note: Single panels not connected to each other are called “barrettes” but the execution is
similar to diaphragm wall panels.

1.4.8 Cover

Distance between the outside of the reinforcing steel or tendons and the nearest permanent
surface of the member, excluding any applied surface finish (AS3600-2009).
Note: The nearest permanent surface of the member is the nearest excavated face as formed by
the excavation tool unless otherwise stated.

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 7

1.4.9 Tremie pipe

Steel pipe attached to a hopper or chute on top for placement of concrete both under dry or
wet conditions. For application in wet conditions a tremie pipe may comprise several joined
lengths but must have watertight joints.

Clockwise from left: Schematic set-up of tremie pipe system and hopper; Pouring using a tremie pipe; Preparation of a dry
pour using a lay-flat tremie system; Simultaneous pouring into a D-wall panel.

1.4.10 Trunking

Pipe, often a steel pipe attached to a hopper or chute on top for guiding concrete to the centre
of a pile while placing concrete under dry conditions.
Note: In practice often also called a “tremie pipe”, a “short tremie” or a “lay flat” when trunking is
foldable, see also note of clause 1.4.9.

1.4.11 Supporting fluid

Fluid used during excavation or drilling to support the sides of the trench or the bored hole.
Note: The fluid is usually either a bentonite suspension or polymer solution.

1.4.12 Concrete

A mixture of cement, aggregates, and water with or without the addition of chemical
admixtures or other materials and defined as follows:

(a) Plastic concrete: Concrete in the state between completion of mixing and initial set as
defined in AS 1012.18.

(b) Hardened concrete: Concrete after initial set, as represented by test specimens that have
been subjected to a specified process and duration of curing.

(c) Normal-class concrete: Concrete that is specified primarily by a standard compressive

strength grade up to 50 MPa and otherwise in accordance with AS 1379.

8 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

(d) Special-class concrete: Concrete that is specified to have certain properties or
characteristics different from, or additional to those of normal-class concrete and otherwise
in accordance with AS 1379.

1.4.13 Normal concrete

Concrete in accordance with AS 1379 which is generally vibrated to achieve proper

compaction, and is therefore dissimilar to tremie concrete.

1.4.14 Cut-off wall concrete

Low strength concrete with a low Young’s modulus capable of sustaining larger strains than
normal concrete, even when hardened.
Note 1: Cut-off wall concrete usually has a low binder content at a high water binder ratio and
may include bentonite and/or other clay materials.
Note 2: Internationally a common term for low-strength concrete with high deformability is plastic
concrete. However, the term “plastic concrete” has been defined in AS 1012.18 and
AS 1379 as a concrete which is in the state between completion of mixing and initial set.

1.4.15 Tremie concrete

Concrete prepared for placement via a tremie pipe, under dry or wet conditions, for use in
bored piles, diaphragm or cut-off walls.

1.4.16 Mortar

The fraction of the concrete comprising the binding paste plus those aggregates passing the
4.75 mm sieve.

1.4.17 Paste

The fraction of the concrete comprising fines plus water (and air).

1.4.18 Fines (powder)

A generic term to describe solid materials including cement and supplementary cementitious
material with a particle sizes smaller than 0.125 mm in average diameter.

1.4.19 Aggregate

Granular mineral material suitable for use in concrete which may be natural or manufactured.

1.4.20 Binder

GP or blended cement (AS1379) used alone or combined with one or more supplementary
cementitious materials.

1.4.21 Supplementary cementitious material

Fine inorganic material used in concrete in order to improve certain properties or to achieve
special properties. Material as defined in AS 3582 (examples: fly ash, silica fume (pozzolanic) or
ground granulated blast-furnace slag).

1.4.22 Admixture

Material added during the mixing process of concrete in small quantities related to the mass of
binder to modify the properties of fresh or hardened concrete.

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 9

1.4.23 Water/binder ratio [commonly referred to as water/cement ratio]

The ratio of the mass of total free water in a batch to the mass of binder and supplementary
cementitious material in the batch.

1.4.24 Workability required

In general, tremie concrete is supplied at a level of workability that allows effective placement
and limits segregation and bleeding. The workability shall be maintained until final withdrawal
of the tremie pipe.
Note: Sufficient workability is required until the last concrete has been placed or until final
withdrawal of any temporary casing has been completed.

1.4.25 Workability life

The period of time during which the fresh tremie concrete maintains the required workability
Note: Workability life is a more extensive definition than slump life which is the time span with
retention of a certain slump value.

1.4.26 Required stability

The stability of tremie concrete refers to its ability to maintain the required workability even
under its specific conditions of application, such as under a certain hydraulic head pressure.
Note: The fresh concrete stability should give control over segregation, bleeding, filtration,
setting (or in its thixotropic behaviour), all of which are generally required to be limited.

1.4.27 Flowability

The ease of flow of fresh concrete when unconfined by formwork or any other obstacles such
as reinforcement.

1.4.28 Passing ability (blocking resistance)

The ability of fresh tremie concrete to flow through tight openings such as spaces between
steel reinforcing bars without segregation and blocking.

1.4.29 Water retention ability (filtration resistance)

The ability of fresh tremie concrete to retain its water despite being subject to pressure caused
by supporting fluid or fresh concrete above.

1.4.30 Slump retention ability (flow maintenance)

The ability of fresh tremie concrete to maintain its flow characteristic, measured by a slump
test, over a certain period of time, possibly controlled by appropriate admixtures.

1.4.31 Self-levelling

Describes the process when concrete flows to a virtually uniform horizontal level under gravity.
Note: No perfectly horizontal level within the formwork (excavation) will be achieved. However,
the slope angle within the cross section has to be restricted in order to avoid concrete

10 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

1.4.32 Self-compaction or self-consolidation

Describes the process during which the concrete de-aerates and compacts as a result of
concrete head pressure and without any external vibration. The resulting concrete is virtually
free of micro air voids (air content of < 1% may still be acceptable).
Note: Fresh tremie concrete practically de-aerates mainly driven by hydrostatic pressure
(achieved by concrete head).

1.4.33 Filling of excavation

Describes the process when concrete flows into the excavation and completely fills all its

1.4.34 Viscosity

In general viscosity describes a fluid’s internal resistance to flow and may be thought of as a
measure of “fluid friction”; here simplistically the flow resistance of fresh tremie concrete once
flow has started.

1.4.35 Pre-production test(s)

Test or tests to be carried out before the production starts to check how a new concrete mix
should be composed (or to prove an existing mix design) in order to meet or demonstrate
compliance with all the specified requirements in the fresh and hardened states.

1.4.36 Acceptance test(s) [also referred to as Compliance or Conformance tests]

Test or tests to check the concrete at delivery on site to confirm by examination of objective
evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled prior to concrete placement.

1.4.37 Over-pouring

Over-pouring refers to the concrete which is placed above element cut-off level during
placement. This concrete can be contaminated with drilling fluid or soil and it is not recommend
being part of the structural element. The over-poured section will be trimmed back to cut-off
level, either fresh or after the concrete has reached early strengths. Method about required
over-pour levels and suitable break back techniques and methodologies are project specific

1.4.38 High slump concrete for deep foundations other than tremie concrete

High slump concrete to be used for specific applications (Frankipiles, Atlaspiles, Fundexpiles,
etc) is not specified as tremie concrete in this document. This document is only applicable for
conventional bored piles, diaphragm walls and cut-off walls.

1.5 Field of application of tremie concrete

Tremie concrete is used for bored piles, contiguous and secant pile walls, diaphragm and
cut-off walls. The elements consist of reinforced or plain concrete and may serve as deep
foundations, retaining structures and seepage barriers.

In this Recommended Practice tremie concrete is defined as concrete which is placed through
a tremie pipe into deep excavations as circular or barrette (rectangular, L, T or similar) shaped
holes or trenches. The excavations may be dry or wet and, if needed, stabilized by a temporary
casing or by a supporting fluid.
Note: Where a temporary casing is used, the concrete will have to fill the void created as the
casing is being removed.

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 11

Under “dry conditions” concrete can free fall to the bottom of the excavation and rise to the top
to form the pile shaft to cut off level or beyond. Since the concrete shall not hit the reinforcement
or the surface of the surrounding casing or soil, the concrete should be poured via a hopper,
chute or short trunk to prevent segregation. Even after leaving the tremie pipe or trunking the
concrete must not segregate, so the free fall height needs to be restricted to maximum 3m,
unless evidence can be provided that bigger free fall heights can be utilized for project specific
applications (free fall is defined as the distance between the bottom of the tremie pipe and the
top of the rising concrete surface or base of the excavation).

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Figure 2 Maximum free fall height for dry pours: to pile base (left) and top of rising concrete surface (right)

Under “wet conditions” the concrete has to displace the drilling support fluid upwards. This will
be achieved by using a long tremie pipe which enables the fresh concrete to be placed to the
very bottom of the hole. The tremie pipe is kept submerged in previously placed fresh concrete
throughout the entire pour until the concrete reaches the required level.

This Recommended Practice is based on the following codes, standards, specifications and papers:

1 Review on Tremie Concrete for Special Geotechnical Work, working paper, PFSF, 2011

2 Recommended Practice on Super-Workable Concrete, CIA, 2005

3 Neville, A.M., Brooks, J.J.: Concrete Technology, Prentice Hall, 1987

4 Neville A.M.: Properties of Concrete 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1996

5 Guideline on soft concrete, Austrian Association for concrete and construction technique,
12-2009 (German: Merkblatt “Weiche Betone” by ÖVBB)

6 AS 1012 Methods of Testing Concrete, Standards Australia

7 Specification and Guidelines for Self – Compacting Concrete EFNARC, February 2002.

8 Recommendation for Self – Compacting Concrete Japan Society of Civil Engineers –

Concrete Engineering Series 31, August 1999.

9 AS 1478.1 Chemical admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout ; –Admixtures for concrete,
Standards Australia, 2000.

10 AS 1379 Specification and supply of concrete, Standards Australia, 1999.

11 AS 3600-2009 Concrete structures, Standards Australia, 2009.

12 AS 5100.5-2004 Bridge Design - Concrete, Standards Australia, 2004.

13 ATSM C1611 / 1611 M-05 Standard Method for slump flow of self-consolidating concrete.

12 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

2 Characteristic performance of tremie concrete

2.1 Introduction

Unlike normal concrete which requires vibration during placement to remove entrapped air
to produce a dense material, tremie concrete has to be self-consolidating and thus differs in
some composition and workability parameters. Because of the self-compaction requirement
there are good reasons to compare tremie concrete with super-workable concrete which has
to de-aerate and consolidate whilst filling the formwork and flowing around the reinforcement
only under self-weight (gravity). Table 1 briefly compares some parameters showing that tremie
concrete is not equivalent to normal, but rather comparable to super-workable concrete.

Tremie concrete needs good flow characteristics and therefore a low viscosity (low resistance
to flow). Normal concrete with a lower fines volume but higher coarse aggregate quantities is
generally forced to flow by external energy input (vibration) and the concrete viscosity and the
concrete yield value are typically high. Conversely, the viscosity of the paste, which has to be
able to “carry” the aggregates, is commonly higher for tremie concrete and super-workable
concrete than for normal concrete. The production of suitable tremie concrete which is able
to achieve the required hardened concrete properties is generally similar to normal or super-
workable concrete, but there are some other important differences in the general mixture, as
shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Comparison of normal and super-workable concrete with tremie concrete

Qualitative (wet) Tremie Super-Workable

Normal Concrete
Parameters Concrete Concrete
Powder Volume Low Medium Medium/High
Coarse Aggregates
High Medium Medium/High
Paste Volume Low Medium Medium/High
Paste Viscosity Low Medium Medium/High
Concrete Viscosity High (flow by vibration) Low Low/Medium
Concrete Yield Value High Medium/Low Low

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 13

2.2 Fresh concrete properties

The flow chart in Figure 3 illustrates the basic rheological properties of fresh tremie concrete in
relation to its workability, stability and its composition and the attributed in-place quality control
requirements. As shown in Fig. 3, the ability of concrete to flow and to pass through the
reinforcement voids is associated with its “workability” characteristics. Similarly, the concrete
“workability life”, or the expected performance with time, rather controlled by its paste, together
with its water retention ability are associated with its “stability”. Both, workability and stability
are important measures for concrete quality control to meet general requirements with the
utmost certainty.

As an example of concrete quality control, the tremie concrete shall be sufficiently workable to
enable it to be self-levelling, particularly in wide foundation excavations. It must consolidate
itself without any external vibration (self-compacting) and must fill the excavation void
completely to guarantee full embedment of the reinforcement. The workability parameter
measures concrete “flowability”, “filling ability” and “passing ability”, where the latter also refers
to other such definitions as “deformability” and “blocking resistance”.

However, during placement, the rheological properties and thus the workability of concrete
may change with time and by other operational factors. It can alter due to the time needed
to complete the pour, or due to a change in the effective hydraulic head. It can also change
because of the segregation, bleeding, filtration or hydration of the concrete. Thixotropic
behaviour occurs when concrete becomes more “fluid” by stirring or shaking and returns back
to the “semi-solid” state upon standing, i.e. reduction of viscosity by increasing shear rate, for
example, thixotropic behaviour can occur in a cut-off wall concrete.

Whilst “concrete workability” is generally considered as an integral property related to

most concrete parameters, “concrete stability” alone is rather controlled by and related to
the parameters of rheology and composition of the paste. Consequently, water, fines and
admixtures control concrete stability and the latter can be used to achieve concrete of high
strengths, but at low water binder ratios (w/c). The stability of fresh concrete can be quantified
by two parameters which need to be determined for each specific application. (1) “Water
retention ability”, determines and measures the resistance of concrete in the plastic state to
water loss under pressure. (2) “Workability Life”, referring here to a generic term to indicate the
total time span required to have concrete of sufficient workability at all times during discharge
and placement to fill gaps.

Figure 3 Chart showing dependencies between various parameters of a tremie concrete – between composition and rheology,
workability and stability in relation to quality control requirements.

14 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

Viscosity and cohesion (or “plastic yield”) of fresh concrete correlate to some extent with
various fresh concrete tests indirectly, as discussed in Appendix A. It is not yet practical to
measure or test for these properties in the laboratory and in-situ on site, although simple
indirect laboratory tests are used to address approximate values of the flowability and passing
ability of tremie concrete.

The stability of tremie concrete is dependent not only on the initial cohesion or plastic yield,
but also on the progress of the hydration reaction of the binder and a decrease of admixture
effects, meaning it is a time-dependent parameter. Thus stability cannot usually be determined
either by a single test or by a single measurement at a point in time. To ensure a satisfactory
level of workability throughout the concrete pour, and at least until the tremie pipe has
been removed, the concrete must not have reached the stage of setting known as ‘loss of
workability”. For this reason the initial binder hydration phase must be controlled. Concrete
stability also depends on the capability of the tremie concrete to retain water. A controlled loss
of excess water, which can be caused by high hydraulic pressure at great depths, and which
can create minor changes in concrete composition, should subsequently allow only minor
changes in its workability.

Several test methods are proposed in Appendix A to assess the level of cohesion and
workability and stability parameters. The slump test and slump flow (A.1) are commonly used
to determine the flowability. While the L-box (A.2), is primarily intended to check the passing
ability, it can also detect flowability characteristics. The workability life might be assessed
regularly by slump retention measurements. However, the more direct, qualitative knead bag
test method (A.4) is suggested to assess the transition from a liquid, or soft paste, to a plastic
stage, with a consistency indication of an initial set. Wherever or whenever the high hydraulic
head has the potential to alter the concrete properties by filtration, the BAUER filter press (A.3)
can be used to test the water retention ability of the concrete mix.

A paper “Analysis of L-Box test for tremie pipe concrete” (authored by Allehossein et al.) was
published by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) in ACI Materials Journal, Vol.109 No.3,
May-June 2012. This paper provides more theoretical and scientific background about fresh
concrete properties and their identification using the L-box test method.

2.3 Hardened concrete properties

For deep foundations and retaining structures, the required property of hardened concrete is
usually its specified unconfined compressive strength. But there could also be other governing
factors as stated in AS 3600. Depending on the structural design, concrete strength grades
of 20 to 65 MPa are common. For special application concrete, strength grades less than 20
MPa (e.g. for soft piles) or even above 65 MPa (e.g. for extreme durability requirements or for
tension) might be considered.

Higher concrete strengths usually require lower water/binder ratios and thus higher dosages of
admixtures, as well as higher binder contents to ensure sufficient paste content in relation to
stone content.

For cut-off walls the primary target properties after the hardening process are usually high
deformability and low permeability rather than the unconfined compressive strength (UCS).
Each design is unique, since it is sensitively dependent on surrounding ground conditions.
Note: For guidance, requirements could be:
a minimum unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of order 2 MPa
a minimum strain at failure (eU ) of order 0.5 %
a maximum permeability (k) of order 10-8m/s, and in special cases also
a minimum post-failure bearing capacity, e.g. defined as a minimum confined compressive
strength (CCS) at a high strain, only possibly of order 1 MPa at about 5% strain.

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 15

3 Materials and mix proportions

3.1 General

All materials and components shall meet the requirements set out in the respective Australian
Standards and shall be in accordance with any project specifications. The sources of supply of
materials and components shall be documented and not be changed without prior notification
to the client. Approval documents (technical data sheets) of any materials and components to
be used shall be supplied as proof of compliance.

The mix proportions shall be designed in accordance with current standards and valid project

3.2 Materials

3.2.1 Bentonite

Bentonite is used in supporting fluids and can be used in cut-off wall concrete.

A distinction should be made between calcium bentonite, natural sodium bentonite and activated
bentonite, which is a sodium bentonite produced from natural calcium bentonite by ion exchange.
Note 1: Bentonite is clay containing mainly the mineral montmorillonite.
Note 2: For the purpose of a supporting fluid bentonite can be used within a pure suspension or
as an addition to polymer solutions.
Note 3: Bentonite addition to concrete is not specified in Australian standards, it is
recommended to specify bentonite quantities on a project specific basis and only for
specific applications.

3.2.2 Aggregates

Natural, manufactured and recycled aggregates may be used in accordance with AS 2758.1.

Particle size distribution should be well graded. Rounded aggregates are preferred. However,
as the shape and surface roughness of aggregate influence the workability of fresh concrete,
the required quantity of paste (fines plus water) plus water in mortar (paste plus aggregates
<4.75 mm) can be adjusted with respect to the mortar quantity in concrete.

The maximum nominal aggregate size Dagg,max should be selected by taking into account the
cover to reinforcement and the minimum width / diameter of the excavation as well as the
method of placement, design requirements, specifications and consistency of fresh concrete in
order to eliminate potential issues related to segregation.

The maximum nominal aggregate size Dagg,max should not exceed 20 mm for tremie concrete.

In general the maximum nominal aggregate size Dagg,max should not exceed ¼ of clear distance
between any reinforcement bars or bundles of bars.
Note 1: In order to ensure that the concrete flows freely, a minimum concrete cover is required
which should be linked to the maximum aggregate size. Quite apart from requirements
relating to environmental conditions and to adhesion, a nominal concrete cover “nom c”
of 75 mm is generally accepted as being suitable where a maximum aggregate size of
20 mm is adopted.
Note 2: The minimum clear spacing requirements between reinforcement bars in relation to the
maximum aggregate size in this document are different from those nominated in AS
5100.5 - 2004 Clause (>1.5 x Dagg,max).

16 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

3.2.3 Cementitious material

Cementitious material for use in tremie concrete should comprise one or more of the following:

- Portland cement or blended cement in accordance with AS 3972,

- fly ash (fine grade) in accordance with AS 3582.1,

- ground granulated blast-furnace (GGBF) slag in accordance with AS 3582.2

- amorphous silica in accordance with AS 3582.3

Fly ash (fine grade) is generally preferable as a part replacement of cement because of its
positive effect on the flowability of fresh concrete.

GGBF slag is a possible replacement for cement to alter a variety of concrete properties,
including but not restricted to set time, early age strength and heat of hydration.
Note: GGBF slag may not be commercially available in all regions or markets.

Amorphous silica (silica fume) is generally used for high performance concrete due to its
extremely fine grain size and reactivity, e.g. where special durability requirements are needed to
limit chloride ingress.
Note: The use of silica fume can significantly reduce concrete workability.

3.2.4 Admixtures

In order to achieve sufficient workability and stability of fresh concrete admixtures can be used.

Admixtures should comply with AS 1478.1 and commonly belong to the following groups:

- water reducing or plasticising admixtures

- mid-range water reducing admixtures

- high-range water reducing or super-plasticising admixtures

- set retarding agents

- stabilizing type admixtures

3.3 Proportioning

As mentioned in section 2.2, the composition of tremie concrete and its paste will control
the fresh concrete properties and characteristics to fulfil overall requirements of the
concrete element. As a matter of course, the necessary mix proportions are dependent
on available ingredients and their quality, which vary widely across Australia. The following
recommendations are a reasonable guideline to the design of a tremie concrete of consistent
high quality.

The content of fine aggregate < 4.75 mm should be:

- ≥ 40% of total aggregate with a maximum nominal size of Dagg,max = 20 mm; and

- ≥ 45% of total aggregate with a maximum nominal size of Dagg,max = 10 mm.

The total stone content ≥ 4.75 mm should be limited in relation to the total aggregate content:

- ≤ 1100 kg/m³ for placement under dry conditions;

- ≤ 1000 kg/m³ for placement under wet conditions.

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 17

For placing tremie concrete under dry conditions, total cementitious material should be:

- ≥ 375 kg/m³ with a maximum nominal aggregate size of Dagg,max = 20 mm; and

- ≥ 400 kg/m³ with a maximum nominal aggregate size of Dagg,max = 10 mm

For placing tremie concrete under wet conditions, total cementitious material should be about
10 % higher than for application under dry conditions:

- ≥ 415 kg/m³ with a maximum nominal size of Dagg,max = 20 mm; and

- ≥ 440 kg/m³ with a maximum nominal size of Dagg,max = 10 mm.

Note 1: Considering the influences of the complex interaction of the ingredients on concrete
properties, the given recommendations cannot be taken for granted in any combination
and trials will be required.
Note 2: The leading criteria for approval of a tremie concrete mix design should be the fresh
concrete characteristics of workability and stability.
Note 3: These recommendations are independent of compressive strength targets and potential
minimum cementitious / binder content targets as described in various codes and
Note 4: These recommendations refer to experience with only a limited range of concrete
ingredients, but should not be compromised without well-founded approval. As a result,
other requirements should be introduced only by compliance testing of fresh concrete
Note 5: In case of low-strength requirements for soft piles and for cut-off walls, the cementitious
material designed may be less than the above stated minimum values in order to comply
with project specifications.

18 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

4 Concrete mix design

Concrete mixes should be designed with respect to the required hardened and fresh concrete
properties. Characteristic properties shall be verified by pre-production tests.

In general terms of workability and stability fresh concrete should have:

• a level of workability that allows self-levelling and self-consolidation (self-compacting);
• sufficient filling and passing ability to allow filling of the formwork/excavation and any
reinforcement embedment completely; and
• a workable life, including sufficient water retention ability, to provide flowability and passing
ability for the duration of the placement procedure, even under high hydraulic pressure, and to
remove segregation, excessive bleeding and filtration.

The concrete mix design should reasonably reflect the recommendations on mix proportions
given in section 3.3.

Subsequently, quality control tests specified in Appendix A should verify characteristic fresh
concrete parameters in compliance with the specification guide in Appendix B.

The following criteria for the construction of piles have an effect on the required mix
proportions, and on the required properties, hence specific test methods may apply for pre-
production trials as recommended below.

Placement method under dry or wet conditions:

• minimum binder content and

• flowability, verified by slump and slump flow test (A.1)

Short or long maximum flow distance (< 1.2 m or ≥ 1.2 m):

• flowability, verified by slump and slump flow test (A.1)

Deep or very deep excavation (< 15 m or ≥ 15 m):

• water retention ability class, proven by filtration test (A.3)

• workability life, verified by slump retention and/or knead bag test (A.1, A.4)
Note 1: When determining the workability life of concrete, potential interruptions in the supply
and the time required for the total placement process should be accounted for.
Note 2: If extended pouring time is required, an additional verification test at the maximum
pouring time should be considered.

Moderate or high reinforcement density (minimum clear distance ≥ 80 or ≥ 40 mm)

• maximum nominal aggregate size Dagg,max and

• passing ability class, verified by L-Box (A.2)

Note: Avoid dense reinforcement to enable free horizontal flow and use as few obstacles as
possible to enable free vertical flow (prefer small rather than wide box-outs)

Over-pouring under dry or wet conditions at least 600mm under dry and 1000mm under wet
conditions, depending on pile diameter, and pile trimming methodology.

• stability class, proven by filtration test (A.3), and eventually by full-scale site trial tests

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 19

Note 1: The uppermost section of the fresh concrete column may be of insufficient quality.
A degree of segregation and bleeding or a distinct zone mixed with fluid from above, is
unavoidable and makes over-pouring essential.
Note 2: Limited over-pouring should apply as an exception rather than a rule and would have
to comply with project specific requirements and carried out as per projects specific
method statements.

Concrete mix design may be subdivided into the following steps:

1) Draft of mix design in accordance with applicable standards, specifications, client

requirements and section 3 of this guide.

2) Pre-production trials with testing of workability and stability using test methods listed in
Appendix A – Assessment of sufficient properties as defined in table B.1

3) Fine-tuning and verification of all required properties (incl. hardened concrete properties)

4) Approval of concrete mix design by client (if required)

Note: As stated in section 3.3 the optimum proportioning to gain specified properties of fresh
concrete strictly depends on quality of available ingredients and composition. It may be
favourable to look at the actual volume of paste in relation to that of aggregates as there
should be a minimum content to sufficiently lubricate the solids. The recommended
values given in 3.3, based on trial results with 333 litres of paste at a water/binder ratio
of 0.43 and with a maximum aggregate size of 20 mm, proved best results for combining
workability and stability at higher than 250 mm slump values. At higher water binder ratios,
i.e. at higher water contents, concrete might be less stable having the same workability
due to the same paste content. Lower water binder ratios, usually, imply also the need
for higher binder content to compensate the missing water volume. Extremely low water
binder ratios in the range of 0.37 may also require higher paste contents since the paste
itself might be more viscous, i.e. less flowable. For the trials manufactured sand was used
in conjunction with natural fine sand.

20 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

5 Production control

5.1 General

5.1.1 Raw material storage

If possible, aggregates should be covered to minimise moisture fluctuations and surface drying/
infiltration. During production of tremie concrete, tests of aggregate grading and moisture
content should be carried out as frequently as specified in AS 1379. All aggregate including
sand moisture contents should be tested in the laboratory prior to the commencement of
production and at regular intervals throughout the production mixing. It is recommended to
conduct tests at the start of production (daily) and for every new load of aggregate if required
and practicable.

5.1.2 Batching

At the beginning of a new contract, and particularly if there is limited experience with tremie
concrete at the plant experienced personnel may be required for additional supervision of
all parts of initial production or the lack of experience needs to be addressed by training,
additional personnel or closer monitoring by management.

Batching tolerances are to comply with AS 1379.

The quality of fresh concrete may fluctuate at the beginning of production. It is therefore
recommended that workability tests are conducted for every load, until consistent and
compliant results are obtained. Thereafter, every batch should be visually checked by an
experienced and trained operator. Routine testing should be carried out at the frequency
recommended in AS 1379 or as per project specification.
Note: Delaying the addition of admixtures until after batching is complete may improve both the
final level of workability and the workable life of the concrete

5.1.3 Mixing

Efficient mixing is crucial to the end product. Total binder content, aggregates and admixtures
should be thoroughly dispersed throughout the concrete. Mixing time should to be pre-
determined in trials and applied throughout the production cycle. It is expected that mixing
times will generally be longer for tremie concrete than for normal concrete. Mixers may need to
be utilized at 75-85% of maximum capacity.

5.1.4 Delivery and transportation

Depending on the size of the elements under construction, production capacity, delivery time
and placing capability need to be considered.

Tremie concrete should be designed to ensure that workability is maintained to meet the
specified requirements of the finished element. Generally, it is essential to ensure that delivery
and placing can be completed within the workability life of the concrete.

To cater for the potential for breakdown of the concrete plant, the proximity and availability of
a back-up concrete plant should be considered in order to guarantee continuous delivery of
tremie concrete to finish the work.

Concrete mixed at a remote concrete supply plant or dry mixed inside a truck should be
transported to the point of discharge by truck-mounted drum mixers complying with the
requirements of AS 1379.

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 21

After completion of mixing, the concrete should be continuously agitated until it is fully
discharged. The agitation speed should be specified by the manufacturer of the equipment,
and should be at the optimum discharge barrel speed after mixing and during discharge.

5.2 Concrete control on site

5.2.1 General

All sampling and testing of fresh concrete on site shall comply with current standards and
should follow further recommendations within this guide.

5.2.2 Acceptance tests and frequency of testing

On site the compliance of the delivered concrete with the approved mix design has to be
verified in terms of composition and fresh concrete properties. Concrete samples to determine
hardened concrete properties shall be taken on site.

Table 2 outlines recommendations on type and frequency of testing required to achieve


In terms of workability and stability it is considered that common slump/slump flow tests should
be sufficient to demonstrate compliance on site with pre-production tested mix, confirming
also other workability or stability characteristics from pre-production trials. Furthermore, the
slump/slump flow of fresh concrete should not show significant variation between individual
batches, provided the characteristics, temperature and proportions of the ingredients used to
make the concrete do not vary from batch to batch of the concrete made. Consequently, a
limited number of test methods compared to pre-production testing (section 4) is deemed to
be sufficient for verifying required concrete quality in detail.

Table 2: Acceptance test types and testing frequencies

Condition of placement
Inspection of Inspection by
dry wet
Delivery docket
Each batch
Composition control
Batching records As required
Visual control Each batch
Flowability Slump test /
1 batch of each pour Each batch*
Slump flow test
Workability L-box test If required If required
Stability VSI test 1 batch of each pour Each batch*
Water retention ability Filtration test If required
Workability life Knead bag test If required
Compressive strength 1 sample per 50 m³,
test at least 1 per day or 3 per element
Others (to be assessed) If required If required

* Testing frequency may be reduced as per project specifications to one test for 5-10 loads once target values have been
achieved in at least 5 consecutive tests, unless visual control suggests out of tolerance concerns.

Note: Project specifications may over-ride the requirements recommended in table 2.

22 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

Where non-conformances occur further testing will be required. All non-compliances and any
proposed remedial measures shall be recorded and reported. Non-compliant concrete must
not be used for placement in the pile or wall element.

If the required test data do not comply with specifications, remedial measures shall be
introduced immediately. Those measures shall be determined mutually between client, supplier
and contractor prior to commencement of works on site.

If more than one test method is carried out to verify sufficient workability of tremie concrete, a
single non-compliance should not necessarily cause rejection of concrete.
Note: The following examples may assist:
If the measured slump is below the tolerance and indicates the concrete might be too stiff,
adding super-plasticiser (dosage is the responsibility of the concrete supplier) should be
allowed and testing should be repeated.
If the measured slump exceeds the upper tolerance value, but the L-Box test still indicates
acceptable workability, placing may be allowed.
If these non-compliances occur repeatedly, further tests (preferably on-site) are necessary
to assess a reviewed target slump value.
If both tests show values outside the specified tolerances, the concrete should be

5.3 Pouring

Before commencement of pouring, it should be confirmed by the contractor and the client, that
the actual pre-pouring conditions are in accordance with design and specifications, e.g.:

- excavation depth,

- minimum concrete cover (spacers) and

- minimum clearance of reinforcement.

Restrictions on sediment at the base of an element may apply and should be determined by
the contractor/client’s geotechnical representative. Checks on maximum sand content in the
supporting fluid before pouring should be carried out by the piling contractor.

If pouring is carried out under dry conditions, a short trunking or lay flat tubing might be used.
The trunking should be at least 3 m long. However, it is recommended not to exceed a free-fall
height of 3 m when leaving the trunking. Any fall heights >3 m are outside this Recommend
Practice. Several piling systems use high slump concrete for dry pours using fall heights >3 m,
these systems are not part of this document (refer to 1.4.38).

Where concrete is to be poured under water or under a supporting fluid a tremie pipe shall
be used. At commencement of pouring the tremie pipe shall reach to the base of excavation.
The tremie pipe is raised in stages throughout the placement of concrete and shall remain
submerged an absolute minimum of 2 m into the concrete until the concrete pour is completed.

Under wet conditions the horizontal flow distance should be limited to 3 m for tremie concrete
with high flowability. Under dry conditions the horizontal flow distance should be limited to 1.5 m.

No vibrators should be used under wet conditions.

Note: For pouring under dry conditions, when concrete with low slump/slump flow targets is
utilized, vibrating may be allowed under certain circumstances (only in the top section to
allow consolidation).

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 23

Fresh concrete shall always be poured into concrete which retains sufficient workability. Where
a casing is withdrawn, concrete should have a minimum workability at the time of withdrawal.
Detailed requirements are to be agreed on a project specific basis.

Note: Special assessment can be made by subjecting concrete to the L-Box test method after
being allowed to stand in the L-Box tube for the defined time period.

Appendix C contains applicable work method statements, which should be extended and
amended to suit project specific requirements.

5.4 Documentation

Documentation shall be in accordance with current standards and project specifications. With
regards to tremie concrete full documentation on mix design, technical data of all components
and compliance with relevant standards, codes and specifications is required.

Appendix D contains typical standard forms for Quality Control.

24 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

Appendix A - Test Methods

A.1 Slump, slump flow and visual stability index test

A.1.1 Overview

• The test method described below is used to simply determine the behaviour of fresh
concrete with a maximum coarse aggregate size of 20 mm or less.

• The main measured parameter is the vertical subsidence of concrete, termed “slump”
(standardised in AS1012.3.1), indicating the consistency of fresh concrete.

• The slump flow is a measure for the workability of fresh concrete, i.e. the ability to flow
into all spaces within the excavation.

• The visual stability index is result of a visual assessment and ranks the stability of

• The combined test procedure allows a simple and rapid assessment of consistency,
workability and stability of ready-mixed concrete supplied to site, from load to load.

• The test described below usually requires only one operator.

A.1.2 Equipment required

• Sample buckets

• A rigid flat plate with smooth, non-absorptive (polished metal) surface, at least 700 mm
in diameter, marked with a circle indicating the central location for the slump cone.

Note: A confined plate providing a quick release lock can’t be used unless only the
slump is supposed to be measured.

• Slump cone (mould) in accordance with AS1012.3.1, with a flange at the bottom to
enable it to be held against the board by operator’s feet.

• Tape measure to 1 mm accuracy.

• Timer to 0.1 second accuracy.

• Rod, scoop and ruler in accordance with AS1012.3.1

A.1.3 Test procedure

• Procedure of sampling and testing shall generally follow AS1012.3.1. Level and check
that the plate is on a stable and horizontal subsurface. Moisten the surface of the plate,
sample bucket and cone, remove any excess water.

• Simultaneously commence stop watch and raise the cone and allow the concrete to
subside, and flow.

• Measure and record the time, to the nearest 1 second, for the spreading concrete to
reach the final diameter (Tfinal).

• Measure and record the final diameters of the concrete spread in two perpendicular
directions. Report the final diameter of the concrete spread as the average of two
perpendicular diameters, to the nearest 10 mm (Dfinal).

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 25

• Measure the vertical subsidence, i.e. the difference between the original and (average)
displaced position of the center of the top surface of the concrete, and report as
slump, to the nearest 10 mm (h).


• Review and report visually detectable segregation as per table A.1.1:

Table A.1: Visual Stability Index, value, assessment and criteria; following [13]

VSI value Visual assessment Criteria

0 Highly Stable No evidence of segregation or bleeding

1 Stable No evidence of segregation and slight bleeding observed

as a (wet) sheen on the concrete mass

2 Unstable A slight mortar halo ≤ 10 mm and/or aggregate pile in the

center of the concrete mass and/or water puddles

A.1.4 Interpretation of results

• In terms of workability, higher slump values h, greater final diameters Dfinal and shorter
times tfinal for reaching the final spread, all indicate a greater flowing and filling ability.

• The test is only valid if it yields a “true slump”. When the concrete specimen falls
apart during the test (e.g. separating aggregates) or if a non-symmetric slump occurs
(laterally collapsed or sheared specimen) the test is not acceptable and has to be

• If the two measurements of the slump flow diameters differ by more than 50 mm, then
the test is deemed to be invalid and shall be repeated.

• Stability parameters marking the tendency for segregation or bleeding are not
quantitatively detectable by the slump test. But as a certain degree of cohesion is an
absolute prerequisite for a true slump and an absolute requirement for tremie pours,
the visual examination of the concrete mass shall be used for quality control.

• Table A.1 contains Visual Stability Index (VSI) values with corresponding criteria to
qualitatively assess the stability of fresh concrete. After spreading of the concrete
has stopped, visually inspect the concrete mixture by observing the distribution of
the coarse aggregate within the concrete mass, the distribution of the mortar fraction
particularly along the perimeter, and the bleeding characteristics. Assign a Visual
Stability Index (VSI) value to the concrete spread using the criteria, according to ASTM
C1611, shown in Table A.1.

Note: The technician must use best judgement, however, the following questions may

help assessing the stability of the concrete mass by observing:

- Is there definitely no halo of paste or even water around the concrete mass? If a
water halo might result from remained moistening water only the test should be

- Did the aggregate spread uniform with the mortar or is there a pile of coarse
aggregate in the center of the mass?

- Is the visible paste equally and slightly moist, or is there a puddle of water, paste or
mortar on top of the concrete mass?

26 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

Figure A.1.1 Visual Stability Index test, illustrating Value 0 result.

A.1.5 Optional use of slump test method

• Slump retention ability:

Tests on different samples, carried out at a constant time interval after mixing may
prove the stability in terms of retaining the consistence with time. The “slump retention
ability” describes the time span after mixing of binder with water during which strictly
comparable results have been obtained. In accordance with the acceptable tolerance
of 40 mm for the slump, the minimum slump should not fall below the target slump
minus 40 mm. (For slump tolerance refer to project specifications).

• Water retention ability, non-thixotropy:

A modified slump cone, with a quick release locking mechanism attached to the
conical mould to anchor it to the base plate under a firm downward pressure, may
be used to determine the water retention ability and any thixotropic behaviour of the
fresh concrete. The test should be carried out on an extra sample at the same age
simultaneously or immediately after testing the normal slump. In this adapted test the
concrete is held in the mould for 15 minutes before release.

If water drains out of the concrete forced only by self-weight, or if the concrete
demonstrates thixotropic behaviour the subsequently measured slump might be much
lower than the original slump. If water drainage, together with an obvious drop of
concrete level before lifting the cone, was observed the lower slump could be related
to poor water retention ability. Should this be observed the thixotropic behaviour might
need to be further investigated.

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 27

Figure A.1.2 Slump/Slump Flow Test Apparatus

A.2 L-Box test

A.2.1 Overview

• The test method is used to indirectly measure the workability of a concrete with a
maximum coarse aggregate size of 20 mm or less, to flow (flowing ability), to flow
into all spaces within the excavation (filling ability) and flow through tight spaces and
openings (passing ability) under a certain, decreasing concrete head pressure.

• The test method is a widely used test, mainly suitable for pre-production laboratory
assessment of mix design.

• The obstacles (bars) may have some influence on concrete flow; however, this
arrangement does, to some extent, replicate what happens to concrete on site when it
is confined within excavation.

A.2.2 Equipment Required

• Sample buckets.

• L-Box made with smooth, non-absorptive surfaces (preferably galvanised steel), with
rigid shape and dimensions as shown in the figure below. Gate assembly to prevent
the flow of concrete at the time of charging, and provide smooth and quick opening
to commence flow. Equally distributed, place 3 rebars dia 12 mm for a maximum
aggregate size of 10 mm and 2 rebars for a maximum aggregate size of 20 mm.

• Tape measure to 1 mm accuracy.

• Timer to 0.1 second accuracy.

A.2.3 Test Procedure

• Set L-Box on a horizontal plane.

• Moisten the surfaces of the L-Box and sampling buckets, removing any excess water.

28 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

• Close the discharge gate.

• Sample concrete representatively (approximately 14 litres).

• Remix samples prior to use by transferring from initial sub-sample buckets into other
buckets of equivalent size to ensure a homogenous sample.

• Fill box by gently pouring in concrete continuously until it reaches the top edge/rim of
the box.

• Trowel off and level any excess concrete from top.

• Leave concrete sample to stand for 1 minute.

• Simultaneously commence stop watch and raise the gate, allowing the concrete to flow
through the reinforcement into the horizontal section of the box.

• Measure, record and report the time, to the nearest 1 second for the concrete to reach
the far end of the L-Box (Tend).

• Measure, record and report the (average) filling height of the concrete at the far end of
the L-Box to the nearest 5 mm (fend).

• In case the concrete doesn’t reach the end of the L-Box measure and record travel
distance from the gate.

• Inspect the height difference between the concrete inside and that just outside
adjacent to the bars to find possible blocking. If coarse aggregate is blocked and
therefore the concrete did not clearly pass through the bars, report as “blocking”.

• Review and report visually detectable segregation.

A.2.4 Interpretation of Result

• The time to reach the end of L-Box, the filling height and the proof of no blocking are
indications of flowability, filling ability and passing ability, hence of workability. The lower
the travel time, the greater the flowability; the greater the filling height, the greater the
filling ability; the less the tendency to blocking, the greater the passing ability: in total
the greater the workability of concrete.

• In the case of severe segregation considerable coarse aggregate will remain behind the
reinforcement, and only mortar paste would proceed towards the end of the box.

Figure A.2.1 L-box

A.2.5 Optional use

• The test can be conducted even after a rest of 60 minutes (or more), if evidence of
workability properties with time is required.

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 29

A.3 BAUER filtration test

A.3.1 Overview

• This test method is used to measure the ability of a concrete with a maximum coarse
aggregate size of 20 mm or less to retain its water under pressure.

• This test determines the amount of water de-filtered when concrete is subjected to a
certain applied pressure.

• The test method was further developed from the filtration test procedure for bentonite
and is similar to the filtration test in accordance with the Austrian Guide for soft
concrete [5].

• The BAUER filtration test can be used for pre-production laboratory assessment or for
approval on site. Testing usually starts immediately after mixing of concrete or at time
of delivery on site.

• The test results describe the filtration loss and the filter cake thickness.

A.3.2 Equipment required

• Sample buckets

• Filter press unit, consisting of:

- Steel cylinder with non-absorptive surfaces and of rigid shape and dimensions as
shown in the figure below (volume of approximately 1500 cm³)

- Bottom with sealing, locking mechanism and central aperture for later release of
excess water

- Sieve to place into the bottom of the filter press unit

- Pressure unit with sealing and calibrated manometer to place on top of steel cylinder

- Filter paper with a specific weight of 80 ± 20 g/m² and permeability of 2000 l/m²s

- Additional rubber seals for bottom and lid of steel cylinder

• Scoop

• 2-ml scale measuring cylinder (of 50 to 100 ml volume preferably)

• Timer to 1 second accuracy

• Ruler with 1 mm accuracy

A.3.3 Test procedure

• Centrally place sieve, a new filter paper and the rubber seal into the bottom of the

• Place steel cylinder on the bottom and lock.

• Fill fresh concrete into the cylinder in two layers and rod each to de-aerate; make sure
that the top level remains less than 10 mm below the top of the cylinder.

• Place pressure unit on top of the cylinder.

• Place complete filter press unit into the stand, and lock by screwing down soundly.

• De-aerate the manometer.

30 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

• Put measuring cylinder below the aperture of the bottom of the unit, start timer when
increasing the pressure, reach 5 bar within 10 seconds, maintain at 5 bar and release
immediately after 5 minutes.

• Measure, record and report, to the nearest 1 ml, the volume of filtered water.

• De-mould and let the concrete slide off. Then measure, record and report to the
nearest 10 mm, the thickness of the filter cake, which is the de-filtered part of the
concrete sample and of stiff consistency (still forms a cylinder).

A.3.4 Interpretation of result

• In terms of stability the water retention ability is greater with a lower filtration loss and a
thinner filter cake.

• The filtration loss is to be determined by following formula:

filtered water [ml] . 1.000

filtration loss [kg / m3] =
cylinder volume [cm3]

A.3.5 Optional use

• The test can be conducted at several times after mixing of concrete, if evidence of
stability with time is required.

Schematic Apparatus

Figure A.3.1 BAUER filtration test

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 31

A.4 Knead bag test
A.4.1 Overview
• This test method is used to directly measure the change of consistency, resulting from
hydration, of a fresh concrete prior to a pour.
• The test method is a simple test procedure to assess the maximum workability life.
• Different stages of consistency, changing with time from the liquid via the soft to the
plastic and even to firm stage can be measured.
A.4.2 Equipment required
• Watertight plastic bag.
• Timer.
• Scoop.
A.4.3 Test procedure
• Fill 2 - 3 litres of fresh concrete in the plastic bag, remove air and seal the plastic bag.
• Place knead bag on flat hand and press a thumb into the fresh concrete at regular intervals.
• Meanwhile, store plastic bag in a bucket at a constant temperature of 15 to 30°C. Do
not expose it to direct sunlight.
• Report the time and the actual stage of consistency in accordance with the following table.

Table A.4.1: Consistency and behaviour at kneading.

Consistency Behaviour at kneading
Liquid Running around flat hand -
Soft Slumping on flat hand, easily deforming when pressed -
Plastic No movement around flat hand, kneadable
Initial set
Stiff Compressible, but less than 30 mm
Semi-firm Compressible, but less than 10 mm -
Firm Compressible, but less than 1 mm Final set

A.4.4 Interpretation of results

• The assessment of sufficient workability life can be determined with respect to the liquid
consistency (for wet conditions’ concrete) or soft consistency (for dry conditions’ concrete)
• The hydration phase of initial set can be determined roughly by measuring the time
needed for achieving the plastic consistency which marks the end of any workability for
tremie concrete.

Liquid consistency Soft consistency Plastic consistency

Figure A.4.1: Knead bag test

32 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

Appendix B - Specification Guide

Table B1 provides a template for the specification of tremie concrete in regards to its field of
application. The values reflect recommended practice, but do not necessarily apply to any
specific project.

Table B1: Evidence on values of properties assessed by test methods described in Appendix A.

Suggested value for structural element of length l

and for optional pouring conditions
Test Method
and properties assessed
Dry Wet, flow distance
< 1.2 m ≥ 1.2 m
(pile ø < 2.4m) (pile ø ≥ 2.4m)


h (mm) – subsidence of top of surface ≥ 140* ≥ 180 ≥ 220

Slump flow

D (mm) – diameter of spread of concrete - ≥ 400 ≥ 450

Recommended range (mm) - 500 ± 100 550 ± 100

Tfinal (sec) – time to reach final spread

Recommended range (sec) 7±4 7±4

Visual Stability Index

VSI Index (visual assessment) Class 0 Class 0 Class 0



Tend (sec) – time to reach end of box - ≤ 12 ≤8

fend – filling height at far end (mm) - >0 ≥ 50

Blocking at bars (visual assessment) No No No


Bauer filtration

Filtration loss (l/m³) ≤ 30 ≤ 30 @ l ≤ 15 m

≤ 15 @ l > 15 m

Filter cake thickness (mm) ≤ 150 ≤ 150 @ l ≤ 15 m

≤ 100 @ l > 15 m


Knead bag project specific project specific

Transition from ...

- liquid to soft consistency (h) (≥ . . .) ≥...

- soft to plastic consistency (h) ≥... ≥...

*If slump under dry conditions ≥ 180mm concrete should be placed as under wet conditions.
Note: Slump values specified in table B1 are not target figures, they are minimum measured
values, recommended at the point of discharge on site.

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 33

Appendix C - Work method statements

Any work method statement in regards of placement of tremie concrete should consider of the

Concrete shall be supplied in accordance with the specification/design requirements.

A target slump or slump flow value has to be agreed before the commencement of work.
The target slump or slump flow value, within the allowable tolerance, is required at time of
placement. Concrete setting shall be retarded to the extent that, after arrival on site, workability
and stability can be maintained for the nominal duration of placement, including an allowance
for foreseeable delays. A target workability life shall be agreed for designing and testing of
concrete with due consideration to the nature and dosage of admixtures used.

Concrete shall be supplied to site by concrete agitator trucks and a constant and continuous
pouring rate shall be maintained.

Concrete is poured continuously into the hopper on the top of the tremie and monitored
visually during the pouring process. The level of the leading front of the concrete is monitored
at appropriate intervals (e.g. at the end of each truck load) using suitable tools, e.g. weighted
tapes, and the Sample Concrete Consumption Record sheet at Appendix D.3 should be

Tremie pouring shall continue in an uninterrupted manner until pouring of the pile is completed
and sound concrete is at the required top level of the element, which is generally well above the
design concrete cut-off level.

C.1 Placing of tremie concrete under dry conditions

Trunking, a tremie pipe or lay flat tube is assembled and placed inside the excavation/cage with
a length of at least 3 m to ensure that the maximum free fall height does not exceed 3 m.

As the concrete rises in the pile, the pipe shall be withdrawn in sections ensuring that the
maximum free fall height of the concrete does not exceed the previously determined height.

A minimum over-pouring height of 2 x slump is recommended for dry conditions, increasing

with enlarged dimensions of the element and with tendency to segregation and bleeding.

C.2 Placing of tremie concrete under wet conditions

Casting of each element is carried out using the wet tremie technique. A steel pipe with wa-
tertight joints is assembled and the bottom section is sealed with a steel plate. The pipe as-
sembly is then lowered down into the excavation and placed at the bottom of the hole / trench.
Concrete is discharged into the pipe until the tremie pipe is completely filled. The tremie pipe
assembly is then lifted by 200-300 mm and the steel plate will fall off under the weight of the
concrete inside the pipe. Concrete is discharged in a hopper continuously and the tremie pipe
has to be filled with concrete throughout the entire pour.

Alternatively, a rubber ball can be used as a separator which is placed in the top section of
the tremie before the concrete is discharged. The tremie pipe is not sealed at the bottom (and
filled with drilling fluid) and the outlet is suspended about 200-300mm above the bottom of the
excavation. When concrete is discharged into the pipe, the rubber ball separates the concrete
from the drilling fluid. The base of the excavation will be cleaned from remaining debris by the
drill fluid which is flushed through the tremie pipe by the free falling concrete. The rubber ball
will be either destroyed after leaving the bottom of the tremie pipe, when it is pushed through
the reinforcement cage or it can be recovered and re-used.

34 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

As the concrete rises in the pile, the tremie pipe should be withdrawn in sections to improve
flow, ensuring that a minimum immersion of 2 m (or 1.0 m, whichever is greater) of the tremie
pipe into the concrete is maintained at all times.

A minimum over-pouring height of 4 x slump is recommended for wet conditions, increasing

with enlarged dimensions of the element (usually 1.0m and greater) and with tendency to
segregation and bleeding.

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 35

Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations
Recommended Practice

Appendix D - QA standard forms

Appendix D QA standard forms

D.1 Sample Caisson
Sample report
Caisson report

36 tc-guide_draft_07-11- 21-Feb-12
Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations Page 39 of 42
Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations
Recommended Practice

D.2 Sample Bentonite
Sample record
Bentonite record

tc-guide_draft_07-11- 21-Feb-12 Page 40 of 42


Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 37

D.3 Sample Concrete consumption record

38 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations
Appendix E

Tremie Concrete Testing Sheet for Piles <2.4m in diameter (wet pour)

Date: Concrete Supplier:

Project: Test Locations:

Concrete Mix No: Max Aggregate:

Target Strength: Retardation Time:

Target Slump: Pile Length L:

Pile No:

Tremie Concrete test methods Date:

and recommended test values Time:

Age of mix:

Slump - actual (mm) ≥ 180

Spread - diameter (mm) ≥ 400

Spread time T final (sec) 7±4

L-box filling ratio ≥ 0.2

L-box time T end (sec) ≤ 12

VSI index 0

Filtration loss (ml), L≤15m ≤ 44

Filter cake thickness (mm), L≤15m ≤ 150

Filtration loss (ml), L>15m ≤ 22

Filter cake thickness (mm) L>15m ≤ 100

Knead bag - liquid to soft (h) TBA

Knead bag - soft to plastic (h) TBA


Contractor Representative: Client Representative:

Name: Name:

Signature: Signature:

Date: Date:

Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations 39


1 Review on Tremie Concrete for Special Geotechnical Work, working paper, PFSF, 2011

2 Recommended Practice on Super-Workable Concrete, CIA, 2005

3 Neville, A.M., Brooks, J.J.: Concrete Technology, Prentice Hall, 1987

4 Neville A.M.: Properties of Concrete 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1996

5 Guideline on soft concrete, Austrian Association for concrete and construction technique,
12-2009 (German: Merkblatt “Weiche Betone” by ÖVBB)

6 AS 1012 Methods of Testing Concrete, Standards Australia

7 Specification and Guidelines for Self – Compacting Concrete EFNARC, February 2002.

8 Recommendation for Self – Compacting Concrete Japan Society of Civil Engineers –

Concrete Engineering Series 31, August 1999.

9 AS 1478.1 Chemical admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout ; –Admixtures for
concrete, Standards Australia, 2000.

10 AS 1379 Specification and supply of concrete, Standards Australia, 1999.

11 AS 3600 - 2009 Concrete structures, Standards Australia, 2009

12 AS 5100.5 - 2004 Bridge Design - Concrete, Standards Australia, 2004

13 ATSM C1611 / 1611 M-05 Standard Method for slump flow of self-consolidating

40 Recommended Practice,Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations

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