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Z40 Super-Workable Concrete RECOMMENDED PRACTICE

Super-Workable Concrete


Super-Workable Concrete
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Concrete Institute of Australia ACN 000 715 453

Z40 First published September 2005
ISBN 0 909375 69 0

Super-Workable Concrete
Committee Members

The Institute acknowledges the support

and funding received from Cement Concrete and
Aggregates Australia in producing this publication.
A committee chaired by Mr David Beal and
comprising CCAA Technical Committee members and
representatives of the major Admixture producers was
responsible for researching and preparing the technical
content of this publication.

Super-Workable Concrete
4.3 Placement, Finish, Curing and
Joint Control 14
4.3.1 General 14
4.3.2 Placing Distance 14
1 General 4.3.3 Flatwork 14
1.1 Purpose 5 4.3.4 Mass Concrete 15
1.2 Scope 5 4.3.5 Walls/Columns/Beams 15
1.3 Background 6 4.4 Formwork 15
1.4 Definitions (Terminology) 6 4.4.1 Structural Design 15
1.5 Flowing Concrete 6 4.4.2 Release Agents 15
1.6 Benefits and Characteristics 4.4.3 Strip Timing 15
of SWC 6
5 Performance Verification
2 Characteristic Performance of SWC
5.1 General 16
2.1 Introduction 8
5.2 Laboratory/Trial Verification 16
2.2 Ranking of Structures/Members
Incorporating SWC 8 5.3 Field Verification 16
2.3 Plastic Properties of SWC 8 5.4 Quality Control Verification 16
2.3.1 Flowability 8 5.5 Hardened Concrete
Inspection/Verification 16
2.3.2 Passing around
Reinforcement 8 Appendix A Test Methods
2.3.3 Segregation Resistance 8 A.1 Modification to AS 1012 Standard Test
2.3.4 Bleed 9 Methods 18
2.4 Hardened Concrete Properties A.1.1 Sampling 18
of SWC 9 A.1.2 Making Test Specimens 18
2.4.1 Compressive Strength 9 A.2 Slump Flow Test Method 18
2.4.2 Tensile Strength 9 A.2.1 Overview 18
2.4.3 Shrinkage 9 A.2.2 Equipment Required 18
2.4.4 Modulus of Elasticity 9 A.2.3 Test Procedure 19
2.4.5 Bond Strength 9 A.2.4 Interpretation of Result 19
2.4.6 Structural Performance 9 A.3 Slump Flow and J-Ring Test Method 20
2.4.7 Durability 9 A.3.1 Overview 20
3 Materials and Proportioning A.3.2 Equipment Required 20
3.1 General 10 A.3.3 Test Procedure 20
3.2 Materials 10 A.3.4 Interpretation of Result 21
3.2.1 Cementitious/Binder 10 A.4 L-Box Test Method 22
3.2.2 Admixtures – General 10 A.4.1 Overview 22
3.2.3 Superplasticisers (HWR) 10 A.4.2 Equipment Required 22
3.2.4 Viscosity Modifiers (VMA) 11 A.4.3 Test Procedure 22
3.3 Proportioning 11 A.4.4 Interpretation of Result 23
3.3.1 General 11 A.5 Orimet Test Method 24
3.3.2 Basics 11 A.5.1 Overview 24
3.3.3 Initial Design Methodology 12 A.5.2 Equipment Required 24
A.5.3 Test Procedure 24
4 Production Control
A.5.4 Interpretation of Result 25
4.1 Concrete Supplier Control 13
A.6 GTM Screen Stability Test Method 26
4.1.1 Plant Selection 13
A.6.1 Overview 26
4.1.2 Raw Material Storage 13
A.6.2 Equipment Required 26
4.1.3 Batching 13
A.6.3 Test Procedure 26
4.1.4 Mixing 13
A.6.4 Interpretation of Result 26
4.1.5 Delivery andTransportation 13
4.2 Transportation 14 Appendix B Specification Guide 27
4.2.1 Pumping 14 References 28
4.2.2 Other on-site methods 14 Bibliography 28

Super-Workable Concrete
1 some vibration – depending on the application of the
concrete, its mix design, methods of placement, the
General size and shape of each element of the structure, and
the layout and amount of reinforcement.
Typical binders, admixtures and modifiers used
1.1 Purpose to produce SWC are:
Binary/ternary system low-heat binder – a type
This Recommended Practice provides

of cement made of normal or moderate-heat

guidance for consultants involved in the preparation of
portland cement mixed with ground granulated
specifications for the use of super-workable concrete
blast-furnace slag and/or fly ash.
(SWC). It covers properties, ingredients, proportioning,
An admixture of limestone powder – limestone
and production control of the material. It was not the

consisting primarily of CaCO3 pulverized to a

aim to provide exhaustive information on each topic but
specific surface area of 25,000 to
to give only guidance; full information can be found in
80,000 m2/kg. It has a low chemical activity
the material listed under References and Bibliography.
and is not regarded as a binder.
Australian Standards do not currently cover
Viscosity modifying agents – these are
suitable test methods for this type of concrete. In

classified into two types, viz those used simply

this document an appendix is therefore devoted to
to impart segregation resistance to fresh
descriptions of test methods selected (after testing
concrete and those used both for imparting
using Australian materials) from the large range
segregation resistance (curbing the effects of
developed by various research organisations around
fluctuating qualities of the materials) and high
the world. The descriptions of these selected tests
deformability to the freshly made concrete.
have been written in such a way as to make use of
SWC proportioned to provide the required
the current Australian Standard for testing concrete,

compactability and not by using aviscosity

AS 10121. A second appendix provides guidance on
agent but primarily to reduce the water
the selection of appropriate values (depending on the
– powder ratio (in effect increasing the powder
ranking of the structure) for the properties tested.
content) to impart adequate segregation
resistance. The use of air-entraining and
1.2 Scope
high-range water-reducing admixtures
Two basic types of high workability concrete (superplasticisers) impart high liquid
are used in the concrete construction industry, ie deformability.
Super-Workable Concrete and Flowing Concrete. This ■ Combination-type or hybrid SWC produced
publication provides information mainly for Super- by the use of a viscosity-increasing agent
Workable Concretes (SWC). and reducing the water-powder ratio (in
Flowing concrete is produced by the addition of effect increasing the binder content) and
a superplasticiser to concrete of normal workability (ie incorporating a high-range water-reducing
typical workability at an 80-mm slump) which increases admixture. The viscosity increasing agent or
the slump up to 250 mm. It does not bleed excessively thickener can also be added to reduce quality
or segregate. Although it may be self-levelling, this fluctuations of fresh concrete.
type of concrete normally needs a certain amount of Other concrete raw materials can be used for
additional compactive effort to achieve full compaction. making SWC, eg rock fines.
It is useful for placing in very heavily-reinforced
sections, in inaccessible areas, in floor or road slabs
and also where very rapid placing is desired.
Super-workable concrete incorporates special
binders and/or admixtures to increase workability
above the measurable slump as measured by slump
cone apparatus and its workability is measured by flow
and other methods. It may be self-compacting but,
due to possible entrapped macro air voids, may need

Super-Workable Concrete
1.3 Background Workability – A measure of the ease by which
The development of superplasticising fresh concrete can be placed and compacted.
admixtures (high-range water reducers) allowed the This is a complex combination of the aspects
development of flowing concrete in the mid 1970s. of fluidity, cohesiveness, transportability,
The development of SWC began in Japan in the early compactability and stickiness.
1980s (see Hurd2). Many of these concretes were Mortar – The fraction of the concrete
called SCC (self compacting concrete) but may or comprising the binding paste plus those
may not be self compacting without additional effort aggregates passing a 4.75-mm sieve.
depending on many factors. This research work started Paste – The fraction of the concrete
because of the concerns about concrete durability, comprising powder plus water and air.
with researchers realising that poor compaction Powder (Fines) – A generic term for solid
of concrete was a major factor in the declining materials including cement with a particle size
quality of construction work. The first SCC mix was smaller than 0.125 mm in average diameter.
demonstrated in Japan in 1988. SWCs have now Fillability – The ability of SWC to flow into and
reached 40% of the total concrete placed in Japan. fill completely all spaces within the formwork.
This technology was transferred to Europe
during the 1990s with the development of a new 1.5 Flowing Concrete
polycarboxylate generation of high-range water- The main benefit of the use of flowing concrete
reducing admixtures (superplasticisers). is to allow easier and quicker placing without recourse
to higher water-cement ratios or high cement contents.
1.4 Definitions It is important to note that not all normal concretes
The definitions of terms (see EFNARC3 and typically supplied at an 80-mm slump can be modified
JSCE4 publications) used in this document are: to produce flowing concrete. A mix design should be
Self-Compacting Concrete – Concrete having used which gives workability without segregation and
the characteristics of self-compactability. bleeding. Flowing concrete must be compacted by
Self-Compactability – A property of concrete vibration.
related to its placeability, enabling it to
completely fill the formwork by its own weight 1.6 Benefits and Characteristics of SWC
without vibration and without any micro air The benefits of SWC can be summarised as:
voids being formed. ■ Reduced construction time2,3.
Resistance to Segregation – The ability of ■ Reduced manpower required for placing and
fresh concrete to maintain uniform distribution compacting2,3.
of its ingredients against segregating action ■ Lower equipment costs and less noise since
induced by gravity and external forces. fewer or no vibrators may be required2,3.
Passability – The capability of fresh concrete ■ Ability to fill complex forms and members with
to pass through narrow spaces (eg between congested reinforcement2,3.
reinforcing bars) by its own weight without ■ Elimination of rubbing and patching ordinarily
using vibrating procedures and without required to fill defects in poorly consolidated
causing segregation or blocking. surfaces2.
Placeability – A property of fresh concrete ■ Safer working environment3.
representing the relative ease of transporting, The principal benefits of SWC are the
placing, filling, compacting and finishing. characteristics of the fresh mix. It has easy flow with
Binder – The total combined cement and increased cohesion and resistance to segregation but
binding materials in a super-workable places particular demands on the mix design.

Super-Workable Concrete
Important points to be noted about SWC can be
summarised as:
■ Slower strength gain if high proportions of fly
ash, or ground slag are incorporated2.
■ Because of the higher fines content and
viscosity, it exhibits little or no bleeding2,4.
■ Potential for increased plastic shrinkage
cracking. The curing procedures are therefore,
important, particularly on large, flat exposed
■ Being more susceptible to quality fluctuations
and batching errors of raw materials, SWC
concretes require stricter quality control,
production control and construction control
than conventional concrete4.
■ Unless the mix design is thoroughly tested
to ensure easy pumpability, the pumping
resistance of SWC may be different to
conventional concrete and should be trialled
in similar conditions to the project prior to the
commencement of the project4.

Super-Workable Concrete
2 It is an important requirement to establish
the placeability for fresh concrete; the strength and
Characteristic Performance durability for hardened concrete. The placeability of
fresh concrete is a property required from the time
of SWC immediately after its production through to the end of
placement. Concrete having the required placeability
can be filled into forms uniformly without causing
segregation. This will produce a structure of the
required dimensions with the required accuracy under
2.1 Introduction
the planned construction conditions. The performances
The pre-setting performance of SWC should required of all hardened concrete include strength and
be adequately established to satisfy the permanent durability.
performance requirements of the structure in
consideration of the structural, constructional and
Table 2.1 Ranking of Super-Workable Concrete
other conditions. The concrete may or may not require
compaction by vibration depending on many factors. Rank of structure/member
If no vibration may be required, this concrete is called
Structural conditions 1 2 3
Self-Compacting Concrete.
The performance of SWC should be adequately Minimum space between <60 60–200 >200
established so that the structural performance required reinforcement (mm)
of the whole structure or individual members can be
attained and the requirements for construction can be Amount of steel per m3 >350 100–350 <100
of concrete (kg)
satisfied, in consideration of various conditions. These
conditions include the structural conditions (such as
shapes, dimensions and reinforcement layout) and
2.3 Plastic Properties of SWC
construction conditions (such as methods of concrete
transporting, placing, finishing and curing). The level of
2.3.1 Flowability5
self-compactability for super workable concrete can be
SWC flows under its own weight, filling
set based on its ranking.
formwork and flowing around recesses or embedded
objects without leaving voids. As it is very fluid, it can
2.2 Ranking of Structures/Members flow considerable distances horizontally and upwards
incorporating SWC to fill vertical elements from the bottom.
The ranking levels should be adequately
2.3.2 Passing Around Reinforcement5
established in regard to concrete mix design for SWC
The passability enables SWC, containing the
giving consideration to the shapes, dimensions and
appropriate aggregate size, to flow around congested
reinforcement conditions of the structure/member4.
reinforcement without blocking or affecting the
The three levels of ranking structures/members
homogeneity of the concrete.
incorporating SWC (which may be self-compacting) are
given in Table 2.1. 2.3.3 Segregation Resistance5
The ranking level of general reinforced concrete Segregation after placement can be observed
structures or members should be Rank 2. as surface bleed water and formation of surface mortar
In order to satisfy the performance requirements laitance. Excessive bleeding is as undesirable in SWC
of the structure and its construction requirements, it is as it is in normal concrete.
necessary to select other basic properties of normal Segregation resistance is the most difficult fresh
concrete as well as the special requirements of SWC. property to achieve in unset (plastic) SWC. The most
The latter relate mainly to the plastic state of the critical manifestation of segregation is the separation of
concrete. the mortar from the coarse aggregate fraction even

Super-Workable Concrete
though full compaction is achieved. This can cause 2.4.4 Modulus of Elasticity5
settlement of coarse aggregate in deep sections, The relationship between static modulus of
together with blocking around reinforcement, which can elasticity and compressive strength is similar for super-
prevent the free flow of concrete. The required cohesive workable mixes and normal concrete mixes.
nature of SWC in spite of its high fluidity is that there is
2.4.5 Bond Strength5,6
no internal settlement of coarse aggregate particles.
The bond between concrete and reinforcement
2.3.4 Bleed for both medium and high-strength grades of SWC is
Refer to Clause 4.3.3 Flatwork for comments as strong as that of the equivalent normal concrete
on bleeding. mixes.

2.4.6 Structural Performance5

2.4 Hardened Properties of SWC
The structural performance of SWC does not
differ much from that of normal concrete for the same
2.4.1 Compressive Strength5
strength grade. Assessment by loading to failure of
At similar water–cement ratios, the characteristic
reinforced columns and beams has shown normal
strength of SWC is normally at least equal to that
fracture patterns occur in all cases.
of normal concrete and has a similar strength
development for the same grade. A characteristic 2.4.7 Durability5
compressive strength of up to 60 MPa at 28 days No difference has been found in carbonation
is easily achievable. For a lower specified strength depth of both types of concrete using the same grade
requirement, the high fines content and low water and same specified period. SWC generally exhibits
to cement-and-fines ratio required for the SWC may lower surface absorption, a probable indication of lower
make it difficult to keep the strength at the specified permeability and improved durability.
level. The benefits of higher characteristic strength may
be incorporated in the specification for the structural

2.4.2 Tensile Strength5

The tensile strength is comparable to the same
grade of normal concrete, as is the ratio of tensile to
compressive strength.

2.4.3 Shrinkage5
Drying shrinkage has been shown to be similar
or lower than that of normal concrete of the same
grade. This is contrary to that expected from the lower
coarse aggregate content, but is partially explained
by the similar water content of SWC and normal
concrete. The high fines content and viscosity of the
SWC inhibit bleeding and, therefore, evaporation, so
the plastic settlement is reduced. Plastic shrinkage and
associated cracking may be increased as water lost (ie
by evaporation) is not replaced by bleed water. Careful
attention to curing procedures is most important,
especially on large flat exposed areas in highly
evaporative conditions.
The use of evaporation-control methods
(eg evaporative retardants, misting, windbreaks)
during finishing may need to be specified to limit the
occurrence of plastic cracking.

Super-Workable Concrete
3 500 and 600 kg/m3 of concrete. Other materials
commonly used for increasing the mortar volume of
Materials and Proportioning SWC are limestone and silica flour; availability, cost
and the influence they may have on the potential for
plastic shrinkage cracking should be considered prior
to project commencement.

3.2.2 Admixtures – General

Admixtures used in producing SWC
3.1 General could include water reducers (WR and WRRe)
Materials for use in SWC are essentially the superplasticiser (HWR, HWRRe), retarders (Re), air
same as used in normal concrete of good quality entraining agents (AEA) and viscosity modifiers (VMA).
and should meet the requirements of the relevant Good quality SWC that is free from segregation
Australian Standards. The proportioning of these but exhibits good self compacting properties whilst
materials is generally considered to be the most critical maintaining a reasonably low water to binder ratio
part of producing good quality SWC (see Clause 3.3 requires the use of HWR admixtures, VMAs are
Proportioning). SWC is generally produced using commonly used in conjunction with HWR admixtures
relatively low water to binder ratios and high dosages to help guard against segregation. Other admixtures
of superplasticiser (HWR), this can make the concrete like AEA, WRRe and RE can also be used depending
highly susceptible to variations in water contents. It is on the specific requirements of the SWC; it is
extremely important for maintaining a uniform water to recommended that trial mixes be conducted prior
binder ratio that moisture contents of the aggregates to the project commencement for the selection of
are checked regularly and that there is no residual admixture dose rates and the compactability of the
water left in the transit mixer prior to batching. admixtures.

3.2.3 Superplasticisers (HWR)

3.2 Materials The two most common HWR admixtures on the
market are beta naphthalene sulphonates (BNS) and
3.2.1 Cementitious Binder
polycarboxylates (PCE). It is generally accepted that
SWC can be produced with most commercially
these products should not be used in conjunction with
available cements; however, when selecting the
each other as severe slump loss may be experienced.
cement and other supplementary cementitious
Recent experience suggests the use of PCEs is more
materials, consideration should be given to the
beneficial than BNS in producing high quality SWC.
specific requirements of the project including strength,
This is due mostly to the large dose range available
durability, exposure conditions, self compactability and
from these materials without significantly affecting the
placement method. The binder content required for
setting time of the concrete, and the very homogenous
producing good quality SCC is generally considered to
nature of the concrete produced when using the PCEs.
be in the range of 400–600 kg/m3, this will obviously
The dose rates of these materials can vary significantly
depend on the performance level and placing
depending on the manufacturers’ formulations,
techniques required of the concrete. Supplementary
binder content and the water to binder ratio. It is
cementitious materials including fly ash, ultra fine
recommended that the manufacturer be consulted prior
fly ash and micro silica are generally believed to be
to the project commencement.
advantageous in producing good quality SWC and are
Trials should be conducted to ensure the
commonly used as a means of controlling viscosity
concrete exhibits the desired characteristics for the
(segregation resistance). All material particles passing
use intended. Specific test data or trials should also be
the 150–micron sieve including cements and other
conducted prior to adding any other form of admixture
pozzolans are considered part of the mortar fraction
to the concrete; this may include colouring and
of SWC. This part of the mortar fraction required for
waterproofing systems. The binder content (including
producing good quality SWC is believed to between

Super-Workable Concrete
supplementary cementitious materials), apart from If SCMs are included in the mix, their effect
helping gain the desired ultimate strength, is extremely on the plastic properties of the SWC should be
important in maintaining a homogenous SWC that is considered. Research has shown that the addition
free from segregation yet still able to fill intricate voids. of fine pozzolans can make SWC very cohesive and
The binder contents as mentioned above are generally sticky, which may cause difficulties in placement.
in the range of 400–600 kg/m3. It may also be
3.3.2 Basics
advisable to use a viscosity modifying admixture (VMA),
The supplier’s main objective is to produce
especially when producing concrete with total binder
SWC that will flow under its own weight without
contents at the lower end of the scale, say 400 kg/m3.
blocking or segregation, while satisfying all the
3.2.4 Viscosity Modifiers (VMA) performance criteria applicable to the specification. In
Viscosity modifying admixtures are considered order to achieve this property, to ensure the aggregates
to be extremely beneficial in SWC to help maintain remain suspended in the concrete paste and to
a segregation-free concrete. These materials are guarantee a maximum degree of compaction, mix
designed specifically to aid in the production of good designs will differ considerably from those for standard
quality SWC; they will not, however, be beneficial if the or normal grade concretes. With this in mind, the
concrete has too high a water-binder ratio or uses low- proportion of total fines and the maximum aggregate
quality materials or poor proportioning. sizes have to be taken into consideration. Other
VMAs can be formulated from many sources, important considerations are:
the most common are cellulose, synthetic polymers ■ Size of materials – A suitable maximum size
and organic gums including Whelan, Guar and aggregate has been shown to be somewhere
Xanthate gum. They can have quite dramatic effects on between 10 and 20 mm.
SWC, for example if too much of the material is used it ■ Gap-graded mix designs – Mix designs that
can make the concrete extremely sticky and difficult to rely on gap-graded materials as part of their
place. It is recommended that trials be carried out prior mix constituents are likely to result in better
to the project commencing to ascertain the optimum flowing mixes than those using continuously-
dose rate. As previously mentioned these materials are graded materials.
particularly useful when producing SWC with relatively ■ Shape of fine materials – The use of sharp,
low binder contents. VMAs can be classified under angular fine particles as a portion of the mortar
AS 1478.17 as a special purpose admixture and may fall paste can result in a resistance of SWC to flow,
under the abbreviations SN, Sre or SAc depending on mainly due to mechanical interference. A high
the setting characteristics of the particular admixture. degree of sphericity is beneficial.
■ Mix designs that are too cohesive or too
3.3 Proportioning well graded (ie containing a large number
of fine graded aggregates) are not suitable
3.3.1 General in producing SWC as the particles finer than
The mix composition should satisfy all the typical 20 mm used for normal concrete
performance criteria specified for the concrete in both will tend to lock up the concrete’s flow by
the plastic and hardened states. In addition to these mechanical interference.
properties SWC must also possess the following key
■ Fillability – SWC must be able to flow into
all spaces within the formwork without the
addition of water or any other assistance.
■ Passability – SWC must flow through tight
opening between reinforcement without
assistance and without blocking.
■ Resistance to segregation – SWC must meet
the above properties without segregating.

Super-Workable Concrete
3.3.3 Initial design methodology
■ Mix design guidelines for SWC inevitably
differ in some respects from those for normal
concrete. Consideration of performance
criteria will influence the type of mix design,
which will be required. Listed in Table 3.1 are
a number of guidelines from various sources,
which have been shown to be beneficial when
designing SWC.
■ Adjustment of the initial mix design may be
necessary. Confirmatory laboratory trial mixes
should be undertaken to verify the plastic
properties of the SWC and used as a basis for
further modifications if required.
■ Water demand is critical. High water demand
often results in segregation and poor

Table 3.1 Mix Design Guidelines

Property CPS 1235 EFNARC3 JSCE4 practical guidelines

Coarse aggregate 50% of bulk density 28%–40% by volume 28%–35% by volume 700–800 kg/m3

Sand (fine aggregate > 50% of total > 38% of the mortar To be determined Approximately half
content) aggregate content volume from other figures of total aggregate

Cementitious content Around 500 kg/m3 400–600 kg/m3 Not less than Higher than normal
0.16–0.19 m3 by cement contents are
volume usually required

Total water content < 200 litres/m3 < 200 litres/m3 < 185 litres/m3 Excess water
content often results
in uncontrolled

W/C ratio < 0.5 by mass 0.8–1.0 by volume 0.28–0.37 by mass –

0.85–1.15 by volume

Admixture usage To manufacturer's To manufacturer's To manufacturer's Dosage must be

guidelines guidelines guidelines tailored to materials,
mix design and
concrete properties

Super-Workable Concrete
4 4.1.3 Batching
At the beginning of a contract, and particularly if
Production Control there is limited experience with SWC, additional expert
personnel may be needed for the supervision of all
aspects of initial production.
The quality of fresh concrete may fluctuate
at the beginning of production, it is therefore
recommended that workability tests be conducted
on every load, until consistent and compliant results
4.1 Concrete Supplier Control
are obtained. Thereafter, every delivered batch should
be visually checked by an experienced and trained
4.1.1 Plant selection
operator before transportation to site. Routine testing
The production of SWC needs to be carried
should be carried out at the frequency recommended
out in plants where the equipment, operation and
in AS 13798.
materials are suitably controlled. Plants that have
production quality systems that conform to ISO 9000 4.1.4 Mixing
or similar quality systems are preferred. Production staff The efficient mixing of SWC is crucial to the end
involved in the manufacture of SWC should be trained product. Cement, aggregates and admixtures should
to understand the differences between SWC and be thoroughly dispersed throughout the concrete.
conventional concrete. This means that the mixing time for SWC needs to
Mixing plants suitable for the manufacture of be pre-determined in trials and applied throughout
SWC are: the production cycle. As stated in Clause 4.1.1
■ Drum, agitator or transit mixer above, mixing times will generally be longer than for
■ Pan mixer conventional concrete. It should be noted that AS 1379
■ Paddle mixer requires mixers to be fitted with an identification plate
Paddles, blades and flights should be in very that shows the agitation speed of the mixer.
good condition to facilitate the thorough mixing that
SWC requires. Generally, the mixing time needs to be 4.1.5 Delivery and Transportation
longer than for conventional concrete; it should be If SWC is to be transported in transit mixer
determined by practical trials. trucks there will need to be an assessment of load
size based on the high workability of the concrete.
4.1.2 Raw Material Storage Generally, because of the fluid nature of the product,
If possible, aggregates should be covered load sizes may need to be reduced in comparison
to minimise fluctuations in surface moisture. During to those for normal concrete. If SWC is transported
production of SWC, tests of aggregate gradings and in kibbles or buckets, the doors or gates on the
moisture contents should be carried out frequently, equipment should be in good condition for opening
since SWC is more sensitive than normal concrete to and closing. The doors or gates should not permit
variations. the loss of cementitious paste or mortar. Depending
A key element in producing SWC is the control on the size of the structure being built, production
of the water-cement ratio. The manufacturing plant capacity, journey time and placing capability need
should be fitted with calibrated and well maintained to be considered. SWC should be designed so that
moisture probes. In addition to these, aggregate workability is maintained to meet the requirements
and sand moisture contents should be tested in the of the contract. Generally, placing should be faster,
laboratory prior to the commencement of production especially if SWC is pumped, but it is essential to make
and at regular intervals throughout the pour. sure that delivery and placing can be completed within
the workability-retention (self-compactability) time of the

Super-Workable Concrete
Concrete mixed at a remote concrete supply 4.3.3 Flatwork
plant should be transported to the point of discharge SWC, although not originally designed for
by truck-mounted drum mixers complying with the flatwork, has been successfully used in many parts of
requirements of AS 1379. the world in warehouse and workshop facilities.
On completion of mixing, the concrete should Formwork should be constructed to a tolerance
be continuously agitated until it is fully discharged. suitable to maintain the concrete within the forms whilst
The agitation speed should be specified by the minimizing leakage (see Clause 4.4).
manufacturer of the equipment, and should be at the SWC can be placed by chute, kibble or pump. If
ideal charging barrel speed after mixing. a kibble is used, its jaws should be tight enough so that
the SWC does not leak during transporting. In flatwork

4.2 Transportation where there are large faces of exposed concrete it is

extremely important to keep fresh concrete moving
4.2.1 Pumping over these faces, as most SWC is of a thixotropic
When concrete pumps are to be used, the nature (ie it will continue to move whilst energy is being
pipe diameter, layout and length should be determined applied). If the concrete is left too long without fresh
in consideration of quantities of concrete, type of concrete being applied, a cold joint may be formed.
pumps, pumping conditions, operating efficiency, Where concrete has been untouched for long periods it
discharge rate, concrete workability, test results and may be necessary to vibrate the new concrete into the
site experience. old to prevent a cold joint occurring. It is recommended
that the concrete supplier, site supervisor and finishing
4.2.2 Other On-site Methods contractor be consulted when planning large pours
Chutes, bucket or skip/ kibble can be used in order to ensure continuity of supply and that the
providing they do not permit loss of cementitious paste placer has adequate manpower and machinery to
and mortar. Drop pipes/ tremies can also be attached cope with the workload. As SWC generally contains
to reduce free fall distance and provide more-accurate 400+ kg/m3 of binder it can be assumed this material
placement. Belt conveyors should not be used. may harden quite rapidly after initial set. The placing
When other methods of transport are used, contractor must be aware of this and measures should
care should be exercised to avoid segregation due to be undertaken with the concrete supplier to ensure
excessive vibration of the concrete. the concrete has enough working time for successful
4.3 Placement, Finishing, Curing and Joint Due to its higher binder content and any
Control other fine proportions, SWC will probably exhibit little
bleed and therefore should be protected from the
4.3.1 General possibility of plastic shrinkage cracking. It is strongly
Before placing SWC, it should be confirmed by recommended that all flatwork done with SWC be
the contractor that reinforcement and formwork are protected to minimize the evaporation rate. Due to the
arranged in accordance with the approved construction potential lack of bleed water the use of finishing aids
drawings (see Clause 4.4.1). should be considered.
Contractors may wish to consider possible Curing should be carried out by the usual
advantages of pumping from the bottom of formwork. means of water ponding, covering with wet hessian
Equipment and personnel should be adequate or plastic, or by a suitable liquid membrane curing
to maintain the rate of concrete placement. compound that meets the requirements of AS 3799.
Precast concrete elements may also be cured
4.3.2 Placing Distance
using accelerated strength gain methods such as
Though it is easier to place SWC than ordinary
steam curing.
concrete, the following rules are recommended to
Jointing should be carried out as with normal
minimise the risk of segregation:
concrete and will depend on the size and volume of the
■ Limit the vertical free-fall distance to 5 m.
reinforcing steel. The joint patterns and spacing should
■ Limit the permissible distance of horizontal
be designed by the engineer and carried out following
flow from point of discharge to 10 m.
good concrete practice.

Super-Workable Concrete
4.3.4 Mass Concrete conventional concrete, type of concrete placement and
SWC is well suited to mass concrete pours, rate, frictional resistance, etc. SWC may be expected
particularly where poor access makes it difficult to to result in reduced pressure on formwork due to the
consolidate the concrete by traditional means. It is, absence of vibration, and generally faster stiffening
however, important to maintain a continual supply after placement at a given concrete temperature. It is
of concrete as any long delays may result in a cold recommended that a detailed (local) testing programme
joint. Where delays have been experienced it may be carried out before (further) reduction factors to
be necessary to vibrate the subsequent concrete liquid/hydrostatic pressure be considered.
into the previous layer, this should be done with a When placing SWC in enclosed spaces
poker vibrator inserted at the appropriate centres. (particularly when pumping from the bottom), vent
Consideration should be given to the placement holes should be provided at appropriate positions in
method so as not to have a freefall of more than 5 m the top of forms to allow expulsion of air.
(see Clause 4.2). Curing requirements should be the
4.4.2 Release Agents
same as for traditional concrete and in line with project
Chemical release agents containing particular
specifications and relevant Australian Standards.
surfactants may put additional pressure on the
4.3.5 Walls/Columns/Beams formwork, by reducing frictional resistance between
This is probably the most appropriate the concrete and the form during concrete placement.
application for SWC. These elements are generally Reference should therefore be made to manufacturers’
heavily reinforced, thus making good compaction recommendations in regard to the selection of a
difficult because of the restricted access for poker suitable release agent. Care should be taken in the
vibrators. With good quality SWC the off-form selection and application of form release agents with
appearance is generally better than that of normal particular reference to the required off-form finishes11.
concrete. Formwork must be of good quality and
4.4.3 Strip Timing
able to withstand the internal pressures of the plastic
Strip timing should be verified with consideration
concrete (see Clause 4.4) with tight tolerances
given to the proposed mix design and applicable site
so that leakage is kept to a minimum. Again, it is
extremely important to have continuity of supply
and ample manpower to cope with the size of the
pour. Placement can be by pump, kibble, chute or
tremie and consideration may be given to pumping
from the bottom up, particularly for columns. Curing
requirements are the same as for normal concrete and
in line with project specifications and relevant Australian

4.4 Formwork

4.4.1 Structural Design

Formwork should be in good condition and
accurate (refer to AS 361010)
The maximum lateral pressure of plastic SWC
acting on formwork and supports should as a rule be
designed as liquid/hydrostatic pressure.
There are various theories regarding calculations
of pressure on formwork. It is a complex function of
the rheological properties of the concrete, type of
cement, setting time, temperature of the concrete
and ambient temperature, geometry of formwork,
amplitude and frequency and position of vibrators for

Super-Workable Concrete
5 For more-difficult structures or members where
no previous experience is available it may be necessary
Performance Verification to carry out full-scale field trials to verify the suitability
of the concrete.

5.3 Field Verification

The procedure for site acceptance must involve
the checking of the suitability of the concrete to meet
5.1 General the design requirements. A selection of test methods
from Appendix A would be appropriate to confirm
It is necessary to verify the performance of
the higher workability properties that are required.
SWC to ensure that it meets the original specifications
Guidance on their suitability is given in Table 5.1.
required. Concrete may vary in its required
performance between structures and so may the
importance of each property specified. There is 5.4 Quality Control Verification
therefore a need to clearly nominate the concrete’s Regular quality control of the concrete should
performance requirements and the method and degree be established at the point of discharge to determine
of verification. the resistance to segregation, flowability, passability
No single test method can assess the suitability and suitability to fill the form. This should be carried out
of the concrete for all the desired workability properties. at a minimum frequency of once in every 50 m3 or part
Alternative test methods for the different parameters thereof.
are listed in Table 3.
For the initial mix design of SWC all three 5.5 Hardened Concrete Inspection
workability properties need to be assessed to ensure Verification
that the concrete has the potential to meet the
Normal hardened concrete properties such
nominated requirements. A full-scale test should be
as compressive strength and shrinkage will usually
used to verify the workability of the chosen design for
still be required and should be verified by standard
a particular application. For site quality control, two of
test methods as set in AS 1012. Higher workability
the tests methods are generally sufficient to monitor
properties required for surface finish and fillability of
production quality. Typical combinations are Tests A.2
the concrete may require site inspection to determine
and A.3 in Appendix A.
In the event that the concrete does not satisfy
the established performance requirements, materials
and mix designs should be reviewed, modified if
necessary and then reverified.

5.2 Laboratory/Trial Verification

The suitability of the concrete may be
established in laboratory trials using test methods
listed in Appendix A. Guidance on the appropriate
test method to verify a particular property is given in
Table 5.1.
The verification and acceptability of the concrete
may be determined by laboratory trials comparing
acceptable test method results with previous field

Super-Workable Concrete
Table 5.1 Test Methods for Various Properties

Test methods (see Appendix A)

Property Lab (mix design) Field (QC) Comments

Filling ability A.2 Slump Flow A.2 Slump Flow T500 and Dfinal can be measured

A.5 Orimet A.5 Orimet –

Passing ability A.3 Slump Flow and J-ring A.3 Slump Flow and J-ring T500 and Dfinal can be measured

A.4 L-box – –

Resistance to A.2 Slump Flow A.2 Slump Flow T500 and Dfinal can be measured.
segregation Can only give a visual indication of
sergegation; it is not a conclusive test

A.6 GTM Screen Stability – Suitable only for initial laboratory trials
at design stage

Note: Reference should also be made to Table B.1 (Appendix B) for guidance on specification

Super-Workable Concrete
A A.2 Slump Flow Test Method

Appendix A Test Methods A.2.1 Overview

■ The test method is used to indirectly measure
the ability of a concrete with a maximum
coarse aggregate size of 20 mm or less to flow
into all spaces within the mould (filling ability),
under its own weight.
■ The test method is a simple, rapid test
A.1 Relevance and Modification of AS 1012 procedure used to assess the consistency of
Standard Test Methods supply of pre-mixed concrete to a site from
load to load.
A.1.1 Sampling
■ Two parameters can be measured, ie the final
Reliability of results and conclusions obtained
diameter of the concrete (Dfinal) and the time
from the tests on fresh concrete depend very strongly
taken for the concrete to reach a diameter of
on the sampling procedures used. The sampling
500 mm (T500). The latter is generally regarded
procedures should produce samples as representative
as the more reliable.
as possible of the bulk of the concrete assessed and
■ The test usually requires two operators for the
minimise sampling error.
T500 measurement.
Samples should be taken from diversions of the
entire or significant portion of the discharge stream into A.2.2 Equipment Required
sample buckets. ■ Sample buckets.
■ A rigid flat plate with smooth, polished metal
A.1.2 Making Test Specimens
surface, at least 800 mm in diameter, marked
The procedures outlined in AS 1012 should
with a circle indicating the central location for
be followed, with the exception of filling and standard
the slump cone, and a further concentric circle
compaction of the concrete in the test mould.
of 500 mm diameter Figure A.2.1.
Samples are required to be remixed prior to
■ AS 1012 slump cone with a flange at the
use by transferring from initial sub-sample buckets
bottom to enable it to be held against the
into other buckets of equivalent size to ensure a
board by the operator’s feet.
homogenous sample.
■ Tape measure to 1 mm accuracy.
The concrete sample should be poured
■ Timer to 0.1 second accuracy.
continuously, filling the standard test mould without
standard compaction.
Excess concrete should be struck off, and the
surface of the concrete smoothed level to the top edge
of the mould.

Super-Workable Concrete
A.2.3 Test Procedure A.2.4 Interpretation of Result
■ Level and check that the board is on a stable ■ The Dfinal measurement is an indication of flow.
and horizontal surface. The greater the final diameter the greater the
■ Moisten the surfaces of the plate, sample fillability of the concrete.
bucket and cone, removing any excess water. ■ The T500 time is a secondary indication of flow.
■ Centre the slump cone on the board. A lower time indicates a greater ability to fill
■ Sample concrete representatively formwork under its own weight.
(approximately 8.5 litres). ■ In the case of severe segregation most
■ Remix samples prior to use by transferring coarse aggregate will remain in the centre
from initial sub-sample buckets into other of the pool of concrete and mortar paste at
buckets of equivalent size to ensure a the periphery. In case of minor segregation
homogenous sample. a border of mortar without coarse aggregate
■ Stand on cone bottom flange, fit a funnel to top can occur at the edge of the pool of concrete.
of cone aperture, and fill cone by pouring in This test method can give a visual indication of
concrete continuously until it reaches the top segregation, but it is not a conclusive test for
edge. Do not tamp. segregation of the concrete in the final form.
■ Remove the funnel, trowel off any excess
concrete from top, and clean the plate of spills.
■ Transfer and maintain hold-down pressure from ���
feet to hands on cone handles.
■ Simultaneously commence stop watch and
raise the cone vertically by a steady upward lift ���
without interruption, such that the cone is clear ������
of the concrete sample within 2 to 3 seconds.
■ Measure, record and report the time, to the ���
nearest 0.1 second, for the spreading concrete
to reach the marked 500-mm circle (T500).
■ Measure and record the final diameters of
the concrete spread in two perpendicular ������
directions. If the two measurements differ by ��������
more than 50 mm, then the test is deemed to
be invalid and must be repeated. Report the
final diameter of the concrete spread as the
average of two perpendicular diameters, to the
nearest 10 mm (Dfinal).
■ Review and report visually detectable Figure A.2.1
segregation. Flow Table and Modified Slump Cone

Super-Workable Concrete
A.3 Slump Flow And J-Ring Test Method A.3.3 Test Procedure
■ Level and check that the board is on a stable
A.3.1 Overview
and horizontal surface.
The test method is used to indirectly measure
Moisten the surfaces of the plate, sample

the ability of a concrete with a maximum
bucket, cone and J-Ring, removing any excess
coarse aggregate size of 20 mm or less, to
flow into all spaces within the mould (fillability)
■ Centre the J-Ring and slump cone on the
and flow through tight spaces and openings
(passability) under its own weight.
■ Sample concrete representatively
The test method is a simple, rapid test
(approximately 8.5 litres).

procedure usually used at intervals to assess

■ Remix samples prior to use by transferring
the consistency of supply of pre-mixed
from initial sub-sample buckets into other
concrete to a site.
buckets of equivalent size to ensure a
Two parameters can be measured, ie the final
homogenous sample.

diameter of the concrete (Dfinal) and the time

■ Fit a funnel to top of cone aperture, while
taken for the concrete to reach a diameter of
holding cone securely, fill by pouring in
500 mm (T500). The latter is generally regarded
concrete continuously until it reaches the top
as the more reliable.
The test usually requires two personnel both
Remove the funnel, trowel off any excess

to simultaneously hold down and fill the cone,
concrete from top, and clean the plate of spills.
and for the T500 measurement.
■ Simultaneously commence stop watch and
A.3.2 Equipment Required raise the cone vertically by a steady upward lift
■ Sample buckets. without interruption, such that the cone is clear
■ Flow table and slump cone (without bottom of the concrete sample within 2 to 3 seconds.
foot holding flanges). ■ Measure, record and report the time for the
■ J-Ring assembly capable of rigidly fixing spreading concrete to reach 500 mm in
standard reinforcement vertical in a diameter to the nearest 0.1 second (T500).
300-mm-diameter circle, at standard intervals. ■ Measure and record two diameters of the
■ Standard reinforcement at least 100 mm in concrete spread at right angles to each other,
length and spacing intervals based on SWC when the movement of the concrete has
ranking required: stopped. The test is deemed to be invalid and
Rank 1 – 18 x 12 mm reinforcement at must be repeated if the two measurements
40 mm ± 2 mm spacing differ by more than 50 mm. Report the final
Rank 2 – 15 x 12 mm reinforcement at diameter of the concrete spread as the
50 mm ± 2 mm spacing average of two diameters, to the nearest
Rank 3 – 12 x 12 mm reinforcement at 10 mm (Dfinal).
66 mm ± 2 mm spacing ■ Measure and record the difference between
See Figure A.3.1. the concrete just inside the bars and that just
■ Tape measure to 1 mm accuracy. outside and adjacent the bars. Calculate the
■ Timer to 0.1 second accuracy. average of the difference in height at four
locations to the nearest 1 mm. Report as the
J-Ring Passing Ability Difference.
■ Review and report visually-detectable blocking
and/or segregation.

Super-Workable Concrete
A.3.4 Interpretation of Result
■ The Dfinal measurement is an indication of flow.
The greater the final diameter the greater the
fillability of the concrete.
■ The T500 time is a secondary indication of flow.
A lower time indicates a greater ability to fill
formwork under its own weight.
■ The J-Ring Passing Ability Difference is an
indication of segregation resistance. The
greater the value, the less the passability of the
■ Blocking and/or segregation can also be
detected visually. In the case of severe
segregation most coarse aggregate will remain Figure A.3.2
in the centre of the ring and mortar paste at Typical Test Result
the periphery.







Figure A.3.1
Flow Table, J-Ring Assembly and Modified Slump

Super-Workable Concrete
A.4 L-Box Test Method A.4.3 Test Procedure
■ Set L-Box on a horizontal plane.
A.4.1 Overview
■ Moisten the surfaces of the L-Box and
The test method is used to indirectly measure
sampling buckets, removing any excess water.

the ability of a concrete with a maximum

■ Close the discharge gate.
coarse aggregate size of 20 mm or less, to
■ Sample concrete representatively
flow into all spaces within the mould (fillability)
(approximately 14 litres).
and flow through tight spaces and openings
■ Remix samples prior to use by transferring
(passability) under its own weight.
from initial sub-sample buckets into other
The test method is a widely used test, mainly
buckets of equivalent size to ensure a

suitable for initial laboratory assessment of mix

homogenous sample.
■ Fill box by gently pouring in concrete
The ‘wall effect’ (l’effet de paroi – Neville12)
continuously until it reaches the top edge/rim

may have some influence on concrete flow;

of the box.
however, this arrangement does, to some
■ Trowel off and level any excess concrete from
extent, replicate what happens to concrete
on site when it is confined within formwork.
■ Leave concrete sample to stand for 1 minute.
(Note: Neville suggests that the wall influences
■ Raise the gate allowing the concrete to flow
the packing of concrete, since the quantity of
through the reinforcement into the horizontal
mortar required to fill the space between the
section of the box.
particles of the coarse aggregate and the wall ■ Measure and record the height of the concrete
is greater than that necessary in the interior of at both ends of the L-Box to the nearest 1 mm
the mass, and therefore in excess of the mortar (H1, H2).
available in a well-proportioned mix). ■ Report Filling Ratio = H2/H1.

A.4.2 Equipment Required ■ Measure and record the height difference

■ Sample buckets. between the concrete inside and that just
■ L-Box made with smooth, non-absorptive outside adjacent to the bars to the nearest
surfaces, with rigid shape and dimensions 1 mm. Report as the L-Box Passing Ability
as shown in Figure A.4.1. Gate assembly Difference.
to prevent the flow of concrete at the time ■ Review and report visually-detectable
of charging, and provide smooth and quick segregation.
opening to commence flow.
■ Tape measure to 1 mm accuracy.

Super-Workable Concrete
A.4.4 Interpretation of Result
■ The Filling Ratio is an indication of flow value.
The closer the value to 1, the higher the flow of
■ The L-Box Passing Ability Difference is an
indication of segregation resistance. The
greater the value, the less the passability of the
■ After 5 minutes of setting, segregation of
concrete will show a less continuous flow with
an increase in flow time.
■ Blocking and/or segregation can also be
detected visually. In the case of severe
segregation considerable coarse aggregate
will remain behind the reinforcement and
mortar paste only at the opposite end of the



��������� Figure A.4.2
��� Typical L-Box


Figure A.4.1
L-Box Details and Application

Super-Workable Concrete
A.5 Orimet Test Method A.5.3 Test Procedure
■ Set funnel approximately vertical.
A.5 Overview
■ Moisten the surfaces of the funnel, removing
The test method is used to indirectly measure
any excess water.

the ability of a concrete with a maximum

■ Close the discharge orifice trap door.
coarse aggregate size of 20 mm or less to
■ Sample concrete representatively
flow into all spaces within the mould (fillability)
(approximately 7.5 litres).
under its own weight.
■ Remix samples prior to use by transferring
The test method is a simple, rapid test
from initial sub-sample buckets into other

procedure usually used to assess the

buckets of equivalent size to ensure a
consistency of supply of pre-mixed concrete to
homogenous sample.
a site from load to load.
■ Fill funnel by gently pouring in concrete
The test method has a high degree of
continuously until it reaches the top edge/rim

correlation to the Flow Table T500 value, and

of the funnel, without compacting or tapping.
can be used as an alternative test method.
■ Trowel off and level any excess concrete from
A.5.2 Equipment Required top.
■ Sample buckets. ■ Within 10 seconds of levelling the top surface,
■ Orimet funnel pipe and reduced standard simultaneously commence stop watch and
orifice sizes at the base made with smooth, release the trap door.
non-absorptive surfaces, with rigid shape ■ By observing the funnel internally from the
and dimensions as shown in Figure A.5.1. top down to the orifice, measure and record
The orifice discharge should be equipped the flow-through time to daylight. Report T0
with a watertight trap that is instantaneously through-flow time as a measure of fluidity to
openable. The funnel to be on an adjustable the nearest 1 second.
stand to maintain approximate verticality. ■ Note and record the state of flowing during
■ Standard orifice sizes: 60 mm, 70 mm, 80 mm. testing, ie whether the flow was continuous or
■ Timer to 0.1 second accuracy. tended to clog up during discharge.
■ An average of two or three tests can
significantly correct the scatter of sampling.
Providing that consecutive tests are within 2
minutes, do not wash the equipment. Calculate
and report average times.

Super-Workable Concrete
A.5.4 Interpretation of Result
■ The test measures the ease of flow of the
concrete through an orifice, shorter times
indicate greater flowability.
■ The inverted-cone shape at the orifice
restricts flow, and prolonged flow times or
discontinuous flow may give some indication of
the susceptibility of the mix to blocking and/or





Figure A.5.2
Orimet Funnel Pipe

Figure A.5.1
Orimet Funnel Pipe Details

Super-Workable Concrete
A.6 GTM Screen Stability Test Method A.6.3 Test Procedure
■ About 10 litres of concrete is needed to
A.6.1 Overview
perform the test, sampled normally.
This test has been developed by the French
■ Allow the concrete in the bucket to stand
contractor, GTM, to assess segregation resistance
for 15 minutes covered with a lid to prevent
(stability). The test consists of taking a sample of
10 litres of concrete, allowing it to stand for a period to
■ Determine the mass of the empty sieve pan.
allow any internal segregation to occur, then pouring
■ Inspect the surface of the concrete; if there is
half of it onto a 5-mm sieve of 350-mm diameter which
any bleed water, note it.
stands on a sieve pan on a weigh scale. After two ■ Put the top 2 litres or approximately 4.8 kg
minutes, the mortar which passed through the sieve is ± 0.2 kg only of the concrete sample in the
weighed, and expressed as a percentage of the mass bucket, into a pouring container.
of the original sample on the sieve. ■ Determine the mass of the filled pouring
Practising engineers who have used this test container.
say it is a very effective way of assessing the stability ■ Determine the mass of the empty sieve pan.
of SWC. However, though simple, it is not a rapid test, ■ Pour all the concrete from the pouring
and requires an accurate weigh-scale, so the test may container onto the sieve from a height of
not be suitable for site use. 500 mm in one smooth, continuous movement.
The repeatability of results may be questionable. ■ Weigh the empty pouring container.

A.6.2 Equipment Required ■ Calculate mass of concrete poured into sieve,

■ 10-litre bucket with lid. Ma, (ie the difference between the weights, full
■ 5-mm Sieve, 350-mm diameter sieve pan. and empty)
■ Weigh scale to 20 g accuracy, minimum ■ Allow the mortar fraction of the sample to
capacity 20 kg. flow through the sieve into the sieve pan for a
■ Stopwatch. period of 2 minutes.
■ Remove the sieve and determine the mass of
the filled sieve pan.
■ Calculate the mass of the sample passing
sieve, Mb, by subtracting the empty sieve pan
mass from the filled sieve pan mass.
■ Calculate the percentage of the sample
passing sieve, ie the segregation ratio:
(Mb/Ma) x 100.

A.6.4 Interpretation of Result

Empirical observations suggest that if the
percentage of mortar which has passed through the
sieve, ie the segregation ratio, is between 5 and 15%
of the weight of the sample, then the segregation
resistance is considered satisfactory.
Below 5% the resistance is excessive and is
likely to affect the surface finish (blowholes are likely).
Above 15% and particularly above 30%, there is
a strong likelihood of segregation.

Super-Workable Concrete
Appendix B Specification

Table B.1 provides a template for the

specification of SWC.
It cannot be assumed that concrete meeting
the listed criteria can be produced at all plants or
locations throughout Australia. The alternative use
of economically viable materials available in certain
locations, sophistication of plants and logistics,
or requirement of special resources may make
compliance with some criteria difficult and/or cost

Table B.1 Evidence on Values of Properties Assessed by Test Methods Described in Appendix A

Suggested value for structure ranking (see Table 2.1) of

Test method
Suggested frequency and properties assessed R1 R2 R3

Slump Flow (Clause A.2)

Freq: Site test every load
Dfinal (mm) ‡ 650–800 550–700
T500 (sec) ‡ 3–5 4–7

Slump Flow & J-Ring (Clause A.3)

Freq: –
Dfinal (mm) ‡ 650–800 550–700
T500 (sec) ‡ 3–5 4–7
J-Ring passability (mm) 10 max 10 max 10 max

L-Box (Clause A.4)

Freq: Laboratory test initially and at subsequent
changes in materials, source or proportions
Filling ratio 0.8–1.0 0.8–1.0 0.8–1.0
L-Box passability 10 max 10 max 10 max

Orimet (Clause A.5)

Freq: Site test every load
To (sec) Select standard cone size to give 4 second flow

‡ To be determined for each project

Super-Workable Concrete
References Bibliography

1 AS 1012 Methods of testing concrete, Standards BETONS AUTO – PLACANTS –

Australia. Recommendations provisoires, Association
Francaise de Genie Civil, 2000.
2 Hurd MK Self Compacting Concrete, Concrete
Constructions Vol. 47, No. 1, Jan 2002, Pumped Concrete (Z12) Concrete Institute of
p 44–47. Australia, 2000.
3 Specification and Guidelines for Self-Compacting Guide to Concrete Construction, Cement &
Concrete, EFNARC, February 2002. Concrete Association of Australia, 2002.
4 Recommendation for Self-Compacting Concrete, Saak AW, Jennings HM & Shah SP New
Japan Society of Civil Engineers – Concrete Methodology for Designing SCC, ACI Materials
Engineering Series 31, August 1999. Journal Technical Paper Nov – Dec 2001
5 Gaimister, R & Gibbs, J Self Compacting Martos PJM & Grauers M Self-compacting
Concrete – The materials and its properties, Concrete, Concrete April 1999,
Current Practice Sheet No. 123 Concrete
Paschmann H SCC – Practical Advice, BFT
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6 Yin-Wen Chan, Ying-Goo Chen & Yi-
Brameshuber W, Uebachs S, Aachen RWTH
Shi Liu Effect of Consolidation on Bond
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of Reinforcement in Concrete of Different
Concrete and Precast Concrete Congress.
Workabilities, ACI Materials Journal – July 2003.
Dienstag, 13/02/2001, 14:00Uhr Practical
7 AS 1478.1 Chemical admixtures for concrete, experience in using SCC at the precasting plant
mortar and grout; – Admixtures for concrete, – studies on mix design, BFT 1/2001.
Standards Australia, 2000.
Ludwig HM, Weise F, Hemrich W, Ehrlich N SCC
8 AS 1379 Specification and supply of concrete, – Principles and Practice, BFT 6/2001.
Standards Australia, 1999.
Nagataki S & Fujiwara H 2nd CANMET/ACI
9 AS 3799 Liquid membrane-forming curing International Symposium Las Vegas, Nevada,
compounds for concrete, Standards Australia, USA, 1995. Self compacting property of highly
1998. flowable concrete.
10 AS 3610 Formwork for concrete, Standards Cement and Concrete Research, Ho DWS ,
Australia, 1995 Sheinn AMM, Ng CC, Tam CT The use of quarry
dust for SCC applications, 14/10/2001.
11 Yannick Vanhove & Chafika Djelal, Formwork
Pressures with SCC, Concrete, June 2002. Okazawa S Classification of SCC in terms of its
self-compacting ability, Japan Society of Civil
12 Neville AM Properties of Concrete 4th Edition,
John Wiley & Sons, 1996
Recommendation for Construction of SCC,
Japan Society of Civil Engineers Concrete
Library, No. 93, July 1998.
Ozawa K, Sakata N, Okamura H Evaluation of
self- compactability of fresh concrete using the
Funnel Test, Concrete Library No. 25, June 1995

Super-Workable Concrete
Z40 Super-Workable Concrete RECOMMENDED PRACTICE

Super-Workable Concrete


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