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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


For the Month: August, 2023

Name of Employee: GUIA L. GENOVIA Name of Rater: RAMEL M. PILO

Position: Head Teacher I Position: School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD) Chief

Job Description: Sets, the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the school, creates an environment conducive to teaching-learning process, implements, monitors and
assesses the school curriculum and is accountable for higher learning outcomes
MOVs Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Accomplishment (Results of Monthly
(Expected Outputs) Expected Outcomes Timeline QET 5
3 2 1 Interventions)
Engaged only
the internal
Engaged the internal
school Engaged only The SIP is
and external school No acceptable
community in teachers in the prepared solely
Quality community in the evidence was
the development and by the School
development and shown
development finalization of SIP Head
Engage the school finalization of SIP
and finalization
community in the  Copy of the Minutes
of SIP
development and and/or documents of SIP
Effective and efficient Sept 2023 At most 89%
implementation of preparations At least 90% At most 82% At most 75%
School Planning and to June activities in the No acceptable
school plans  M&E Tool activities in the activities in the activities in the
Implementation 2024 Efficiency approved SIP evidence was
aligned with  SIPMEA approved SIP are approved SIP are approved SIP are
are shown
institutional goals  Copy of Approved SIP implemented implemented implemented
and policies
Managed the
Managed the Managed the
Managed the approval of SIP
approval of SIP at approval of SIP at No acceptable
Timelines approval of SIP on at most 1
most 2 months most 3 months evidence was
s or before the month after the
after the opening after the opening shown
opening of the SY opening of the
Leading Strategically

of the SY of the SY
Sept 2023 Utilized 4
Utilized 3 Utilized 1
to June research
Utilized 5 research research findings research finding
2024 findings either No acceptable
Utilize relevant findings either local either local or either local or
Quality local or global evidence was
research findings or global to improve global to improve global to improve
to improve shown
from reliable school performance school school
sources in  Copy of Research performance performance
Effective Implementation performance
facilitating data- Findings
of Research and Research Research Research
driven and  Implementation Plan Research utilization
Development utilization utilization utilization
evidence-based  Certificate of Utilization improved No acceptable
improved improved improved
innovations to Efficiency performance of at evidence was
performance of performance of at performance of at
improve school least 90% of shown
at most 80% of most 70% of most 50% of
performance students
students students students
Implement  Copy of Activity/Training Effective and Efficient Sept 2023 Implemented at Implemented at Implemented at
Implemented at least No acceptable Implemented 3 PPAs outlined in the AIP Successfully
programs in the design/LAC/ Program Design to June most 89% of most 82% of most 75% of
Quality 90% of PPAs evidence was
school that support Accomplishment Implementation 2024 PPAs outlined PPAs outlined in PPAs outlined in implemented.
outlined in the AIP shown
the development Report/Terminal Report in the AIP the AIP the AIP
of learners Implemented
Implemented Implemented
Implemented PPAs PPAs outlined
PPAs outlined in PPAs outlined in
 Copy of approved APP outlined in the AIP in the AIP No acceptable
the AIP utilizing at the AIP utilizing at
 Copy of SIPMEA Efficiency utilizing less or equal utilizing at most evidence was
most 15% more most 20% more
to its approved 10% more than shown
than its approved than its approved
allocation its approved
allocation allocation

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Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte
Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188
Website: | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte
Sept 2023 Utilized 3
Utilized 2 Utilized 1
to June Utilized at least 4 monitoring and
monitoring and monitoring and
2024 monitoring and evaluation
evaluation evaluation No acceptable
evaluation processes and
Quality processes and processes and evidence was
Utilize available processes and tools tools to
 Copy of QATAME tools tools to promote tools to promote shown
monitoring and Effective Monitoring and to promote learner promote
 Copy of TA processes learner learner
evaluation Evaluation Processes achievement learner
 Copy of M&E results achievement achievement
processes and and Tools achievement
tools to promote  Copy of minutes of M&E tools M&E tools M&E tools
feedback sessions M&E tools improved
learner improved the improved the improved the No acceptable
 SF5 the achievement of
achievement Efficiency achievement of achievement of achievement of evidence was
at least 90% of the
at most 80% of most 80% of most 70% of shown
learners learners learners

Very Accomplishment (Results of Monthly

MOVs Expected Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(Expected Outputs) Outcomes
Timeline QET 5
3 2 1 Interventions)
All entries in the
At most 4
Annual Procurement
Plan (APP) are
entries in the At most 3 entries
At most 2 entries
in the APP are No acceptable All entries in the Annual Procurement Plan CDR
APP are not in in the APP are not January to March, 2023
Quality based on the
accordance in accordance with
not in accordance evidence was (APP) are based on the approved Annual
Manage finances approved Annual with the approved shown Improvement Plan (AIP)
with the the approved AIP
adhering to Improvement Plan AIP
approved AIP
policies, guidelines (AIP)
and issuances in  Copy of approved APP Incurred at
Sept 2023
allocation,  Copy of CDR Sound Financial most 5% Incurred at most Incurred at least
to June Incurred at most 3%
procurement,  Certification from the Management variance of 7% variance of 8% variance of No acceptable
2024 variance of MOOE
disbursement and Accountant Efficiency MOOE MOOE utilization MOOE utilization evidence was
utilization against
liquidation aligned utilization against the against the shown
the approved APP
with the school against the approved APP approved APP
plan approved APP
Incurred at Incurred at most 4 Incurred at least
All disbursements No acceptable
Timelines most 2 delayed delayed 5 delayed
are liquidated on evidence was
Managing School Operations and Resources

s liquidations on liquidations on liquidations on

time shown
disbursements disbursements disbursements
At most 99% of
At most 70% of the At most 50% of
All facilities and the facilities
facilities and the facilities and
Manage school equipment are and equipment No acceptable
equipment are equipment are
facilities and Quality accounted and are accounted evidence was
accounted and accounted and
equipment in recorded in the book and recorded shown
recorded in the recorded in the
adherence to of inventory in the book of
 Copy of book of Inventory book of inventory book of inventory
policies, guidelines inventory
of equipment and facilities Maintained School Sept 2023
and issuances on Implemented Implemented all Implemented all
 Copy of POW Facilities and to June Implemented all
acquisition, all repairs of repairs of repairs of
 Copy of Deed of donations Equipment 2024 repairs of equipment No acceptable
recording, equipment and equipment and equipment and
 ARE Efficiency and facilities within 7 evidence was
utilization, repair facilities within facilities within 9 facilities within 10
months from SY shown
and maintenance, 8 months from months from SY months from SY
storage and SY opening opening opening

Manage staffing At most 89% of At most 70% of At most 60% of

At least 90% of
such as teaching teachers were teachers were teachers were No acceptable
teachers were given
load distribution Quality given teaching given teaching given teaching evidence was
teaching loads
and grade level loads based on loads based on loads based on shown
 Copy of Teaching Load based on guidelines
and subject area guidelines guidelines guidelines
and Assignments of Sept 2023
assignment in Proper Management of Posted Class
Teachers to June Posted Class Posted Class Posted Class
adherence to laws, Staff Program at No acceptable
 Class Program 2024 Program at least 7 Program at most Program at most
policies, guidelines Efficiency most 7 days evidence was
 SF7 days prior to SY 14 days after the 21 days after the
and issuances after the SY shown
opening SY opening SY opening
based on the opening
needs of the Timelines
school. s
At least 90% of the At most 89% of At most 82% of the At most 75% of No acceptable
School DRMM the School School DRMM the School evidence was
Quality Action Plan is DRMM Action Action Plan is DRMM Action shown
Implemented NSED and celebrated the Fire ACCOMPLISHMENT
Manage school  List of PPAs undertaken in Implemented School managed Plan is managed Plan is managed prevention month. REPORTS
safety for disaster Safety for Disaster managed
the school
preparedness, Preparedness,
 Copy of trainings/LAC on Sept 2023 Implemented the Implemented Implemented the Implemented the No acceptable
mitigation and Mitigation and
DRRM to June DRRM Action Plan the DRRM DRRM Action Plan DRRM Action evidence was
resiliency to Resiliency
 Copy of schedule of 2024 Efficiency on time Action Plan after two months Plan after three shown
ensure continuous
DRRM drills after one months
delivery of
 School DRRM Action Plan month

Page 2 of 6

Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte

Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188
Website: | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte
MOVs Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Accomplishment (Results of Monthly
(Expected Outputs) Expected Outcomes Timeline QET 5 4 3 2 1 Interventions)

At least 90% of the At most 89% of At most 79% of the At most 69% of
No acceptable
Technical the Technical Technical the Technical
Assistance Plan is Assistance Plan Assistance Plan is Assistance Plan
evidence was Provided TA to teachers using the MBWA tool. Monitored all teachers.
Provide technical implemented is implemented implemented is implemented
 Copy of TA plan
assistance to
 Copy of Performance and Mentored and Mentored and
teachers on Mentored and Mentored and
Coaching Form coached coached
teaching standards Implemented Teaching Sept 2023 coached teachers coached teachers No acceptable
 Copy of Instructional teachers within 8 teachers within
and pedagogies Standards and to June Efficiency within 7 months within 9 months evidence was
Supervisory Plans months from the 10 months from
within and across Pedagogies 2024 from the opening from the opening shown
learning areas to  Copy of the results of opening of the the opening of
COT of the SY of the SY
improve their SY the SY
teaching practice  LAC Plan
At most 99% of At most 80% of At most 70% of
All teachers were No acceptable
Timelines teachers were teachers were teachers were
observed based on evidence was
s observed based observed based on observed based
ISP shown
Focusing on Teaching and Learning

School utilized 3
School utilized 5 School utilized 4 School utilized 2
learning outcome
learning outcome learning outcome learning outcome
result in
result in result in result in No acceptable
Quality developing developing developing evidence was
interventions to
interventions to interventions to interventions to shown
Utilize learning improve learner
improve learner improve learner improve learner
outcomes in achievement
 Least Learned achievement achievement achievement
developing data- Competencies
 Summative Test Improved Learner Sept 2023
interventions to School School
 8-Week Curriculum Achievement and other to June School developed School developed No acceptable
maintain learner developed 4 developed 2
 Quarterly Grades Performance Indicators 2024 Efficiency 5 intervention 3 intervention evidence was
achievement and intervention intervention
 List of Implemented programs programs shown
attain other programs programs
performance interventions
All teachers All teachers All teachers All teachers
implemented implemented implemented implemented No acceptable
interventions within interventions interventions within interventions evidence was
7 months from SY within 8 months 9 months from SY within 10 months shown
Opening from SY Opening Opening from SY Opening

At least 90% of the At most 79% of the At most 69% of

No acceptable
Technical At most 89% of Technical the Technical
Provide technical Quality evidence was
Assistance Plan is the Technical Assistance Plan is Assistance Plan
assistance to shown
implemented Assistance Plan implemented is implemented
teachers in using  Copy of TA plan is implemented
 Copy of Performance and
assessment tools, Mentored and Mentored and
Coaching Form Mentored and Mentored and
strategies and Sept 2023 coached coached
 Copy of Instructional In Placed Learning coached teachers coached teachers No acceptable
results consistent to June teachers within 8 teachers within
Supervisory Plans Assessment Efficiency within 7 months within 9 months evidence was
with curriculum 2024 months from the 10 months from
 Copy of the results of from the opening from the opening shown
requirements opening of the the opening of
COT of the SY of the SY
to ensure SY the SY
accountability in  LAC Plan
achieving higher At most 99% of At most 80% of At most 70% of
All teachers were No acceptable
learning outcomes. Timelines teachers were teachers were teachers were
observed based on evidence was
s observed based observed based on observed based
ISP shown

Page 3 of 6

Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte

Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188
Website: | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte
MOVs Timelin Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Accomplishment (Results of Monthly
(Expected Outputs) Expected Outcomes
3 2 1 Interventions)

Page 4 of 6

Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte

Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188
Website: | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte
Achieved at most Achieved at most
Achieved at least Achieved at most
80% of the 60% of the
81% of the 70% of the
planned planned No acceptable
planned planned
Quality professional and professional and evidence was
professional and professional and
Set personal and personal personal show
personal personal
professional development development
development goals development goals
development goals  Copy of the IPCRF (P1-4) goals goals
based on self-  Copy of Personal and Sept Achieved the Achieved the
Implemented Personal Achieved the Achieved the
assessment Professional development 2023 to planned planned
and Professional planned planned
aligned with the plan June professional and professional and
Development professional and professional and No acceptable
Philippine  Copy of competencies 2024 personal personal
Efficiency personal personal evidence was
Professional evaluation development development
development goals development goals show
Standards for goals within 8 goals within 10
within 7 months within 9 months
School Heads months from SY months from SY
from SY opening from SY opening
Developing Self and Others

opening opening
Consistently Frequently Occasionally
Rarely adheres
adheres to the adheres to the adheres to the
to the policies of No acceptable Transmittal upon
policies of the policies of the policies of the Consistently adheres to the policies of the office
office as shown in office as shown office as shown in
the office as evidence was
as shown in the MOVs submitted submission of
shown in the shown
 Copy of the DTR the MOVs in the MOVs the MOVs
MOVs submitted teacher’s DTR
 Certification from the submitted submitted submitted
Apply professional Applied Professional Sept Reported to work Reported to work Reported to work Reported to work
ADAS approved by PSDS Reflection and Learning
reflection and 2023 to on or ahead of with at most 10 with at most 15 with at most 20 No acceptable
learning to improve  Copy of Attendance or June
Certificate of Attendance Efficiency time and without tardiness/absenc tardiness/absence tardiness/absenc evidence was
one’s practice 2024 absent for the es for the whole s for the whole es for the whole shown
to Meetings, Conferences
and Webinars whole year year year year

Incurred at most Incurred at most 5 Incurred at least No acceptable

Timelines Submitted DTR on
2 delayed on delayed on DTR 6 delayed on evidence was
s time
DTR submission submission DTR submission shown

RAEL & Officiating

At least 15% of the At most 14% of At most 10% of the At most 5% of No acceptable Attended trainings, seminar and
Implement Quality Teachers are the teachers are teachers are the teachers are evidence was official in Speak Takraw
 Copy of the Approved Implemented Professional promoted promoted promoted promoted shown workshop for Division Meet 2023
development initiatives development of school Sept
ERF Teachers are Teachers are Teachers are Teachers are
to enhance strengths personnel 2023 to No acceptable
 Copy of Appointment of promoted within promoted within promoted within promoted within
and address June Efficiency evidence was
Promotion the 1st quarter of the 2nd quarter the 3rd quarter of the 4th quarter of
performance gaps 2024 shown
among school  Certificate of Attendance the year of the year the year the year
personnel Timelines
 Copy of all functional Managed and Managed and Managed and
Managed and
school organizations engaged at most engaged at most engaged at most
Manage school engaged all school No acceptable
 Copy of the Minutes of 99% of school 70% of school 50% of school
organizations, such Quality organizations in evidence was
meetings with school organizations in organizations in organizations in
as learner the attainment of show
organizations the attainment of the attainment of the attainment of
organizations, school goals
 Copy of school school goals school goals school goals
faculty clubs and organizational structure Conducted Conducted Conducted Conducted
parent- teacher trainings/LAC trainings/LAC trainings/LAC trainings/LAC
 Copy of performance Managed School 2023 to No acceptable
associations, and/or capacity and/or capacity session and/or session and/or
reports of school Organizations June Efficiency evidence was
by applying building within 7 building within 8 capacity building capacity building
organizations 2024 show
relevant policies months from SY months from SY within 9 months within 10 months
 Copy of staffing of all
and guidelines to opening opening from SY opening SY opening
Building Connections

support the
attainment of  Copy of by laws of all
institutional goals. organizations Timelines

Communicate Consistently Frequently Occasionally Rarely

effectively in communicates to communicates to communicates to communicates to
speaking and in stakeholders to stakeholders to stakeholders to stakeholders to
No acceptable
writing to teachers, facilitate facilitate facilitate facilitate
Quality evidence was
learners, parents information information information information
and other sharing, sharing, sharing, sharing,
stakeholders, Sept collaboration and collaboration and collaboration and collaboration and
through positive  Copy of Communications Managed communications 2023 to support support support support
use of  Minutes of Meetings/Fora effectively June Communicate to
communication 2024 Communicate to Communicate to Communicate to No acceptable
stakeholders using
platforms, to Efficiency stakeholders stakeholders using stakeholders evidence was
all available
facilitate using 3 platforms 2 platforms using 1 platform shown
sharing, Timelines
collaboration and s
MOVs Timelin Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
Statement Expected Outcomes QET Satisfactory
(Expected Outputs) e 5 3 2 1

Page 5 of 6

Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte

Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188
Website: | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte
 Attendance to Regular
Add On Duties and Responsibilities Perform added Incurred no Incurred at most Incurred at most 3 Incurred at most No acceptable
 Submission of Report Served as district validator Jan – Dec
duties and QET absences in all 2 absences in all absences in all 4 absences in all evidence was
 Meeting pictures of SIP and APP 2023
responsibilities meetings meetings meetings meetings shown

 Attendance to Regular
Perform added Attended PDC regular Incurred no Incurred at most Incurred at most 3 Incurred at most No acceptable
Meeting Jan – Dec
duties and meetings and signed QET absences in all 2 absences in all absences in all 4 absences in all evidence was
 Submission of Report 2023
responsibilities related documents meetings meetings meetings meetings shown
 Meeting pictures
 Attendance to Regular
Perform added Attended PMT regular Incurred no Incurred at most Incurred at most 3 Incurred at most No acceptable
Meeting Jan – Dec
duties and meetings and signed QET absences in all 2 absences in all absences in all 4 absences in all evidence was
 Submission of Report 2023
responsibilities related documents meetings meetings meetings meetings shown
 Meeting pictures
 Attendance to Regular Attended Praise
Perform added Incurred no Incurred at most Incurred at most 3 Incurred at most No acceptable
Meeting Committee regular Jan – Dec
duties and QET absences in all 2 absences in all absences in all 4 absences in all evidence was
 Submission of Report meetings and signed 2023
responsibilities meetings meetings meetings meetings shown
 Meeting pictures related documents


Prepared by:

School Head Check & validated by:

Public Schools District Supervisor

Approved by:

School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD) Chief

Page 6 of 6

Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte

Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188
Website: | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte

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