Early Christian Architecture

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BASILICAN CHURCHES - In its construction, there is a rule that it should be built right over the

burial of saint to whom the church was dedicated.

BAPTISTERY – It is the large separated building from church, sometimes adjoined atrium.

ESONARTHEX – An inner narthex when two are present.

EXORNARTHEX – A covered walk or outer narthex situated before an inner narthex.

BEMA – A stage reserved for the clergy.

CHEVET – An apse, Ambulatory, and radiating terminal of the church.

CLERETORY – An upper stage in the church with windows above the adjacent roof.

CHARACTERISTICS – Simplicity in design and coarseness in execution.

CLERGY – A priest wit the religious elders.

ANTEPODIUM – A seat behind the choir reserved for the clergy.

AMBULATORY – A passageway around the apse of the church.

EAST - Orientation of apse of a basilican church.

AMBO / AMBON – Either of two raised stands from which the gospels or epistles were read or
chanted in an early Christian church

CANCELLI – A low screen in an early Christian Basilica separating the clergy and sometimes
the choir from the congregation.
CRYPT – An underground chamber or vault used as burial place, especially one beneath the
main floor of a church.

SEMICIRCULAR ARCH – Arcades, doors and windows were either spanned by a ________.

RUINS OF ROMAN BUILDINGS – It serves as quarries from which materials were obtained.

TABERNACLE – A canopied recess for religious image or icon.

TOMBS OR CATACOMBS – Usually domed and enriched with lavish mosaic decorations.

CANTHARUS – A basin for a ritual cleansing with water in the atrium of an early Christian

WEST - It is where the entrance of basilican churches located.

ST. PETER’S ROME - It is erected by Constantine near the site of St.Peter's Martyrdome.

CIRCUS OF NERO - What is need to torn down to erect St. Peter's Rome?

TO SHELTER WORSHIPPERS - Unlike Greek and Roman temples which sheltered Gods, what
is purpose of Christian Church?

APSE - It is the main part of basilican church, semicircular end of basilica.

CONFESSIO - Main part of basilican church, high altar.

CHOIR - Main part of basilican church, partially enclosed by a cancelli or low screen.

SIDE AISLES - Main part of basilican church, half the width of the nave.
NAVE - It is the central aisle of basilican church.

NARTHEX - It is transition from atrium to the nave of basilican church.

ATRIUM - It is the forecourt with fountain of ablution at the center in basilican church.

SEPULCHRE - It is a tomb or a recepatacle for relics especially in a christian altar.

TRIFORIUM - It is a roof over the aisles below the clerestory

TRIBUNE - A slightly elevated platform or dais for the speaker.

TRANSEPT - The portion of the church crossing the main axis at the right angle and forming a
cruciform plan.

REREDOS - An ornamental screen or wall at the back of an altar

ORATORY - A small private chapel furnished with an altar and a crucifix.

DAIS - A raised platform reserved for the seating of the speakers of dignitaries.

ALTAR - It is the table in christian church.

BALDSCHIN - An ornamental canopy of stone or marble permanently place over the altarin

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