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UNIT 2 “The human body is the most complex system ever created.

Bill Gates (October 28, 1955),
American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist.

A. Discuss the questions.

 What is the human body?
 What does it consist of?
 Why is it important to explore continually the human body?

B. Work in groups and describe the word cloud.

1. Find the major structures of the
human body;
2. Search for the functions of the
skeletal system;
3. Find three types of muscles;
4. Find the names of blood vessels;
5. Find the main organ of the
nervous system;
6. This system facilitates the
exchange of oxygen and carbon
7. This system is responsible for
regulation of fluid balance;
8. A self-regulating process by
which biological systems tend to
maintain stability.

Verbs carbon dioxide larynx urethra

to attach cartilage ligaments Adjectives
to conceive cells liver cardiac
to enable central nervous lungs deoxygenated
to ensure system (CNS) nutrients endocrine
to integrate peripheral nervous organs immovable
to maintain system (PNS) pharynx integumentary
to provide esophagus pituitary gland intricate
to pump exhalation posture involuntary
to store framework reproduction movable
Nouns gallbladder spinal cord oxygenated
alveoli healthcare systems rhythmic
bladder professionals tendons skeletal
blood homeostasis thyroid gland smooth
bloodstream inhalation tissues therapeutic
bones insights trachea vital
bronchi kidneys voluntary
The human body is a remarkable system that serves as the foundation for life. It is
composed of cells, tissues, organs and systems all working in harmony to maintain
homeostasis and enable the body to function optimally. By understanding the structure
and functions of the body systems, researchers and healthcare professionals can gain
valuable insights into human health, disease processes, and potential therapeutic
interventions. The major systems include: skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular,
respiratory, digestive, endocrine, urinary, reproductive and integumentary.
The skeletal system provides support, protects vital organs, and enables movement.
It is composed of bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. Bones serve as a framework and
produce red and white blood cells. Joints allow for movement and are classified as
immovable, slightly movable, or freely movable.
The muscular system is responsible for movement, stability, and posture. It is
divided into three types of muscles: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles. Skeletal muscles
are attached to bones and allow voluntary movement, while smooth muscles control
involuntary movements in organs. Cardiac muscles are found in the heart and ensure its
rhythmic contractions.
The nervous system coordinates and regulates the activities of the human body. It
consists of two major components: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral
nervous system (PNS). The CNS, which includes the brain and spinal cord, processes and
integrates information from the senses, initiates responses, and stores memories. The PNS
connects the CNS to the rest of the body and transmits signals between the CNS and various
organs and tissues.
The cardiovascular system, also known as the circulatory system, is responsible for
transporting blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body. It consists of the heart,
blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries), and blood. The heart pumps oxygenated
blood to the body's tissues and returns deoxygenated blood to the lungs for oxygenation.
The respiratory system facilitates the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
between the body and the environment. It consists of the upper respiratory tract (nose,
pharynx, and larynx) and the lower respiratory tract (trachea, bronchi, and lungs). During
inhalation, air enters the respiratory system, travels through the bronchial tree, and
reaches the alveoli, where oxygen diffuses into the bloodstream. Carbon dioxide, a waste
product, is eliminated from the body during exhalation.
The digestive system is responsible for the breakdown, absorption, and assimilation
of nutrients necessary for growth, energy production, and overall bodily functions. It
comprises organs such as the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine,
liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Through the process of ingestion, digestion, absorption,
and elimination, food is transformed into essential nutrients that can be utilized by the
The endocrine system regulates various bodily functions through the secretion of
hormones. It includes glands such as the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands,
pancreas, and reproductive glands. Hormones are chemical messengers that travel through
the bloodstream and act on target organs to maintain homeostasis.
The urinary system, comprising the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, is
responsible for the excretion of waste products and regulation of fluid balance. It also plays
a crucial role in regulating blood pressure and producing hormones involved in red blood
cell production and calcium metabolism.
The reproductive system is a complex network of organs and structures that enables
sexual reproduction in humans and other organisms. Through this system, new life is
conceived, developed, and eventually born, perpetuating the continuation of species.
The integumentary system is the body's largest organ system and includes the skin,
hair, nails, and associated glands. It provides protection against external factors, regulates
body temperature, and contains sensory receptors for touch, pressure, and pain.
The human body is a marvel of complexity with numerous systems working in
unison to maintain life and health. The study of the human body involves anatomy,
physiology, histology and embryology.

I. Answer the questions:

1. How does the human body maintain homeostasis?
2. What are the major human systems?
3. What does the human skeletal system provide?
4. What is the muscular system responsible for?
5. What are the key components of the nervous system?
6. What are the functions of the cardiovascular system ?
7. What does the respiratory system facilitate?
8. What are the main functions of the digestive system ?
9. How does the endocrine system regulate bodily functions ?
10. What are the primary roles of the urinary system ?
11. What is the role of the reproductive system ?
12. What is the body's largest organ system ?

II. Read the text again. Agree or disagree on these statements. (True/False)

1. The human body is a single system that enables the body to function optimally.
2. Systems are groups of organs and tissues that have the same function.
3. The skeletal system offers support, protection for vital organs, and allows
4. Smooth muscles are found in the heart.
5. The nervous system coordinates the activities of the human body.
6. The heart returns oxygenated blood to the lungs.
7. The endocrine system plays a crucial role in regulating blood pressure.
8. Anatomy is the only study of the human body.
III. Match the following words logically.
Make up sentences.
1. human a. blood
2. organ b. cord
3. vital c. tract
4. blood d. system

What does it mean?

5. cardiac e. functions
6. spinal f. body
7. oxygenated g. products
8. respiratory h. balance
9. energy i. organs
10. bodily j. muscle
11. waste k. production
12. fluid l. cells

IV. Unscramble the words

1. senob
2. stiojn
3. clsumes
4. niabr
5. treah
6. sngul
7. eacheart
8. ineestint
9. schamot
10. dnkeys
11. dblerad
12. peanascr
13. rohmonse
14. eoshomsista
15. niks

V. Read the text again and find out synonyms/antonyms for the following

synonyms antonyms
1. scientists 1. death
2. structure 2. to forbid
3. to control 3. useless
4. breath in 4. movable
5. illness 5. voluntary
6. cure 6. oxygenated
7. defense 7. inhalation

VI. Choose the correct variant.

1. I think that having a big heart/kidney/brain means that you are a very caring and
loving person. (Idiom)
2. A person will feel heartburn when stomach acid flows back up into the
3. Muscles/bones/cartilage provide a rigid framework that supports and protects the
body organs.
4. We put a lot of nerves/lymph/blood, sweat, and tears into fixing our old house. (Idiom)
5. My heart/muscles/stomach has been hurting for the past few days after eating spicy
6. A fake smile is smiling with your mouth but not with your eyes, just showing your
teeth/tongue/gums. (Idiom)
7. Anatomy/physiology/embryology focuses on how organisms, organ systems,
individual organs, cells function.
8. Histology/anatomy/physiology is a field in the biological sciences concerned with the
description of the body structures.

VII. Write C for countable and U for uncountable nouns. Write two more countable
and two uncountable nouns. Write the plural or singular for countable nouns.

Alveoli _________ Trachea _________ Stomach _________ Healthcare _________

Blood _________ Tissue _________ Liver _________ Bloodstream _________
Bone _________ Esophagus _________ Knowledge _________ Medicine _________
Bronchi _________ Lung _________ Health _________ Dentistry _________


VIII. Video comprehension check. Choose the correct variant.

1. The human body is acomplex network of …

a. cells c. organs
b. tissues d. all of the above

2. The keleton also provides anchor points for …

a. nervous system c. muscular system

b. cardiovascular system d. endocrine system

3. Neurons send ___________ to the brain.

a. messages c. signals
b. demands d. stimuli

4. The lymphatic system is also called the …

a. regulatory system c. protective system

b. immune system d. vascular system

5. All of these systems require _________ to function properly.

a. food c. oxygen
b. energy d. blood

6. The digestive system is an approximately _______ foot series of organs.

a. 60 c. orthodontist
b. 30 d. 13

IX. Guess the human system.

1. ____________ is a group of passageways and organs.

2. ____________ is responsible for creating life.
3. ___________ is a framework of over 200 bones.
4. ___________ is a communication network.
5. ___________ is a series of glands.
6. ___________ is a pipeline sytem.
7. ___________ it convets food into fuel.

X. Odd one verb out.

to facilitate to enable to promote to worsen to encourage

to provide to supply to preserve to guarantee to furnish
to deliver to convey to carry to retain to transport
to occur to occupy to happen to take place to appear
to regulate to control to regard to adjust to manage
to expel to eliminate to remove to excrete to extend
to involve to require to affect to include to eliminate
to ensure to provide to furnish to ensure to supply

XI. Complete the mind map using the key words from the video.

XI. Extra Vocabulary Activity. Identify the functions of specific organs.

catch _____________________________
deliver _____________________________
eliminate _____________________________
supply _____________________________
stomach provide _____________________________
brain with _____________________________
heart extract _____________________________
nose allow _____________________________
ears regulate _____________________________
eyes expel
XII. Name the organs.

XIII. What is the function of the different body parts? Match A and B to find the

1. blood a. It filters and stores blood
2. bones b. Movement, strength
3. brain c. Protection, warmth
4. eyes d. Transporting food and air; attaching
5. hands e. Breathing; taking in air
6. heart f. Sending messages; sensation
7. liver g. Holding food; digestion
8. lungs h. Structure and shape; protecting
9. muscles i. Thinking; control of the body
10. nerves j. Pumping blood
11. skin k. Tasting; talking; eating
12. stomach l. Feeling, touching; acting on objects
13. teeth m. Looking, seeing
14. tongue n. Chewing; eating; biting

XIV. Make up 10 qiuestions using the phrases form the exercise above. Use
special question words.
1. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ?
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ?
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ?
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ?
5. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ?
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ?
7. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ?
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ?
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________?
10. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ?

XV. Dialogue Topic: The Vitality of Body Systems

Match the students’ statements. Role-play the dialogue.

Emma James

1. James, I've been thinking about our a. Yes, and let's not forget the nervous
studies, and I can't help but wonder system, which controls everything
which body system is the most from our heartbeat to our thoughts
important for overall health. and movements.
2. Absolutely! The cardiovascular system b. True. Without the nervous system, we
ensures blood and oxygen reach every wouldn't even be aware of our
cell, while the respiratory system surroundings or able to interact with
supplies us with the oxygen we need. the world.
3. You're right. And the digestive system c. You're right! A compromised immune
provides the nutrients and energy our system would leave us vulnerable to
body requires to function properly. illnesses. But then again, it relies on all
the other systems too.
4. Exactly! But if we had to choose one, d. Exactly! Our body is a harmonious
which would you say is the most vital? symphony, with each system playing a
vital role.
5. That's a good point. But then, the e. It seems that way! All the systems
nervous system is like the commander- work together to maintain our health.
in-chief, orchestrating everything.
6. This is tougher than I thought! What f. True, true. Each system is like a puzzle
about the immune system? It defends us piece, and together they form the
against infections and keeps us healthy. complete picture of our health.
7. We're going in circles, aren't we? g. Oh, I've been pondering that too,
Emma. It's a tough question because
each system plays a crucial role in its
own way.
8. You're right. It's like they form an h. Well, thinking practically, without the
intricate web, and if one part falters, it cardiovascular system, oxygen and
affects the whole system. nutrients wouldn't be delivered
efficiently to our organs. So, I'd say it's
pretty important.


1. The human brain generates more electrical impulses in a single day than all the
telephones in the world combined.
2. The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body relative to its size.
3. The human eye can distinguish about 10 million different colours.
4. The heart pumps approximately 7,571 liters of blood through the body every day.
5. The small intestine is around 6.7 meters long, making it one of the longest organs
in the body.
6. The human nose can remember and distinguish over 50,000 different scents.
7. Your body sheds and regenerates its outer layer of skin about every 27 days.
8. The human body is home to trillions of bacteria, collectively known as the human
microbiome, which plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including
digestion and immune response.
9. Humans are the only animals with chins, a distinctive bony structure that supports
the lower jaw.
10. Sneezing can propel mucus and air particles out of the body at speeds of up to 161
kilometers per hour.
11. The human eye blinks approximately 17 times per minute, which amounts to about
4.2 million blinks in a year.
12. Your body's bones are not solid; they contain porous spaces that make them both
lightweight and strong.

Key words: fresh air, sleeping, personal hygiene, plenty of fluids, be active, stress
relief, physical exercises, healthy body weight, avoid bad habits.


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