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My Reflection

We are now in the situation of pandemic because of Covid 19. There are lot of activities that we cannot
perform. Just like in the pandemic situation there is no face to face when it comes to school or activities related to
school. Because of the pandemic we practice the different types of modalities. We also used the webinar what is
webinar? The word ‘webinar’ is a blend of ‘web’ and ‘seminar’. A webinar is an event held virtually which is
attended exclusively by an online audience. This distinguishes it from a webcast, which also includes the presence of
a physical audience. Other terms used as alternatives for webinar are web event, online seminar, webcast, web lecture
and virtual event. During the webinar there is a speaker and listener where they can inter act. They can ask question
to the speaker and also they can share their knowledge based on the topic that the speaker discuss. This is just like a
face to face scenario but the different is they used the online seminar by using their phone, laptop or other gadgets.
During this webinar we learned a lot regarding the administration and supervision. We know what rules of
every individual in our government most especially in the Department of Education. Also we learned on how to
handle if you are in the higher position. We learned that being a leader is different from being a boss. For being a
leader you should have a good relationship to your fellow worker you should understand their situation and also be an
open minded so that you and your member can create an idea which it can be a successful result. As a conductor of
seminar there are different factor to be consider first is the availability of participants then next is the internet
connection. Because if your internet connection is very low you cannot deliver properly your topic to your
participants. But for me based on my experience im so happy because a deliver it to my participants and I like the
most the cooperation of the participant because during my delivery there is an inter action because they share their
knowledge based on their experience. And also as a listener I learned a lot to all the speaker. They are very open to us
to share our knowledge or experience so that the other participants can say that this is the same to my experience.
This activity is very useful because as an educator I learned a lot of knowledge because someday if we are
promoted in a higher position we can say that we prepared because of this activity we learned on how to handle the
difficult situation and also we know what are our job description so that we can perform well and it can help also to
have a successful organization because that knowledge we learned in this activity just like in the quote about leaders
“I must follow the people. Am I not their leader? —Benjamin Disraeli. It means that being a leader is also a good

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