Lich's Library - GM Binder

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The Lich's Library

Number Book Effect if any

1 1 Lich, 2 Lich, Dead Lich, New Lich
And there's only 96, but nobody can find the missing numbers.
2 101 Blonde Jokes
It's very confusing... DC15 WIS save or lose 1 INT
3 "101 Fun and Practical Things To Do With A
DC 20 Wis Sav or Alignment moves 1 degree
towards CN
101 Unconventional (But Really Useful!) Uses For
Mage Hand
5 50 Shades of Fae
6 50 Shades of Sune
7 9/10ths Of The Law: A Guide To Possession DC20 CHA immune to possession
8 A Beginner’s Guide to Necrophilia
9 A brief history of time by Stephen Hawking DC20 INT Add 1 spell slot. Level = d6+1
DC 25 CON (Makes any creature that open the book poop
10 A Brown Note book.
"A Guide to Long Term Investment Strategies, by "DC 20 STR Cash value of Loot drop of your choice is doubled;
Lazarus & Methusela." must tell DM before treasure is announced"
A history of the bloodwar, as told by the deva
13 A history of the Dead Three. DC 20 WIS or alignment moves 1 towards evil
14 A La Recherches de Temps Perdu
A lich and his bitch, a love story. But it’s mostly
Stockholm syndrome love
16 A song of ice giants and fire elementals DC 30 INT resistance vs fire and cold
A treatise on multiversal theory: as it pertains to
17 subatomic vibrations, and their relation to DC 20 INT one magic item gains/loses +/-1
evocation and transmutation
"A treatise on the nature of the Weave from the
18 DC 20 INT one magic item gains/loses +/-1
Arcane University"
Advanced Transmutation of thin multi-weave
19 DC 20 INT one magic item gains/loses +/-1
materials - Mak Vang
Aerial Combat tactics - a treatise of combat with
20 DC 12 INT advantage on initiative with vs flying creatures
angelic allies
21 Along came a Lolth
22 Alpha Omega 1986 - a high school yearbook Gain Inspiration
"An Elementary Primer on Planar Transpositions,
23 DC 20 INT one rare magic item appears/disapears
Vol. 3"
24 An entire section of uncomfortable fetish porn
25 An Illithids Guide to Humans DC 12 INT +1 on saves vs Mind Flayers
An Immodest Proposal: The role of Beastshape in
26 DC 10 CHA +1 CHA checks while polymorphed
Anatomy: Descriptive and Surgical, Anatomy of
27 DC 10 INT to gain prof. on Medicine checks
the Humanoid Body
Another entire section of a different
uncomfortable fetish porn
Antagonizing Angels: A list of every way to upset DC20 INT Know resistance/immunity/vulnerability/abilities of all
a celestial. Celestials
30 Aspects of Arcanum and Astral Algorithms DC 20 INT one rare magic item appears/disapears
31 Betty White: How I Do It Adds 20 years to expected lifespan
Number Book Effect if any
Bone thug soup, Murder Hobo sandwiches, A
32 DC 15 WIS or -1 to initiative on fights you start.
Hero’s Last Meal
33 Book of advanced magical traps and maiming DC 12 DEX Proficiency on slight of hand
"Botanical Bastardry: How To Poison Your
34 DC20 CON or 4d6 poison damage + poisoned 1 day or half
35 C-- and the Art of Skeleton Programming DC 12 WIS +1 to hit undead
36 Cat in the Hat, by Dr. Seuss
"Charnel Touch, and the Best Ways to Touch
37 DC10 CHA +5 lay on hands
38 Chicken Soup for the Soulless DC 20 Wis or Lowers your Max hp by 2d10
39 Chilton: 1976 Ford Pinto DC20 CON, or gives vulnerability to fire
Corrupting Paladins: The most fun you can have
40 DC 20 Wis Sav or Alignment moves 1 degree towards CN
41 Crazy Lich Mazticans. DC 25 CHA doubles gp value of next loot drop
Criss-cross applesauce: and other funny DC 25 Arcana check. Cast any known spell using a spell slot 1
sounding but incredibly dangerous spells lower 1/long rest.
"Dark Shadows: A collection of short romance
43 stories, mostly involving vampires and other DC 15 WIS +1 to hit vampires
44 Dead And Loving It: A Necromancer’s Guide
Destruction and Recreation II, Binding souls to
Flesh- Kalina Undertower
46 Devils Deeper Down: A fool’s guide to bargains
47 Dianetics, by L Ron Hubbard. - 1 wis, no save
48 Don’t fear the reaper DC 15 WIS Immune to fear vs undead & fiends
Dragons & Diners; Dungeons & Diners & Dives
by Fly Gireri
Elminster’s guide to the dread planes and
50 Plane Shift spell
51 Erotic Art of the NecroSutra
"Ethel the Aardvark Goes Quantity Surveying: A
52 DC 20 CHA one rare magic item appears/disapears
First Geomancy Primer"
Good luck reading it, but it allows you to maximize and reshape
53 Evocation Calculus for the Very Advanced.
Fireball if you do. DC30 Arcana
From Hags To Riches: A Bastard’s Guide to DC 15 CHA Cash value of Loot drop of your choice is doubled;
Social Climbing must tell DM before treasure is announced
"DC20 INT Know resistance/immunity/vulnerability/abilities of all
55 Fundamentals of infernal pact law
Ghouls are from Greyhawk, Warlocks are from
57 Giving Your Mummy The Bone DC 15 INT +1 melee damage vs mummies
58 Go Orc, Go!
59 Good luck Gives Inspiration
60 Granny Goodness's Big Book of Torture DC 12 CHA Proficiency on intimidation checks
61 Grave's Anatomy DC 10 INT to gain prof. on Medicine checks
62 Halflings and Ale: Things to Know DC 20 CON to have resistance to poison
DC 12 WIS - the next time you drop to 0 hp, you drop to 1
63 Handbook for the Recently Deceased
This64is unofficial FanHave a Heart, by Phyl L'Actery
Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Number Book Effect if any
67 How the Lich Stole Christmas.
DC 12 WIS Gives Druids the Chill Touch
68 How to add a chill touch to your green thumb
DC 20 CHA gain ability to polymorph self
69 How To Become an Animal by Shaep Schiffter
How to cook and eat Lizardfolk, Dragonborn, and Kobolds: A cooks
70 DC 12 WIS +1 Survival
guide to preparing tasty meals from less than ideal places.
DC 12 CHA Advantage on controlling
71 How to Influence Fiends and Possess Others.
summoned demons
How to Make Friends & Influence People: A Practical Guide to
Necromancy and Enchantment By Dale the Carnage Guy
How to say words good and do other stuff good too: A Barbarian’s DC 10 WIS Proficient in CHA for
Treatise on Negotiations Barbarians
DC20 WIS Gain Turn Undead as Cleric ½
74 How to talk dirty and resurrect people. A paladin's guide to the blue arts
your Paladin level
DC 12 CHA Gives Sorcerers one
75 Humorous Accounting Anecdotes, Vol 3
additional spell slot
76 HVAC For Dummies DC 12 CON Gives +2 on poison saves
(A Very Good Fake - radiates evil Abj,
77 Igwilyv’s Demononicon
Conj, Necro, & Ench.)
78 Jonathan No Longer Livingston Seagull
79 "Kama Sutra for Zombies - Revised Edition, by S.X. Crimes" DC 15 INT +1 melee damage vs zombies
80 Keith & Betty: We're just getting started! Adds 20 years to expected lifespan
81 Keith Richards: The First 500 Years of Childhood. Adds 20 years to expected lifespan
82 L.I.L.F.s: Liches I’d like to Find
83 "Ladies Love Liches. A how to guide to love and lichdom."
84 Libra de mortis
85 Lich Hikers guide to the astral DC 12 INT +1 on initiatives vs aberrations
86 Lich man, poor man
mistakenly bought but surprisingly well
87 Lichen is everywhere!
read because lichen is just cool.
88 Lichen: the Lich’s guide to being a Fun Guy DC 20 INT +1 CHA
89 Liches and hoes: A gardeners guide
90 Liches Get Bitches: and other reasons to become undead
91 Life styles of the lich and dangerous
DC 15 CHA Learn Tasha's Hideous
92 Limericks worthy of lynching your larynx
Laugheter 1/day inate
93 Little Phlactery on the Prairie
94 Lord of the Rings DC 15 CHA 1 Luck point
95 Low-Down Dirty High Elves DC 15 CHA +1 intimidation vs elves
96 Making new friends: A beginners guide
DC 30 Arcana one very rare magic item
97 Malenchantments of the Nethersphere
Manual of the Planes, Appendix. The Elemental Chaos, Reference Notes. DC 15 WIS or alignment moves 1 toward
The Necessity of the Abyss and the Stability of the Elemental Planes CE
DC 12 CHA Advantage on persuasion vs
99 Men are from Limbo, Women are from Pandemonium
opposite sex
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Number Book Effect if any
100 MLA Formatting in the Afterlife
"Multiaxial energetic release in a geomagnetic anomaly, study of energy transfer
interference at the Tovag Baragu Stone Ring"
102 My last knight
DC 15 CHA +1 persuasion vs
103 Naked Elf Girls and Where to Find Them
104 Necrocapitalism. Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee
105 Necromancing the Stone
DC 15 CHA Learn Tasha's
106 "Necromancy Puns That Will Make You Drop Dead Laughing"
Hideous Laugheter 1/day inate
is just a very long list of names of
107 Necronomicon
dead people.
DC 12 CHA +1 on attacks vs
108 No No Bad Wolf: A training guide on domesticating werewolves.
DC 15 WIS Proficiency with chef's
109 Nominomicom
110 Of Orcs and Elves
on the extrapolations of the humanoid will by the arcane forces of the DC 20 INT +1 damage per die on
necromantic realm spells that do necrotic damage
"On the use of extra dimensional equipment to coerce the soul from sapient
creatures - Kwalish"
"Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme, and other herbal treatments to ward of
113 those old dusty, musty, or new-dead smells. Scarbourough Fair Publishing,
Grenwich Village."
114 Passions of Lust & Bone Dust
115 Planar Parties: Every major holiday for each plane of existence
116 Playghoul - 232 years of monthly issues
117 Poor Lich’s Almanac.
118 Practices for Preserving Privates After Passing-On DC 15 WIS to gain 10 max HP
119 Praise The North - General Tober Morrow
120 Raising the Dead - an Erotic Novel (self published)
121 Raistlin's theory of higher Magic’s
DC 15 CHA +1 persuasion vs
122 Read the Fine Print by Eul A. Deamon
123 Red Wizard of Oz
124 Reduce, reuse, reanimate: a guide to ethical necromancy
125 Resting lich face; coping skills and junk. DC 15 CHA +1 CHA
126 Return of the Walking Dead
DC 12 WIS advantage on attacks
127 Rocks aren’t that hard’ A Guide by Dwarven Stonemasons
vs earth elementals
128 Rotting Away: The Thoughtful Guide to Maintaining Your Material Body DC 20 WIS to gain 10 max HP
129 Satisfactory Phylacteries
DC 15 WIS Able to carry 2 extra
130 Sautéed, simmered, and stewed: A cookbook for Souls.
Soul Coins
Smashy, Smashy, Smash. A practical guide to living with the Barbarian in your DC 12 WIS +1 on charisma
life checks with barbarians
132 Snow Dwarf and the Seven Wights
133 Snow Dwarf and the Seven Wights(naughty version) 5
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Number Book Effect if any
So, you want live forever. A
134 step by step guide to DC 25 WIS Resistance to Necrotic
becoming a Lich. By Vecna
135 Spengler's Spirit Guide "DC20 INT Know resistance/immunity/vulnerability/abilities of incorporeal monsters"
Spiders as Agents of
136 Menzoberranzan - Khelben
137 Stayin alive, by B.Gee
Tactical Studies Rules 1980
138 DC 15 DEX advantage on next attack
Tasha and Volo's
139 Compendium of Erotic
The Art of Self Preservation:
An Embalmers Journey
141 The Art of the Deal Being used to level a table leg (-1wis if read, no save)
"The Big Little Book of
142 Death and
143 The Book of Pages
the collected daydreams of
144 DC 12 WIS proficient in insight
the peasants of Avingford
The Complete Beginners
145 DC 12 INT Proficiency on survival
Guide to Bonsai Cultivation
"The Dærknêss: a guide to
146 The Things that go bump in DC 12 WIS advantage on initiative vs aberrations
the night"
The dragon with the girl
A collection of weird and highly symbolic dreams that seem to contain worrying
The Dream Journal of prophecies. While it purports to be the work of one forgotten archmage, each page is
Doctor Lo written in a different hand, language, and style. Some of the dreams are eerily similar to
dreams experienced by the reader in the past.
The Ethics of Phylacteries:
149 A Look Into the First Steps
of Lichdom
The Fall of the Netherese
"Survivors of Enslavement by the Vile Illithid (More Commonly Known As Mind
The Githyanki, or Children
151 Flayers), In the Vast Depths of the Astral Plane. Ruthless Pillagers? Or Guardians of the
of Gith,
Multiverse from the Illithid Menace?"
The Griffon, the Warlock,
and the Armoire
The Hitch Hikers guide to
Sigil: The city of doors
154 The Illithiad. It's the Illiad, but the protagonists are all Illithids

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Number Book Effect if any
The Laws and Principles of
"The lich and the unicorn. A
156 collection of bone on horn
erotica fan fiction."
The Lich Queen: A biography
157 DC 15 CHA Proficiency on intimidation checks
of the first Karen.
158 The Liches of Eastwick
The Lion, the Lich and the
160 The Lusty Argonian Maid
161 The Necromancer's Knickers
The Necronomicon of Sex:
Just because you're dead
doesn't mean you can't have a
Sex Life
"The Secret Debaucheries of
163 Elminster, by Volothamp
The Seven Habits of Highly
164 DC20 INT to gain/lose 10 Max HP permanently
Effective Necromancers
165 The Seven Year Lich DC15 CON or infected with undead crabs. Poisoned. greater restoration to heal
The Thousand Exortations of
166 DC 15 WIS or -1 INT
Lum the Mad
The cover is made of tanned human skin and the inside contains several yellowing
pages that are all blank, Except for the first page which reads “Knowledge is power
The tome of infinite
167 and power corrupts.” The players may ask any question about anything by writing it
on one of the pages. They receive the answer but also receive a permanent minus
one to their wisdom score.
168 The Unlife of Pi
Theory of ethical cohesion
between lower perpendicular
169 DC 15 INT +1 on melee damage vs fiends
outer planes - Alistair
Theory of Forces Vitae and
170 DC 15 CHA Thaumaturgy Cantrip
Thaumatugical Applications
171 Think lich, grow lich
Toppling Kingdoms For Fun &
173 Torm and his Women
Trapped Books for dummies
174 DC 20 DEX or 4d10 necrotic
(of course its a trap)
175 Treasure down under DC15 CON or infected with undead crabs. Poisoned. greater restoration to heal
176 Tricky Traps by Gobber Goblin DC 20 DEX or 4d10 slashing

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Number Book Effect if any
177 Twilight DC 12 INT or -1 on attacks vs vampires
178 Undeath or Unlife: A Philosophical Discussion DC 15 WIS resistance to undead melee damage
DC 20 WIS or lose 1 CHA permanently due to scabs forming on
179 V for Vecna
your face, in 1d4 days the scabs fall away, leaving scars.
180 Wait! Someone’s watching!?!? DC15 WIS +1 passive perception
A scathing commentary and biography of the demi-lich, critiquing
181 What Acererak Did Wrong
each of his world-ending schemes and why they went wrong
182 What To Expect When You're Expiring DC 20 CON or lose 10 Max HP
What to expect when your expecting
183 DC 15 DEX or -1 on initiatives
What's in a Gnome: An In-depth Guide to the
184 Anatomy of Svirfneblin and their Alchemical
185 Where the Red mold grows DC 20 CON save or lose 10 HP until next long rest.
"It is a mimic, it attacks with surprise, unless PC checks to see if it
186 Where's Mimic?
is a mimic."
"Where's Waldo: The Life and times and
187 Mysterious disappearance of Waldo P DC 15 WIS Proficiency on Investigation Checks
188 Withering Heights
Working in Small Infinities, Advanced
probability manipulation
190 Ye olde booke of Demonic True Names DC20 INT Know resistance/immunity/vulnerability of all Demons
191 You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter A mpa showing location of all traps in the dungeon
Zen and the Art of Mordenkainen's DC 15 CHA If you meet Mordenkainen, you have advantage on all
Maintenance social checks.
"Zolar's Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Maybe you have so many people to give credit to

Practice that you need a bit more space. Well, you can use
this column to do exactly that!

This document is simply a reformatting of the
doocument created by Robert Maher in the
"D&D DMs Only group", with contributions
from hundreds of group members


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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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using GM Binder.

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