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. Appaopa iation, Nativisation and
Irdigenisatt on of English
a. How Indiam identties ane constaucted
in taamslated texts 9

Nativisatiom is the paocest oheAeby a lamgua
We can dis edes ab dt
acquines native epeakeag.
Corlexts. Fust ome is the
mativi sation in thaee
natvis atiom as the paocest of the tsams e
ogic ofbt local laguag* to
Egleh. hes one , OR
second om is nativigation as a of vaniable
ystem deviatiom
pattenn .Ihiad mativigatom as a
Thiad me g
types. We know the Fnglish use speak we

oday was kavily ingluemed by thei lamguagee

tiace the
Such ag fäemch amd hatin. he can
of thie back to the oman invagiom. Ihe app¯o
pAcatiom of has veay much importamce.
Lndigenization l.the
isthe actio
actio on
on paocers baig
8ome hemg ,hene lamguage undea the contaol o
Pluene of the people native to an Qnea.

Ihe impoatamee of taamglat ed texts is

peuhaps due to itt acting ae a medium o
Caeate aaaemess about the gpeciicikes
o catiom , ce , Aee ligiom , cultuaal paactices
gendea Sexuality amd ethnicit Tianslatton
ö litenany textr Can be nega hded as a cutunal
activist Comntted Chus ade to paoote cultunal
ng. sLeti
undeastandi cus iom.
take these topiee on
unthes dis

How Indian identities ane Constaucted in uans lated
aegandWe liteAatuae - Centaic
lems need to thaough
(ibeaat segiom
yopic ouh lves fsom
thB* segiomal comseAvabis mn in ondes to discoven the
wold &itizen in Wo ld litea atune , we ehould
emdeavoun to dig cove4 n eve wtea gemse
obolees & and within that inclusive oholenes
we must discoveh co llective buman expaesston
the time has come fon us to take such a
Sinee the advent of cultuaal studies amd woold
litesatue &tudies du0a aenets about intensectonalty
tandpoint panametent and -the impostance af
Haamslation studies have decomstaueted definition
of the camon and gand maasatives. Moreoves,fhe
emengemce of tAatelated litesatune fhom all oved
the woa ld competing fos ènternatiomal t4 amela
Hiom paizes , guch
guch as the Bookes paize , has tuamed
the focu not oml om the tiamelated text, but
the dentity af thl taanslatox.
Ome Aeasom fon thit peuhaps is
TAanslation has often bten conrt Aucted as labous
of love, implying , umpaid laboun. Taanslatoss
to aa clarr af paivileg
henefoAe offen
maintai ning,
belomg live (ibood
becoe to
challemg y mlating faom one laguage t
No. 4

anothea, is the
only skill ome has acquined
and taamglatio is a fulltime
pA ofession. lhis is
an umdeniable fact
hat ie mow
'despite the eAgemce

being de scalbed as the tsdnslateon

ThB is why penhap: letenaay thanslation is
often defimed passtomn oA mis giom Aathes than
a' bigh- skilled 38 Com. We
We may well gtate tht
Haamlatiom ie the most demoCA atle amd
mode o taaicheati om, it peamits
Combination: amd play uoith ooAds ininite
in å dane of
appA ox0matiom , amd the taamslatos cam be a cae Dato
an expesimentea ,the
the taamslato have a
fdelity fixation, oa a ixation
fixatiom opaontttring
o ton itieimg
the needs o the A
eadeuehip', so that the
|Sounee text
Cam be hoditied and
hamsoAMed to accomnoodate it
eultuá e
ith the
To his much -acelaimed book The Taansla
toas Lmvisi bility haw Aemee Venuti outlimed cetai
pasametus that'define the objec tives af
sanslation. kogL.
Haamg lation pia
to tuwo widely followed
being th'domertication
+he text becng tianslated atd the othea being
oA igni ratttn
itnof the text bel mg thamg late
Vemutti tated hans latio n can Be Considehed
the communication o a foAeign text but it is
aloay aommunicatt on mtad by it addiess
tpeciie Aeadimg audienee .The Violent effeetr
tianslation ahe et at home as well as abaoad

TAanslation tudies isis companatively mew

andd is 8till im the pA ocess
mapping "its tenaton
becauge the
mode o -taamsmitting cuttunal element
thaough litenan taanelatton ie a
task ncompa: Yimg compendium a expeaiencer:
neludimg histoay soccal stauctuAe
Haaditiohal cugtons and
timee )thene geem8 to be a guddenn asage nsecent
ups unge oin
intenest fo taamslatiom in krgleeh studier
Lmdia peahaps due to
the impa et of
zatiom n ouk out look and nejeetiom decoloni
nCAitical aceeptamee of ltesatuae doimat
wetern lamguages Enlish is p0u0 admittedly
a vagt

diventity la


Ind ia ig a
and whenen
people epeak
mslation in Lndia.
natiom o ethne and cutual
Wthouttaamg latiomLndia oithmulti-
k its ag languager
9e ,l5 different reipts , hundae ds ofmthes lga
ongues and thougands of diale cts
hehained a mono cultúnal uoonld ,de paived
ts hich amd divea se anelent
ood bave

henitag. As a
diseipline, Taamslation studees is mew In
iecent times , thene geem to be a sudden
upsuge of intened fon taamslatiom
studie in India pehaps due to the
in Engl:d
decolomiaatio in ouh out look and
the uncati cal sejectton
acceptamce of iteaatune en
omima nt weotea n lan
admittedy a vast gage s. English
heeeao of tAanglatiom in
Tdia. hachmam Mulehand khubchandami the
wAiteA amd Caitie
aptly co lonial
Aemaaks hat the ltea
bas a
Conduit to
language but t
link Lndits Heteh 0gene
li' woald in all its
amd eslha mgement.
The India Pesspective
Befone coming to deal with taanslation
ctudie in the Lndian pesspeetive ,it is mecess
to undes stand the aealn af
paocesses, Paacticer and mew developnet.
Taanslation is' elated to o0 Ads amd ooad
ase nothing but a taanslatton of ideas o.
mothemtT thi
expentemces. Ln this 8ense ,eveay act o
nieatiom an act of taamslation. ILn the

absece of woAds thehe oould be no ooald and

thene would be n0 chan ing of knooledge,tnam
lation facilitater this påocss o coomunieatior
Anuvaad "i the accepted' equiva lent of the Fngli h
od.tanslation" tm Hindi. Tt is denived aom
Hhe Banskait oond "Anuvaadeh " ohich means Repe
tition " in noA mal ug , epetition in ohdes to
suppost , ex emplity OA explain ; explamatosy aepe
ition On mentiontg of alaeady gaid talk 'me ssage.
|Ftymologieally the bond Anuvaad ig a Corsbinio
ofthe oot ookd Vaad " meaming a Rtatement oA
angune t, and the Paefx "Anu" meaning 'afteg
Po llouing'? he pAocei: a taaslatio
ebough di tages , lnitiatimg 20mthe
Souhe Ans Caeatn7ethams litesa
tiom amd
teaal taamslation
i uoo4d to wond,pphaase to
pbaase oA 8etenee to etence
en Conhy ing oVe
the taaget text to the souhce tertl arm
such Aams lation i to sepA bduee
the sousce tex t amd the'imediatemeani
t bas on the Aeadens of amotheu cultuae in
ohose language the text ie to be taanslated.
TaanseAeation on the othes hamd me s
|Patial osuoithcomplete fiedom to the taanelaton in
the Souuce
lext in
Rolsee text. The tianslatos Aendeus
hecneated fon in the Taget
|kanguage Anothek step in thanilation is hansfen"
in shich -the analyned atenial ia aant
ed in the mind of the tanslatox faom the Soukce
Text toTanget Text.
Text he final e the hestructurind
oces thethe tsamsfenaed mateniaf. When tamlation prod
fect as on the oaiginal audience then
aans lation can be comsideaed equivalent to the Souace
Evolution and gAouoth
Tt is believed that the paactice o
in Lndia has been taanslation
prevai ling
style M.Khubehandami,the CAitic
usitho ut a name OA
Aitic congideas
Nasad"a chanactes faom Hindu
mythelega as tho
inst Heexammple
exaple of o an inten paeteA in
also Aefes to am othea
Bldha oho dliveAcd messoo-ious g
sidea and tnam latos Sujeet he Indan
hat tiansllation in Sujeet UMakheaje
Makhenje believee
India deaived ¡Aom -the
laguag Samgkait to othe modean
Gujanathi ete. Unlike the Hindi, Bang la Qmd
west ohend tnanslation
o45inated Aom the biblieal wonke , the Sousce
lañguage t&xts in India wene mot aeligiour
8eaptdAes like the 'Vedas' but
poetie u0ok ks like the 'Ramayana, mythr ard fomeus
amd the Saimad Bhagavat Gita" Up toMahabhanata
the minctecnt
cemntaag litenate comsieted ony of sansla
tionsadaptations , ëntea phetatton and Hetellings
liteany wonks as woell as knowledg - text:
dig coukces 'on medielme , asta
kn omoymetallungg
tAavel , ship -building, anchitectuie >philosophy.
|heligiom and poeties "om Samskat, Pali, Bakit
Peasiam amd Aaabic. These kept cultuhal seeme
anemess of
vibnant and emaiched oui auanemess the oold
oa lomg: Most o ous aneient wAitene wene multt
(ingual KalidasasShakuntala' has Sansksit f Paakait
Poet like Vidyapatt, Kabia , Meeaabai, Gua u Nanak
Namdev and dtheas composed theik Songs and poems
n mOAe lamguage. Tt es
than ome
the medium of t hanslation that the stoaiesony thaog o
didfenent couaies and lamguage could be adapted
and abaidged earilyEkample: -the stoies o
Hans Chasgtiam
Andenso faom Fnglith to
Kndian ngtomal
hat duatg the
we look back at
bigtoay then it is obseaved
Mughal peniod int India , the focus of
shifted faom Banskait to "Peasian ;the
uless laquage ? Empenos Akban pataon iaed
and got
eaanslated the gaeat Pensian
Mahabhanata amd epice like the Ramayan
the mamy othes uooaks into Peasian.
Coming oB the Fast Lndia
ndia ,taams lation o Indian Comparny
languager to
language become Populas. Chaale hIkins Eunopean in i85
Faanslated the 'Bhagavat Gita fiast tme into
Englich dinectly aom &anskait. Houwevek despite the
o English , Tnd ian lamguages had thein
nd ividual idemtities and aich owm
mo great initiative was takem by the Baitish taadittone thougt
on pAom
taams latton activity amomg the Tndian larguag
Theaee dom movement amd the
egulted in taanclatiomn o Bamkin natiomalistictem
Bengale amd PAemehand in Hindi.Numerous Europe Chandaa cn
texts wene also taons lated
ito Samskait, Bemgali
and otthes loeal languages.
this peniod "aanslation duning
mohe arm
expaessiom of cultuhal
dentity and ass entiom of the native selp. The
majos authoss af ths pencod like Ak Ramanujan
Dlip Chitae Sujit Mukhesjee appa cached thanslation
A0m the
Agional OA local and democatic outlook.
ahds Cultuae amd nattom
The port.-colonial
Ln the
to pogt-colomial peniod
ieconstuct amd hedis ,themee d was
spetives onTAOm coves Vanious new
the Aelatiomehip
ship betoeen 8Ounce and
asoet texts.
witneged duningthis peniod that e
Tagone thanslatlg hit ouon poem:
|itan jal "f.
as a lamdmaak Bengali to English ohich is
inthe histoy of Indiam-thoughe
une in English taans lation amd fos ohich heliteAa
aanded t%e Nobel Paize im l913. The
The hea
aeagon that
be valid evem
to thamelate into Englich 8 eem to
to be kmowm at the foA the hegconal Indian conie
national vel gou have to be
taams lated into
Erglksh Aathes than any othes India
lamg TBe India govesmment tn 980 s took he
iitiative touoads the developrnent and paeseava
ion o language amd liteiatunes in tndlia bu
imgtituting Sabitya
ment OAamiration.
AcademH"an Indian oves
The wave o Globa lization
bsoke down the
the antifieial banHea
amd eultune , obliten ated boum danies
betoeem the Ae al and the
imagined, betu0eem
the on ient and the ace cdemt he majos differend
between thanslation phactice in
im the West nd
in Lndia is that in the hWest ,tnamglation ee
li cated li
Cong id ened aa compli cated gtic amd te
O act, uobile in Lndia
liakable way o
KAopkopa iattom ,
of Englith
And Ind igeniaatio
Jaies employed genenaly hefene to the staate
by post co lonial 'socistier amd ite
.,:tene amd Seholaa -that
enable the to use
he philoeophical ,linguitte amd academie tools
intoduced by the colomixess ofles theia
o dismantle the
the colon colonixer clalm: to thuth
izeaS oLon agugei frocabulanies
The English cpeak today haavely
influenced'by Faemch and Lata,even thethe oots
modeam-day Englieh ane Geamamic.In fact
oven ten thousand Aeneh oonds have foumd'the
oay ènto the Ergliah lamguage. The obad beef
comes om the wond boeuf ohieh e a type
o bovine on bovin in FRemh. A
OA Aoial in Faench. We can tAace
can be AOyar
this back to the NoAmam invas iomthe o oagin of
in lo66. William the Conguenok
officiated Fsench
|as the language of the couat govesnment , amd
the uppea elaas fos thaee ful
was ug ed by OndinaAAy people , Centusier. Eglish
and hatin oas the
|anguage of the chunch. Thaeea 2 co-exieted
oA thaee centunies withim
Eeneh be ing the dominant language. Oven the
Counte of sevem to ecght decade, 'Eng lieh gmmas
Das simp lied to meet the
the eedg ofthe
No. 12

Plouwes class ,a chamge denoted as a shigt

A0m Old knglish to Middle Rrglish.
We ane constamty the Latin 4oots of
gAamas lags es alto paevalemt
in ous modenn-day Engluh thaough mottoi,
phaase ’ 8ciemee amd ven naulan. E plunibus unum

tanslated to Out o the mamy a veng Commom

notto whieh is om the Gaeat eal o the United
8tates. Anothes phAase tmpostant to ouk justice

8ystem is ha beas coA pus which means 'great

But itdoesnt end theae. The oonds
loot 8hampoo "amd thug oaigimated cn pajamas
and have become a patt
o} the Frglith langge
Via the Bactch goveanment! Co lo nial ule o the
counta y. Nonds 8uch as and peppes "also
bave theia Aoots in ndia. They iast
GAeeks via taade aoutes in Inolia, which then
|lates influence the Englih
oods guch as <amangoèast anguage.
asttmilated imto
|Postugee cultune ,then became a pant o the
Engleh langung Any, descussion of linguistie
o cultu hal appAopatation taggens debates o

dentity politicr.While cultune cat be oomed.

especialy ohen we live in a multteultus al
8ociety e have the common kmouoledge to knod

what ie distinetively South Ascan ,

Black , distimctively Chinese and &o distinetively
No. 3

Nativisation it the PAoces9

cauiaes nattve cohencby a language

epeaken "The pAocet of nattvi

om is due both
to taam sfea fa0 m Yo cal
|language as well as to the mew
ment amd Communicative cutuaal e
deep &o cial Becaus of
o fumctions
penetaattom amd the extended iange
contexts theAe Engith in divease Soeiolinguiti
kegistes amd genAes oa vaniete:loca aed
aiticu latng loeal
soccal Cultunal and Ae lca iout
actoas sueh ag the absence oidegtites.
a nattve
inadequate teachng amd acquis tt'omal imié
atios Contaibute to the Paocess
SeholaAS have all
concluded that the South
Agiam vanietter of Englith ahe being nativiaed
by acqucA ng new cdentities n new 8ocio -cultu
al context They have emenged as
|local vanieties oth thes oon set ofautonomous
hules that
make it imposstble to taeat them lmply
nitake eof deficcemt Englishes, &outh Aian
developed to a mose disttnctie level than in
othes coumtaies ohene Englech s used as a
lamguage atEngleh in Tnda has evolved chaiacteac1ta
the phom ologi cal , lexieal oSyntacte and
even at discounse
weae levelTnitially,these imo vationg
Aejected by puacsh , but they ane becom
tncaeagcngly ac epted Eng lish not amymoal
No. I4
he cultunal
Tndia. past of
bA ingia
ig the action OA pAocess of
omethëng undea the comtaol, domin
inf tuenece bf the people mative to an
By Cigenizatiön , Pang (distimgucsh ed
kola and editoa of the Had
geaneh) means the acceptamce by theeadig o A
eommuntty o the existenee of a
a language in uwide uee n day -to-day
oommunication ". Pamg funthes explains thatth
vaAtety which tg wellegtablished oithln a

foay and used fos mamy diffea ent social

Run ction ake mot only "ngituti
algo omaliaed" but
localined and indigem taed. He has m
ioned Indian English example of both
ingtituttonaliaed and ndig emiaed. Ho henthal
ohile explonimg the views o pe ople tooands esta
blisht mg indgenlaatton of Indian Eng
ound o the paaticipant didimot s'eem to
ackmowledge Indiam vaniety as a a destinet vaniety.
Many acknousledge RP ag the best model.Houoeves
|a Bmall mumben o panticipant supponted Tndia
Englesh as natunaly distinct vanlety faom RP
othes mea ciacle vanleties be cause
amd cu ltusa/

ole in
medium O N
,taanglatiom ba played a key
ethe undeastamding,
Jhas helped to kmitaspectr
analyzing amd discec ting
Indiaof Indian (itenatune.
tgetheslands f mation
thaoughout hes histony lnL" ag a

othen. Ldeas amd

tue Indian
Indian (itera
Tndian Cultune', Indian ph i losophy'and
knowledge eytems'ane the outcomes
bas evolved a contemposany taanclation
t tillbas tts ouom lomg ay The &Cmce its
les in cat ching the paoblens gneates paoblem
d o0d , tome , intention
Peeling amd otnse of the oniginal oaitea.
Nativization will be discut ed im thaee comtexts
isst mativisation as the paocess of the
ogce of local languages to Enylitk ; second, taamsferof
as a yst
vanlable pattenns;and thisd as a deviatom
Vancougty pes. In a multieultuaal cociely
|know how linguittic OA cu ltusal appaopa iatton
tic on
taigges ole batet on identity polities. Now govean
memts Cm gome stateg in Inolea ie
Psomote theca lo eal language by tiyimg the

e English. Athoug h thlae tcomtaov. bamnig

temS o accepting Fng lieh »theae èg much evidene
to Puppost the motion of indigenization in
Indian Englisb.

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